09:00:12 <yuval> #startmeeting karbor 09:00:13 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Mar 28 09:00:12 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is yuval. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 09:00:14 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 09:00:18 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'karbor' 09:00:24 <yuval> Hello, and welcome to Karbor's weekly meeting! 09:00:35 <chenhuayi_> hi 09:00:44 <yuval> \ (•◡•) / 09:01:03 <yuval> waiting a couple of minutes for more people to arrive 09:02:27 <zhonghua2> hi 09:02:35 <edisonxiang> hello 09:03:02 <yuval> #info chenhuay, zhonghua, xiang in meeting 09:03:12 <yuval> lets begin 09:03:18 <zhongjun_> hi 09:03:27 <yuval> I guess chenying and zhangshuai are busy 09:03:38 <yuval> #info zhongjun in meeting 09:03:57 <yuval> #topic Task assignments 09:04:00 <chenying__> hi 09:04:12 <yuval> #link https://ethercalc.openstack.org/karbor-pike 09:04:26 <yuval> we have assignees for most high priority tasks 09:04:53 <yuval> please take a look and see if you can take something from high/med priority on yourselves 09:05:09 <yuval> also, change only assignee part of the doc 09:05:26 <chenying__> 'Deployment Guide zhangshuai has worked on this task. 09:05:44 <zhonghua2> yuval, can everyone change the documents? 09:06:06 <yuval> zhonghua2: yes, but please only change assignee, not priority or tasks 09:07:29 <zhonghua2> yuval, ok, +1 09:07:43 <yuval> In this part of the cycle, we should work mainly on specs and reach concensus 09:08:27 <yuval> #topic Open Discussion 09:08:35 <zengchen> yuval:got it 09:08:46 <yuval> Nothing on the agenda right now, if you have anything you want to talk about - now is the time 09:08:47 <chenhuayi_> yuval, network plugin waiting to be reviewd. 09:09:31 <chenhuayi_> it holds for more than one week. 09:09:32 <yuval> chenhuayi_: thanks for the notice 09:09:50 <yuval> everybody, please take a look at chenhuayi's patches about the network plugin 09:10:00 <yuval> chenhuayi_: I hope I'll be able to get to it later this week or next week 09:10:19 <chenhuayi_> yuval, thanks. 09:10:28 <yuval> chenhuayi_: are you working on something else in the meantime? 09:10:45 <chenhuayi_> yeah, start to work on S3. 09:11:15 <yuval> chenhuayi_: that's low priority for pike 09:12:04 <chenhuayi_> we will surport S3 and OBS(huawei) 09:12:12 <chenhuayi_> so I start with S3. 09:12:19 <yuval> chenhuayi_: we could use some help on high/med items, both in code and reviews 09:12:23 <chenying__> yuval about the task Trove Protection/Protectable Plugin 09:12:23 <chenying__> 09:13:35 <chenhuayi_> yuval, which job may i start? 09:13:39 <chenying__> yuval I don't think is in low priority for pike. Last time you said we will not integrate with freezer now. Trove plugin will be the only way to protect database like mysql. 09:15:07 <yuval> chenhuayi_: reviewing specs, writing docs guides, OpenStack Ansible, python 3.5 or WSGI goals 09:15:19 <yuval> chenying__: freezer is low priority as well 09:15:40 <yuval> chenying__: low priority = we will do it, once we finish the rest 09:15:51 <chenying__> yuval That may be the question: we don't have a solution to protect database mysql. 09:15:51 <yuval> chenying__: low priority != we will not do it 09:16:25 <chenying__> yuval OK I know. 09:16:34 <yuval> chenying__: trove is completely different than freezer on that 09:17:06 <chenying__> yuval: Of course, I know it. 09:17:35 <chenying__> yuval freezer is backup tool with agent. Trove is a database a service project. 09:17:54 <chenying__> database as a service project 09:18:09 <yuval> chenying__: from my point of view, both are important to karbor, but we have more important tasks until the end of pike 09:18:46 <yuval> chenying__: what do you think? 09:20:11 <chenying__> yuval OK I will focus this task later. 09:20:18 <yuval> chenying__: great 09:20:19 <yuval> anything else? 09:20:56 <chenhuayi_> yuval, i can work on the ansible. 09:21:02 <yuval> chenhuayi_: great! :) 09:23:36 <yuval> thank you all for attending 09:24:04 <yuval> #endmeeting