15:00:06 <dtantsur> #startmeeting ironic 15:00:06 <openstack> Meeting started Mon May 25 15:00:06 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is dtantsur. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:07 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:09 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'ironic' 15:00:11 <iurygregory> o/ 15:00:13 <kaifeng> o/ 15:00:14 <rpittau> o/ 15:00:20 <dtantsur> #chair TheJulia 15:00:21 <openstack> Current chairs: TheJulia dtantsur 15:00:25 <dtantsur> hello ironic people! 15:00:36 <elemaill> hello there ! 15:00:47 <dtantsur> the presence is expected to be lighter today as the USA has a holiday 15:00:58 <dtantsur> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Ironic our agenda 15:00:59 <arne_wiebalck> o/ 15:01:16 <ajya> o/ 15:01:38 <dtantsur> #topic Announcements / Reminder 15:01:47 <dtantsur> #info Virtual PTG next week - June 1-5 15:02:00 <dtantsur> hey, does anyone else feel that time is flying too quickly? 15:02:09 <iurygregory> yup 15:02:14 <dtantsur> the PTG is around the corner 15:02:20 <dtantsur> #link http://ptg.openstack.org/ptg.html 15:02:31 <dtantsur> #info PTG preliminary schedule on https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/Ironic-VictoriaPTG-Planning 15:02:52 <dtantsur> since TheJulia is out today, I decided to try composing a schedule from what we have on the etherpad 15:03:18 <dtantsur> we seem to have an exact slot-to-topic mapping 15:03:41 <dtantsur> please don't treat this as final until TheJulia confirms it 15:03:46 <iurygregory> awesome 15:04:16 <dtantsur> we'll be in the Liberty room (whatever it means), our slots are Tue-Fri 14:00-16:00 UTC 15:04:40 <iurygregory> I was just wondering if it's ok to let the operators feedback on Friday 15:04:57 <iurygregory> wondering if it also good to send an email about that 15:05:11 <dtantsur> yeah, dunno 15:05:18 <dtantsur> re email: we will, once the list is final 15:05:31 <iurygregory> cool 15:05:46 <dtantsur> now a few links for your consideration *before* the PTG: 15:05:50 <dtantsur> #info Priorities - https://review.opendev.org/#/c/720100/ 15:05:50 <patchbot> patch 720100 - ironic-specs - WIP - Victoria Cycle Priorit(y|ies) - 4 patch sets 15:06:00 <dtantsur> #info New release model - https://review.opendev.org/725547 15:06:00 <patchbot> patch 725547 - ironic-specs - Proposal for a new release model - 6 patch sets 15:06:07 <dtantsur> I assume most of people here have read both already 15:06:13 <dtantsur> if you haven't - please do 15:06:47 <dtantsur> the release team has already discussed our new release model. they have questions but no objections. 15:07:06 <dtantsur> I expect TheJulia to press the final W+1 on that as the PTG 15:07:07 <iurygregory> awesome! 15:07:10 <dtantsur> * PTL 15:07:15 <dtantsur> ** that TLA! 15:07:31 <dtantsur> anything else to announce or remind of? 15:08:24 <dtantsur> no action items recorded last week, so moving straight to 15:08:27 <dtantsur> #topic Review subteam status reports (capped at ten minutes) 15:08:39 <dtantsur> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/IronicWhiteBoard around line 231 15:09:40 <dtantsur> arne_wiebalck: do you plan anything else re performance/scale? 15:09:56 <arne_wiebalck> dtantsur: not for now 15:10:03 <arne_wiebalck> dtantsur: the blog post is almost ready 15:10:13 <arne_wiebalck> dtantsur: that concludes things for us for now 15:11:39 <dtantsur> nice 15:12:31 <dtantsur> re neutron events work: do I recall it right that kaifeng and rpittau volunteered to take it over? 15:12:48 <iurygregory> dtantsur, I think you are correct =) 15:12:56 <iurygregory> I also recall that 15:13:26 <rpittau> yeah, didn't really start doing anything on that 15:13:53 <dtantsur> k 15:14:00 <kaifeng> it is, but haven't started yet 15:14:26 <dtantsur> cool, thanks 15:15:27 <dtantsur> is everyone done with the statuses? 15:15:43 <iurygregory> I'm 15:15:57 <rpittau> yup 15:16:13 <dtantsur> #topic Deciding on priorities for the coming week 15:16:23 <dtantsur> let me clean up a bit 15:18:50 <dtantsur> okay, we've merged a few things, and I've just added the new bifrost patches 15:18:55 <dtantsur> anything else that should be there? 15:19:07 * iurygregory double checks 15:20:21 <iurygregory> dtantsur, can I add https://review.opendev.org/728942 to get feedback? 15:20:22 <patchbot> patch 728942 - ironic - Migration from oslo.rootwrap to oslo.privsep - 4 patch sets 15:20:24 <dtantsur> we need to do something about https://review.opendev.org/#/c/704478/ it blocks our dibipa jobs 15:20:24 <patchbot> patch 704478 - diskimage-builder - Add handling for no activate_this.py in venv - 2 patch sets 15:20:29 <dtantsur> iurygregory: please do 15:22:32 <iurygregory> done 15:23:09 <dtantsur> okay, how is the list looking now? 15:24:04 <rpittau> looks good 15:24:08 <iurygregory> looks good, not many things I would say =) 15:24:23 <dtantsur> collect some energy for the PTG :) 15:24:34 <iurygregory> to take over the world 15:24:39 <dtantsur> I may start throwing some deploy steps patches at people later this week 15:24:48 <dtantsur> and yes, take over the world finally 15:25:07 <dtantsur> the current overhumans are obviously incapable of handling it :) 15:25:16 <iurygregory> yes 15:25:25 <dtantsur> #topic Open discussion 15:25:37 <dtantsur> no discussion topics planned, so bring whatever you want 15:26:04 <iurygregory> I have one =) 15:26:19 * kaifeng too but after iurygregory 15:26:46 <iurygregory> while moving things to oslo.privsep I noticed that some commands can run as root or not 15:26:59 <iurygregory> even the ones defined in the rootwrap 15:27:07 <dtantsur> example? 15:27:20 <iurygregory> some of the qemu-img 15:27:58 <dtantsur> right, okay 15:28:56 <dtantsur> so, what's the question? 15:29:35 <iurygregory> so we should still keep this or we want to make sure the commands are only for privileged user? 15:31:33 <dtantsur> I think we should run as few commands as possible under root 15:31:45 <dtantsur> so if something can be run as a normal user (e.g. 'qemu-img info'), it should 15:32:05 <iurygregory> gotcha 15:33:07 <iurygregory> kaifeng, the mic is yours =) 15:33:31 <kaifeng> well, i hit an issue with conductor when ha switch happens, the conductor keeps throwing db exception and cannot recover 15:33:52 <iurygregory> wow 15:34:07 <kaifeng> i don't have the log at hand, but it says the database is readonly 15:34:46 <kaifeng> so a node in the inspecting state is stuck there 15:35:13 <dtantsur> it is because of ha switch in ironic or the database itself? 15:35:50 <kaifeng> just ha switch, ironic conductor is not effected 15:36:09 <kaifeng> s/effected/affected/ 15:36:30 <dtantsur> please define "ha switch" then 15:37:59 <kaifeng> we have two control nodes, all api services / db services are hosted there, a controller node is down and triggers the ha switch 15:38:23 <dtantsur> okay, so it's probably more of a question to oslo.db/sqlalchemy/galera 15:39:17 <kaifeng> hmm, maybe, the trackback is from sqlalchemy 15:39:29 <kaifeng> traceback.. 15:41:14 <kaifeng> ok, i'll take a look if there is any known issue there, since the deployment is running with an ancient ocata release, thanks 15:41:30 <iurygregory> good luck kaifeng =) 15:41:47 <dtantsur> ++ 15:41:49 <kaifeng> thank you :) 15:41:52 <dtantsur> anything else? 15:42:57 * dtantsur hears lovely summer crickets 15:43:05 <iurygregory> hehehe 15:43:08 <openstackgerrit> Merged openstack/ironic master: Do not fail when raw image is larger than memory for http https://review.opendev.org/730317 15:43:45 <dtantsur> thank you all! 15:43:49 <dtantsur> #endmeeting