15:04:22 <yuval> #startmeeting Karbor 15:04:22 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Feb 7 15:04:22 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is yuval. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:04:23 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:04:26 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'karbor' 15:04:32 <yuval> Hello everybody 15:04:40 <chenying> hey 15:04:49 <yuval> hey :) 15:05:04 <yuval> chenying: anyone else joining us from over there? 15:05:22 <chenhuayi> hey 15:05:28 <chenying> yuval I don't know. I am at home. 15:05:31 <yuval> hey chenhuayi 15:05:46 <chenying> hi chenhuayi 15:06:09 <chenhuayi> hey yuval 15:06:35 <yuval> right, let's begin 15:06:45 <yuval> #topic Ocata RC 15:07:06 <yuval> We are almost in the Ocata release 15:07:15 <yuval> most projects have branched out ocata 15:07:34 <yuval> the only reason we haven't done so in karbor repo is because of the gate failure which we solved today 15:07:46 <yuval> karbor-dashboard and python-karborclient were branched out and released 15:08:11 <chenying> So we can branch out ocata taday or tomorrow. 15:08:21 <yuval> after we merge the remaining patches today and tomorrow, I'll release and branch 15:08:25 <yuval> chenying: yes :) 15:08:40 <yuval> and a patch to release repo is required 15:09:07 <yuval> any patches which you think are a must for ocata (besides the nova protection plugin) 15:09:10 <yuval> ? 15:09:25 <chenying> chenhuayi The network plugins also need be merged to ocata branch :) 15:10:32 <yuval> chenying: ? 15:10:34 <yuval> chenhuayi: ? 15:11:12 <chenying> If the patch that we think it is important for ocata, we could merged to this branch later. 15:11:15 <chenhuayi> the network plugins protectable has been summit. 15:12:10 <yuval> chenhuayi: I see only protectable, not protection plugin 15:12:57 <chenying> chenhuayi After the protection plugins is ready, they also can be submitted to ocata branch. 15:13:35 <chenying> hi zhangshuai 15:13:47 <yuval> chenhuayi: you can submit half-baked patch for reviews and mark it WIP 15:14:00 <yuval> chenhuayi: usually I wouldn't say that, but we are almost in release 15:14:05 <chenying> Do you have any patch that you think it is a must for ocata? 15:14:07 <chenhuayi> but the protection still working. 15:14:07 <chenhuayi> yeah, protection plugin still working on the tests. 15:14:11 <chenhuayi> chenying, got it. 15:15:19 <yuval> right, next 15:15:27 <yuval> #topic Mascot 15:15:55 <chenhuayi> yuval, i will submit in 1 or 2 days. 15:15:58 <yuval> As you might have seen in the mailing list, we received two options for our beaver mascot 15:16:24 <chenying> Yes I have seen. 15:16:32 <yuval> see http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2017-February/111666.html 15:16:49 <yuval> Option 1: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/attachments/20170206/c9c312a4/attachment.png 15:16:55 <yuval> Option 2: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/attachments/20170206/c9c312a4/attachment-0001.png 15:17:13 <yuval> Let's have a quick vote, please write your favorite alternative: 1 or 2 15:18:32 <yuval> chenying: chenhuayi: zhangshuai_: ? 15:18:57 <chenhuayi> vote 2 15:19:05 <chenying> Do we need gather other guy's choice? 15:19:25 <chenying> vote 1 15:19:41 <yuval> chenying: whose choice? 15:20:15 <chenying> Maybe we can gather the vote about the Mascot in the IRC meeting? 15:20:39 <yuval> chenying: we are in the IRC meeting 15:21:06 <chenying> sorry in thr karbor irc channel :( 15:22:15 <yuval> alright, let's gather the votes from this meeting with the votes cast in the Karbor IRC channel tomorrow between 08:00-09:00 UTC 15:22:35 <yuval> which is 16:00-17:00 in China 15:22:52 <yuval> at 09:00 UTC I'll collect the results and announce the mascot 15:23:23 <yuval> #topic PTG 15:23:36 <yuval> remineder that the PTG is coming. Myself and saggi will be there 15:23:40 <chenying> yuval Ok I will call yinwei to join the channel. 15:24:07 <yuval> if you have a topic you want us to discuss, inside Karbor team or with other team (such as Tiramisu), please add to the etherpad 15:24:17 <chenying> I have seen the topic about karbor PTG 15:24:24 <yuval> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/karbor-ptg-pike 15:25:29 <chenying> I have added two topics to the etherpad. 15:25:37 <yuval> chenying: great :) 15:26:09 <yuval> #topic Open Discussion 15:26:17 <yuval> anything else you'd like to discuss? 15:27:46 <chenying> China Moblie has some interests about karbor, they have a requirement about protecting file in the vm. 15:29:17 <yuval> chenying: files in general? 15:29:34 <chenying> So we could discuss the solution about file protection in PTG. 15:30:23 <chenying> yuval Yes I will discuss with them about the detail of file protection. 15:30:27 <yuval> chenying: can you add that to the etherpad? 15:30:33 <yuval> chenying: will they attend the PTG? 15:30:57 <chenying> NO I don't think so. 15:31:36 <chenying> I will add a topic about file protection. It seem that freezer can protect the general files in vm. 15:32:42 <yuval> chenying: ok, but if they want to push something like this, they should attend IRC meetings at least 15:33:19 <chenying> OK next IRC meeting They may attend. 15:33:57 <yuval> chenying: great 15:34:00 <yuval> anything else? 15:34:09 <chenying> This guy is from China Moblie. https://review.openstack.org/418225 15:34:57 <yuval> thank you for attending, albeit the late hour in China 15:35:41 <chenying> Tks. 15:35:45 <yuval> #endmeeting