15:03:41 <saggi> #startmeeting karbor 15:03:42 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jan 24 15:03:41 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is saggi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:03:43 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:03:46 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'karbor' 15:03:49 <saggi> hi everyone 15:03:52 <yuval> Hey 15:03:54 <chenying__> hi 15:04:28 <diablo_rojo_phon> Hello :) 15:04:45 <saggi> We've got a lot of stuff in the agenda today 😁 15:04:48 <yuval> hey diablo_rojo_phon 15:05:04 <yuval> saggi: I'm responsible for that.. 15:05:21 <chenying__> hi welcome 15:05:36 <saggi> Please add your nick to the items you add so I know who the owner is. 15:06:06 <saggi> #topic PTL Nominations 15:06:29 <saggi> As you all probably know this is PTL nomination time. 15:07:30 <saggi> I regrettably will not be able to be able to perform my duty as PTL for the next cycle. 15:08:06 <saggi> I need to shift my focus to different projects so I will not be able to give Karbor my full attention. 15:08:14 <chenying__> oh it not a good news 15:08:50 <saggi> I will still try and be active in the project like doing reviews and going over spec files 15:09:08 <saggi> And show up for meetings 15:09:32 <chenying__> tks saggi 15:10:07 <saggi> I believe that we have enough talented people so that the project can thrive without my full attention 15:10:37 <saggi> It's been a pleasure working with everyone getting Karbor off the ground and in to V1.0 15:11:45 <yuval> thanks saggi 15:12:04 <saggi> And with the same breath I would like to suggest Yuval as P cycle PTL. 15:12:36 <saggi> He has been instrumental in getting the past 2 cycles done. 15:12:56 <saggi> He does the most amount of reviews by a large margin 15:13:09 <saggi> and has intimate knowledge on the inner working of the project. 15:13:45 <chenying___> sound good for 15:13:50 <chenying___> yuval 15:14:04 <yuval> saggi: Thank you for the vote of confidence 15:15:56 <saggi> #topic Kolla deployment 15:15:58 <diablo_rojo_phon> Can I make one quick announcement before we move to the next topic? It's in regards to the ptg. 15:15:59 <saggi> Who owns this? 15:16:07 <saggi> sure 15:16:16 <saggi> #topic ptg hijack 15:16:22 <diablo_rojo_phon> We've been looking over registration numbers for Karbor and it didn't look like many had denoted they were coming for Karbor. Just wanted to raise awareness that there aren't many registration spots left and the prices hike up soon so if you've been waiting to register, now is the time before the event fills up. 15:16:38 <diablo_rojo_phon> We want to see Karbor succeed :) 15:16:43 <diablo_rojo_phon> That's all 15:17:04 <saggi> diablo_rojo_phon, thanks 15:17:22 <diablo_rojo_phon> saggi: thanks for permission to hijack :) 15:17:43 <saggi> #topic Kolla deployment 15:17:49 <saggi> Who owns this? 15:17:55 <yuval> me 15:18:05 <yuval> I actually wanted to get the status of the kolla deployment 15:18:15 <yuval> Noticed that all relevant patches were merged 15:19:01 <saggi> Who was the owner? 15:19:31 <yuval> Wei Cao. I believe he is not here 15:19:37 <yuval> we can move on 15:20:09 <saggi> #topic Ocata RC1 15:20:27 <yuval> Ocata RC1 is next week 15:20:39 <yuval> and with it we will be branching out stable/ocata on all of karbor's repos 15:20:43 <chenying> caiwei may want to notice that the kolla patch about karbor have been merged. 15:21:30 <yuval> technically, we are indepenent release, but we adhere to the release cycle as we will want to become a cycle release in the near future 15:21:54 <saggi> What about packaging? 15:23:07 <yuval> what about it? 15:24:09 <saggi> We had issues with that last release IIRC 15:24:41 <yuval> saggi: don't recall exactly :\ 15:25:18 <saggi> There is some thing that needs to be done so we are packaged correctly as part of the release 15:25:28 <saggi> in pypi 15:25:47 <yuval> saggi: I'll look into it 15:25:50 <saggi> thanks 15:25:56 <saggi> #topic Plan status (started, suspended) 15:26:12 <yuval> currently each plan has a 'started'/'suspended' status 15:26:36 <yuval> seems like it is not being used by anything 15:26:56 <chenying> In the early design, 'started'/'suspended' statu is for the Replication. 15:27:18 <saggi> It's not, it's going to be used for replication. We need to make sure we are started when we create a checkpoint 15:27:38 <saggi> And spit an error if the status is incorrect 15:27:43 <chenying> It is not used for backup feature in karbor. 15:28:10 <saggi> Backup assumes started since we might need the replication to be active to create a checkpoint. 15:28:39 <saggi> It's also a way for the tenant to stop a plan from running even if there are timed operations that invoke it from the outside. 15:28:59 <yuval> I see 15:29:23 <yuval> ok, we need to fix that in docs and add a validation 15:30:12 <saggi> Open a bug 15:30:38 <yuval> yep 15:30:38 <saggi> #topic Protection Plugins (Glance, Nova, Neutron) 15:30:47 <yuval> Glance is almost complete by chenying 15:30:54 <yuval> Nova will follow 15:31:03 <yuval> is anyone working on Neutron? 15:31:22 <chenying> I will finished the nova plugin about the situation boot form volume tomorrow/ 15:32:11 <chenying> chenhuayi is working on the network plugin refactor these days. 15:32:29 <yuval> chenying: it must be complete before ocata release 15:32:34 <chenying> but he may need some help about it. 15:32:45 <yuval> chenying: well, he can start pushing it to gerrit with WIP 15:32:55 <yuval> chenying: so we can at least give comments during work 15:33:43 <chenying> yuval Ok Sound good. He need submit a new patch about it ASAP, so we can review and give some comments. 15:34:58 <saggi> chenying, why is he not in the meeting? 15:36:13 <chenying> saggi He may don't now the irc meeting time about karbor. He retrun to work on karbor from last week. 15:37:08 <saggi> OK, we might need to return to sending reminders to the mailing list 15:37:17 <saggi> #topic dashboard 15:37:35 <yuval> dashboard is in good condition, zhangshuai fixed the plan edit 15:37:40 <chenying> I will tell him tomorrow. And we could discuss the network plugins in karbor's IRC channel. 15:37:54 <yuval> and we have the checkpoint status update patch almost ready 15:38:16 <yuval> I'll open a bug about adding type parameters in plan 15:38:35 <yuval> we can jump to open discussion imo 15:38:47 <chenying> yuval: Yes Zhangshuai did a good job about it. 15:39:11 <saggi> #topic open discussion 15:39:19 <saggi> Anything else? 15:40:08 <chenying> I notice that yuval have introduced backup the volume from a snapshot. 15:40:56 <chenying> So Do we consider introducing a independent volume snapshot plugin? 15:41:19 <chenying> in P cycle 15:41:21 <yuval> chenying: I think we spoke about that earlier this week/last week 15:41:48 <saggi> last week 15:42:10 <chenying> Oh I remember it. 15:43:01 <chenying> What I want to say, do we need dicuss the solution in PTG. Add it as a topic in the ptg. 15:43:34 <saggi> Add it with proper description and we'll see 15:44:08 <saggi> chenying, OK? 15:44:10 <chenying> There are something that may need think carefully. 15:44:15 <chenying> saggi: Ok 15:44:44 <saggi> Anything else? 15:45:36 <saggi> OK, thanks everybody 15:45:40 <yuval> thanks, cya 15:45:45 <saggi> #endmeeting