15:00:00 <iurygregory> #startmeeting ironic
15:00:00 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Mon Aug  9 15:00:00 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is iurygregory. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
15:00:00 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
15:00:00 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'ironic'
15:00:10 <iurygregory> o/
15:00:10 <stendulker> o/
15:00:12 <rpittau> o/
15:00:26 <iurygregory> Hello ironicers! welcome to our weekly meeting!
15:00:27 <rpioso> \o
15:00:51 <ajya> o/
15:01:27 * iurygregory wondering if we have quorum...
15:01:55 * iurygregory will give a few more minutes to see
15:02:08 <erbarr> o/
15:02:27 <JayF> o/
15:02:28 <bfournie> o/
15:02:42 <iurygregory> yay! we have quorum \o/
15:02:57 <iurygregory> Our agenda can be found in the wiki
15:03:00 <iurygregory> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Ironic#Agenda_for_next_meeting
15:03:06 <iurygregory> #topic Announcements / Reminder
15:03:32 <iurygregory> #info Xena Midcycle - Please add ideas for the midcycle: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/ironic-xena-midcycle till this Friday.
15:03:52 <iurygregory> #info Yoga PTG (October 18-22, 2021) - Please add your ideas for the PTG: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/ironic-yoga-ptg
15:04:25 <iurygregory> #info All Red Hatters will be out this friday.
15:04:37 <TheJulia> o/
15:04:38 <iurygregory> Does anyone have anything else to add?
15:04:57 <TheJulia> iurygregory: when is the midcycle again?
15:05:17 <iurygregory> TheJulia, 23 24 25 (depending on how many topics we have)
15:05:43 <iurygregory> on 16th we will have the topics for each day-
15:06:06 <TheJulia> ack
15:06:36 <iurygregory> #info Midcycle August 23 (3-4PM UTC ), 24 (2-3PM UTC) and 25 (2-3PM)
15:06:56 <cenne> o/
15:07:11 <iurygregory> moving to our next topic
15:07:14 <iurygregory> #topic Review action items from previous meeting
15:07:43 <iurygregory> No previous action items - skipping
15:07:52 <iurygregory> #topic Review subteam status reports
15:07:58 <iurygregory> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/IronicWhiteBoard
15:08:04 <iurygregory> starting on L60
15:09:58 <iurygregory> TheJulia, tks for working on the node error history!
15:12:15 <TheJulia> No problem, it is actually *way* easier since we limited scope heavily upfront
15:12:32 <TheJulia> there is an issue with the upgrade, but I'd like to get them on the review list this week
15:13:16 <iurygregory> ++
15:13:54 <iurygregory> I think we are good with the updates, moving on
15:13:59 <TheJulia> I've also got this inspector patch I'll put on the priority review list since it is a sporatic tripleo CI failure
15:14:11 <TheJulia> it shoudl be posted in about 3 minutes
15:14:41 <iurygregory> ack
15:14:47 <iurygregory> #topic Deciding on priorities for the coming week
15:14:54 <iurygregory> #link https://review.opendev.org/q/status:open+hashtag:ironic-week-prio
15:15:45 <iurygregory> rpittau, I'm wondering if you want to add some small things you have been working on like https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%2522increase-hacking-pycodestyle%2522+status:open
15:16:01 <rpittau> yeah, I'll add them
15:16:10 <rpittau> I'm abit concerned about CI at the moment
15:16:22 <iurygregory> yeah
15:16:28 <iurygregory> CI on monday <3
15:16:46 <iurygregory> if we try to approve things we are just wasting resources till we find the root cause
15:17:02 <rpittau> yep
15:17:25 <iurygregory> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic-python-agent/+/803710 sounds like something we can add to the list
15:17:35 <iurygregory> seems like*
15:18:11 <TheJulia> is it just the virtual media jobs or is it more?
15:19:32 <iurygregory> I saw other jobs also
15:19:44 <rpittau> looks like ipmi is also failing somewhere, not sure if it's the same issue though
15:20:13 <iurygregory> ^ yeah
15:20:34 <iurygregory> maybe we can add https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-ironicclient/+/803332  wdyt?
15:20:58 <opendevreview> Julia Kreger proposed openstack/ironic-inspector master: Handle NodeLocked failures  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic-inspector/+/803935
15:21:12 <TheJulia> okay, I can look at CI failures after I get more coffee
15:21:26 <TheJulia> iurygregory: sounds good to me
15:22:14 <rpittau> I had a quick look and the ipmi seems like a different problem
15:23:20 <iurygregory> different problem - not Kernel Panic?
15:23:24 <rpittau> yep
15:24:02 <TheJulia> hopefully it is nothing major but I can dig into it after the meeting
15:24:05 <iurygregory> I saw KP in ironic-tempest-ipa-partition-pxe_ipmitool
15:24:19 <iurygregory> but yeah we need to look at this to see =)
15:24:37 <iurygregory> I think we are good with priorities
15:24:57 <iurygregory> if you have patches feel free to add the hashtag later
15:25:23 <iurygregory> #topic Discussion
15:26:11 <iurygregory> We don't have any topics for discussion, but I will give a chance for people start one if they want =)
15:26:29 <TheJulia> so we're really in Open Discussion?
15:26:42 <iurygregory> not yet
15:27:01 <iurygregory> we have Baremetal SIG / RFE review
15:27:06 <TheJulia> One thing worth bringing up, Friday's SPUC will be JayF's final spuc most likely
15:27:14 <TheJulia> He would <3 for people to join in
15:27:17 <JayF> ;(
15:27:49 <iurygregory> #info  Friday's SPUC will be JayF's final spuc most likely, he would <3 for people to join in
15:27:50 <cenne> :(-
15:28:12 <TheJulia> So since we can't bake him a cake on video, lets at least wish him a good send off :)
15:28:46 <iurygregory> while we are drinking :D
15:28:49 <iurygregory> \o/
15:29:38 <iurygregory> moving to our next topic
15:29:39 <iurygregory> #topic Baremetal SIG
15:30:42 <TheJulia> I don't think there is anything SIG related, lots of folks on vacation
15:30:51 <iurygregory> yeah
15:31:05 <iurygregory> Arne is back :D (but he can't join today)
15:31:18 <iurygregory> #topic RFE review
15:31:36 <iurygregory> no items for RFE review on the agenda, does anyone have something?
15:32:09 <TheJulia> Nothing right now
15:32:27 <TheJulia> Speaking of which, we likely should consider reviewing sdanni and lmcgann's attestation patches
15:32:45 <iurygregory> I saw a patch to IPA I think
15:33:12 <iurygregory> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic-python-agent/+/803510
15:33:37 <lmcgann> we actually have a demo video to share, but i was waiting until the open discussion part of the meeting
15:33:40 <TheJulia> sdanni: lmcgann: can you guys add an entry to the whiteboard and let us know the required merge/review order?
15:34:02 <iurygregory> #topic Open discussion
15:34:08 <iurygregory> lmcgann, go ahead =)
15:34:29 <sdanni> could you link us the whiteboard?
15:34:38 <TheJulia> https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/IronicWhiteBoard
15:35:08 <lmcgann> Perfect, so I put together a video for Keylime Ironic integration. I go over the workflow, current limitations, and a demo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7eL95BUGLA
15:35:38 <iurygregory> #info Keylime Ironic integration demo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7eL95BUGLA
15:36:17 <sdanni> Should we add our patches in Code Review Dashboards?
15:36:44 <iurygregory> sdanni, you can add the hashtag ironic-week-prio in the patches
15:37:14 <iurygregory> and probably add a section to Subteam status reports
15:37:14 <sdanni> okay!
15:37:30 <iurygregory> for the keylime and list the order of the patches and current status
15:37:52 <cenne> What happens in midcycle meeting?
15:38:45 <iurygregory> cenne, we will discuss about some topics
15:38:48 <TheJulia> cenne: we discuss current or emergent topics in a higher bandwidth medium, say video/audio calls
15:39:03 <TheJulia> cenne: and then try to find a forward direction, often it is intended to help us wrap up work in progress
15:39:17 <cenne> oh..
15:39:34 <iurygregory> TheJulia types very fast :D
15:41:06 <iurygregory> well, I think that's all for today, should we move to the last topic?
15:41:13 <cenne> thanks.
15:41:55 <iurygregory> cenne, feel free to participate in the midcycle and the PTG in Oct =) they are both free :D
15:42:26 <cenne> alright! I'll try to attend the midcycle. :)
15:42:31 <TheJulia> I also type with lots of energy
15:42:44 * TheJulia has been told that my use of the enter key should break keyboards
15:43:40 <iurygregory> TheJulia, you should buy the big Enter :D
15:44:12 <rpittau> big enter red button
15:44:40 <cenne> haha. my friends would often be worried when I used their laptop's keyboards too. :p
15:44:47 <TheJulia> lol
15:44:49 <iurygregory> hehehe :D
15:45:05 <iurygregory> #topic Who is going to run the next meeting?
15:45:18 <iurygregory> any volunteers?
15:45:32 <TheJulia> Well
15:45:41 <TheJulia> you said we're having Midcycle session on the 16th?
15:45:59 <rpittau> no, week after :)
15:46:03 <iurygregory> we will have the topics for each day
15:46:07 <iurygregory> on 16th
15:46:07 <TheJulia> oh, okay
15:46:11 <TheJulia> ahh, okay
15:46:19 <TheJulia> So I could take next week off or something crazy
15:46:36 <iurygregory> I can run the meeting without problems on 16th =)
15:46:40 <rpittau> TheJulia: you should, it doesn't sound crazy at all
15:46:50 <rpittau> I will be out the 16th too
15:47:08 * iurygregory is having the feeling everyone will be out :D
15:47:19 <rpittau> lots
15:47:26 <TheJulia> iurygregory: just means the meeting will be quick
15:47:33 <iurygregory> yeah
15:47:43 <iurygregory> I will run the meeting on 16th =)
15:47:59 <iurygregory> Thanks everyone!
15:48:02 <iurygregory> #endmeeting