09:00:15 <yuval> #startmeeting karbor 09:00:15 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jul 4 09:00:15 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is yuval. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 09:00:16 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 09:00:18 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'karbor' 09:00:30 <yuval> Hello, and welcome to Karbor's bi-weekly meeting! 09:00:42 <zhonghua> hello 09:01:36 <yuval> hey zhonghua 09:01:51 <yuval> let's wait a few minutes 09:01:52 <zhonghua> yuval, hi 09:01:55 <yuval> for everybody to join 09:02:45 <yuval> chenying: ? 09:03:28 <zengchen> :) 09:03:32 <yuval> hey zengchen 09:03:40 <zengchen> hi 09:04:19 <yuval> right 09:04:24 <yuval> #topic Pike 09:04:31 <yuval> #link https://releases.openstack.org/pike/schedule.html 09:04:55 <yuval> We are entering R-8 week 09:05:16 <yuval> in R-5, we have a freeze for karborclient 09:05:28 <yuval> we already completed all the community goals 09:05:48 <yuval> we should make sure that all changes to karborclient will enter by that week 09:06:07 <yuval> that includes changes to karbor that might imply changes to karborclient 09:06:47 <chenying_> hi 09:06:55 <chenying_> some wrong with my network. 09:07:40 <zhonghua> so the deadline of our changes related client is July 28, right? 09:08:17 <yuval> we should make the final pike release for karborclient by that date 09:08:27 <chenying_> OK I see. 09:08:38 <zhonghua> how about others? 09:09:04 <chenying_> Why we need release karborclient before karbor service? 09:09:07 <yuval> RC1 for karbor and karbor-dashboard is R-3 09:09:35 <yuval> chenying_: that date includes a feature freeze 09:09:53 <chenying_> yuval I see. 09:10:22 <yuval> chenying_: for some projects, there are places where people rely on the client 09:10:33 <yuval> chenying_: probably not that case for karborclient, but still 09:11:03 <chenying_> hi jiaopengju 09:11:18 <jiaopengju> hi chenying_ 09:11:25 <yuval> hey jiaopengju 09:11:42 <jiaopengju> hi yuval 09:11:46 <yuval> any questions about the pike schedule? 09:11:52 <chenying_> jiaopengju will start the work about S3 bank plugin. RC1 for karbor and karbor-dashboard is R-3 July 28. 09:12:31 <jiaopengju> yes, the same as chenying_ said 09:13:01 <yuval> jiaopengju: great 09:13:20 <jiaopengju> I'd like to do that 09:13:23 <yuval> jiaopengju: looking forward for that :) 09:16:09 <yuval> #topic Open discussion 09:16:20 <yuval> Anyting you'd like to discuss? 09:17:36 <yuval> chenying_: jiaopengju zengchen zhonghua ? 09:18:08 <zengchen> just hope you to take a look at my patch 09:18:53 <zengchen> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/457190/ 09:19:16 <yuval> zengchen: will do 09:19:26 <zengchen> yuval:thanks 09:21:04 <yuval> alright 09:21:12 <yuval> seems like nothing else is on the table 09:21:21 <yuval> thank you all for attending :) 09:21:53 <yuval> #endmeeting