16:00:42 <Sukhdev> #startmeeting ironic_neutron 16:00:42 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Jun 1 16:00:42 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is Sukhdev. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:44 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:45 <yushiro> Hi, all 16:00:47 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'ironic_neutron' 16:00:48 <lauramoore> hi Sukhdev 16:00:54 <BertieFulton> Hi folks 16:00:56 <Sukhdev> Hello everybody 16:01:01 <jlvillal> o/ 16:01:02 <rameshg87> o/ 16:01:18 <jroll> \o good morning 16:01:22 <lazy_prince> o/ 16:01:23 <Sukhdev> #topic: Agenda 16:01:28 <Sukhdev> #link: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Ironic-neutron 16:01:44 <Sukhdev> #topic: Announcements: 16:02:04 <Sukhdev> Welcome to our first kick off meeting for Neutron-Ironic Integration 16:02:04 <viveknarasimhan> good morning everybody 16:02:10 <sambetts> o/ 16:02:28 <dtantsur> o/ 16:02:28 <Sukhdev> I would like to kick start with introduction - 16:02:41 <clif_h> o/ 16:02:48 <mariojv> o/ 16:02:53 <Sukhdev> I am Sukhdev - have been very active in the neutron side 16:03:11 <Sukhdev> I have jroll with me who is active on the Ironic/Nova side 16:03:20 <jroll> ohai 16:03:39 <jroll> devananda won't make this one, correct? 16:03:39 <Sukhdev> devananda is traveling and will not be joining us today - but, he will be regular as well 16:04:10 <rsacharya> This is Srinivas, interested in bare-metal networking. My team works on Ironic. 16:04:38 <Sukhdev> rsacharya: welcome and thanks for the intro 16:04:43 <viveknarasimhan> I am viveknarasimhan 16:04:54 <viveknarasimhan> have been active in Neutron for juno and kilo 16:05:03 <viveknarasimhan> interested in ironic-neutron integration 16:05:06 <jlvillal> I am the Ironic liaison to Nova. Want to hear if anything impacts Nova as far as Ironic is concerned. But will defer to jroll for most of it. 16:05:07 <lazy_prince> I am lazy_prince from HP and I have some interest in this. I have little exp with Neutron but I was able to port ironic neutron plugin to ML2 extension driver.. 16:05:32 <rameshg87> this is ramesh, i work on the ironic side for HP. interested in ironic-neutron integration too :) 16:06:04 <Sukhdev> Thanks folks 16:06:05 <stendulker> stendulker: This is Shiv, I work on the ironic side of HP 16:06:23 <dtantsur> this is Dmitry, I am working on ironic-inspector (former discoverd) which may be of use for figuring out network properties 16:06:33 <Sukhdev> I m sure we have lot more people here - don't be shy, please introduce yourself to the team 16:06:47 <yushiro> I am Yushiro at Fujitsu and work in neutron and fwaas. We're very interested in integrating neutron and ironic. 16:06:55 <lauramoore> I am Laura Moore, have been working with Bertie Fulton and Sukhdev on the Ironic-Neutron ML2 integration, but rather new to OpenStack contributions 16:07:14 <BertieFulton> Bertie from SAP here. I've been working with Sukhdev on initial PoCs of Ironic/ML2 integration. Also working on a draft spec for some of this. 16:07:16 <mitchj> I'm Mitchell, I work at Arista with Sukhdev 16:07:51 * Sukhdev waiting for the intros to be over 16:08:06 <jroll> clif_h and morgabra are here from my team at rackspace; morgabra has done a ton of awesomeness in our downstream version of all of this, and clif_h is going to be jumping in to help with all of this as well 16:08:25 <jroll> Sukhdev: let's timebox to 16:10? 16:08:52 <Sukhdev> jroll: 16:10? 16:09:06 <jroll> Sukhdev: be done with intros at 16:10 16:09:08 <jroll> UTC 16:09:20 <jroll> e.g. 30 more seconds by now :P 16:09:24 <Sukhdev> jroll: Oh I see 16:09:39 <jroll> or just move on now :P 16:09:50 <Sukhdev> #topic: Discuss team Goals 16:10:12 <Sukhdev> Folks I am sure you have had a chance to look at the wiki that I put together 16:10:34 <Sukhdev> I tried to list three main goals under the team charter 16:10:35 <lazy_prince> yup... 16:11:10 <Sukhdev> BertieFulton and lauramoore are working on spec for the physical connectivity 16:11:38 <Sukhdev> I was Hoping to have that release before this meeting - but, it needs some more work 16:11:49 <jroll> "initial charter will not cover: Automated discovery of the ports physical connectivity" -- I think we can do this in parallel, if we let it just be covered by discoverd^Winspector 16:11:58 <Sukhdev> BertieFulton: do you want to mention when do you think it will be ready? 16:12:01 <jroll> Sukhdev: BertieFulton I'd love to see the work-in-progress version of that 16:13:33 <dtantsur> jroll ++ I can keep an eye on it 16:13:37 <Sukhdev> jroll: correct, we are not including discovered as part of this team's charter - but, anybody with the expertise in that area, feel free to work in parallel with us 16:13:41 <BertieFulton> Should be able to oblige. It is missing some of the many sections but I'm working on it 16:14:00 <jroll> dtantsur: I figure once we define where the data lives, you can just do it. IPA has lldp code you can steal :) 16:14:09 <dtantsur> cool, will do 16:14:14 <Sukhdev> BertieFulton: Look forward to WIP version of the patch 16:14:48 <BertieFulton> jroll: would you rather it was up and (very) incomplete to get feedback on the ideas? Or had some more depth? 16:15:09 <Sukhdev> The second goal is to figure out the network flip logic 16:15:56 <Sukhdev> We want to do it with as little impact to nova as possible 16:15:57 <jroll> BertieFulton: I would look at a very incomplete version, yes :) 16:16:19 <viveknarasimhan> <Sukhdev> the spec by BertieFulton would detail changes to the Port resource that Neutron will consume? 16:16:24 <lazy_prince> I think the network flip logic has been put up by rackspace guys as ironic bp.. right.. 16:16:35 <Sukhdev> viveknarasimhan: yes 16:16:42 <viveknarasimhan> Thanks Sukdhev 16:16:55 <jroll> lazy_prince: yes, but it needs to be redone and made better 16:17:21 <jroll> lazy_prince: e.g. move from kilo -> liberty and fix some things 16:17:24 <viveknarasimhan> jroll: Let us put out a WIP and improvise 16:17:41 <lazy_prince> +1 16:17:48 <jroll> sure thing 16:18:00 <Sukhdev> jroll: will you be willing to work with the author to bring it up-to-date? 16:18:09 <Sukhdev> jroll: shall I assign you an action? 16:18:13 <jroll> Sukhdev: the author is a bit of a jerk 16:18:18 <jroll> (I'm the author) 16:18:27 <jroll> yes, assign away! 16:18:27 <Sukhdev> jroll: ha ha - 16:19:00 <Sukhdev> #action: jroll to bring the network flip logic spec up-to-date and publish the new version 16:19:12 <jroll> Sukhdev: I want to see BertieFulton's ironic spec and see what sort of overlap etc is happening 16:19:38 <jroll> so we don't write the same thing 16:19:56 <Sukhdev> jroll: BertieFulton is specifying the contents of the physical connectivity dict - your spec will discuss the flip logic 16:19:57 <BertieFulton> jroll: I'm trying to avoid overlap for the flip and reference your spec. 16:20:03 <jroll> awesome. 16:20:13 <jroll> sounds good 16:20:26 <Sukhdev> The third item is CI - 16:20:51 <lazy_prince> jroll: If you need a hand on to complete the network flip spec, you can put me there.. 16:20:56 <Sukhdev> It is bit early for that, but, want to shout out for the experts in this area - so that we can kick off work in this regard as well 16:21:17 <Sukhdev> lazy_prince: that is nice - thanks 16:21:20 <jroll> lazy_prince: cool, ty 16:21:55 <jroll> so for CI -- I see us needing an ovs implementation of this stuff 16:22:01 <Sukhdev> If anybody wants to jump in and offer help - we are all ears :-) 16:22:37 <jroll> and I think we can make this model the default; just use the same network for provisioning and tenant etc. once that all lands we can update CI to actually use different networks 16:23:08 <Sukhdev> jroll: that is a good way to go 16:23:15 <lazy_prince> would that mean updating the ovs mech driver..? 16:23:22 <Sukhdev> jroll: Build as you go - 16:23:38 <Sukhdev> lazy_prince: probably not 16:24:15 <lazy_prince> so you mean the existing ovs mech driver itself will work..? i am not sure.. 16:24:38 <viveknarasimhan> lazy_prince : existing ovs mech driver won't work 16:25:00 <viveknarasimhan> lazy_prince: we need to enhance OVS to handle the additional port attributes passed in by Ironic 16:25:05 <Sukhdev> lazy_prince: not sure - just guessing we may have to build logic around it 16:25:08 <lazy_prince> i am unable to look at the full picture in absence of a bp... 16:25:33 <viveknarasimhan> Sukhdev: is it necessary to support OVS for CI 16:25:58 <Sukhdev> lazy_prince: perhaps we can delay this discussion until we have a little better picture - 16:26:00 <jroll> viveknarasimhan: yes, unless someone is going to donate real switches :) 16:26:24 <jroll> (which still might be a good thing as a second step) 16:26:38 <Sukhdev> I wanted to bring this up so that experts in CI area can start to think 16:26:51 <lauramoore> so maybe seeing the specs together will help in this regard 16:27:06 <lauramoore> sukhdev, have you also been working on the neutron spec? 16:27:11 <lazy_prince> lauramoore: +1 16:27:27 <viveknarasimhan> Sukhdev: we will discuss CI strategy for this change with armax and kyle 16:27:49 <Sukhdev> lauramoore: no we decided neutron spec may not be needed 16:28:05 <Sukhdev> viveknarasimhan: we can use all the help :-) 16:28:20 <Sukhdev> Lets move on 16:28:22 <viveknarasimhan> Sukhdev: a neutron spec would be helpful 16:28:51 <viveknarasimhan> Sukhdev: and might be required , since they may consider this as API change for Port entity 16:29:09 <Sukhdev> viveknarasimhan: neutron proposal as was presented at the summit - which everybody approved, does not require any change to the neutron core 16:29:24 <Sukhdev> viveknarasimhan:hence, we felt there was no need to write a spec 16:29:40 <viveknarasimhan> Sukhdev: I agree with what we discussed, but still capturing it as a spec would be useful 16:29:45 <BertieFulton> Sukhdev: so because of the binding:profile I agree we need no API changes - is there no need to specigy in a spec what will be in the binfing profile? 16:29:54 <BertieFulton> *specify 16:30:04 <BertieFulton> *binding 16:30:14 <Sukhdev> If you review the proposal in the etherpad, we are using binding.profile - which is not an API change 16:30:24 <BertieFulton> Sukhdev: or is the Ironic spec sufficient? 16:30:35 <lazy_prince> we need to specify so that there is consistency... 16:30:55 <viveknarasimhan> BertieFulton: yes we should specify what goes in binding.profile 16:31:04 <Sukhdev> BertieFulton: yes, we should specify in the spec - 16:31:10 <jroll> ironic spec seems sufficient to me -- there may end up being a small nova spec but am not sure 16:31:18 <Sukhdev> BertieFulton: we can refer to the etherpad as well 16:31:42 <viveknarasimhan> Sukhdev: i concur if you all feel so 16:32:06 <Sukhdev> jroll: depending upon the network flip logic - i.e. how we decide to do, may require nova spec - but, I do not believe at this moment that we need one 16:32:11 <Swami> Sukhdev: if there is a dependency to nova, should we not capture it in a spec. 16:32:40 <viveknarasimhan> rsacharya: do you have concerms? 16:32:48 <Sukhdev> Swami: let jroll update the spec - I think this can be specified in ironic spec itself 16:32:55 <jroll> Sukhdev: right, I've been chatting with dansmith about it. will probably depend on the changes. we'll need some solid doc to point at, at the very least, ironic spec may be enough 16:33:07 <lazy_prince> if we could get access to the early version of the spec, that would make things move fast and bring everyone on the same page... 16:33:16 <Swami> ok, just making sure that the dependency should be captured in one or the other spec. 16:33:38 <Sukhdev> jroll, BertieFulton : when do you think will be in a position to post the updated spec? 16:33:59 <jroll> Sukhdev: I'll try to get something by the end of the week 16:34:30 <lauramoore> we will aim for end of the week too 16:34:34 <Sukhdev> cool - in that case, lets review both of these specs and we can decide in next meeting - if we need additional specs to not 16:34:56 <lazy_prince> by nova change, do we also mean change in ironic virt driver in nova..? 16:35:06 <jroll> yes 16:35:17 <jroll> (if it's needed, may not be) 16:35:55 <lazy_prince> probably, it will be needed if we want to take full control of networking in ironic.. 16:36:08 <jroll> agree 16:36:50 <Sukhdev> anything else on the spec issue? 16:37:27 <BertieFulton> Sukhdev: I have a technical question to throw out there if it is a suitable time? 16:37:45 <viveknarasimhan> Sukhdev: so 2 specs , one for Ironic Port API (with phys conn) and other is network flip 16:37:46 <Sukhdev> BertieFulton: go ahead please 16:37:56 <jroll> viveknarasimhan: correct 16:38:01 <Sukhdev> viveknarasimhan: yes 16:38:06 <viveknarasimhan> Thanks 16:38:46 <BertieFulton> Do we want to bring any of these concepts into a flavor for node selction on the first pass of this? 16:39:18 <BertieFulton> for example - aggregating ports gives us certain redundancy capabilities or extra bandwidth 16:39:48 <BertieFulton> my initial thoughts were to aim for connectivity first but Laura said there may have been some discussion around flavors at the summit 16:40:38 <jroll> BertieFulton: my inclination is not in the first version, but I could be persuaded otherwise. I vote connectivity first and go from there 16:40:51 <Sukhdev> BertieFulton: This is a good point, but, I would like to limit the charter to get first pass working first 16:41:09 <BertieFulton> jroll +1 Sukhdev +1 16:42:00 <viveknarasimhan> jroll +1 16:42:01 <lazy_prince> +1. we need to make it work for a single net first.. 16:42:03 <Sukhdev> I will put this on the wiki - so that we do not forget about it - for the long term 16:42:47 <Sukhdev> Anything else, before we move on? 16:43:12 <Sukhdev> #topic: Nova/Neutron interaction discussion 16:43:37 <Sukhdev> jroll: posted a poc patch - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/186855/ 16:43:51 <Sukhdev> to elaborate a thought process - 16:43:54 <jroll> right, so backing up a bit. 16:44:03 <jroll> there's basically two options we have here: 16:44:26 <Sukhdev> #link: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/186855/ 16:44:49 <jroll> 1) modify the neutron api to have a parameter do declare whether or not to plumb the network immediately. default to true. set it to false when provisioning bare metal ports during the build process, so we don't connect them until the build is done 16:45:36 <jroll> (and when build is done, port-update from ironic to set that to true) 16:46:20 <jroll> 2) modify the nova build process to not send enough info to plumb the networks. port goes into binding failed state. send the info later from ironic to allow the port to bind correctly. 16:46:29 <jroll> both take some work 16:46:41 <jroll> (1) is what we do today at rackspace, via an extension 16:47:14 <BertieFulton> jroll: Does 1) need an update? We will be specifying an ironic port in the binding:profile, no? 16:47:32 <Sukhdev> jroll: I reviewed the patch and posted my comments on it 16:47:49 <Sukhdev> BertieFulton: not in 1) 16:47:54 <jroll> BertieFulton: ironic would only call port-update to flip that bit, to tell neutron to plumb the things 16:48:02 <jroll> BertieFulton: unless you mean something else by 'update' 16:48:13 <BertieFulton> I mean an update to the API 16:48:22 <jroll> Sukhdev: I responded in that patch, the other patch you reference posts extra info, but doesn't remove the binding info 16:48:40 <BertieFulton> but yes agreed it needs to flip something 16:48:53 <jroll> which api? 16:49:13 <jroll> it requires an update to the neutron api to accept a parameter that says "don't plumb this through yet" 16:49:57 <jroll> but I don't believe it requires ironic api updates 16:50:00 <viveknarasimhan> jroll: the flag you mention is 'commit' in your review 16:50:03 <Sukhdev> if we go with 1) neutron has to be changed, if we go with 2) neutron does not require any changes 16:50:12 <Sukhdev> viveknarasimhan: yes 16:50:13 <jroll> probably will need to modify plug_vifs in the virt driver 16:50:27 <jroll> Sukhdev: yes, but (2) is much more invasive nova-side 16:50:44 <jroll> morgabra: would love your eyes on all of this ^ 16:50:46 <BertieFulton> jroll: I think it could use the binding:profile - but I think it needs an update to tell it to go plumb it after - so I think I'm in agreement 16:51:07 <viveknarasimhan> Sukhdev: If (1) is a low hanging fruit, we can go for it for now 16:51:09 <jroll> BertieFulton: oh! not a bad idea 16:51:22 <jroll> BertieFulton: and then the update you mention could just be in the ML2 thing, right? 16:51:31 <viveknarasimhan> Sukhdev: and then work out (2) since (2) is changes to nova mostly and not neutron 16:51:46 <jroll> BertieFulton: I like your thinking 16:51:49 <BertieFulton> jroll: possibly - I'll defer to Sukhdev 16:51:53 <viveknarasimhan> yes BertieFulton 16:52:17 <BertieFulton> jroll: I'm slightly scared of making definitive statements on Neutron :) 16:52:25 <jroll> indeed :) 16:53:06 <jroll> I like the sound of {binding_profile: {bind: False, ...}} 16:53:10 <Sukhdev> jroll, BertieFulton: The way i was thinking is that we use binding.profile - if the connectivity information is passed, it will plumb the network, if the information is not passed, it will not plumb the network 16:53:13 <jroll> or something like that 16:54:16 <Sukhdev> we are all essentially meaning the same thing, but, using different semantics :-) 16:54:24 <jroll> indeed, I think so :) 16:54:37 <lazy_prince> my opinion is to use a flag rather than not passing info.. 16:54:56 <jroll> I think I like a mix of both. 16:54:57 <Sukhdev> We can keep neutron out of picture by using binding.profile - one less approval level to worry about :-) 16:55:06 <jroll> nova passes the info nova knows, tells neutron don't bind it yet 16:55:11 <jlvillal> 5 minutes left 16:55:15 <jroll> ironic passes the rest of the info, that only ironic knows 16:55:18 <jroll> and tells neutron to bind it 16:55:36 <morgabra> I prefer passing a flag in binding:profile as well 16:55:40 <lazy_prince> jroll: + 16:55:42 <Sukhdev> jlvillal: thanks for heads up 16:55:43 <lazy_prince> 1 16:55:46 <morgabra> because if you rely on bind_failed state, you don't know if it's actually broken 16:56:00 * jroll nods 16:56:38 <jroll> is anyone against a flag in binding:profile, nova passes what it knows, ironic passes what it knows (switchport etc)? 16:56:49 <Sukhdev> I think we can make it work by adding a flag, along with connectivity information as well - so, mix of both 16:57:11 <Sukhdev> This puts the work on ML2 driver (instead of neutron core) - which will be easy to get approved 16:57:16 <jroll> yep 16:57:17 <BertieFulton> jroll: I'm happy with a flag for clarity 16:57:58 <Sukhdev> BertieFulton jroll : can you specify this flag in your specs? 16:58:03 <jroll> of course 16:58:07 <jroll> and I'll update that poc 16:58:08 <Sukhdev> we are running out of time 16:58:10 <BertieFulton> yep 16:58:19 <lazy_prince> if time permits, would like to discuss about switch details within/outside neutron db 16:58:22 <Sukhdev> #topic: Open Discussion 16:58:32 <Sukhdev> anything on anybody's mind? 16:58:34 <jroll> lazy_prince: shoot 16:59:19 <lazy_prince> to me, it makes more sense to keep the switch info (creds etc ) within neutron db.. 16:59:50 <Sukhdev> lazy_prince: there will be no creeds - only physical connectivity info 17:00:00 <lazy_prince> this way, we could follow a uniform way for all mech drivers.. 17:00:02 <Sukhdev> lazy_prince: switch id, port id, etc 17:00:18 <jroll> Sukhdev: somehow the mechanism will need to be able to configure the switch 17:00:19 <viveknarasimhan> Sukhdev: lazy_prince is quoting information about Switch stored out of band 17:00:35 <jroll> we're out of time... perhaps move to neutron channel? 17:00:56 <BertieFulton> thanks everyone 17:00:56 <jroll> or ironic channel should be free, ironic meeting is now 17:01:00 <jroll> thank you everybody! 17:01:04 <lazy_prince> or next meeting.. we dont have to finalize everything in this meeting only.. 17:01:09 <Sukhdev> Thanks folks, this was very good discussion - 17:01:13 <Sukhdev> #endmeeting