15:01:02 <chenying_> #startmeeting karbor 15:01:02 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Apr 18 15:01:02 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is chenying_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:01:03 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:01:06 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'karbor' 15:01:14 <chenying_> hi 15:01:26 <zhonghuali> hi 15:01:28 <chenhuayi> hi 15:01:49 <chenying_> Hi all, welcome to Karbor's weekly meeting 15:02:03 <chenying_> #topic Open Discussion 15:02:30 <chenying_> There is no topic on the agenda right now, Do you have anything want to talk about ? 15:03:02 <zhonghuali> nothing to me 15:03:44 <chenying_> chenhuayi about th work OpenStack Ansible 15:03:45 <chenying_> , do you have any progress? 15:05:10 <chenying_> ping chenhuayi 15:05:30 <chenhuayi> chenying_, proxy setting still have problem. 15:06:24 <chenying_> If the work can not continued because of the network, we can suggest that yuval could do this wokr. 15:06:25 <zhonghuali> that may be a trouble 15:06:27 <chenhuayi> I will have another shoot tommorow. 15:06:44 <chenying_> S/wokr/work. 15:06:45 <chenhuayi> https://blog.christophersmart.com/2016/08/09/setting-up-openstack-ansible-all-in-one-behind-a-proxy/ 15:07:14 <chenhuayi> follow this link, hope will work tommorow. 15:07:36 <chenying_> It can not be installed without proxy? 15:07:37 <chenhuayi> the proxy setting need some changes. 15:08:01 <chenhuayi> yeah, proxy is needed. 15:08:11 <zhonghuali> chenhuayi, what's the main question, it does not work or it works slowly 15:08:32 <chenhuayi> it does not wor 15:08:34 <chenhuayi> k 15:08:49 <chenhuayi> it can't reach the resource. 15:09:10 <zhonghuali> ohh 15:09:17 <chenying_> oh I know. 15:09:42 <chenying_> the config of proxy is not ok? 15:09:53 <chenhuayi> may it will work well next time. 15:10:37 <chenhuayi> today i had try once. but the proxy setting is some diff from the link told. 15:11:51 <jiaopengju> hi 15:12:13 <chenying_> hi jiaopengju welcome. 15:12:41 <chenying_> Do you have anything want to talk about - now is the time 15:13:46 <jiaopengju> how about file backup in vm? 15:14:15 <chenying_> I am thinking about this scene. 15:15:07 <chenying_> The common scene about the file in vm, we think that the file is writed in the manila share. 15:15:57 <zhonghuali> chenying_,do you mean share? 15:16:17 <chenying_> Yes in the above scenem we can consider backup the share. 15:16:36 <zhonghuali> jiaopengju, could you please explain more case from you here? 15:16:50 <jiaopengju> I think manila share is one use case 15:17:43 <zhonghuali> what's your case 15:18:14 <jiaopengju> currently, most openstack environment do not use manila 15:18:47 <chenying_> if the file is writed in mounted volume in the vm, this scene only backup this file, that mean we may need a backup tool(like a agent in the vm) to backup this file. 15:20:25 <jiaopengju> yes 15:21:06 <chenying_> one solution introducing a opensource backup software, deploy the agent to this vm to backup the file. what's your opinion about it? 15:21:26 <zhonghuali> chenying_, do you think the agent is one part of Karbor? 15:22:23 <chenying_> zhonghuali I don't think so. 15:22:23 <jiaopengju> it's a solution, but it is difficult to manage the file uniformly as volumes or nova instances 15:23:13 <chenying_> jiaopengju that may be the quesiton. The file is not managed my openstack directly like the volume or share. 15:23:25 <chenying_> S/my/by 15:23:39 <zhonghuali> so karbor only contains the plugin of open source backup,am I right? 15:24:41 <jiaopengju> I guess you are right. 15:25:10 <chenying_> introducing a opensource backup software to karbor to backup the file is one optional solution, but we also need think carefully about it. 15:26:03 <zhonghuali> what's yuval's opinion on this? 15:26:54 <chenying_> If use this one, that mean evey vm need deply the agent one by one to backup the file, it may be unacceptable. 15:27:44 <jiaopengju> It's difficult to choice about using open source backup software directly or using karbor to manage the backups uniformly. 15:28:02 <chenying_> yuval suppose one use case, restore the file from the backup of volume. 15:28:40 <chenying_> But we may talk about this use case about backuping file in vm with him next time. 15:28:40 <zhonghuali> another question is who will do the deployment work? user or manager? 15:29:18 <zhonghuali> chenying_, +1 15:29:34 <jiaopengju> I think the vm user will do the deployment work. 15:30:03 <chenying_> using karbor to manage the backups uniformly---- the file is not managed by openstack, it may be difficult for karbor. 15:30:39 <jiaopengju> I means the backups, not file in vm 15:32:34 <chenying_> we can manage the backups of file like the volume, when backup a file and produce a checkpoint records. 15:35:08 <zhonghuali> what i am thinking about is where to find the backup targets? 15:36:04 <chenying_> you mean that get the file list resouces want to backup? 15:36:31 <chenying_> how to get the file resouces in the vm? 15:36:57 <zhonghuali> it is the same question as chenying_ said. the files don't manage by OpenStack 15:37:12 <zhonghuali> chenying_, yes 15:38:16 <chenying_> jiaopengju can you give some use case about backuping the file in the vm from the view of user? 15:38:26 <jiaopengju> I think the targets is the vms with open source backup software deployed. When users using file backup, he should configure the backup path or some ohter info? 15:39:52 <jiaopengju> A simple scene, A vm user want to backup the config files in his vm of some software. 15:41:21 <zhonghuali> jiaopengju, so, the user choose the vm first, then give an address for file location in this vm, right? 15:41:34 <jiaopengju> yes 15:42:02 <zhonghuali> make sense 15:43:02 <zhonghuali> jiaopengju, what kind of guess os do you want to use in your case? 15:43:18 <zhonghuali> windows or kinux? 15:43:27 <jiaopengju> linux prefer 15:43:51 <zhonghuali> ok 15:45:09 <chenying_> Usually karbor backup the resources managed by openstack, about this usecase file in the vm, we may need think carefully about it. 15:46:04 <chenying_> how the get the file resouces in the vm, how the backup them, how to managed the backups of files. 15:46:19 <zhonghuali> jiaopengju,could you please give more detailed description of the use case so that we can discuss further next time? 15:46:34 <zhonghuali> chenying_, +1 15:47:21 <jiaopengju> It's not difficult to implement the file backup with open source bakcup software, the difficult point is how to mange the backups in openstack 15:47:45 <jiaopengju> I think the backups management is the key point 15:48:04 <chenying_> yuval is not online today, Can you write some detail info about this use case, so we can talk about it with him next time. in the karbor's irc channcel or irc meeting. 15:48:30 <chenying_> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Karbor 15:48:40 <zhonghuali> what's the backups management real meaning? 15:49:01 <chenying_> you can add this use case description to this page. 15:49:12 <jiaopengju> A tenant to manage all his backups 15:49:15 <jiaopengju> ok 15:49:20 <zhonghuali> do you mean how to manage the records? 15:49:25 <jiaopengju> yes 15:50:54 <zhonghuali> I do not think that is a question. please let know if I misunderstand something 15:51:06 <zhonghuali> let me 15:51:19 <jiaopengju> ok , I will write the detailed requirements, so we can talk about it next time 15:51:23 <chenying_> do you mean how to manage the records? --- using the checkpoint records like volumes backups 15:51:39 <chenying_> jiaopengju +1 thanks 15:51:40 <zhonghuali> jiaopengju, thanks so much 15:52:02 <jiaopengju> you are welcome 15:52:16 <zhonghuali> :) 15:52:44 <chenying_> So If we don't have any topic to talk about, this meeting will be ended. 15:53:04 <jiaopengju> ok 15:53:10 <chenying_> Thanks, all. 15:53:16 <zhonghuali> thank you all,see you 15:53:30 <chenying_> #endmeeting