15:00:04 <iurygregory> #startmeeting ironic 15:00:04 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Mon Sep 4 15:00:04 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is iurygregory. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:04 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:04 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'ironic' 15:00:12 <kubajj> o/ 15:00:12 <TheJulia> o/ 15:00:20 <iurygregory> Hello ironicers o/ 15:00:34 <iurygregory> let's see if we have quorum for today's meeting 15:00:50 <iurygregory> since today is US holiday and we also have a lot of folks on PTO =) 15:02:01 <TheJulia> Not just the US, Canada as well 15:02:29 <iurygregory> I'm looking forward to my holiday this Thursday :D 15:02:38 <TheJulia> ++ 15:02:53 <TheJulia> I'm sensing we don't really have quorum 15:02:58 <iurygregory> yeah, same 15:03:15 <TheJulia> I mean, we could continue chatting, maybe take over the world... 15:03:27 <TheJulia> Oh, in other news, apparently xCat is going End of Life 15:03:41 <iurygregory> xCat? 15:03:49 <TheJulia> our competator in the HPC space 15:03:56 <iurygregory> =O 15:04:05 <TheJulia> https://xcat.org/ 15:04:44 <iurygregory> oh interesting 15:04:59 <TheJulia> https://sourceforge.net/p/xcat/mailman/message/37890495/ 15:05:03 <iurygregory> I like their logo 15:05:47 <iurygregory> sad to see this happening 15:06:33 <iurygregory> let me close the meeting so we don't keep a big log, otherwise JayF will think we had a meeting LOL 15:06:35 <TheJulia> There are some truly dedicated fans of it out there 15:06:40 <iurygregory> #endmeeting