16:00:24 <cmurphy> #startmeeting keystone 16:00:25 <openstack> Meeting started Tue May 14 16:00:24 2019 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is cmurphy. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:26 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:28 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'keystone' 16:00:38 <vishakha> o/ 16:00:46 <gagehugo> o/ 16:00:53 <kmalloc> o/ 16:00:54 <bnemec> Hey, my meeting notification works! 16:01:07 <cmurphy> nice :) 16:01:19 <cmurphy> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/keystone-weekly-meeting agenda 16:01:26 <kmalloc> bnemec: my meeting notification is "oh crap, I'm late... wait it's not tuesday, it's monday today" then I remember on tuesday normally 16:01:43 <cmurphy> sounds very efficient 16:01:58 <kmalloc> it happens every single week. so... sure? 16:02:08 <bnemec> Consistency is key 16:02:44 <cmurphy> #topic announcements 16:03:05 <hrybacki> o/ 16:03:49 <cmurphy> we discussed at the PTG about making the office hours more useful by planning them ahead of time, so I created a topic etherpad and will announce the topics beforehand 16:04:04 <cmurphy> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/keystone-office-hours-topics office hours topics 16:04:35 <cmurphy> so the office hour after today's meeting will be about liaison review and/or bug triaging 16:04:48 <lbragstad> nice 16:05:07 <gagehugo> ok 16:05:14 <cmurphy> I also added the hour to the eavesdrop schedule - https://review.opendev.org/658909 I'm not sure if we had already documented it somewhere, lbragstad ? 16:05:45 <lbragstad> oh - i don't think it was documented formally 16:05:52 <lbragstad> that's a good idea 16:06:07 <cmurphy> now there's an ics calendar people can import if they want to 16:06:21 <vishakha> nice 16:06:35 <cmurphy> any questions/comments on this? 16:08:22 <cmurphy> #topic Summit/PTG recap 16:09:11 <cmurphy> First of all we did a cycle retrospective which had some useful outcomes 16:09:21 <cmurphy> #link https://trello.com/b/VCCcnCGd/keystone-stein-retrospective cycle retrospective 16:09:44 <cmurphy> not all of the action items are super actionable but I will try to make a point of checking in on them at meetings 16:10:27 <cmurphy> I wrote a keystone-focused recap, feel free to provide feedback: 16:10:35 <cmurphy> #link http://www.gazlene.net/denver-forum-ptg-2019.html recap 16:10:47 <cmurphy> did anyone else write a recap they want to share? 16:11:00 * lbragstad did not 16:11:16 <ayoung> Nope 16:11:16 <lbragstad> i recapped TC-related things and was about to start on a keystone one, then i read cmurphy's 16:11:38 <ayoung> I'm just working on the doc I promised about Keystone sync 16:13:10 <cmurphy> okay 16:13:40 <cmurphy> we also worked through the roadmap board but it's still a bit of a mess, i'll do my best to organize it in a way that makes sense 16:13:51 <cmurphy> #link https://trello.com/b/ClKW9C8x/keystone-train-roadmap roadmap 16:14:12 <ayoung> That should be a rail map 16:14:29 <cmurphy> haha 16:15:09 <cmurphy> was great to see people that week, was sorry not everyone could join 16:15:13 <knikolla> all aboard the keystone line 16:16:32 <cmurphy> any other comments about the forum or ptg? 16:17:04 <lbragstad> great job organizing things cmurphy 16:17:26 <cmurphy> :) 16:17:46 <gagehugo> ++ 16:19:56 <cmurphy> #topic retrospective actions followup 16:20:19 <cmurphy> there were a couple of things from the retrospective that i think are worth following up on already 16:20:38 <cmurphy> #link https://trello.com/c/PaTQKtmC/62-use-fast8-for-local-pep8-testing Use fast8 for local pep8 testing 16:20:47 <cmurphy> I don't think we assigned anyone to this 16:20:56 <cmurphy> anyone want to volunteer? 16:21:33 <vishakha> I can 16:22:19 <bnemec> #link https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/master/tools/flake8wrap.sh 16:22:20 <cmurphy> awesome thanks vishakha 16:22:49 <vishakha> np cmurphy 16:22:57 <cmurphy> #action vishakha to take on fast8 tooling 16:24:40 <cmurphy> #link https://trello.com/c/QJbxGGb6/53-discuss-the-evolution-of-bug-tags Discuss the evolution of bug tags 16:25:21 <cmurphy> This was about expanding the use of things like the low-hanging-fruit tag to better describe sizing of bugs 16:26:37 <cmurphy> we didn't come up with a specific plan at the time, anyone want to voice thoughts on how this might look? 16:27:18 <gagehugo> hmm 16:27:19 <lbragstad> my knee-jerk reaction was to associate timing to different tags, but i'm not sure if that's a great idea 16:27:57 <lbragstad> for two reasons 1.) timing is different across individuals 2.) do we want a cambrian explosion of tags? 16:29:11 <cmurphy> good points 16:30:00 <gagehugo> sizing as in amount of work required? 16:30:35 <lbragstad> yeah - as an estimate 16:30:57 <cmurphy> i think this came up because we were talking about how to get 20%ers more involved 16:31:25 <cmurphy> so it also has a little bit to do with how much background and context you need to solve the problem 16:31:29 <gagehugo> simplest range I've ever used before was t-shirt sizes (S M L) 16:31:31 <lbragstad> (this was also related to being more diligent about breaking everything down into smaller pieces of work, iirc) 16:31:43 <cmurphy> right 16:35:44 <cmurphy> one issue is we already are inconsistent about when to use the low-hanging-fruit tag so adding other sizes would probably also introduce inconsistency based on who is doing the sizing 16:36:18 <lbragstad> ++ 16:37:20 <lbragstad> we could start by defining what exactly we mean by "low hanging fruit" 16:37:33 <lbragstad> (in contributor documentation) 16:37:52 <cmurphy> ++ 16:38:05 <cmurphy> want to take a stab at that? 16:38:09 <lbragstad> sure 16:38:16 <cmurphy> cool 16:38:29 <hrybacki> What if there were two types of tags: <scope: s, m l> and <type: lhf, ...> ? And then document what each grouping roughly means 16:41:04 <cmurphy> hrybacki: what would another "type" tag be? 16:41:40 <hrybacki> cmurphy: one could be low-hanging-fruit, lump the rest into 'generic' or something as a catch all 16:41:45 <hrybacki> understand the want to avoid masses of tags 16:42:22 <hrybacki> also leaves you room to expand in the future if needed 16:42:45 <cmurphy> what would the difference be between type:low-hanging-fruit and scope:s ? 16:43:33 <hrybacki> you could have a small scoped bug that isn't necessarily appropriate for someone looking to get into contributing 16:43:51 <hrybacki> think of something kmalloc could fix in 30 minutes that might take someone unfamiliar with the project a few days 16:44:05 * hrybacki is generalizing 16:44:16 <cmurphy> gotcha 16:44:17 <kmalloc> hey, i can't fix anything in 30 minutes :P 16:44:24 <kmalloc> it takes at least a week >.> 16:44:25 <kmalloc> <.< 16:44:29 <kmalloc> /snark 16:44:43 <hrybacki> :P 16:44:48 * kmalloc finishes over estimating timeframes to look like a superhero again. 16:45:14 <kmalloc> ^_^ 16:45:46 <kmalloc> <type: oh heck, i don't even know how this works> <scope: s> 16:45:56 <cmurphy> maybe let's start with documenting the use of the low-hanging-fruit tag and circle back to adding sizing options afterward? 16:46:21 <cmurphy> #action lbragstad propose definition of low-hanging-fruit tag in contributor documentation 16:46:36 <hrybacki> +1 16:46:43 <lbragstad> sounds good - i'll try and get that proposed by EOW 16:46:47 <gagehugo> sounds good 16:46:56 <cmurphy> great 16:47:41 <cmurphy> okay, we have 13 minutes left, we could either start doing liaison review (it might only take 5 minutes i'm not really sure) or we could go to open discussion -> break before office hours, preferences? 16:48:11 * lbragstad is indifferent 16:48:34 <kmalloc> move liason review to -keystone in either case 16:48:41 <kmalloc> so we don't need to swap channels. 16:48:48 <cmurphy> good point 16:49:38 <cmurphy> #topic open discussion 16:49:44 <cmurphy> I'll open the floor 16:49:55 * kmalloc dances on the open floor. 16:50:09 <cmurphy> any reviews to highlight? 16:53:21 <cmurphy> okay, I'll close the meeting, back in 7 minutes in #openstack-keystone for office hours 16:53:29 <cmurphy> #endmeeting