17:00:28 <dtantsur> #startmeeting ironic 17:00:29 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Mar 6 17:00:28 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is dtantsur. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:29 <ricardoas> o/ 17:00:30 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:00:31 <yolanda> o/ 17:00:33 <yuriyz> o/ 17:00:33 <lucasagomes> o/ 17:00:34 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'ironic' 17:00:35 <rpioso> o/ 17:00:35 <hshiina> o/ 17:00:41 <joanna> o/ 17:00:50 <soliosg> o/ 17:00:51 <mat128> o/ 17:00:53 <mgoddard> o/ 17:00:59 <TheJulia> o/ 17:01:06 <rloo> o/ 17:01:07 <jroll> \o 17:01:20 * jroll in another meeting at same time so won't be paying much attention here 17:01:30 <dtantsur> hey everyone, thanks for joining! 17:01:31 <aslezil_> o/ 17:01:35 <jlvillal> o/ 17:01:59 <mjturek> o/ 17:02:01 * dtantsur gives folks a one more minute to join 17:02:08 <krtaylor> o/ 17:02:26 <vdrok> o/ 17:02:36 <dtantsur> #topic Announcements / Reminders 17:02:48 <dtantsur> I don't have much to announce, but we have announcements from other team members 17:02:56 <dtantsur> #info UI sub-team meeting - Tuesdays at 1800 UTC in #openstack-meeting-3 17:03:08 <dtantsur> ironic-ui needs love, please join :) 17:03:21 <jroll> ++ 17:03:30 <TheJulia> \o/ 17:03:40 <galyna> o/ 17:03:53 <dtantsur> #info Potential Nova deadlines: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2017-March/113275.html 17:03:54 <vsaienk0> \o 17:03:55 <jlvillal> No promises but I may have a co-worker helping out. Hasn't been decided yet though... 17:04:01 <dtantsur> jlvillal, great! 17:04:29 <dtantsur> as to nova, we have to do our specs (if any) by mid-April, apparently 17:04:38 <dtantsur> they don't expect to have a non-priority FF (which is great for us) 17:04:47 <rama__> o/ 17:04:47 <dtantsur> TheJulia, do we need a spec for BFV in Nova? 17:04:52 <dtantsur> (maybe jroll knows ^^^) 17:04:59 <jlvillal> FYI: Doing a recheck on the stable/newton branch. I think it broke back when dstools was broken. Hopefully it will work now. 17:05:22 <TheJulia> I am not on top of the nova portion at the moment 17:05:34 <lucasagomes> dtantsur, apparently there's one already (merged): https://review.openstack.org/#/c/200496/ 17:05:36 <dtantsur> ack 17:05:48 <lucasagomes> (link from: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/ironic-boot-from-volume) 17:05:53 <dtantsur> lucasagomes, this is ironic's 17:06:14 <dtantsur> but https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/ironic-boot-from-volume seems to be approved 17:06:20 <lucasagomes> oh er, sorry copy and pasted from the bp too quick, thought was nova :D 17:06:29 <jroll> dtantsur: I'm fairly certain we don't, will need to check 17:06:48 <dtantsur> cool 17:06:59 <dtantsur> #action jroll to check if we need a spec for Nova's BFV side (probably not) 17:07:02 <jroll> dtantsur: right, we do not, BP is approved https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/ironic-boot-from-volume 17:07:15 <dtantsur> good :) 17:07:17 <jroll> :) 17:07:21 <dtantsur> #undo 17:07:22 <openstack> Removing item from minutes: #action jroll to check if we need a spec for Nova's BFV side (probably not) 17:07:31 <dtantsur> now, the last thing 17:07:35 <dtantsur> #info Boot from volume meeting scheduling poll at http://doodle.com/poll/qwhnpqazmf7fn5ik 17:07:51 <dtantsur> we're getting moar subteam dedicated meetings 17:08:39 <mjturek> dtantsur: is the ironic/neutron meeting kicking off again? 17:08:57 <dtantsur> mjturek, nothing on this side yet, at least not from me 17:09:09 <mjturek> ack 17:09:20 <rloo> mjturek: is that meeting something that you'd like? 17:09:56 <mjturek> rloo: I think the networking stuff can be hard to follow without it but people were saying it was turning into a status meeting? 17:10:25 <jroll> it was, yeah, but if the people working on it want to spin it up again, I'm not opposed 17:10:26 <rloo> mjturek: would documentation be better? i believe it was a status meeting but i didn't attend the old ones 17:10:29 <dtantsur> I wonder if we can alternate between BFV and networking meetings 17:10:41 <dtantsur> as I'm not sure, to be honest, how valuable a subteam meeting is very week 17:10:45 <dtantsur> but maybe it's only me 17:10:52 <rloo> mjturek: or do you mean 'networking stuff that we're currently working on'? 17:10:59 <mjturek> rloo: yes, sorry :) 17:11:17 <rloo> mjturek: i was hoping the subteam reports would address that :-( 17:12:03 <dtantsur> maybe we can bring this to the ML? 17:12:04 <mjturek> fair enough! I was just curious. It's something I would attend if it was happening is all 17:12:17 <dtantsur> there may be more folks interested in such meeting, who are not here (e.g. folks for vendor's side) 17:12:38 <mjturek> dtantsur: I can start an ML thread if that'd be helpful 17:12:42 <dtantsur> thanks! 17:12:45 <mjturek> np 17:12:54 <dtantsur> #action mjturek to start a ML thread about reviving the networking subteam meeting 17:12:58 <dtantsur> now, finally 17:13:14 <dtantsur> #info we are defining the Pike priorities, please participate: https://review.openstack.org/439710 17:13:36 <dtantsur> anything else to announce? 17:14:26 <dtantsur> #topic Review subteam status reports 17:14:35 <dtantsur> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/IronicWhiteBoard 17:14:39 <dtantsur> starting with line 97 17:15:39 <rloo> dtantsur: wrt the high bugs; anything to review? do we need folks to look into them? 17:15:45 <dtantsur> TheJulia, we haven't landed API for BFV, right? so we can't really land https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/python-ironicclient+branch:master+topic:bug/1526231 ? 17:15:55 <dtantsur> rloo, I haven't looked myself yet. vdrok? 17:16:09 <TheJulia> dtantsur: that is correct 17:16:23 <rloo> jlvillal & vsaienk0: wow, great work on mulitnode grenade. this week maybe...? 17:16:38 * jlvillal is hopeful! 17:16:49 <vsaienk0> rloo: only one patch to devstack left, and we are ready to add job in -nv mode 17:17:14 <vdrok> rloo: the two I've set to high were - do not use tempest.scenario manager directly, and a bunch of deprecations that are seen during unittest run 17:17:24 <vdrok> so that we are not broken at some point 17:18:16 <rloo> vdrok: thx. solio is dealing with the first. why are deprecations high? things still work? 17:18:37 <vdrok> rloo: I've seen them for a while, and some of them relate to api 17:18:47 <vdrok> so, if the pecan gets updated, we are broken 17:18:56 <rloo> vdrok: ah. :-( 17:19:24 <dtantsur> ugh 17:19:37 <dtantsur> link to the bug? 17:20:08 <vdrok> lemme find it 17:21:03 <vdrok> ah, it's medium, I don't remember which one is high :( https://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic/+bug/1668240 17:21:03 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1668240 in Ironic "Deprecation warnings about pecan's _route and CORS" [Medium,In progress] - Assigned to Vladyslav Drok (vdrok) 17:21:41 <dtantsur> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic/+bug/1668240 needs fixing, so that we're not broken by new pecan versions 17:22:20 <rloo> this is the latest/most recent bug with HIGH: https://bugs.la 17:22:22 <rloo> oops 17:22:28 <rloo> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic/+bug/1668974 17:22:29 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1668974 in Ironic "Do not enforce the use of Python 2 when running the unit-with-driver-libs tox target" [High,Triaged] 17:22:45 <dtantsur> ah, that one 17:22:48 <rloo> vdrok: was it that? 17:23:03 * dtantsur is not sure it's high, but python 3 is the next big thing, sooo... 17:23:33 <rloo> ok, i think we can move on :) 17:23:43 <vdrok> rloo: I guess, I did set only one bug to high then :) this one was dtantsur :) 17:23:43 <dtantsur> everyone ready to move on? 17:23:51 <lucasagomes> ++ 17:24:10 <dtantsur> #topic Deciding on priorities for the coming week 17:24:36 <dtantsur> I added the multi-node grenade to the list from the previous week. otherwise I'm not sure what we can do 17:25:03 <rloo> boot from volume needs reviews? (is that right?) 17:25:21 <rloo> maybe we should look at etags spec 17:25:35 <dtantsur> seems like BFV has -1 on everything now :)_ 17:25:36 <vsaienk0> dtantsur: only one patch left to devstack https://review.openstack.org/#/c/440783/ nothing to be done on ironic side 17:25:49 <rloo> put etags spec on agenda for next week's meeting? will that speed it up? 17:25:49 <lucasagomes> in the PTG we identified some works that are basically ready and just need reviews (etgas as rloo said, node tags and the OSC thingy) 17:25:53 <lucasagomes> maybe we should target that 17:25:54 <dtantsur> vsaienk0, let's keep it on our radar though. we may need something as soon as it runs ;) 17:25:55 <lucasagomes> and just get it done 17:26:05 <dtantsur> rloo, lucasagomes, +1 to that 17:26:11 <mjturek> rescue/unrescue too right? 17:26:20 <lucasagomes> mjturek, true, that too AFAIR 17:26:36 <rloo> mjturek: yeah, but that is a bigger thing and hasn't been around/ready as long as the other two 17:26:50 <mjturek> rloo: ahhh understood 17:26:52 <TheJulia> +1 to review/land etags/node tags/rescue 17:26:53 <rloo> mjturek: i'd be happy if we even get one of the other two done this week. (pessimist that i am) 17:27:00 <mjturek> lolol 17:27:21 <vsaienk0> I'm kindly asking to review ironic standalone tests https://review.openstack.org/#/c/423556/ as sooner we add -nv jobs is better so we can start fixing bugs if any exists 17:27:35 <dtantsur> oh, standalone tests, I'd happily get them into priorities 17:27:39 <yolanda> i'd like to get reviews on ironic deployment steps https://review.openstack.org/412523 17:27:44 <rloo> oh, faults support spec needs reviews too. if we get etags done this week, i'd vote for faulst support next week 17:28:11 <dtantsur> yep, this and deploy steps for next week is probably a good plan 17:28:25 <dtantsur> yolanda, we're trying to finish small things that are already close to landing this week 17:28:36 <dtantsur> unfortunately, deploy steps is neither small nor easy :) 17:28:40 <yolanda> indeed 17:28:55 <dtantsur> any other easy wins we could consider? 17:29:23 <rloo> dtantsur: i think that's plenty. how many did we get done from last week? 17:29:26 <dtantsur> hmm, node tags does not look in good shape 17:29:31 <dtantsur> s/does/do 17:29:40 <dtantsur> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bug/1526266 - merge conflicts, -1's, etc 17:29:44 <mgould> dtantsur: no, you were right the first time :-) 17:29:58 <mgould> wait, no 17:30:02 * mgould needs coffee 17:30:17 <dtantsur> zhenguo, hey! are you planning on updating the node tags patches early this week? 17:30:20 <rloo> dtantsur: we can ping zhenguo to deal with merge conflicts; that shouldn't be a big deal. 17:30:34 <galyna> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/381991/ - as for etags, just to not forget as you touch this subject 17:30:43 <dtantsur> ok, let's keep it in, assuming somebody rebases them 17:31:08 <rloo> galyna: dtantsur already noted it, see line 92 in etherpad 17:31:25 <dtantsur> ok, does this list look good? 17:31:25 <galyna> Ok, I see :) 17:32:08 <rloo> i'm good with this list, thx. 17:32:13 <dtantsur> cool 17:32:15 <dtantsur> #topic Appointing a bug liaison for the next week 17:32:15 <lucasagomes> dtantsur, yeah I've reviewed it after the PTG, the -1's are not that big... but need fixing imo 17:32:31 <dtantsur> any volunteers to take a look at the bug list? 17:32:38 <mjturek> dtantsur: I'd like to give it a shot! 17:32:49 <vdrok> phew :) 17:32:53 <dtantsur> awesome, thanks mjturek :) 17:33:01 <mjturek> np! 17:33:23 <dtantsur> #action mjturek to help with bug triaging this week 17:33:46 <dtantsur> skipping empty topics...... 17:33:56 <dtantsur> #topic Open discussion 17:34:03 <dtantsur> the floor is open, go ahead :) 17:34:22 <soliosg> this patch is ready for review/merge, it unblocks QA Tempest team (do not use tempest.scenario.manager directly): https://review.openstack.org/#/c/439252/ 17:34:30 <rloo> dtantsur: if there is nothing, maybe we can just go through the priorities pike patch 17:35:16 <dtantsur> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/439252/ should be reviewed asap to unblock QA team 17:35:19 <dtantsur> thanks soliosg 17:35:35 <dtantsur> rloo, I agree, just giving the folks some time for suggestions 17:36:20 <soliosg> And also, about moving ironic/ironic_tempest_plugin to its new repository openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin, maybe next week we can have it as a priority; it shouldn't be difficult to make the transition 17:36:26 <lucasagomes> if there's nothing I've something related to the redfish spec (the current comment on it) but, the pike priorities is more important at this point I think 17:36:43 <lucasagomes> so the only thing is, if you have time please take a look at the last comment at: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/184653/27/specs/approved/ironic-redfish.rst 17:36:44 <lucasagomes> thanks 17:36:49 <vsaienk0> soliosg: pas-sha replied to MT and copying manager.py from tempest among project is not right approach 17:38:07 <vsaienk0> soliosg: there are alternative options how to do it, please check MT 17:38:30 <soliosg> vsaienk0: I think I read the discussion between pas-sha and Andrea 17:38:35 <dtantsur> #undo 17:38:36 <openstack> Removing item from minutes: #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/439252/ 17:38:53 <lucasagomes> yeah copying whole files from a project to another usually is bad form, they tend to spread like a plague in openstack 17:39:07 <dtantsur> qa-incubator anyone? :) 17:39:11 <soliosg> vsaink0: However, other projects have already merge the change (keep local copy of manager.py) 17:39:49 <rloo> i think we want to wait until/if there is a conclusion of that email thread? 17:39:58 <soliosg> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:tempest-manager 17:40:25 <soliosg> vsaienk0, rloo: agree, let me read the mail thread and see what's being suggested 17:40:26 <dtantsur> soliosg, fwiw I don't see any of "core" projects on the list.. 17:40:49 <jroll> dtantsur: because they're in tree in tempest :) 17:41:17 <dtantsur> ah, obviously 17:41:23 <soliosg> dtantsur: not all project have the dependency on tempest.scenario.manager interface, I believe 17:41:27 * dtantsur reserves his opinion on that 17:41:33 <jroll> heh 17:41:47 <dtantsur> vsaienk0, I don't see any responses to the message soliosg refers to Oo 17:42:18 <dtantsur> nv, ML usability rocks.. 17:42:24 <soliosg> I think we can take this to irc, in case we'd like to elaborate 17:42:25 <rloo> i have a concern with https://review.openstack.org/#/c/440865/, don't know if we want to discuss it here. 17:42:42 <dtantsur> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2017-March/113196.html discussion re tempest-manager refactoring consequences 17:43:06 <rloo> wrt addressing db deadlocking. we've added a new config, it'll retry 5 times. but that patch changes it to 20 times. 17:43:14 <vsaienk0> dtantsur: https://openstack.nimeyo.com/108176/openstack-ceilometer-networking-networking-networking-scenario 17:43:39 <dtantsur> fwiw I like pas-ha's suggestion 17:43:44 <rloo> nova retries 5 times. i'm concerned 20 is too many. 17:43:56 <rloo> i can also ping/discuss in irc outside this meeting. 17:44:23 <vsaienk0> rloo we can ask oslo-core team why they put 20 as default 17:44:40 <rloo> vsaienk0: yes, someone can ask, but i disagree with changing it w/o any good reason. 17:44:42 <vsaienk0> I think there should be a valid reason for doing that 17:44:52 <dtantsur> rloo, yep, let's start oslo.db discussion on that.. what we do is kinda hacky 17:45:56 <joanna> vsaienk0, rloo, dtantsur: I'll ask oslo.db team why they chose 20 as a default 17:46:05 <rloo> thx joanna 17:46:05 <dtantsur> thanks joanna 17:46:32 <joanna> I'll place a comment in the patch with the answer when I get it :) 17:46:41 <dtantsur> lucasagomes, redfish.. well, if we can get more vendors on board, it's probably not too hacky to split the option. 17:47:14 <lucasagomes> dtantsur, indeed, I think that would be make things more flexible 17:47:21 <lucasagomes> and will be simpler to implement too 17:47:40 <dtantsur> lucasagomes, I'd prefer Hans to confirm, though, that with such split his hardware is going to work ;) 17:48:06 <lucasagomes> yeah, he comment on it already waiting for him to re-comment :D 17:48:51 <jroll> lucasagomes: quickly skimmed that, seems fine to me, will read in more detail later 17:49:38 <lucasagomes> jroll, cool thanks. Yeah, the proposed driver is just standard it doesn't have anything fancy in this first interaction at least 17:49:53 <vdrok> a question related to attach/detach - do we consider it as just a function to map a neutron interface to ironic one, or is it ok to call eg neutron from inside? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/424723/6/ironic/drivers/modules/network/common.py@395 17:50:38 <dtantsur> vdrok, how well does it work without neutron? :) 17:50:43 <vdrok> I don't really like the if ACTIVE there :( 17:51:14 <vdrok> dtantsur: we could trigger the attach to put the key in internal info, and then trigger the port_bind from conductor manager 17:51:41 <vdrok> it's more about defining where to do that, inside the attach itself, or on a higher level, in manager 17:51:55 <dtantsur> I can't answer without taking a deep look, I guess.. 17:51:58 <vdrok> for tenant networks, we do it separately 17:52:13 <jroll> seems like a network driver thing to me 17:53:53 <vdrok> yeah, the attach was defined in the spec as "a way that different network interfaces can override the virtual network interface (VIF) to physical network interface (PIF) mapping logic currently contained in nova", my question is, should we redefine it, saying that it can actually do the binding 17:54:37 <vdrok> anyway, this can be discussed in the patch :) 17:54:54 <vdrok> just filling the quiet here :) 17:55:09 <vdrok> s/quiet/silence 17:55:18 <dtantsur> there is a question on the priorities patch 17:55:34 <dtantsur> who to put as contacts there? I tried putting everyone and it ended up HUGE very quickly 17:55:49 <jroll> dtantsur: for what, attach/detach? 17:55:56 <dtantsur> Pike priorities 17:56:04 <dtantsur> so now I ended up putting only core "sponsors" of each item, which also seems contentions to folks, apparently 17:56:07 <jroll> oh, as in cores or everyone 17:56:19 * jroll already put his thoughts on that in a comment 17:56:22 <dtantsur> cores or everyone or somehow selected group 17:56:44 <jroll> we've had this debate in the past, it led to only having cores in this document 17:56:46 <JayF> I mean, I worry about using core reviewer status to distinguish anything but the +2/A ACL in gerrit. 17:57:00 <jroll> to quote 17:57:02 <jroll> The primary core contact(s) listed 17:57:04 <jroll> is/are responsible for tracking the status of that work and herding cats 17:57:06 <jroll> to help get that work done. They are not the only contributor(s) to this work! 17:57:27 <rloo> dtantsur: i'm good with just cores. i just think it is too bad, but i understand. 17:57:28 <jroll> I don't think that leaves room to think cores are being "rewarded" somehow here 17:57:35 <JayF> I do :( 17:57:47 <jroll> sigh 17:57:52 <rloo> oh, so JayF disagrees. 17:57:54 <JayF> I think it's super unfriendly to new contributors who want to spend a lot of time. 17:57:56 <jroll> I'm happy to hound anyone daily for a status 17:58:15 <jroll> I don't think everyone takes that responsibility as heavy as a core does, though 17:58:21 <dtantsur> JayF, my thinking was: 1. if we don't have cores on board, the feature is unlikely to land; 2. cores tend to show up on meeting and be online, which is not always true for random contributors 17:58:24 <JayF> I mean, I'm happy to be outvoted -- I just don't believe it's as innoculous as some of you do to rely on "cores" for stuff beyond just reviewing acls. 17:58:31 <jroll> I don't want to have to wait for someone that spends 25% of their time on the project, etc 17:58:48 <jroll> cores are cores not because they're good at pushing buttons in gerrit 17:58:50 <JayF> dtantsur: I think for #2 there's a little chicken/egg issue: if we expected more of contributors, maybe they'd provide more 17:59:01 <jroll> but rather because they are tuned in with the project, know our priorities and values etc 17:59:08 <dtantsur> nothing prevents them from doing it, right? :) 17:59:09 <JayF> but I'm clearly outvoted so lets not waste time arguing about it? I just didn't want my silence to be read as agreement 17:59:30 <jroll> let's all comment on the patch, right now it looks like a -1, +0, and +1 to me 17:59:33 <dtantsur> JayF, my biggest concern is actually quite trivial: with adding everyone who wants, some features already have >5 memebers 17:59:49 <dtantsur> and I have no way to figure out whom to actually put 17:59:56 <rloo> JayF: yes, that's my issue too. If i make a one-line change, should I want to add my name to a feature? 18:00:10 <jroll> omg 18:00:12 <JayF> dtantsur: That's a better reason for limiting it to a lead/co-lead -- but limiting the "lead" to core reviewers only is not something I'm in love with. 18:00:14 <jroll> this is what commit history is for 18:00:21 <jroll> the list here is "who do I bother for status" 18:00:34 <JayF> rloo: ++ I think that's unhelpful. I don't mean we should list everyone who contributes. I just dislike that it's implied only a core reviewer can lead the implemntation of a feature. 18:00:52 <dtantsur> " can lead the implemntation of a feature" is not the correct way to put it IMO 18:00:56 <dtantsur> anyway, we're out of time 18:01:00 <rloo> JayF: i was exaggerating, but the list grows. you can see folks asking to add their names. 18:01:03 <NobodyCam> :) 18:01:04 <wanyen> ILO driver team is interested in redfish driver and plan to contribute. so please coun tus in 18:01:04 <dtantsur> let's move it to the channel please 18:01:09 <dtantsur> #endmeeting