09:20:40 <jiaopengju> #startmeeting karbor 09:20:41 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jul 16 09:20:40 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jiaopengju. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 09:20:42 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 09:20:44 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'karbor' 09:20:53 <jiaopengju> #topic shanghai ptg 09:22:05 <jiaopengju> I have applied for Shanghai PTG for karbor team 09:23:27 <jiaopengju> I'm not sure if we can get this opportunity. But we should know what will we do on the ptg 09:24:01 <jiaopengju> So I create an eherpad link, you can wrote any topic that you want to discuss in the ptg 09:24:11 <jiaopengju> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/karbor-shanghai-ptg 09:24:19 <jiaopengju> @ liushuai 09:24:23 <liushuai> got it 09:25:03 <jiaopengju> goldyfruit is online, are you here now? 09:25:04 <liushuai> we can wrote topic on it 09:26:01 <jiaopengju> if you want to attend the ptg, please let me know. goldyfruit :) 09:26:41 <jiaopengju> let's move on 09:26:52 <jiaopengju> #topci shanghai summit 09:27:03 <jiaopengju> #topic shanghai summit 09:27:30 <jiaopengju> I have submit a topic for shanghai summit 09:28:10 <jiaopengju> Karbor related topic, I have add you as a co-speaker 09:28:49 <jiaopengju> topic name: Karbor: Help your virtual machine travel around the world 09:29:16 <jiaopengju> can you see it liushuai? 09:31:13 <liushuai> yes 09:36:29 <jiaopengju> ok, hope our topic can be chosen 09:36:32 <jiaopengju> :) 09:37:13 <jiaopengju> do you wrote any summit topic? 09:38:58 <jiaopengju> liushuai are you there? 09:41:49 <liushuai> There is no topic for the time being 09:42:25 <jiaopengju> ok 09:42:35 <jiaopengju> #topic code review 09:42:52 <jiaopengju> please do code review as possible as you can 09:44:05 <jiaopengju> our dev cycle has been delayed. The main task of doing bank level has met some problems, I will try to solve it in time. 09:44:27 <jiaopengju> This is all the contents today. Thanks for your attending 09:44:33 <jiaopengju> #endmeeting