09:39:02 <jiaopengju> #startmeeting karbor 09:39:03 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jan 14 09:39:02 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is jiaopengju. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 09:39:04 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 09:39:06 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'karbor' 09:39:38 <jiaopengju> topic karbor current community status 09:39:52 <jiaopengju> #topic karbor current community status 09:40:28 <jiaopengju> In this topic I'd like to discuss the current community status of karbor 09:41:15 <jiaopengju> We have few active core members now, so few feature can be push to the community 09:42:02 <liushuai> we need more coder 09:42:11 <jiaopengju> We would like to focus on major bug fixes on U cycle, until we have enough active members 09:42:22 <jiaopengju> Do you agree liushuai? 09:42:35 <liushuai> i agree 09:43:51 <jiaopengju> Here is the storyboard link for kabor, https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/openstack/karbor, bugs can be found here. 09:44:32 <liushuai> ok, i got it 09:44:49 <jiaopengju> Another urgent thing is that, the fullstack tests always failed https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/openstack/karbor 09:45:45 <jiaopengju> This has blocked the code merge. I will try to fix it. 09:47:21 <jiaopengju> do you have something to add? liushuai 09:47:27 <liushuai> no 09:47:52 <jiaopengju> Ok, let's got next 09:48:20 <jiaopengju> #topic karbor maintenance 09:49:25 <jiaopengju> I will be online most of the time, but do not have so much time to do the Q&A, so if I can not reply anyone's messages, please email to me 09:49:47 <jiaopengju> I will try my best to solve your questions 09:50:15 <jiaopengju> liushuai, if you have time, you can keep online too :) 09:51:28 <liushuai> you can email me if i don't reply in time 09:51:56 <jiaopengju> good 09:52:15 <jiaopengju> I will end the meeting now 09:52:22 <jiaopengju> bye bye, liushuai 09:52:30 <liushuai> bye bye, pengju 09:52:39 <jiaopengju> #endmeeting