09:02:41 <saggi> #startmeeting karbor 09:02:42 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Nov 8 09:02:41 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is saggi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 09:02:43 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 09:02:45 <saggi> Hi everyone 09:02:46 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'karbor' 09:02:55 <leon_wang> hi 09:02:55 <xiangxinyong> hello 09:03:09 <zengchen> hello guys. 09:03:30 <saggi> Sorry for being a bit late, was busy looking at patches 09:03:30 <yuval> hey 09:04:11 <saggi> Speaking on patches.... 09:04:11 <saggi> #topic The way to stability 09:04:37 <saggi> I spent the last couple of days triaging all the bugs on launchpad 09:05:07 <saggi> That means setting priorities and deciding what should get in Ocata. 09:05:48 <saggi> Patch sets that relate to bugs should get a much higher priority in review than other patches. 09:06:04 <saggi> Also, fixing bugs is of higher priority than cleanups. 09:06:43 <saggi> Further more, please open bugs on things that you know are broken. I will triage bugs every morning so we know what we need to do. 09:08:03 <xiangxinyong> ok 09:08:15 <saggi> Currently what is being stable means is only in our heads. It's better that we have a list of things we need to fix. 09:09:59 <xiangxinyong> do we need to mark them in the lauchpad? 09:10:00 <saggi> Please make sure to make the bug reports detailed and easy to understand even out of context since someone else might fix the problem you found 09:10:22 <saggi> xiangxinyong: It should be automatic 09:10:27 <leon_wang> ok 09:10:29 <saggi> If you set the proper headers in gerrit 09:10:47 <saggi> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/GitCommitMessages 09:11:22 <yuval> btw, chenying and zhonghua-lee here too? 09:12:23 <xiangxinyong> they are not available 09:12:56 <saggi> Just to sum up. If you see a problem and you can't send a patch immediately, open a bug. Otherwise things fall through the cracks. 09:13:16 <saggi> I will send an email to the mailing list and CC chenying and zhonghua-lee about it 09:13:49 <xiangxinyong> saggi:great 09:14:18 <xiangxinyong> do you mean every patch needs a bug or bp? 09:14:35 <yuval> we have some bugs with inactive assignee, I think 09:15:12 <saggi> xiangxinyong: It will get higher priority review from me and yuval. Also if a bug exists for the problem you are fixing you will need to set the bug in the commit message. 09:15:40 <xiangxinyong> saggi: agree 09:16:33 <xiangxinyong> the Standard commit message is important 09:17:21 <leon_wang> xiangxinyong:couldn't agree more. 09:17:35 <xiangxinyong> :) 09:18:36 <leon_wang> often be confused with the patch which doesn't contain any commit message :( 09:18:37 <saggi> Needless to say, working on fixing bugs is top priority. 09:19:46 <zengchen> totally agree. 09:19:57 <saggi> #topic Adding Karbor into Kolla and implementing container deployment (xiangxinyong) 09:20:44 <xiangxinyong> we discuss the feature with kolla team members. zhanglei and caiwei 09:21:04 <saggi> xiangxinyong: This relates to ease of installation so we might fit in the the O cycle. But I wonder what we need to change code wise for this to work. 09:21:32 <zhangshuai> zhanglei and caowei 09:21:33 <xiangxinyong> zhangshuai: are you around? 09:22:03 <xiangxinyong> zhangshuai is working on it 09:22:14 <zhangshuai> saggi:no 09:22:41 <xiangxinyong> I guess we only need to give the installation documents to kolla team 09:23:12 <saggi> xiangxinyong: can they convert the devstack scripts? 09:23:26 <zhangshuai> they make it as a docker image 09:23:48 <zhangshuai> xiangxinyong:you are right. 09:23:50 <yuval> I believe working on OpenStack Ansible deployment first could help 09:24:22 <xiangxinyong> yeah. caowei from 99cloud is an expert 09:24:24 <saggi> zaneb: What is the the delta between kolla and openstack-ansible 09:25:29 <xiangxinyong> but unfortunately caowei is not here today. 09:26:38 <xiangxinyong> It is easy for him to submit a patch in kolla to do this work 09:27:07 <xiangxinyong> it is very well for karbor and kolla 09:27:23 <saggi> What will the patch do is it a Dockerfile? 09:28:39 <xiangxinyong> saggi: not sure. but zhangshuai and caowei are working on it. 09:28:42 <zhangshuai> like https://review.openstack.org/#/c/374908 09:29:28 <xiangxinyong> zhangshuai: thanks 09:29:52 <zhangshuai> :) 09:30:06 <leon_wang> zhuangshuai:great 09:30:23 <saggi> zhangshuai, xiangxinyong: Great, Please put me as a reviewer for any patches for Karbor in Kolla. 09:30:30 <yuval> me too please 09:30:49 <xiangxinyong> :) no problem. 09:31:16 <zhangshuai> saggi,yuval: ok, thank you. 09:31:34 <saggi> #topic Karbor integrated with Freezer Plan (xiangxinyong) 09:31:34 <xiangxinyong> we could keep touch with kolla's guys 09:31:45 <saggi> xiangxinyong: sure 09:31:55 <xiangxinyong> yangyapeng: are you around? 09:32:16 <yangyapeng> xiangxinyong: yeah 09:32:28 <xiangxinyong> welcome to join this meeting 09:32:50 <xiangxinyong> yangyapeng from 99cloud is the freezer's core member 09:32:52 <yangyapeng> :) 09:32:55 <xiangxinyong> he is very kind 09:33:16 <leon_wang> hi yapeng 09:33:27 <saggi> hi yangyapeng 09:33:35 <yuval> hey yangyapeng 09:33:43 <yangyapeng> hello guys :) 09:33:59 <saggi> I have my ideas on how to integrate but I'd much rather hear what yangyapeng has to suggest. 09:33:59 <xiangxinyong> saggi: do we have some plans to integrate with freezer.? 09:34:06 <saggi> Yes 09:34:21 <saggi> It depends on freezer plugins 09:35:16 <yangyapeng> whether it have a details in etherpad 09:35:22 * saggi is looking for the freezer etherpad 09:35:50 <xiangxinyong> saggi: may we develop a freezer plugin to connect freezer? 09:35:57 <saggi> yangyapeng: can't find the etherpads from BCN : https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Design_Summit/Ocata/Etherpads 09:36:10 <yuval> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/freezer_other_roadmap_ocata 09:36:13 <yuval> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/freezer_new_archi 09:36:51 <saggi> The last one 09:37:25 <saggi> So if we look at what we need from freezer. It's guest cooperation. 09:38:37 <saggi> File level backups don't really make much since for the Karbor story. So what we want to do is invoke freezer and have it tell the applications to prepare for backup. 09:39:03 <saggi> Than we create the backup the usual Karbor way. 09:40:25 <saggi> The main question is if we can pass configuration about plugins in the API call itself. 09:40:38 <saggi> Instead of creating plans in freezer 09:41:03 <saggi> yangyapeng ^^ 09:41:20 <xiangxinyong> saggi: I guess creating plans in freezer is not good 09:41:27 <chenying2016> hi 09:41:44 <chenying2016> I am 09:41:52 <xiangxinyong> :) 09:41:53 <saggi> xiangxinyong: We would like to user freezer as a stateless entity 09:41:54 <chenying2016> I am late 09:42:03 <saggi> chenying2016: :) 09:42:10 <xiangxinyong> saggi: agree with you 09:42:48 <xiangxinyong> saggi: it seems like we need to do more commuications with freezer team 09:42:49 <saggi> yangyapeng left 09:43:32 <saggi> xiangxinyong: You are right. I will add an item to their weekly meeting this week to talk about statelessness. 09:43:42 <xiangxinyong> ^^ 09:44:02 <xiangxinyong> yeah. yangyapeng and Pierre-Arthur Mathieu could help us. 09:44:18 <zengchen> saggi: we can simply use freezer to do what it does. just invoke its api. but the question is the configuration of freezer agent is a little complex. 09:44:35 <xiangxinyong> saggi: thank you. 09:44:38 <saggi> zengchen: What configuration 09:44:50 <chenying2016> install 09:44:55 <chenying2016> freezer 09:45:39 <saggi> Yes, maybe we can also get them to have an agentless option. 09:45:42 <saggi> We'll see 09:46:32 <zengchen> saggi:you can see there are a little more configurations for the freezer agent. the user should know how to use them. 09:46:34 <saggi> chenying2016: In any case, freezer is not a mandatory requirement for karbor. We will only use it for application level consistency. 09:47:01 <zengchen> saggi:i had writed a plugin of freezer. 09:47:17 <xiangxinyong> zengchen: great 09:48:20 <yuval> this plugin architecture is not yet merged, right? 09:48:25 <zengchen> saggi:hope to see your detailf of solution. 09:48:32 <saggi> #action talk to Freezer team about using freezer as a stateless entity preferably without setting up schedulers. 09:48:55 <xiangxinyong> saggi: thanks 09:49:26 <zengchen> yuval:you asked me? 09:49:35 <yuval> as a general question 09:50:02 <saggi> yuval: IIRC it's in their roadmap for this cycle 09:50:07 <saggi> But I'm not sure. 09:50:25 <yuval> saggi: thumbs up emoji 09:50:51 <saggi> #topic open discussion 09:50:54 <saggi> Anything else? 09:51:46 <zengchen> i have came across a question 09:52:57 <chenying> I hope the patches about the operationengine could be merged,\. 09:53:07 <saggi> zengchen: ... 09:53:16 <saggi> chenying. I'll try and do it today 09:53:21 <zengchen> about this patch (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/384062/). the unit test can pass if i use 'ostestr' to run, if it failed when i use 'tox - e py27' 09:53:31 <chenying> The operationengine servcie could not work because of this patches. 09:54:16 <saggi> zengchen: You are asking why it fails? 09:54:26 <chenying> zengchen have a problom about tox -e to run unit test. 09:54:32 <zengchen> the reason is the 'mock' can not work when the run unit test with 'tox' 09:54:59 <saggi> zengchen: It fails all version of python 09:55:56 <zengchen> saggi:i just want to ask who know the difference between the 'ostestr' and 'tox'. I think if the 'ostestr' can work, the 'tox' can work too. 09:56:23 <saggi> It might be something in the configuration. I will have to look at it more closely to see what the problem is. 09:56:25 <zengchen> saggi:yes, both py27 and py34 failed. 09:57:02 <zengchen> saggi:thanks. I have spent a lot of time on it. but i failed to fix it. 09:57:27 <saggi> zengchen: I'll try and squeeze it in my schedule. 09:57:52 <saggi> Anything else? 09:58:12 <zengchen> saggi:thanks very much. 09:58:53 <saggi> I would like to just to thank xiangxinyong for his great suggestions for topics for this meeting. And in general trying to get Kolla and Freezer's cooperation. 09:59:01 <yuval> xiangxinyong: great job! 09:59:05 <saggi> Good day everyone 09:59:19 <zengchen> bye bye. 09:59:22 <saggi> #endmeeting