09:00:20 <saggi> #startmeeting karbor 09:00:21 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Aug 30 09:00:20 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is saggi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 09:00:22 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 09:00:24 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'karbor' 09:00:29 <saggi> Hi everyone 09:00:32 <xiangxinyong456> hello 09:00:43 <yuval> hey 09:00:47 <Leon_Wang> hello 09:01:37 <saggi> Are we waiting for anyone? 09:01:41 <zhonghua-lee> hi 09:01:48 <saggi> I haven't seen yinwei in meetings for a while 09:02:52 <saggi> OK 09:03:05 <saggi> #topic Delete 'crontab' time format for time trigger, and support RFC2445 (zengchen) 09:03:21 <saggi> zengchen is not here. 09:03:29 <yuval> pinged him in channel 09:03:56 <zengchen> sorry i am late 09:04:35 <saggi> What about $topic? 09:05:03 <zengchen> delete crontab time format and support rfc2445 only. 09:05:15 <saggi> why remove the existing one. Why not have both? 09:05:55 <saggi> zengchen ? 09:05:58 <zengchen> from the point of user, he don't care use which format to describe the time. 09:06:32 <zengchen> and from the point of horizon, it use only one time format. 09:06:34 <chenying__> hi 09:06:45 <zhonghua-lee> zengchen: can I say crontabl is part of RFC2445? 09:07:34 <zengchen> zhonghua-lee:RFC2445 is enough, and more appropriate than crontab. 09:08:23 <zhonghua-lee> zengchen: so, could you please simplly explain the difference "crontab" and RFC 2445, I think some guys confuse this 09:08:54 <zengchen> zhuanghua-lee:ok 09:09:22 <zhonghua-lee> zengchen: thanks 09:10:03 <chenying__> delete crontab. I think it is ok. 09:10:08 <zengchen> IMO, crontab can be used in simple use cases, and can not describe more complex time than rfc2445. 09:10:48 <saggi> xiangxinyong456: What about UI for this ?\ 09:11:02 <xiangxinyong456> if crontab is deleted,I guess we need to do some work in horizon 09:12:16 <zengchen> xiangxinyong456:whatever use rfc2445 or crontab or others, horizon should choose one from them. 09:12:47 <xiangxinyong456> yeah we have already use crontab. 09:13:10 <xiangxinyong456> why not keep the crontab? 09:13:14 <zengchen> xiangxinyong456:if so, we would better choose an appropriate one. 09:13:19 <zhonghua-lee> xiangxinyong456: can UI support both of them? 09:13:54 <xiangxinyong456> zhonghua-lee: it is not neccerray 09:13:55 <saggi> It's just a metter of having a format combo box 09:14:10 <yuval> IMO we should keep support for crontab for now. Later we can decide to change the UI for iCal and maybe remove crontab 09:14:22 <chenying__> chenzeng think crontab format is port of rfc2245 time format. 09:14:50 <chenying__> part 09:14:58 <xiangxinyong456> but the user does not care whether we use crontab or rfc 09:15:13 <saggi> xiangxinyong456: They have different features 09:15:23 <xiangxinyong456> yeah 09:15:46 <zhonghua-lee> xiangxinyong456: if users do not care, why to change the UI? 09:15:48 <zengchen> chenying__:I don't know whether crontab is part of rfc, I think if we want to support more complex time format, it better to use rfc. 09:15:51 <saggi> So they need different UIs for the different limitations\features 09:16:04 <xiangxinyong456> but we should users evevy day,every week, like this 09:16:25 <xiangxinyong456> the ui is the same 09:16:36 <saggi> zengchen: We are not arguing with that. But since we have the option to specify time format we can have both for now. We just need to make sure we have a proper UI for both. 09:16:56 <xiangxinyong456> but we need to do some transform between ui and time format 09:17:18 <xiangxinyong456> the ui is same 09:17:36 <zengchen> saggi:but i think we don't need to add a box for user to choose time format, they don't care. 09:17:53 <xiangxinyong456> zengchen: +1 09:17:58 <saggi> zengchen: I understand 09:18:24 <saggi> OK, than just make sure the UI moves to the new format as well. 09:18:58 <xiangxinyong456> yeah 09:19:14 <zengchen> saggi:at present, zhangshuai has submitted a patch to support rfc2445, so the last work is about UI. 09:19:28 <saggi> great 09:20:12 <zhangshuai___> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/359711 09:20:13 <zengchen> saggi:so we change to rfc some time later? 09:20:25 <xiangxinyong456> <yuval> IMO we should keep support for crontab for now. Later we can decide to change the UI for iCal and maybe remove crontab 09:20:33 <saggi> zengchen: When the UI changes 09:20:33 <xiangxinyong456> i agree yuval 09:20:56 <zengchen> saggi & xiangxinyong456:ok 09:21:04 <zhangshuai___> +1 09:21:32 <xiangxinyong456> if the rfc is stable, we could move into it in the ui 09:21:41 <saggi> OK, than we have both for now and try and migrate the default to be rfc2245 09:22:00 <xiangxinyong456> no problem 09:22:03 <zengchen> saggi:great. 09:22:14 <saggi> #topic Rename window September 2nd (yuvalbr) 09:22:49 <yuval> Well, infra team has designated September 2nd for the rename window 09:22:57 <yuval> it means a downtime for gerrit 09:23:14 <yuval> after that, smaug repositories will be renamed to karbor 09:23:23 <saggi> We need to be ready with patches to commit so that after the switch we can immediately fix all the paths and make sure everything still works. 09:23:33 <xiangxinyong456> good news 09:24:07 <yuval> the rename window happens on Friday 09:25:10 <yuval> also, all our communications move to #openstack-karbor 09:25:42 <xiangxinyong456> ok 09:25:47 <zhangshuai___> ok 09:26:53 <yuval> that's it 09:26:55 <zengchen> yuval:all patches should be merged before that. 09:27:06 <yuval> zengchen: which patches? 09:27:37 <zengchen> not merge now 09:27:53 <yuval> zengchen: what? 09:29:36 <zengchen> yuval:for example, the patches are reviewing now should be merged before that time. 09:30:18 <yuval> zengchen: the rename shouldn't affect patches pending review 09:30:35 <saggi> They will move to the new repo 09:30:40 <zengchen> yuval:ok 09:31:00 <saggi> That whole point of the downtime is to migrate all of the information 09:31:49 <zengchen> saggi:so we should spend more time to review patches, right? 09:32:09 <saggi> zengchen: You should always do that :) 09:32:26 <zengchen> saggi:ok, understand. 09:32:28 <yuval> zengchen: anything specific? 09:32:59 <zengchen> yuval:i have several patches pending review, so i have a little worry. 09:33:59 <yuval> zengchen: I see most of them had a new version in the latest day. are they stable now? 09:35:15 <zengchen> yuval: most of them is stable, i am trying to submit a patch about updating scheduled operation. 09:35:38 <yuval> zengchen: if something is not stable, mark with workflow -1, so we'll know to wait with the review 09:36:02 <zengchen> yuval:understand, i will do it. thank you. 09:37:28 <saggi> OK 09:37:35 <saggi> #topic open discussion 09:37:39 <saggi> Anything else? 09:39:20 <saggi> Just be ready to be on call on Friday in case something goes wrong and the infra guys needs us 09:40:12 <Leon_Wang> hi,i''m a new guy and want to be a contributor,can anyone give some tips on it? 09:40:27 <saggi> Leon_Wang: Sure 09:40:33 <yuval> Leon_Wang: welcome! :) 09:40:36 <Leon_Wang> saggi:thanks 09:40:38 <saggi> What area do you want to contribute to 09:40:44 <zengchen> Leon_Wang:welcome. 09:40:50 <xiangxinyong456> welcome leon 09:40:57 <chenying__> welcome 09:41:01 <Leon_Wang> saggi:karbor,of course:) 09:41:23 <Leon_Wang> everyone thank 09:42:34 <zengchen> Leon_Wang:maybe you can see the wiki first. if you have any problem. you can ask in our chanel. 09:42:46 <Leon_Wang> now i'm learning to know something about code review 09:43:00 <Leon_Wang> zengchen:yeah,working on it 09:44:43 <zengchen> Leon_Wang:good. then you can read our codes. karbor have 3 componets, you can choose one to see. 09:45:22 <Leon_Wang> is it nessary for me to get familiar with the concrete code? 09:45:49 <saggi> Leon_Wang: What do you want to do? Is there any feature you need or bug you want to fix? 09:46:20 <Leon_Wang> saggi:right now i think i only can do code review 09:47:14 <saggi> Leon_Wang: Go for it! 09:47:19 <Leon_Wang> saggi:but i want to fix bugs or even some feature later 09:47:26 <saggi> Sure 09:47:46 <saggi> We are all in #openstack-smaug or #openstack-karbor if you have any questions 09:47:55 <saggi> Thanks everyone 09:47:58 <saggi> #endmeeting