09:02:57 <chenying> #startmeeting karbor 09:02:58 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Dec 5 09:02:57 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is chenying. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 09:02:59 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 09:03:01 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'karbor' 09:03:09 <jiaopengju> hi chenying 09:03:12 <edisonxiang> hi guys how are you 09:03:15 <chenying> hi weclcome to karbor irc meeting. 09:03:28 <jiaopengju> hi edisonxiang 09:03:52 <chenying> There is no topic today. Do you have any topic want to discuss? 09:04:04 <chenying> #topic Open Discussion 09:04:19 <chenying> I have submit a patch to release python-karborclient. 09:04:34 <jiaopengju> chenying: nice :) 09:04:43 <chenying> https://ethercalc.openstack.org/karbor-queens 09:05:31 <chenying> wo did a great job in queens cycle of karbor. Lots of bps have been finished. 09:06:26 <jiaopengju> I am doing the dev of ansible, but it’s very slowly :( 09:06:42 <chenying> So we could focus on the bug fix and optimizing in the later period of this cycle. 09:07:40 <chenying> jiaopengju: Poor network have blocked you work about karbor ansible? 09:08:25 <jiaopengju> chenying: it seems yes. I’m trying to resolve it 09:09:29 <chenying> jiaopengju: OK. I will ask for some help from other guys who have done some work about ansible. 09:09:48 <jiaopengju> chenying: that’s cool 09:10:31 <chenying> jiaopengju: Ask for how to solve the network problom about installing ansible packages. 09:10:57 <jiaopengju> chenying: understand 09:11:42 <jiaopengju> chenying: I am trying it with ubuntu now, hope there are not so many issues 09:12:04 <chenying> jiaopengju: OK. 09:13:40 <chenying> I am working on the bp about json schema Validation. So in the later weeks, I will add the json schema Validation for karbor API resources. 09:14:14 <jiaopengju> chenying: good! 09:14:50 <chenying> So do we have any other topic to discuss? 09:15:26 <jiaopengju> no from me 09:16:59 <chenying> hi jiaopengju: I ask zhangshuai about the network problom about installing ansible packages. He said that he install the ansible in the ubuntu, he didn't get much issue about it. 09:17:24 <chenying> jiaopengju: So you can try to install ansible in the ubuntu. 09:17:32 <jiaopengju> chenying: ok, the issues occur on CentOS 09:19:33 <chenying> jiaopengju: OK 09:20:28 <chenying> So there is not topic to discuss, I will end this meeting. If we have any other, we could discuss it in karbor irc channel. 09:21:04 <chenying> #endmeeting