15:00:10 #startmeeting ironic 15:00:10 Meeting started Mon Aug 26 15:00:10 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is rpittau. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:10 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:10 The meeting name has been set to 'ironic' 15:00:14 o/ 15:00:19 o/ 15:00:44 let's give a couple of minutes for people to join 15:01:29 \o 15:01:54 o/ 15:01:58 o/ 15:02:19 ok, I think we can start :) 15:02:23 Hello everyone! 15:02:23 Welcome to our weekly meeting! 15:02:23 The meeting agenda can be found here: 15:02:23 https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Ironic#Agenda_for_August_26.2C_2024 15:02:40 #topic Announcements/Reminders 15:02:58 #info Standing reminder to review patches tagged ironic-week-prio and to hashtag any patches ready for review with ironic-week-prio: 15:02:58 #link https://tinyurl.com/ironic-weekly-prio-dash 15:03:53 related to this ^ this week is Feature Freeze week according to the Dalmatian Release schedule 15:03:53 #link https://releases.openstack.org/dalmatian/schedule.html 15:04:35 this week is also the Final release for client libraries week 15:04:54 some releases (non client) are already up for review 15:05:17 #info PTL nominations period ends August 28 15:05:23 rpittau: which releases are already up? 15:06:01 TheJulia: bifrost, ipa-builder, ironic-ui, networking-baremetal, networking-generic-switch, and ironic-prometheus-explorer 15:06:09 * cid updated https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Ironic with bug deputy report 15:06:17 thanks cid :) 15:06:17 Thanks 15:06:49 ironicclient should come up at some point this week 15:07:03 and remember that Changes that integrate with other OpenStack projects that follow feature feature must be merged by August 30 15:07:55 #info OpenInfra PTG October 21-25, 2024 virtually! 15:07:55 #link https://ptg.openinfra.dev/ 15:07:55 add your topics here https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/ironic-ptg-october-2024 15:08:33 any questions or anything else to annonce/remind? 15:09:08 Doug Goldstein proposed openstack/ironic master: idrac: inherit driver interface from redfish https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/926227 15:09:32 ok, moving on! 15:09:36 #topic Review Ironic CI status 15:09:45 anything worth mentioning for CI? 15:10:46 wow, alright! :D 15:10:52 onward 15:11:04 #topic Discussion Topics 15:11:19 #info ironic dalmatian cycle highlights are up for review 15:11:19 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/927116 15:11:46 please please check the cycle highlights 15:11:46 deadline for that is September 5 15:11:56 OpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/tenks stable/2.0: Update .gitreview for stable/2.0 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tenks/+/927159 15:11:58 OpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/tenks stable/2.0: Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/2.0 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tenks/+/927160 15:11:59 OpenStack Release Bot proposed openstack/tenks master: Update master for stable/2.0 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tenks/+/927161 15:12:45 ok, next one 15:12:59 #info I will be out for 3 weeks starting Wednesday August 28 15:13:21 I'll check emails and IRc from time to time, but probably won't be able to do much 15:13:29 Merged openstack/sushy master: Adds Ethernet Interfaces for manager. https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/sushy/+/909451 15:14:09 please keep an eye on the cycle highlights :D 15:14:09 also on the releases, but I whould be back before the final ones 15:14:14 Worth noting, Monday is a holiday in the US. 15:14:19 s/whould/should 15:14:21 Next monday, that is. 15:14:31 o/ 15:14:33 * iurygregory is late 15:14:50 ok 15:14:52 * iurygregory won't be around next week because of the OIS Asia 15:15:02 I would skip next weekly meeting =) 15:15:24 more than the meeting, releases and highlights are quite important and sensitive 15:15:27 o/ 15:15:43 I added some comments to the highlights an 15:15:51 and I'm checking the releases =) 15:16:15 if I'm not able to update the cycle highlights before Friday, please someone take over in case there are still comments, thanks! 15:16:31 CI is having some timeouts, it's not clear to me yet if that's change specific. 15:16:32 The highlights LGTM 15:16:38 rpittau, ack 15:16:39 thanks TheJulia iurygregory :) 15:17:11 any more discussion topics for today? 15:17:36 I just want to mention that I"ve created a spec on hardware that cannot be powered off 15:17:51 I wanted to ask how folks would feel about an implementation of firmware interface that used in band steps to execute the firmware upgrade 15:17:55 Are we setting aside time for the ptg to discuss that? 15:18:01 If there's general agreement that would fit, I'll pursue writing a spec in the next few weeks 15:18:35 JayF: I sorta feel like it's inevitable, it's just that we're focused on Redfish for Metal3/OpenShift 15:18:49 TheJulia: "that" = Jay's firmware interface or my NC-SI work? 15:19:01 dtantsur: NC-SI fun 15:19:12 But, thinking about it, Jay's topic as well 15:19:23 probably both, yeah 15:19:39 JayF, I like the idea of a new implementation ++ 15:19:41 TheJulia: whether we have something to discuss or not will be more obvious after the folks read the spec and comment on it :) 15:19:53 it could be a "Just Do It" case in the end 15:19:57 Indeed, very true 15:20:11 But we shouldn't short change our time during the ptg 15:20:33 we historically try to squeeze too much into too little time 15:20:44 The best way to fix that is to do more async work ahead of time 15:20:53 by reviewing and iterating on the specs in the month+ we have before the ptg 15:21:12 indeed, just trying to make sure we don't shoot ourselves in the foot time wise 15:21:53 So we *have* the time if we need it 15:21:56 problem is currently I think we're more focused on closing and reviewing urgent stuff for the release, so mayb we won't have enough time to proper review new specs 15:22:15 This is often the case as well 15:22:36 No matter how much we tell ourselves we'll do better, none of us have crystal balls to tell us what the next week entirely holds 15:22:41 unless we have plane tickets 15:22:43 :) 15:22:44 I mean, of course if we have the time iterating directly on the specs is ideal before the discussion, but please consider we're at the end of the cycle 15:24:06 alright, anything else to discuss? 15:25:04 okey-dokey ! 15:25:17 #topic Bug Deputy Updates 15:25:17 cid masghar anything to report ? 15:25:18 Just an FYI, the week of October 8th, I'll be traveling to the EU. The week after, I'm planning at being at OpenInfra Days NA 15:25:29 TheJulia: ack :) 15:25:48 rpittau: Nothing at this time. 15:26:01 In the first 3 days of the week, no new bugs 15:26:09 cool :) 15:26:25 I guess we need bug deputy for the next 2-3 weeks ! 15:27:06 It's pretty important this time around too, since we'll want to quash any we can before final release 15:27:15 considering that we're close to final release I invite eveeryone to keep and eye on bugs 15:27:18 cid: if you can, would you mind keeping an eye on this? I suspect cores will be very busy in coming weeks 15:27:31 Erm, I don't mind! 15:27:33 Sure 15:27:38 I will only be back on Sep 24th o/ 15:27:57 I can help around as well, if you dont mind, cid 15:28:09 cid masghar that sounds great :) 15:28:12 thanks both 15:28:16 masghar: Great! 15:29:02 alrighty, we don't have new RFEs to review 15:29:02 last chance for discussion topics! 15:30:07 3 15:30:07 2 15:30:07 1 15:30:07 thanks everyone! 15:30:07 #endmeeting