15:00:31 #startmeeting Ironic 15:00:31 Meeting started Mon Aug 19 15:00:31 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is JayF. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:31 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:31 The meeting name has been set to 'ironic' 15:00:40 Hello everyone and welcome to the Ironic weekly meeting 15:01:12 As always we hold meetings under the OpenInfra Code of Conduct at https://openinfra.dev/legal/code-of-conduct 15:01:14 #topic Roll Call 15:01:15 o/ 15:01:31 o/ 15:01:39 As is somewhat obvious, I'm running the meeting this morning as Riccardo is out. Going to give a minute or three to see if we can manage quorum. 15:01:44 o/ 15:02:40 I don't think there are any decision points looking at today's agenda, so I'm going to move on and get our usual things on the record :) 15:02:50 #topic Announcements/Reminders 15:02:56 #info Standing reminder to review patches tagged ironic-week-prio and to hashtag any patches ready for review with ironic-week-prio: https://tinyurl.com/ironic-weekly-prio-dash 15:03:28 This is especially important as the milestone 3 is coming up at the end of August. This is the feature freeze observed by most Ironic projects (but not generally by Ironic). This means we should especially prioritize reviews that touch other OpenStack projects. 15:03:44 #info 2024.2 Dalmatian Release Schedule https://releases.openstack.org/dalmatian/schedule.html 15:04:30 PTL nomination period is currently open. Riccardo is currently the only nominee for Ironic PTL; thanks for his volunteering for another term. 15:04:49 #info the next OpenInfra PTG which will take place October 21-25, 2024 virtually! Registration is now open! https://ptg.openinfra.dev/ 15:05:11 The ironic team has been registered, and people with topics or who want to start gathering context/researching for discussion topics should look at the etherpad: 15:05:20 #topic https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/ironic-ptg-october-2024 15:05:43 I know this may be the first PTG for some of our new contributors, so just a piece of advice: much of the useful PTG discussion happens beforehand, in the etherpad, while folks have time to do research. 15:06:16 That concludes announcements/reminders from the agenda 15:06:21 #topic Review Ironic CI Status 15:06:33 Seems OK to me? I've not seen too much trouble, I had a patch pushed yesterday pass CI. 15:06:50 Generally okay. Yeah! 15:07:04 Good stuff, thanks for the report! 15:07:15 No discussion topics for this week, skipping 15:07:19 #topic Bug Deputy Updates 15:07:25 I believe cid was bug deputy, anything interesting to report? 15:07:54 Nothing much. It was a silent week. 2 New bugs 15:08:17 Sounds good. 15:08:23 Does someone want to volunteer to take it this week? 15:08:31 I anticipate a busy week or I'd take my turn :) 15:08:53 I don't mind still! Unless there's anybody else 15:09:04 I will be out for 2 days this week, but I can take next week 15:09:25 #info cid and masghar will group up on bug deputization this week :) 15:09:37 Now you have to cooperate, it's in the agenda, can't hashtag-undo that :P 15:09:44 Sounds good :) 15:09:58 There are no RFEs up for review, skipping that agenda item. 15:10:05 #topic Open Discussion 15:10:19 Is there an equivalent tag to ironic-week-prio for other projects in OpenStack? 15:10:32 each project has their own way of doing it, more or less 15:10:45 many have a "Review-Priority" +1/-1 but usually ask that to be restricted to cores 15:10:54 e.g. for Nova, I know they track feature status in etherpads and meetings 15:10:58 and you usally have a champion 15:11:08 so if I need reviews I go edit that etherpad, show up in the meeting, or ask the core champion 15:11:37 That's indeed different from Ironic's 15:11:54 Yeah, and the reality is, there are not many projects with so many cores you need a "system" beyond "just ask $person" 15:12:39 Well, I have the runbook support patch up in openstack-sdk. I will just ask! 15:12:53 Yeah, #openstack-sdks is a good place for that 15:12:58 but they'll often wait for ironic cores 15:13:10 but they'll often wait for ironic cores/ 15:13:21 To review it first? 15:13:26 You may want to #ironic-week-prio it so we can look too 15:13:34 Ok, great! 15:13:40 * cid adds tag 15:13:52 On a different note: adamcarthur5 and GR-OSS in general are working on enhancing gophercloud/openstack-exporter for prometheus support. If anyone has a specific use case/question/interest/etc feel free to reach out to me or him. 15:14:00 ^^^ (for ironic) 15:14:18 Any other items for open discussion? 15:16:09 Alright, I'm going to close up the meeting. Thanks for coming o/ 15:16:10 #endmeeting