14:59:42 <yuval> #startmeeting karbor 14:59:52 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Sep 20 14:59:42 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is yuval. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:59:54 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:59:56 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'karbor' 15:00:05 <yuval> Hello everybody 15:00:10 <yuval> Welcome to Karbor meeting 15:01:05 <yuval> Who's here for the Karbor meeting? 15:02:30 <zhonghua-lee> hi 15:02:40 <saggi> Hi 15:02:51 <yuval> oh, hey saggi 15:03:05 <saggi> Hi. On the phone. 15:03:34 <xiangxinyong> Hello 15:04:59 <yuval> Well, let's begin 15:05:16 <yuval> #topic Dashboard Tasks 15:05:28 <yuval> I noticed there are a few things missing in dashboard 15:05:37 <yuval> 1. we have no scheduled operations page 15:05:57 <yuval> scheduled operations created for plans can not be deleted/edited 15:07:07 <yuval> 2. pages displaying objects, such as checkpoint page, trigger page, etc, do not update the objects statuses 15:07:24 <yuval> if a checkpoint is being created, it will stay so until the page is refreshed 15:07:36 <yuval> 3. you can not edit a plan 15:07:58 <yuval> xiangxinyong: what do you think about these? 15:08:34 <xiangxinyong> yuval:about 1 15:09:07 <xiangxinyong> as I mentioned, should we add a panel for scheduled operation? 15:09:31 <xiangxinyong> or add the scheduled operation into operation logs panel? 15:09:32 <yuval> xiangxinyong: do we have an alternative? 15:10:16 <yuval> xiangxinyong: not sure how can it fit inside the operation log panel 15:10:46 <saggi> I think it should have a separate tab. 15:11:35 <xiangxinyong> but what's the difference between the two panels? 15:12:28 <yuval> xiangxinyong: scheduled operations is which operation assigned to which trigger. operations log shows past and current running operations 15:14:12 <yuval> xiangxinyong: regarding 2, I posted a bug regarding it, with details on how cinder handles volume creation 15:15:10 <xiangxinyong> yuval: it means we will show scheduled_operations and scheduled_operation_logs table's data 15:15:41 <xiangxinyong> scheduled_operations table's data is in the scheduled operations panel? 15:16:00 <yuval> xiangxinyong: if I get your right, then yes 15:16:04 <yuval> *you 15:16:16 <xiangxinyong> scheduled_operation_logs table's data is in the operation logs panel? 15:16:39 <yuval> yes 15:16:56 <xiangxinyong> what about the restores? 15:17:11 <xiangxinyong> we add another panel to show restores? 15:17:25 <yuval> yes, that too 15:18:15 <xiangxinyong> oh. big change. 15:18:33 <yuval> well, that's a discussion 15:19:08 <xiangxinyong> at present, we have not API interface aboutscheduled_operation_logs 15:19:31 <xiangxinyong> at present, we have no API interface about scheduled_operation_logs 15:19:34 <xiangxinyong> sorry 15:19:54 <yuval> I'll continue to the next topic 15:20:11 <yuval> #topic Protectables issues 15:20:19 <yuval> 2 issues here: 15:20:39 <yuval> 1. we list protectables that might be not in an available status 15:21:02 <yuval> 2. glance protectable lists kernel and ramdisk, and I'm not sure it is supposed to 15:21:47 <yuval> Also, when we show a plan that includes a deleted resource, we get an error in dashboard 15:22:00 <yuval> I'll open bugs for all of these 15:22:22 <yuval> #topic Open Discussion 15:22:34 <yuval> leon_wang: I believe you wanted to bring something up? 15:22:44 <leon_wang> yuval:yes 15:23:42 <leon_wang> I have a proposal that we can collect requirements from OPNFV about Recurer and then launch them in Karbor as BP.What do you think? 15:24:05 <leon_wang> sorry, Rescurer 15:24:41 <yuval> what is rescurer? 15:25:08 <leon_wang> The reason is below:as a system integrater, OPNFV can provide some requirements from customers, I think it would be win-win. 15:25:44 <leon_wang> yuval: it's a project about data protection. 15:26:11 <zhonghua-lee> leon_wang: protection for what? 15:26:15 <leon_wang> yuval: We will propose it in OPNFV soon. 15:27:21 <leon_wang> zhonghua-lee: one of OPNFV key components is OpenStack, so it is what it means. 15:27:23 <zhonghua-lee> leon_wang: I think i am very interested in that, could you please introduce more? 15:28:56 <leon_wang> zhonghua-lee:Since OPNFV will set up a Storage WG, then we want to propose a project about data protection. 15:30:29 <zhonghua-lee> leon_wang: what's that meaning? what's the difference between Rescurer and Karbor? 15:31:14 <leon_wang> zhonghua-lee:it's totally different. the former only collects requirements. 15:33:01 <zhonghua-lee> leon_wang:only collect requirements, does that mean there is no project? 15:33:15 <zhonghua-lee> no really coding project 15:33:19 <leon_wang> yeah 15:33:39 <zhonghua-lee> make sense, sounds a good idea. 15:33:39 <yuval> leon_wang: sounds like there is a room for collaboration 15:33:55 <yuval> *is room 15:33:57 <leon_wang> yuval:what do you mean? 15:34:26 <yuval> leon_wang: we would like to hear more about your proposal 15:34:49 <zhonghua-lee> yuval:yeah, me too 15:36:03 <yuval> anything else? 15:36:17 <leon_wang> yuval: it's my rough thoughts, if you guys thinks it so, I will communicate with OPNFV about concrete things/ 15:36:34 <yuval> leon_wang: we would like to hear more 15:37:03 <leon_wang> They will hold workshop next week and i can communicate with them. 15:37:18 <yuval> great 15:37:18 <leon_wang> thanks yuval and zhonghua-lee. 15:37:23 <yuval> thank you! 15:37:31 <yuval> anything else? 15:37:33 <zhonghua-lee> leon_wang: thank you 15:37:53 <leon_wang> yuval:one thing left. 15:38:30 <leon_wang> yuval:about the bp about user isolation,what should i do next? 15:39:16 <yuval> leon_wang: we will discuss it on your patch, and once approved we can start moving to code 15:39:41 <leon_wang> yuval:ok, thanks 15:39:55 <leon_wang> I'm done. 15:39:55 <yuval> good night :) 15:39:58 <yuval> #endmeeting