15:02:24 <TheJulia> #startmeeting ironic 15:02:24 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Mon Mar 10 15:02:24 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is TheJulia. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:02:24 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:02:24 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'ironic' 15:02:27 * TheJulia gets out the crickets 15:02:28 <rpittau> #st... 15:02:30 <rpittau> ok 15:02:31 <rpittau> :) 15:02:36 <TheJulia> #chair rpittau 15:02:36 <opendevmeet> Current chairs: TheJulia rpittau 15:02:38 <rpittau> o/ 15:02:43 <TheJulia> o/ 15:02:44 <kubajj> o/ 15:02:50 <frickler> \o 15:03:16 <rpittau> Hello everyone! 15:03:16 <rpittau> Welcome to our weekly meeting! 15:03:16 <rpittau> The meeting agenda can be found here: 15:03:16 <rpittau> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Ironic#Agenda_for_March_10.2C_2025 15:03:53 <rpittau> not a lot of things for today, I'l just start with the announcements 15:03:57 <rpittau> #topic Announcements/Reminders 15:04:03 <cid> o/ 15:04:14 <rpittau> #info Standing reminder to review patches tagged ironic-week-prio and to hashtag any patches ready for review with ironic-week-prio: 15:04:14 <rpittau> #link https://tinyurl.com/ironic-weekly-prio-dash 15:04:51 <rpittau> ooook there are some patches to review, I'll get to them after the meeting 15:05:18 <rpittau> #info 2025.1 Epoxy Release Schedule 15:05:18 <rpittau> #link https://releases.openstack.org/epoxy/schedule.html 15:05:22 <rpittau> 3 weeks left!!! 15:05:35 <TheJulia> Have we prepared our releases? 15:05:40 <rpittau> we're going to start seeing releases very soon 15:05:44 <TheJulia> ok 15:06:25 <rpittau> we're missing just a couple actually, ironic, ipa and such 15:06:25 <rpittau> waiting for the last patches to merge 15:06:57 <rpittau> so please if you have patches that need to be included in the release upload them ASAP! 15:07:07 <iurygregory> o/ 15:07:29 <rpittau> #info Flamingo PTG will take place place April 7-11, 2025! 15:07:29 <rpittau> PTG etherpad 15:07:29 <rpittau> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/ironic-ptg-april-2025 15:08:22 <rpittau> I'll start reserving days/times, then we can adjust based on topics and cross project needs 15:08:37 <iurygregory> if you need help let me know 15:08:43 <rpittau> thanks iurygregory :) 15:08:51 <rpittau> anything else to announce/remind today? 15:09:47 <rpittau> ok moving on! 15:09:47 <rpittau> #topic Discussions 15:09:50 <TheJulia> do we have a list of patches we're waiting on? 15:10:08 <rpittau> yep the one in the ironic-week-prio list 15:11:28 <rpittau> I have only one topic for today, which is the last chance to comment on the cycle highlights :) 15:11:28 <rpittau> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/943229 15:11:28 <rpittau> thanks TheJulia for the review! 15:11:38 <cid> I have one 15:11:42 * cid rules 15:11:49 <rpittau> cid: shoot! 15:12:28 <TheJulia> Introspection rules? ;) 15:12:40 <cid> Yep. ^^ Re: TheJulia. I will really love to get inspection rules to the finish line 15:12:53 <iurygregory> how we will rule the world? :D 15:13:00 <cid> :) 15:13:06 <TheJulia> Is everything tagged? What explicitly is outstanding? 15:13:37 <cid> Everything is tagged, the API is waiting for the follow-up change 15:13:43 <cid> ... to merge 15:13:58 <cid> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/942112 15:14:10 <cid> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic/+/939217 15:14:46 * dtantsur planning to get to these early this week 15:15:06 <cid> Appreciated ++ 15:15:18 <rpittau> cid: if they're tagged I'll get to that for sure tomorrow at the latest 15:15:21 <priteau> May I ask, what about the NGS patches in ironic-week-prio? Are they going to be merged only for Flamingo? 15:15:33 <cid> tks, rpittau 15:15:51 <rpittau> priteau: we'll do our best to review them before the release 15:16:13 <rpittau> I think I actually reviewed some of them already 15:17:05 <frickler> what about the last two? patches shouldn't have prio while they're W-1 or in merge conflict for months? 15:17:40 <rpittau> the last two are automatically excluued if they're not udpated 15:18:42 <TheJulia> priteau: are there specific patches you have in mind which we can focus on? 15:19:07 <frickler> well they won't get merged but I was thinking maybe also remove the hashtag to avoid the distraction 15:20:32 <rpittau> frickler: of course, we do some cleaning usually, but some patches can slip from view :) 15:21:31 <frickler> ok. I have another question then regarding https://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic/+bug/2101021 , I'm not sure whether that is only a CI issue or a real regression maybe? stevebaker[m] starting testing but no success so far 15:23:26 <priteau> TheJulia: It's the VLAN support patches. They have a +2 from rpittau already. 15:23:49 <priteau> i.e. https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/networking-generic-switch/+/928490 and https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/networking-generic-switch/+/940966 15:24:23 <priteau> But one of them depends on https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ironic-tempest-plugin/+/941013 which is also active 15:27:17 <TheJulia> You can't realistically depends-on a tempest chane 15:27:19 <TheJulia> change 15:27:28 <TheJulia> That signifies the change breaks something then 15:27:32 <TheJulia> which is.. bad 15:27:48 <rpittau> I think it's just adding tests 15:28:04 <TheJulia> likely, if we can check and decouple it would be best 15:28:19 <TheJulia> I suspect mnasiadka is likely on a plane today or was yesterday 15:30:53 <rpittau> alright, anything else to discuss today? 15:32:31 <rpittau> then that's all folks! 15:32:31 <rpittau> thanks everyone! 15:32:34 <rpittau> #endmeeting