15:00:23 <saggi> #startmeeting karbor 15:00:23 <chenying_> hi 15:00:23 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Sep 6 15:00:23 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is saggi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:24 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:27 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'karbor' 15:00:30 <saggi> :) 15:00:34 <saggi> Hi everyone 15:00:37 <zhonghua> hi 15:01:26 <saggi> chenying ping 15:01:41 <saggi> Are we waiting on anyone? 15:01:43 <chenying_> hi 15:02:05 <chenying_> I don't think so. 15:02:09 <saggi> OK 15:02:17 <saggi> There are no items in the agenda. 15:02:24 <saggi> but I'll start with 15:02:35 <saggi> #topic post repository name change celebrations 15:02:40 <saggi> hurray 15:02:52 <zhonghua> sorry, I forgot to update the date 15:03:02 <zhonghua> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Karbor 15:03:11 <saggi> Ho, I see 15:03:21 <zhonghua> the last date should be 2016-9-6 15:03:23 <chenying_> Good news. 15:03:35 <saggi> We are now past the repo name change 15:03:39 <saggi> everything seems to be working 15:03:50 <saggi> So I can say we've officially changed 15:03:57 <saggi> hurray 15:04:01 <chenying_> The fullstack tests seem not work. 15:04:07 <saggi> I know 15:04:18 <saggi> I think I saw patches by yuval to try and fix it 15:04:30 <chenying_> yuval did lots of work about karbor name change. 15:04:43 <leon_wang> hi 15:04:44 <saggi> I know, too bad he isn't here 15:04:57 <chenying_> hi leon_wang welcome 15:05:03 <saggi> We'll just say that chenying did all the work 15:05:10 <saggi> good job chenying ! 15:05:33 <saggi> :) 15:05:46 <chenying_> Thanks eveyone did lots of work about it. 15:06:02 <saggi> yuval: You are just in time 15:06:04 <chenying_> hi yuval. 15:06:05 <yuval> hey, sorry for being late 15:06:09 <leon_wang> haha 15:06:47 <yuval> ^^ 15:07:03 <chenying_> We just say you did lots of work about karbor name change. good job! :) 15:07:07 <chenying_> yuval 15:07:08 <yuval> thanks :) 15:07:26 <yuval> still missing requirements patch which should be merged as soon as requirements cores finish review 15:07:45 <yuval> you can help reviewing it: https://review.openstack.org/353371 15:08:30 <leon_wang> yuval:I have installed the OpenStack on Ubuntu,but the local.conf you gave me didn't work 15:08:52 <yuval> once this patch is merged, we can merge the requirements change in karbor and karbor-dashboard 15:09:05 <yuval> leon_wang: replace every 'smaug' with 'karbor', should work now 15:09:21 <leon_wang> yuval:ok 15:09:28 <yuval> leon_wang: I managed to install devstack today a couple of times 15:09:32 <saggi> Hopfully next meeting we'll have everything in working order 15:09:35 <yuval> leon_wang: oh, one thing 15:10:09 <yuval> use these lines: 15:10:09 <yuval> enable_plugin karbor http://git.openstack.org/openstack/karbor refs/changes/91/365191/2 15:10:13 <yuval> enable_plugin karbor-dashboard http://git.openstack.org/openstack/karbor-dashboard refs/changes/30/365330/1 15:10:21 <leon_wang> yuval:thanks a lot 15:10:27 <yuval> (it takes the karbor and karbor-dashboard with the specific change that should be merged soon) 15:10:41 <yuval> (instead of master branch) 15:11:31 <saggi> #topic Generic database Bank implementation(chenying) 15:11:39 <yuval> btw, almost all of the rename job was done by the infra team, and they did a great job 15:11:56 <chenying_> I have submitted a spec about database bank plugins. Plz help me to review it . That is the only thing I want to say. 15:12:06 <yuval> so, I guess thanks should go to them 15:12:51 <yuval> chenying_: sure 15:13:03 <yuval> chenying_: one thing. We onced discussed single site protect and restore 15:13:40 <yuval> chenying_: and whether resources will be deleted or new resources will be created 15:13:47 <yuval> chenying_: remember? 15:14:21 <chenying_> yuval: Oh I forget. 15:14:39 <yuval> chenying_: lol :) 15:15:11 <yuval> chenying_: we discussed that when I visited you 15:15:39 <chenying_> yuval: Do you mean the resore action flow? 15:15:52 <yuval> chenying_: yes, single site restore 15:16:04 <chenying_> yuval: OK I know. 15:16:46 <yuval> chenying_: well, this is an issue we need to tackle, and probably mean creating new resources, possibly deleting the old ones 15:17:04 <chenying_> yuval: IMO, we can do different work about restore action from the plan parameter. 15:18:15 <yuval> chenying_: there's more to just choosing the strategy 15:19:11 <yuval> chenying_: the issue is, if karbor creates new resources, where will they be created? same project? different project? how will the tenant understand which were the 'old' resources and which are the 'new'? 15:19:31 <chenying_> yuval: Ok we need think it over about it. 15:19:39 <yuval> chenying_: and if we intend to delete 'old' resources - how can karbor match a 'new' resource to an 'old' resource 15:20:00 <yuval> chenying_: me, saggi and oshidoshi have some thoughts about it, just wanted to raise that into awareness 15:20:40 * yuval breathes 15:21:08 <zhonghua> yuval: what's the "delete old resources" meaning? 15:22:15 <zhonghua> restore target is the exsiting resource? 15:22:22 <yuval> zhonghua: consider you have resource A->B->C in a checkpoint, and you restore into a project having A->D->C . One option is to restore into a different project, or create new resources. Another option is to delete and create resources in order to bring the project into the checkpoint 'state' 15:23:23 <yuval> (clarification: even when you restore into a new project, new resources are created0 15:24:05 <zhonghua> I think the most use case is only one layer dependency. 15:24:42 <zhonghua> especially only for volume. 15:26:43 <yuval> that's it from me 15:26:52 <zhonghua> :) 15:26:55 <saggi> Anything else? 15:27:37 <saggi> OK than were done here 15:27:42 <saggi> Thanks everyone 15:27:44 <saggi> #endmeeting