15:00:10 #startmeeting ironic 15:00:10 Meeting started Mon Apr 29 15:00:10 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is rpittau. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:10 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:10 The meeting name has been set to 'ironic' 15:00:18 o/ 15:00:25 hello everyone and welcome to our weekly meeting! 15:00:31 o/ 15:00:32 o/ 15:00:37 o/ 15:01:30 the meeting agenda for this week can be found here https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Ironic#Agenda_for_April_29.2C_2024 15:01:39 #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Ironic#Agenda_for_April_29.2C_2024 15:01:58 #topic Announcements / Reminders 15:02:10 #info Standing reminder to review patches tagged ironic-week-prio and to hashtag any patches ready for review with ironic-week-prio 15:02:16 #link https://tinyurl.com/ironic-weekly-prio-dash 15:02:48 #info PTG 2024.2 topics and discussions etherpad is still available 15:02:48 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/ironic-ptg-april-2024 15:03:14 #info work items for 2024.2 are ready for review 15:03:14 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic-specs/+/916295 15:04:21 #info ironic meetup/baremetal sig at CERN on June 5 and openinfra days on june 6 15:04:21 #link https://indico.cern.ch/event/1378171/ 15:04:21 #link https://indico.cern.ch/event/1376907/ 15:04:43 We likely need to discuss work items 15:05:21 TheJulia: yes, do you want to do it now? I can continue with the announcements afterwards 15:05:35 We can do it when your ready 15:05:48 in other words, after annoucmeents? 15:05:54 perfect 15:06:20 #info 2024.2 release schedule is available 15:06:20 #link https://releases.openstack.org/dalmatian/schedule.html 15:06:38 #info final zed release for ironic projects is under review 15:06:38 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/916487 15:07:18 #topic Ironic CI status 15:07:18 it was stable last week so I guess we can move to discussion 15:07:40 o/ 15:07:43 #topic Discussion 15:07:50 cool, cool! 15:07:56 so about those work items :) 15:08:16 So, I suspect we're not going to make progress on the virtual media push stuffs, so I guess I'm worried about it being on there 15:08:43 I think we have a lot of stuff already, more than last cycle, so removing that won't be a problem 15:09:02 I suspect it is *far* more a "we need to monitor this" item 15:09:21 so maybe just changing the text to reflect that might be an option as well 15:09:57 ok, I can work around that 15:10:54 #action reword the media push stuff in the work items 15:11:24 Unrelated, On Friday project mercury was floated to the neutron folks in terms of awareness. No table flipping, and the neutron folks were rather receptive to the idea 15:11:27 (FYI my connection is very unstable at the moment) 15:11:51 TheJulia: well that sounds like a great news :) 15:12:50 If we can get some reviews inside of ironic, I think that would be good at a high level, but I suspect the next step is likely someone goes off with a bottle of whiskey and returns with a service 15:13:06 or multiple people go off :) 15:13:09 lol 15:13:27 yeah, that's the most actionable plan 15:13:52 I agree, that sounds like a good way forward at the moment 15:15:27 anything else on the work items or related to them? 15:15:31 I suspect we might need to marshall some n-g-s reviews as well, I highly suspect a side effect of all of this might end up us doing some refactoring on NGS 15:15:55 but, none of that is pressing 15:15:58 we'll take that into account 15:18:02 would be nice to have the work items merged before the end of this week, I'll update them after the meeting, please review them when you get the chance, thanks! 15:18:20 ++ 15:18:34 moving forward? 15:18:40 rpittau: I'd suggest also like, just set a time and land it 15:18:49 rpittau: we can fix any further disagreements in follow-ups if needed 15:18:56 but having a doc landed that's 95% good is better than no doc imo 15:19:01 JayF: oh ok, sounds good to me 15:19:59 then let's land it this week unless there's some big disagreement 15:19:59 we'll fix the rest later 15:21:11 onward! 15:21:43 #topic Bug Deputy Updates 15:21:43 no updates, very quiet week 15:22:05 we'll need a volunteer for this week :) 15:23:12 I will lose the game of chicken this week ;) 15:23:14 I can give it a spin this week 15:23:22 :D 15:23:25 lol 15:23:29 jinx? 15:23:39 our internal "screw it, I'll volunteer" timers are synced :D 15:23:42 you take it TheJulia 15:23:45 and I'll get next week 15:23:48 #info bug deputy for week of 29/04: TheJulia 15:23:51 cool cool 15:23:56 thanks! 15:24:21 #topic RFE reviews 15:24:31 we have 2 RFEs from JayF 15:25:26 Basically one is a tracking "RFE" for getting rid of eventlet in IPA 15:25:34 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic-python-agent/+bug/2062954 15:25:38 the full route isn't laid out perfectly yet, but we know good things we can do in the proper direction 15:25:52 and doing those things will hopefully feedback into the future decisions 15:25:59 Maybe further discussion, but we might want to go discuss the eventlet wsgi discussion on the mailing list 15:26:19 There is some weird stuff in the end of the description that made me go OHNONONONO 15:26:26 but the idea is reasonable, let's just not overdesign it :) 15:26:35 dtantsur: +10000000 15:26:40 dtantsur: well basically, there are three steps; and step 1/2 are obvious and step 3 (what you starting screaming about) is the fuzzy bit 15:26:56 Merged openstack/ironic master: Replace glanceclient usage with openstacksdk https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/916701 15:26:58 Verification of a change to openstack/ironic master failed: Replace cinderclient usage with openstacksdk https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/900265 15:27:32 so I'm looking for just folks to be aware and onboard with this happening, even if we haven't nailed down the last technical bits yet 15:27:42 getting there/real prototyping >>> more discussion at this point IMO 15:28:18 Yeah, I'm definitely thinking some of this just requires exploration to discover the path, and as such we should just enable exploration 15:28:43 I put it down as an RFE and in this section just so people would see and think about it :D 15:28:55 cool cool 15:29:18 please don't cause the universe to raise an exception :) 15:30:18 So the other bit, is an RFE related to the work I've already discussed at length around getting nova instance metadata posted into instance_info, and using it for [conductor]automatic_lessee 15:30:20 so next rfe? 15:30:33 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic/+bug/2063352 15:30:40 I wrote it up in an RFE because we didn't have any Ironic-side docs for this 15:31:19 I think we've gone over this before? Again just wanted to make sure we had it documented and a tracking bug for Ironic side 15:31:43 sounds good to me. 15:32:11 yes, we've talked about this already, thanks for the tracker on ironic side 15:32:11 it sounds good to me 15:32:48 * JayF marked 2063352 as approved 15:33:23 thanks 15:34:04 #topic Open Discussion 15:34:47 TheJulia: you are not going to be at CERN, yeah? 15:34:58 That is correct 15:35:01 It'd be really neat to have a futurism oriented talk 15:35:07 around project mercury and other vision-y things 15:35:21 TheJulia: oh I thought you were coming :( 15:36:18 no, unfortunately I wasn't able to get traction behind going and I've got stuff going on as well which really sort of drained out my capacity for that right now 15:36:28 (read: family stuff) 15:36:32 makes sense 15:36:59 rpittau: if only the PTL of Ironic was going to be in attendance to give such a talk 15:37:02 <.< >.> 15:37:05 :D 15:37:14 I'm doing history of Ironic, you doing future would be fitting :D 15:37:16 I suspect a basic pitch deck might make sense 15:37:23 happy to collaborate on such 15:38:02 JayF: I can definitely do something on that, besides the metal3 presentation 15:38:14 Yeah, I am going to do something like, timeline of Ironic 15:38:36 middle maybe could be a collab on "use cases Ironic handles now that you didn't know it did" or similar 15:38:54 which would include metal3, potentially (?) 15:39:11 cid proposed openstack/ironic master: wip: Provision aarch64 fake-bare-metal-vms https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/915441 15:39:22 I could spin off from that :) 15:39:23 then go into futurism: project mercury, step templates, node service, retirment of ir-inspector 15:39:41 with a call to action of "what's the case you want us to handle next?" or similar 15:39:59 I also will be checking with Arne, and looking into the viability of getting these presentations on video 15:40:16 that would be great 15:40:19 even if not live, it's the sorta content that'd be good to have 15:41:02 a recording is enough 15:42:53 we nee to sync at some point 15:43:14 this week is the time I'm going to point my brain at that 15:43:40 yeah. I was going to say I will be out for a good part of May, so it needs to be this week 15:43:49 In entirely unrelated news: squeeeee is -> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/898010 passing 15:43:56 JayF: I will like to watch that 15:44:29 (it is a tempest test being triggered which explicitly tickles the double virtual media based deploy invocation with configuration drives 15:44:40 I think we can close the meeting here if there's no other topics to discuss 15:44:46 ++ 15:44:53 thanks everyone! 15:44:55 #endmeeting