15:01:23 <rpittau> #startmeeting ironic 15:01:23 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Mon Feb 3 15:01:23 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is rpittau. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:23 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:01:23 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'ironic' 15:01:28 <rpittau> Hello everyone! 15:01:32 <rpittau> Welcome to our weekly meeting! 15:01:36 <rpittau> The meeting agenda can be found here: 15:01:42 <rpittau> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Ironic#Agenda_for_February_03.2C_2025 15:01:45 <TheJulia> o/ 15:01:50 <masghar> o/ 15:02:12 <cardoe> o/ 15:02:25 <JayF> o/ 15:03:08 * cid o/ on mobile 15:03:12 <keekz> o/ 15:04:05 <rpittau> nice attendance today :) 15:04:11 <rpittau> #topic Announcements/Reminders 15:04:26 <rpittau> Standing reminder to review patches tagged ironic-week-prio and to hashtag any patches ready for review with ironic-week-prio: 15:04:26 <rpittau> #https://tinyurl.com/ironic-weekly-prio-dash 15:04:31 <rpittau> #link https://tinyurl.com/ironic-weekly-prio-dash 15:04:45 <rpittau> lot of patches are on their way to be merged 15:04:56 <rpittau> looks ok 15:05:22 <cardoe> So speaking of patches... I want to ask 15:05:24 <rpittau> we still have 2 specs there that need attention 15:05:36 <rpittau> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic-specs/+/933620 15:05:45 <rpittau> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic-specs/+/938526 15:05:51 <rpittau> yes cardoe? 15:06:01 <cardoe> I've got the sushy pyupgrade patch. It's got a bunch of +2's... just wondering how people feel about it. Because my next question is gonna be... how do people feel about just using Python's Black spec. 15:06:06 <TheJulia> 933620 was revised this morning for two nits, just needs some +2 love :) 15:06:21 <rpittau> TheJulia: cool, I'll have a look after the meetnig 15:06:35 <cardoe> If we just take Black as it comes, we can enable auto-formatting in pre-commit (and in your editors) and not have to worry about style editing / etc and have the tools do it for us. 15:08:00 <rpittau> is it this patch? https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/sushy/+/934916 15:08:28 <cardoe> Yes. 15:08:30 <opendevreview> Merged openstack/ironic master: doc: fix typo and slight wording order for networking https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/940558 15:08:35 <dtantsur> I remember black was not fully pep8 compatible? 15:08:43 <cardoe> black is pep8 compatible. 15:08:45 <rpittau> that's also waht I remember 15:08:48 <rpittau> ok 15:08:51 <cardoe> pep8 is just ambiguous 15:08:55 <dtantsur> Oh, they fixed it? Good. 15:09:13 <dtantsur> No, no, it was something very explicitly incompatible. I just cannot remember what. 15:09:22 <dtantsur> As in: black formatted code would fail a pep8 check. 15:09:27 <rpittau> I have the same memory, but it was some time ago 15:09:35 <dtantsur> yeah, they could have changed it 15:10:09 <dtantsur> "Black is a PEP 8 compliant opinionated formatter" 15:10:17 <dtantsur> yeah, it's a different stance from the one they had back in the days 15:10:18 <rpittau> oh well, I don't have anything particularly against it 15:10:41 <kubajj> o/ 15:10:43 <TheJulia> I guess the only question is, have other projects done the same 15:10:43 <dtantsur> I personally find some of the things these formatters do annoying, but I'll follow the pack 15:10:49 <rpittau> TheJulia: right 15:10:52 <TheJulia> dtantsur: samesies 15:10:55 <dtantsur> TheJulia: openstacksdk was at least moving towards it 15:11:27 <JayF> I don't have an opinion as to what style is used, I am plus one to using auto formatters. And as a bonus, I'm sure that black style format will likely be supported by my IDE 15:11:34 * dtantsur hopes it's easy to setup vim in a way that uses per-repo formatters.. 15:11:54 <rpittau> just a point that sometimes format style between python versions is incompatible 15:12:01 <TheJulia> dtantsur: samesies, again :) 15:12:09 <dtantsur> :) 15:12:28 <dtantsur> rpittau: yeah, we'd need to be able to tell it to use the formatting compatible with the oldest supported version 15:12:33 <rpittau> yep 15:12:43 <dtantsur> it was a problem in the past, not sure how much of a problem it is nowadays 15:12:46 <rpittau> do we want to give it some more time to think about it ? 15:12:59 <cardoe> So the reason I ask is that we'd just get freebie formatting without having to fight a style checker. 15:13:35 <cardoe> rpittau: sure thing. I just want to make it easier for everyone to contribute and collaborate and if automation can take a tedious thing off the table then it might be a plus. 15:13:59 <JayF> Honestly, the pre-commit stuff has done a large amount of progress toward that direction 15:14:26 <cardoe> Cause ruff can fix a lot of issues without people needing to manually fix stuff but it can only do it enabling its formatter, which only supports black right now. 15:14:44 <cardoe> Literally the only 2 config knobs they have is line length and if you want strings to be single quote or double quote. 15:14:55 <TheJulia> ... We should get back on track 15:14:58 * dtantsur is horrified by the potential diff 15:15:13 <rpittau> alright, let's give it some more time and we'll go back to it 15:15:15 <cardoe> TheJulia: yes. sorry. 15:15:53 <rpittau> next one is 15:15:54 <cardoe> I'd say let's commit to reviewing the bootable containers and graphical console spec this week? 15:15:54 <rpittau> 2025.1 Epoxy Release Schedule 15:16:06 <rpittau> #link https://releases.openstack.org/epoxy/schedule.html 15:16:17 <rpittau> 8 weeks to go! 15:16:43 <rpittau> and this week PTL nomination period starts February 5 15:17:16 <rpittau> left the announcement for the next PTG 15:17:16 <rpittau> Flamingo PTG will take place place April 7-11, 2025! 15:17:29 <rpittau> related to the schedule: 15:17:29 <rpittau> new bugfix branches cut is happening this week 15:17:52 <rpittau> anything else to announce/remind ? 15:18:35 <dtantsur> KubeCon and the PTG back-to-back, OMG 15:18:40 <rpittau> yep.... 15:19:01 <rpittau> we don't have planned discussion topics today 15:19:05 <rpittau> any open topic? 15:19:34 <JayF> Please take time to review inspector rules; it's extremely close and I'd like to close that chapter 15:19:54 <JayF> cid and I can do a demo/group review session if it'd be helpful 15:20:11 <masghar> JayF: thanks for the heads up, will do! 15:20:20 <cid> ++ 15:20:23 <JayF> Also another small announcement: Next week Satoshi will be joining GR-OSS as an MLH fellow; focusing on a hardware manager to run steps from a container. 15:20:38 <TheJulia> Also, later in the week, I could possibly do a bootable containers demo. Thursday or Friday if anyone is interested 15:20:40 <rpittau> JayF: is that in ironic week prio list ? 15:20:58 <JayF> rpittau: I believe so but not 100% sure; I'll double check 15:21:01 <rpittau> ok 15:21:03 <cardoe> I wrote up https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/ironic-cardoe-inspect-hooks-and-rules and https://gist.github.com/cardoe/82ca7d2a33ae963dbe30f2b43ac13f64 which was my thought around using inspector hooks and rules and I'd love to get cid's feedback. I'm all for a a demo/review session. 15:21:10 <masghar> (Definitely interested in both demos) 15:21:15 <cardoe> TheJulia: +1 I'm in for a demo of bootable containers too 15:21:26 <JayF> yep +1 to bootc demo 15:21:35 <rpittau> both sound quite interesting 15:21:56 * dtantsur +1 to both 15:22:14 <rpittau> not sure if I will be around on Friday, so I vote for Thursday :D 15:22:21 <TheJulia> Okay, should be possible 15:22:37 <JayF> How about Thursday for both? assuming cid has availability 15:22:49 * JayF can set it aside overall as a review day 15:22:56 <TheJulia> ++ 15:23:03 <rpittau> we can do one this week and the other next week ? 15:23:19 <cid> cardoe, I had already taken a look, I will do well to give some feedback. 15:23:23 <JayF> maybe just not everyone needs to go to both? 15:23:32 <JayF> I don't wanna ask cid to wait more on inspector rules 15:23:48 <rpittau> sure 15:23:50 <cardoe> JayF: Can ya help me figure out why codespell doesn't seem to run on ironic-specs? https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic-specs/+/938526 I see rpittau's making review comments for spelling issues. :/ 15:24:06 <JayF> will look cardoe 15:24:07 <cid> I’ll be available on Thursday or Friday +++ 15:24:13 <rpittau> alright, anything else to discuss today? 15:24:26 <JayF> cardoe: may just need a rebase fwiw 15:24:38 <opendevreview> Steve Baker proposed openstack/ironic-specs master: Graphical Console Support https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic-specs/+/938526 15:24:53 <JayF> I rebased it. 15:25:13 <rpittau> thank you everyone! 15:25:14 <rpittau> #endmeeting