15:00:00 <iurygregory> #startmeeting ironic 15:00:00 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Mon Jul 18 15:00:00 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is iurygregory. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:00 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:00 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'ironic' 15:00:07 <iurygregory> Hello ironicers o/ 15:00:10 <rpittau> o/ 15:00:11 <matfechner> o/ 15:00:13 <TheJulia> o/ 15:00:28 <ajya> o/ 15:00:35 <erbarr> o/ 15:00:43 <iurygregory> welcome to our weekly meeting =) 15:01:15 <dtantsur> o/ 15:01:20 <rloo> o/ 15:01:23 <iurygregory> #topic Announcements / Reminder 15:01:44 <iurygregory> forgot to mention, you can find the agenda in the wiki https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Ironic#Agenda_for_next_meeting =) 15:01:50 <iurygregory> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Ironic#Agenda_for_next_meeting 15:02:18 <erbarr> Reminder, this past weekend Dell CI was offline, it is now back online. So if any reviews need a Dell CI run, add a "dell-recheck" comment 15:02:24 <iurygregory> #info Revise Ironic Vision meeting - Tomorrow 14:00 UTC based on the doodle results 15:02:51 <iurygregory> this is the result from the the doodle, thanks to everyone who provided input on it 15:03:18 <iurygregory> I will add a link for the meeting in the etherpad we will use to discuss 15:03:30 * iurygregory will create the etherpad in a few 15:03:30 <TheJulia> ugh, I think I have a conflict 15:03:38 <iurygregory> TheJulia, ouch .-. 15:03:51 <TheJulia> yup 15:04:35 <iurygregory> hummm 15:05:12 <TheJulia> :( 15:05:13 <TheJulia> sorry 15:05:39 <iurygregory> maybe we can do two meetings ? 15:05:48 <TheJulia> I don't see why not 15:05:49 <iurygregory> just wondering the best way to address the issue... 15:06:27 <iurygregory> having one a bit later (so APAC folks can join etc) 15:06:57 <rloo> i think it is important for TheJulia to be there :) 15:08:07 <TheJulia> I've done visioning exercises a few times which makes it kind of easy for me to help facilitate and orient the flow of discussion 15:08:32 <rpittau> we hsould probably postpone 15:08:43 <iurygregory> the other options based on the doodle would be 15:09:26 <iurygregory> tomorrow starting at 15:00 UTC (but I think TheJulia can't join - based on the doodle) 15:09:31 <TheJulia> hold on 15:09:54 <iurygregory> or Friday 15:00 UTC 15:09:55 <iurygregory> ok 15:10:02 <TheJulia> I can do 1500 tomorrow 15:11:05 <iurygregory> ok o/ 15:11:16 * TheJulia suspects she set the wrong time window in off by 1 hour 15:11:45 <iurygregory> it's "#undo" to remove the info item right? 15:11:53 <TheJulia> yes 15:11:58 <iurygregory> #undo 15:11:58 <opendevmeet> Removing item from minutes: #info Revise Ironic Vision meeting - Tomorrow 14:00 UTC based on the doodle results 15:12:11 <iurygregory> #info Revise Ironic Vision meeting - Tomorrow 15:00 UTC based on the doodle results 15:12:28 <iurygregory> I will also send an email to openstack-discuss with the details + etherpad 15:13:25 <iurygregory> #info Dell CI is now back online. So if any reviews need a Dell CI run, add a "dell-recheck" comment 15:13:59 <iurygregory> #info Feel free to add topics for the PTG 15:14:07 <iurygregory> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/ironic-ptg-planing-Columbus-OH 15:14:24 <iurygregory> Does anyone have something to add ? 15:15:54 <TheJulia> I'll be at a conference wednesday->sunday next week 15:16:15 <TheJulia> so I will likely be slightly difficult to get ahold of 15:16:27 <iurygregory> TheJulia, ack, enjoy the conference o/ 15:17:48 <iurygregory> ok, moving on 15:18:01 <iurygregory> #topic Review subteam status reports 15:18:09 <iurygregory> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/IronicWhiteBoard 15:18:24 <iurygregory> starting around L75 15:22:39 <TheJulia> I guess project scoped manager is something that should be relatively easy for us to move forward on, but it is not getting review traction. :\ 15:22:44 <TheJulia> line 95 15:23:39 <iurygregory> will make it a priority for me to review it 15:26:37 <TheJulia> we should try and review the openconfig patches harald has up this week 15:27:30 <iurygregory> I don't see any of them in the ironic-week-prio (we should add them) 15:27:38 <TheJulia> ++ 15:27:48 <iurygregory> ok, let's move to the next topic 15:28:04 <iurygregory> #topic Deciding on priorities for the coming week 15:28:12 <iurygregory> #link https://review.opendev.org/q/status:open+hashtag:ironic-week-prio 15:28:50 <iurygregory> Any patches we should add to our list? 15:28:52 <iurygregory> \o/ 15:29:44 <TheJulia> aside from harald's openconfig stuffs, I don't think so 15:30:18 <iurygregory> I will try to look at open patches without the hashtag and add some (if there is any ofc) 15:30:53 <TheJulia> ack 15:31:02 <iurygregory> TheJulia, if you have harald's patches handy can you add the hashtag to it? 15:31:12 <TheJulia> I suspect someone might need to reach out to ilo's maintainers w/r/t https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/804486 15:31:16 <TheJulia> outstanding since March 15:31:18 <TheJulia> iurygregory: sure 15:33:21 <dtantsur> I think I may have bifrost stuff to review 15:33:48 <iurygregory> TheJulia, done (added a comment and attention in the patch) 15:33:54 <iurygregory> dtantsur, sure =) 15:33:57 <dtantsur> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/bifrost/+/849652 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/bifrost/+/849074 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/bifrost/+/849563 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/bifrost/+/841876 15:34:11 <dtantsur> also https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic-lib/+/849661 is minor but nice 15:34:24 <dtantsur> also https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-ironicclient/+/842986 has been around for a while 15:34:29 <TheJulia> harald's patches are done 15:34:50 <dtantsur> also docs https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/847136 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic-python-agent-builder/+/846609 :D 15:34:56 <dtantsur> heh, I have quite a few patches open :D 15:36:27 <TheJulia> looks like we have a few patches on networking-generic-switch too 15:36:39 <dtantsur> REVIEW ALL THE THINGS 15:36:42 <TheJulia> ++ 15:37:07 <TheJulia> we really need to, we've been so heads down with CI breaks and interrupts that we've not had time to really just go through the outstanding items 15:37:48 <iurygregory> ++ 15:39:19 <iurygregory> I've added the patches Dmitry mentioned, since I will check our projects to see open patches I will add them to the list 15:39:43 <TheJulia> I've tagged a few of the networking-generic-switch items, a couple others seem like there may be other things going on or are pending response/revision 15:40:12 <iurygregory> acj 15:40:15 <iurygregory> ack* 15:40:43 <iurygregory> ok, moving on o/ 15:40:57 <iurygregory> #topic Baremetal SIG 15:41:07 <iurygregory> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/bare-metal-sig 15:41:43 <iurygregory> we probably don't have a lot to add to it, but the presentation from last week "Scott Solkhon & Jamie Poole: "Bare metal Kubernetes at G-Research" 15:41:51 <iurygregory> was amazing =) 15:42:02 <iurygregory> soon the recording will be available =) 15:42:10 <TheJulia> Awesome. I need to reach out to a potential for august 15:42:22 <TheJulia> or two potentials, It is a calendar invite for me for later today 15:43:13 <iurygregory> nice \o/ 15:43:40 <iurygregory> we don't have any RFE to review (skipping) 15:43:44 <iurygregory> #topic Open discussion 15:43:56 <iurygregory> Do we have any topics we would like to discuss? 15:44:30 <rpittau> just wondering if we should add the list of the "supported" bugfix branches to the etherpad 15:44:50 <iurygregory> wondering if the etherpad would be the right place 15:45:02 <rpittau> well it's fast enough to change 15:45:04 <opendevreview> Dmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/ironic master: Remove support for trusted boot https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/850239 15:45:05 <iurygregory> but we should add =) 15:45:05 <dtantsur> JFYI folks ^^^ 15:45:09 <iurygregory> rpittau, right! 15:45:14 <rpittau> considering that they change often 15:45:16 <iurygregory> we don't need to wait for CI =D 15:45:26 <iurygregory> humm that makes sense 15:46:07 <rpittau> I'll add a small section to the etherpad if there are no objections 15:47:02 <iurygregory> none from me =) 15:47:06 <TheJulia> dtantsur: thanks! 15:48:08 <iurygregory> rpittau, just do it :D 15:48:19 <rpittau> ok 15:48:41 <TheJulia> needful for sanity over asking for forgivness/permission any day of the week 15:48:50 <rpittau> :) 15:49:12 <iurygregory> so I think that's all for today's meeting 15:49:25 <iurygregory> I will run the meeting next week 15:49:31 <iurygregory> thanks everyone \o/ 15:49:41 <TheJulia> thanks iurygregory 15:50:54 <iurygregory> #endmeeting