15:01:03 <TheJulia> #startmeeting ironic 15:01:03 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Mon Feb 17 15:01:03 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is TheJulia. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:03 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:01:03 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'ironic' 15:01:04 <TheJulia> o/ 15:01:11 <masghar> o/ 15:01:12 <rpittau> you got me 15:01:16 <rpittau> o/ 15:01:16 <TheJulia> #chair rpittau 15:01:16 <opendevmeet> Current chairs: TheJulia rpittau 15:01:28 <rpittau> Hello everyone! 15:01:28 <rpittau> Welcome to our weekly meeting! 15:01:45 <rpittau> I'm fighting with the wiki page 15:02:10 <TheJulia> I believe the rules say you must always struggle with the wiki page right before the meeting ;) 15:02:10 <cid> o/ 15:02:11 <rpittau> meeting agenda should be available here though: 15:02:11 <rpittau> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Ironic#Agenda_for_February_17.2C_2025 15:02:57 <rpittau> seem to work now :) 15:03:20 <rpittau> #topic Announcements/Reminders 15:03:32 <rpittau> Standing reminder to review patches tagged ironic-week-prio and to hashtag any patches ready for review with ironic-week-prio: 15:03:32 <rpittau> #link https://tinyurl.com/ironic-weekly-prio-dash 15:03:45 <rpittau> we're looking good there 15:05:08 <rpittau> 2025.1 Epoxy Release Schedule 15:05:08 <rpittau> #link https://releases.openstack.org/epoxy/schedule.html 15:05:26 <rpittau> we're at R-6 15:05:26 <rpittau> this week we're releasing metalsmith and sushy 15:06:14 <TheJulia> Does sushy have anything outstanding? 15:06:26 <TheJulia> And... why are we continuing to release Metalsmith? 15:06:28 <rpittau> I've blocked the sushy release for the time benig because of the migration of sushy-oem-idrac 15:06:45 <rpittau> well metalsmith is not deprecated, isn't it? 15:06:47 <dtantsur> TheJulia: we cannot just stop releasing something 15:06:57 <TheJulia> Its a zombie project at this point 15:07:04 <rpittau> until we deprecate/retire it we have to release it 15:07:26 <TheJulia> We need to 15:07:32 <JayF> If the team comes to a consensus we should do that, I'll run the paperwork for it since I've already got it done for ir-lib 15:07:38 <TheJulia> But I'm not going to start a fight or argue anymore about it 15:07:39 <JayF> I'm not sure if it's too late in this cycle or not 15:07:44 <TheJulia> I've got big enough stuff to worry about 15:07:47 <cardoe> I can switch back to doing sushy-oem-idrac work. 15:07:50 <rpittau> JayF: it's probably too late, the release is happening now :) 15:08:06 <JayF> Yeah I think that's actually the real problem is that no one thinks about metalsmith at all until someone asks us to release it 15:08:13 <cardoe> There's some issues in the tests for sushy that installing another oem extension breaks the tests. I believe the actual code of sushy is correct. 15:08:18 <dtantsur> The price of releasing it is quite low 15:08:20 <rpittau> or until there is a CI blocker 15:08:51 <cardoe> So let's deprecate metalsmith unless someone else steps up to take over maintaining it? 15:09:07 <rpittau> cardoe: that was one of the topics to discuss, if you have time and we want to have that done for epoxy it needs to happen this week 15:09:24 <rpittau> sushy-oem-drac nto sushy ^ 15:09:36 <cardoe> okay I'll make it happen if I get the reviews. 15:09:44 <rpittau> (my keyboard is skipping the Is very often...) 15:10:00 <rpittau> cardoe: happy to review :) 15:10:35 <rpittau> BTW next week s feature freeze and final release for clients 15:10:49 <rpittau> as well as requrements freeze 15:10:51 <cardoe> The patch I tossed together seems to work fine. It's literally just the tests for looking up and loading oem extensions and testing that the right one was loaded. The tests monkey patch in an extension into the steveadore list and expect the fake extension to be at [1] in the list. 15:11:45 <cardoe> afaik the real list now is [0]=conoco, [1]=dell, [2]=fake 15:11:47 <dtantsur> Are we sure installing patched sushy together with sushy-oem-idrac yields a predictable result? 15:13:15 <cardoe> It's honestly no different than separate today. 15:14:09 <rpittau> still, we need to make sure that sushy-oem-idrac is not installed anymore 15:14:27 <cardoe> Yeah need to make a conflict in the versioning 15:14:44 <cardoe> It's more of that machinery needing to happen for any tests. 15:17:22 <rpittau> ok, let's see if we can make it 15:17:22 <rpittau> please consider that I'm off this Friday, in case reviews are needed 15:17:50 <rpittau> the sushy release patch is https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/941886 15:18:55 <rpittau> next reminder is for the vPTG for Flamingo that will take place place April 7-11, 2025 15:19:21 <rpittau> I'll have the etherpad up for topcs this week 15:19:30 <rpittau> (need to change keyboard) 15:19:32 <TheJulia> Excellent 15:19:38 <TheJulia> :( 15:19:48 <TheJulia> :( in response to need to change keyboard 15:19:54 <rpittau> :D 15:20:02 <rpittau> anything else to announce/remind? 15:20:46 <rpittau> ok moving on 15:20:55 <rpittau> #topic Discussion topics 15:21:09 <rpittau> #topic change to DPL model for ironic? 15:21:16 <rpittau> I guess we reached some kind of consensus there 15:21:32 <rpittau> I've added the list of the proposed liaisons to the agenda 15:21:35 <TheJulia> Seems like it 15:21:51 <rpittau> if we're ok with that we can move forward with the bureaucratic stuff I guess 15:22:04 <TheJulia> No objection from me 15:22:21 <dtantsur> ++ 15:23:44 <rpittau> alright, if there's no objection I will start with the changes this week or early next week 15:24:22 <TheJulia> Where ever did the realization that this had to be put in place *before* the election end up? 15:24:37 <TheJulia> s/election/ptl nomination/ 15:25:01 <JayF> That's the way it's always worked. I honestly think it's kind of weird that DPL can happen without an election in general, but I guess TC is the election that is the backstop for that 15:25:14 <JayF> It is only a recent thing that DPL has been used by active projects. 15:25:31 <JayF> (more active,I guess) 15:26:21 <cardoe> So let's just pick someone to be PTL for the "official" aspect. We've agreed on DPL. Once the election hump happens. I'll convert us to DPL. 15:26:51 <cardoe> I'll do that TC liaison thing and just make it happen. :) 15:26:52 <rpittau> I'm PTL until the end of the next elections, so I guess we're fine? :) 15:26:53 <JayF> On the mailing list, a plan was laid out of going through leaderless process to become DPL. If someone tries to run for PTL out of the blue, I've been watching and will post my own candidacy just to convert to DPL. 15:27:20 <JayF> I think that'll be easier than having people go through the motions of putting metadata in about a PTL just to replace it with metadata about a DPL 15:28:17 <TheJulia> sounds like a plan 15:28:33 <rpittau> great! :) 15:29:46 <rpittau> ok, moving on 15:29:55 <rpittau> we talked about sushy-oem-idrac 15:30:05 <rpittau> #topic ironic-lib deprecation 15:30:11 <rpittau> similar situation 15:30:22 <rpittau> JayF: I think we're good 15:30:30 <rpittau> #link https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22ironic-lib-deprecation%22 15:31:05 <JayF> Yep. I'll take a look at making sure the next patches are in a decent state and pointing the TC at them because I think governance is next. 15:31:18 <JayF> From technical perspective though, ironic lib is dead 15:31:28 <rpittau> long live ironic-lib! 15:31:44 <rpittau> thanks JayF for your effort :) 15:32:32 <rpittau> anything else we have to discuss today? 15:33:46 <rpittau> okey dokey! 15:33:46 <rpittau> thanks everyone! 15:33:51 <rpittau> #endmeeting