09:00:39 <yuval> #startmeeting Karbor 09:00:40 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Nov 22 09:00:39 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is yuval. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 09:00:42 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 09:00:44 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'karbor' 09:00:57 <yuval> Hey everybody 09:01:08 <yuval> Who is here for the Karbor meeting? 09:01:23 <xiangxinyong> hello 09:02:11 <leon_wang> yuval: hi 09:02:21 <chenying_> hi 09:02:22 <xiangxinyong> good morning 09:02:49 <yuval> Saggi couldn't make it to the meeting 09:03:22 <yuval> #topic Ocata Progress 09:03:43 <yuval> Right, so as you might have seen, we have bugs assigned to Ocata: https://launchpad.net/karbor/+milestone/ocata 09:04:01 <yinwei_computer> hi 09:04:03 <yuval> almost 30 09:04:31 <yuval> Please take a look if you can take a bug and assign it to yourself 09:04:31 <xiangxinyong> hi 09:04:34 <xiangxinyong> yeah 09:04:37 <yuval> we have many bugs without carriers 09:05:41 <yuval> we have bugs assigned to WeAreFormalGroup, yizhihui, chenhuayi, which I haven't seen in a while 09:06:11 <xiangxinyong> hi yuval 09:06:17 <yinwei_computer> WeAreFormalGroup may couldn't fix his bug 09:06:19 <yuval> If you are an assignee to a bug, and think you can not handle in Ocata, unassign yourself from it 09:06:34 <xiangxinyong> I have already solved this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/karbor/+bug/1613531 09:06:34 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1613531 in Karbor "Fix Scheduled Operation Creation failed" [Medium,In progress] - Assigned to edison xiang (xiang-edison) 09:06:50 <yuval> yinwei_computer: please tell him to unassign himself 09:06:52 <xiangxinyong> but the status in launchpad is not chagned 09:06:54 <yinwei_computer> btw, let's see if some bugs have already been fixed 09:07:02 <yinwei_computer> ok 09:07:55 <yuval> We have some bugs/missing features which might be a bit time consuming 09:08:03 <yuval> such as create a plan edit/update in dashboard 09:08:41 <xiangxinyong> yeah 09:09:25 <yuval> right, so after meeting please take 10 minutes to pass over the bug list 09:09:38 <zengchen> got it. 09:10:32 <yuval> Ocata MS2 (which we are not bound to, since we are independent release) is in 12/12 09:11:07 <yuval> #topic Open Discussion 09:11:16 <yuval> Nothing else on the agenda today 09:11:20 <yuval> So: open discussion 09:12:03 <yuval> anybody? 09:12:21 <xiangxinyong> yuval: if the bugs are resovled, we should specify which kind of status in the launchpad? 09:12:45 <xiangxinyong> Confirmed or Fix Released? 09:13:06 <yuval> fix committed 09:13:13 <yuval> fix released is when we release on Ocata 09:13:24 <leon_wang> yuval: hi, i have set a patch for a bug but somehow i cannot git review it. 09:13:31 <zengchen> about 'https://bugs.launchpad.net/karbor/+bug/1566793', last time ,i submit a spec, but yuval said there is a new spec in keystone to solve this kind of bugs. but that spec is assgined to Ocata, and have some patch not merged. so, do we wait keystone? 09:13:31 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1566793 in Karbor "authenticate in protection service client" [High,Triaged] 09:13:31 <leon_wang> : ( 09:14:08 <yuval> leon_wang: is it a technical issue? if yes, please ping me in #openstack-karbor after meeting 09:14:14 <yuval> xiangxinyong: ok? 09:14:37 <leon_wang> yuval: i guess it is. 09:14:37 <yuval> zengchen: what is the status of the keystone spec? 09:14:39 <xiangxinyong> yuval: understood. :) 09:15:18 <zengchen> yuval:the spec is merged, but the corresponding patches are not all merged. 09:15:54 <zengchen> yuval:and i don't know if there are more patch not submitted. 09:16:11 <yuval> zengchen: but the api is set 09:16:32 <yuval> zengchen: I believe it is safe to assume it will be merged until Ocata release 09:16:50 <yuval> zengchen: have you read the spec? does it fit our needs? 09:17:13 <zengchen> yuval:i have read. it can work. 09:18:14 <zengchen> yuval:we can start work on it, but there is some difficulty on test, because keystone has not finished its all work. 09:18:24 <yuval> zengchen: seems like the keystone patch is almost complete: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/382098/ 09:18:32 <yuval> zengchen: you can also +1 it if you think it is ok 09:19:12 <yinwei_computer> plus, I have committed a spec for replication support in smaug. Not sure if there's any idea about it? 09:19:42 <zengchen> yuval:I will read its patches. so, i will start to work on our bug. 09:20:06 <yuval> yinwei_computer: replication will be in Pike, not Ocata 09:20:25 <yinwei_computer> yes, I know that 09:20:34 <yuval> yinwei_computer: myself and Saggi will try to get it, but we first want to push the bugs for Ocata 09:20:43 <yinwei_computer> sure 09:20:44 <yinwei_computer> got it 09:21:00 <zengchen> yuval:there are some patches not merged. https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/allow-expired,n,z 09:21:05 <yinwei_computer> is there any problem if we start to work it on cinder tiramisu? 09:21:44 <yuval> yinwei_computer: sorry, not sure I understand 09:21:55 <yinwei_computer> we prepare the patch, but we don't merge it to Pike 09:22:11 <yuval> yinwei_computer: are you speaking about the cinder spec or the karbor spec? 09:22:16 <yinwei_computer> I mean, smaug replication relates to cinder tiramisu patch 09:22:34 <yinwei_computer> since cinder tiramisu hasn't merged yet 09:23:11 <yinwei_computer> is it possible for us to work on karbor replication in advance? 09:23:13 <yuval> yinwei_computer: yes, tiramisu is targeted to pike as well ( https://review.openstack.org/#/c/229722/ ) 09:23:27 <yuval> yinwei_computer: yes, and we should be part of the cinder tiramisu effort 09:24:49 <yinwei_computer> so my question is, is it possible for us to prepare the feature in advance? 09:25:27 <yuval> yinwei_computer: yes, we should definitely think about how relication fits inside karbor, regardless of the tiramisu 09:25:47 <yinwei_computer> thanks, that answers my question 09:26:08 <yuval> yinwei_computer: :) 09:26:10 <yuval> anything else? 09:26:33 <yinwei_computer> so pls. take a look at my patch when you are free, let's talk about in details later 09:26:54 <yuval> yinwei_computer: great 09:28:03 <yuval> Right, thank you all 09:28:11 <yuval> #endmeeting