16:01:22 <Sukhdev> #startmeeting ironic_neutron 16:01:23 <openstack> Meeting started Mon May 23 16:01:22 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is Sukhdev. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:24 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:01:26 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'ironic_neutron' 16:01:35 <mjturek1> o/ 16:02:02 <jroll> \o 16:02:12 * jroll is in another meeting at the same time so sorry if I am slow 16:02:21 <Sukhdev> #topic: Agenda 16:02:22 <sambetts> o/ 16:02:39 <Sukhdev> jroll : no worries - I was going bit slow for everybody to join in :-) 16:02:46 <Sukhdev> #link: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Ironic-neutron#Meeting_May_23.2C_2016 16:03:02 <Sukhdev> #topic: Announcements 16:03:21 <Sukhdev> N-1 is this week, right? 16:03:36 <jroll> next week 16:03:38 <jroll> http://releases.openstack.org/newton/schedule.html 16:04:12 <Sukhdev> right, 30th of the month 16:04:39 <Sukhdev> Any body has any other announcement 16:04:53 <jroll> next monday is a US holiday 16:04:58 <jroll> do we plan to have a meeting? 16:05:21 <Sukhdev> jroll : good thinking - lets celebrate holiday and skip the meeting 16:05:28 <jroll> cool :) 16:05:55 <Sukhdev> So, folks no meeting next week - I will post on the ML later 16:06:18 <sambetts> UK Holiday too 16:06:43 <Sukhdev> cool - even bigger reason to celebrate :-):-) 16:06:58 <Sukhdev> #topic: VLAN Aware Servers - 16:07:13 <Sukhdev> #link: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/277853 16:07:27 <Sukhdev> sambetts : thanks for updating the spec 16:07:38 <Sukhdev> I have not had a chance to review the updated version 16:08:16 <sambetts> \o/ hopefully I've covered 99% of what we discussed at the summit 16:08:39 <Sukhdev> even the earlier version looked good to me - so, I am sure this is in much better shape 16:08:45 <Sukhdev> others - please review this 16:09:00 <Sukhdev> and lets get this finalized 16:09:02 <sambetts> it wasn't a drastic change, just incorporating the neutron trunk stuff a little better 16:09:52 <Sukhdev> I will follow up with rosella to see how the neutron side implementation is coming along 16:10:07 <mjturek1> question, will this spec be targeted for Newton? 16:10:47 <jroll> mjturek1: it almost certainly won't happen in newton, imo 16:11:00 <mjturek1> jroll: got it, thanks! 16:11:34 <Sukhdev> we can get all the agreements and design done in N and then fully implement in the O 16:11:38 <jroll> mjturek1: just, lots of work and too much to do already :) 16:12:00 <mjturek1> jroll: Sukhdev: makes sense :) 16:12:26 <Sukhdev> #topic: Critical Patches for N 16:12:47 <Sukhdev> I added two additional to the list (nova patches) 16:12:56 <Sukhdev> so that we can track them on a weekly basis 16:13:29 <Sukhdev> So, now we have 6 patches 16:13:57 <Sukhdev> I could not follow up on the split of the patch - 16:14:08 <jroll> we need to pick those nova things back up, they're super old 16:14:38 <Sukhdev> jroll - one of them is really really old - 16:14:57 <sambetts> Yeah, I would also like to consider the new spec I've got up for the ironic/nova interaction 16:15:56 <Sukhdev> sambetts: I think jroll had some agreements with nova folks - we should align these patches with that - assuming that still holds 16:16:19 <sambetts> This -> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/313001/ may also affect us 16:16:42 <jroll> sambetts: which new spec? 16:16:51 <jroll> the plug_vifs thing? 16:16:58 <sambetts> jroll: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/317636/ 16:16:59 <sambetts> yeah 16:17:21 <jroll> yeah 16:17:37 * jroll feels like there's almost too much happening here sometimes 16:18:14 <Sukhdev> sambetts : I do not think routed networks related work will impact us in any way 16:18:56 <jroll> Sukhdev: it will, it splits the port-create into a create and a later update 16:19:08 <sambetts> what jroll said 16:19:40 <jroll> I *think* it's more like, we need to work with john to make sure it just works 16:19:46 <jroll> but there's discussions to be had, at a minimum 16:19:55 <sambetts> ++ 16:20:21 <Sukhdev> we already work with that assumption - i.e. create port first and then update 16:20:33 <Sukhdev> this is like early binding vs. late binding 16:20:52 <Sukhdev> this shifts allocation of ID in the late binding - 16:21:21 <Sukhdev> our integration work (sort of) already works with late binding model 16:21:50 <jroll> I mean, this changes the entire port allocation process, we do weird things, we'll need to be involved 16:21:59 <jroll> even if it's just keeping an eye on it to make sure it doesn't break us 16:22:24 <Sukhdev> While I agree that we should align our work, but, we should not derail ourselves because of this 16:22:38 <Sukhdev> Keeping an eye on it and driving correctly makes sense 16:23:06 <jroll> sure 16:23:19 <jroll> hence the "this may affect us" :) 16:24:27 <Sukhdev> right - agree, but, I am worried - rather then being driven by these, I rather proactively drive these 16:25:19 * sambetts crys because cross project is hard 16:25:21 <Sukhdev> I will speak with carl_baldwin and see if there is anything which could impact our work 16:25:58 <Sukhdev> sambetts : yes, part of the issue is that we delayed our integration a bit - 16:26:32 <Sukhdev> and the world is moving on - hence, it impacts us :-):-) 16:26:55 <sambetts> yup :) networking based schedualing will be good for us in the end 16:28:29 <Sukhdev> routed networks is like HPB - i.e. allocation of the segmentation IDs and IP allocation is pushed to the later stage via update port - as oppose to create port 16:29:43 <sambetts> sounds like a good model for us 16:29:44 <Sukhdev> I have an RFE out for manila-neutron integration - it impacts that integration more than Ironic-neutron integration 16:30:06 <Sukhdev> but, yes, things are moving too fast from all sides, hence, we need to stay atop of this work 16:31:12 <Sukhdev> i will follow up with carl_baldwin and armax to understand the changes and see what we have to do (if anything at all) to align with this 16:31:53 <Sukhdev> I less plugged into nova side - I rely on jroll for that 16:31:56 <jroll> well, the nova internals are the parts I'm concerned about 16:32:02 <jroll> the neutron stuff shouldn't change much 16:33:14 <Sukhdev> jroll : we should see how our nova patches are impacted - we need to update them anyways 16:33:37 <jroll> I'm concerned about the entire system, not just those patches 16:33:38 <jroll> but, agree 16:33:48 <sambetts> ++, hopefully my new spec should help us (ironic) interate faster on the ironic specific networking stuff 16:34:29 <sambetts> by moving alot of the logic out of the nova driver 16:36:54 <Sukhdev> What is the best way to proceed from here? We have couple of specs - perhaps review these and see how to align them? 16:37:33 <sambetts> Sounds like the logical way forward 16:38:53 <Sukhdev> Lets all review these specs and put appropriate comments on these - 16:40:33 <Sukhdev> hshiina points out that nova feature freeze is June 30 16:41:02 <sambetts> non-priority FF specifically 16:41:21 <Sukhdev> lets keep that in mind, in the past we got delayed because we missed the FF deadline :-) 16:41:37 <sambetts> Nova non-priotry spec freeze is next week 16:42:05 <sambetts> so if we need any specs landed we need to push in the next week 16:43:06 <Sukhdev> sambetts : oh - i thought it was June 30 - 16:43:11 <sambetts> spec freeze 16:43:16 <sambetts> not feature 16:43:24 <Sukhdev> oh my bad - got it 16:44:16 <sambetts> Our nova network spec was approved for mitaka, is it still valid or do we need to resummit? I'm not sure of the nova process 16:44:37 <jroll> sambetts: it was re-accepted already iirc 16:44:50 <jroll> yep http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/newton/approved/ironic-networks-support.html 16:45:20 <sambetts> jroll: ah right, I was looking at the Blueprint, and it said Accepted for Mitaka 16:45:54 <jroll> could ask mriedem to fix that 16:46:58 <Sukhdev> So, we are good from the spec point of view - we need to check the impact of John's spec on our work - right? 16:47:23 <Sukhdev> and see how all this aligns with sambetts's proposed spec 16:47:52 <sambetts> Sounds like action items to me 16:48:28 <Sukhdev> I just wanted to be clear so that I can focus my work for the week 16:48:49 <Sukhdev> I will review these patches - others please do so 16:48:58 <Sukhdev> as well 16:50:26 <Sukhdev> sambetts : there are couple of items you added to the agenda last week - we covered them, but, I left it on the agenda - just in case 16:50:48 <sambetts> Sukhdev: yup for the ironic interface attach API one is the spec I was talking about above ^ 16:50:57 <sambetts> Sukhdev: so we've covered that today already 16:51:25 <Sukhdev> I thought so, but, wanted to make sure you are good with that 16:51:37 <sambetts> And did you have a chance to do some digging into if neutron is looking to support bonding for virt? 16:52:08 <Sukhdev> no - I could not - the week was very crazy for me - 16:52:23 <Sukhdev> I will try to do it this week 16:53:09 <Sukhdev> hshiina has an item on agenda under Open Discussion 16:53:19 <sambetts> cool, that I think is really important to know because if we merge the portgroups API stuff then have to deprecate it in favor of neutrons model that'll hurt a lot 16:53:21 <Sukhdev> #topic Open Discussion 16:53:39 <Sukhdev> sambetts : understood - 16:53:48 <Sukhdev> hshiina : are you around? 16:54:04 <hshiina> yes. I'm afraid i was late to join. 16:54:21 <hshiina> we've tried portgroup in our environment. 16:54:58 <hshiina> then, we think we need one more fix to pass bonding information to an instance. 16:55:21 <hshiina> using configdrive. is it correct? 16:55:25 <sambetts> right, so that part isnt covered by either of our current nova patches 16:56:34 <Sukhdev> #link: http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/liberty/implemented/metadata-service-network-info.html#rest-api-impact 16:57:05 <sambetts> its something that does need doing and I have a POC of generating config drive network info here https://review.openstack.org/#/c/289412/1/nova/virt/ironic/driver.py 16:58:06 <sambetts> its based around the VLAN aware VMs stuff, but could be quite easily changed to fit into the current model 16:58:23 * Sukhdev time check 2 min 16:58:58 <hshiina> sambetts, your patch would be helpful. i think. 16:58:59 <sambetts> btw this does all the logic inside of the ironic virt driver, in the end we might need to hook into novas actual metadata generator but it works like this for now 16:59:21 <Sukhdev> #link: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/289412/1 16:59:23 <sambetts> also the file that is generated by this, currently will only be fully processed by glean 17:00:21 * Sukhdev time check - we are out of time folks 17:00:23 <sambetts> cloud-init doesn't have full support yet, but my patches to ensure bonding and multivlan worked for simple-init/glean were merged 17:01:02 <Sukhdev> lets take this to ironic channel - 17:01:21 <Sukhdev> Thanks for attending folks - remember no meeting next week 17:01:22 <Sukhdev> bye 17:01:30 <Sukhdev> #endmeeting