15:00:17 #startmeeting ironic 15:00:17 Meeting started Mon Nov 11 15:00:17 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is JayF. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:17 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:17 The meeting name has been set to 'ironic' 15:00:27 o/ 15:00:28 o/ 15:00:32 * dtantsur is here only for the beginning 15:00:36 Welcome to the ironic meeting. I'm going to wait a little bit to see if we have quorum given it is a holiday in the US and a large part of Europe. 15:02:20 o/ 15:02:39 If it's just the four of us, is there value in actually having a meeting? I don't think there's anything pressing. 15:03:20 I can only report the CI failure, but you've seen it 15:03:47 o/ 15:03:58 #info Ironic gate is currently broken until fix 934-650 is landed 15:04:11 #undo 15:04:11 Removing item from minutes: #info Ironic gate is currently broken until fix 934-650 is landed 15:04:36 #Info ironic gate is currently broken until fix 934650 landed. 15:06:25 If Iury is here too, I'll run thru the agenda 15:06:29 #topic Announcements/Remidners 15:06:43 Standing reminder: review things #ironic-week-prio -> https://tinyurl.com/ironic-weekly-prio-dash 15:07:05 Please take note of the release schedule https://releases.openstack.org/epoxy/schedule.html 15:07:26 The PTG was October 21-25, notes are at https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/ironic-ptg-october-2024 15:07:39 There are no discussion topics on the agenda. 15:07:42 #topic Bug Deputy updates 15:07:46 cid: I think that was you? 15:07:57 Yep. 15:07:59 Nothing much to report. I have reflected bug deputy updates on the meeting page; 10 new bugs, 2 RFEs. 15:07:59 https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Ironic 15:08:27 #info https://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic/+bug/2086672 - deprecate and retire ironic-lib 15:08:38 that's the first RFE, I think we approved it at the ptg 15:08:50 so if you wanna tag it rfe-approved I think that's a valid action 15:08:59 #info https://bugs.launchpad.net/networking-generic-switch/+bug/1653968 - support Vlan aware instances 15:10:10 I think 1653968 is maybe simple enough that bug is OK as is? 15:10:54 Giving a couple of minutes for others to weigh in; I suspect it's OK but will lay it over to next meeting if there aren't other opininos 15:11:00 I don't think anyone have cycles/energy/spoons to read a spec on it, realistically 15:11:09 So maybe we just trust the experts 15:11:21 * dtantsur needs to drop now o/ 15:12:04 I would have the energy to read it 15:12:08 understand it; whole different story 15:12:09 lol 15:12:22 Going to move on. 15:12:34 Who is the next bug deputy? 15:12:48 I can probably take it? I haven't had a go as bug deputy in a while 15:12:55 #info JayF next bug deputy 15:13:04 Nothing else on the agenda. 15:13:07 #topic Open Discussion 15:13:13 Anything for open discussion before we close out the meeting? 15:13:37 None from me 15:14:11 none from me 15:14:19 Erm, maybe, when tagging an rfe-approved, do I remove the 'rfe' first 15:15:05 I leave both tags on, but I'm not certain that's correct tbh 15:15:15 real answer is it probably doesn't matter that much 15:15:25 I have a question about the baremetal networking working group, is this going to be just an IRC meeting or something like zoom? 15:15:52 I do not know. Julia is running that right now and she's not here (US holiday). I'd suggest inquiring on the email thread on the list. 15:18:24 thanks everyone, I'm closing this out 15:18:25 o/ 15:18:26 #endmeeting