09:01:46 <chenying> #startmeeting karbor 09:01:47 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Dec 19 09:01:46 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is chenying. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 09:01:48 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 09:01:51 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'karbor' 09:01:54 <chenying> hi 09:02:06 <jiaopengju> hi 09:02:16 <jiaopengju> hi chenying 09:02:23 <chenying> hi 09:02:43 <chenying> There is no topic today. Do you have any topic want to discuss? 09:03:04 <jiaopengju> no yet :) 09:03:12 <chenying> #topic Open Discussion 09:03:38 <chenying> I have release karbor python-karborclient karbor-dashborad a new version in queens cycle. 09:04:05 <chenying> I plan to release them to 1.0.0 version at the end of this cycle. 09:04:13 <jiaopengju> good job 09:04:37 <chenying> Thanks. 09:04:58 <chenying> You also do a good job. 09:05:52 <jiaopengju> I am struggling with openstack ansible :( 09:06:47 <jiaopengju> I will ask more help from ansible group 09:07:13 <jiaopengju> To ensure we can finish this job before the end of this cycle 09:07:14 <chenying> We may need ask for helps from other guys. 09:07:25 <chenying> Sound good. 09:07:46 <chenying> I have submitted all the patches about json schema. 09:07:58 <jiaopengju> nice :) 09:08:24 <chenying> Next step, we may need pay more attention to bugfix. 09:08:49 <jiaopengju> it seems we have step 2 of json schema 09:09:05 <jiaopengju> remove the original validation? 09:09:24 <chenying> Yes. I will submit a patch about it. 09:09:31 <jiaopengju> ok 09:11:31 <chenying> So all guys in karbor team did great job in queen cycle. Lots of bp and features have been finished in this sycle. 09:12:56 <chenying> we may need do some work about bugfix, doc, api example in the next step 09:13:29 <jiaopengju> yes, the doc and api examples are really needed to update 09:15:01 <chenying> Yes. 09:15:52 <chenying> If we don't have any more topic to discuss, so I will end this meeting. We can discuss in karbor irc channel? 09:15:59 <jiaopengju> ok 09:23:55 <chenying> #endmeeting