17:00:13 <cmurphy> #startmeeting keystone 17:00:14 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Feb 4 17:00:13 2020 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is cmurphy. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:15 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:00:18 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'keystone' 17:00:20 <lbragstad> o/ 17:00:24 <cmurphy> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/keystone-weekly-meeting agenda 17:00:26 <gagehugo> o/ 17:00:26 <cmurphy> o/ 17:00:31 <vishakha> o/ 17:01:38 <knikolla> o/ 17:02:19 <cmurphy> hey everyone 17:02:22 <cmurphy> #topic Rocky EM 17:02:43 <knikolla> Won’t be able to attend meeting, but I can take on the next bug duty slot. 17:02:51 <cmurphy> wanted to raise awareness that the rocky branch is going into Extended Maintenance around the end of the month which means no more releases will be made 17:03:06 <cmurphy> knikolla: okay thanks 17:03:54 <cmurphy> for rocky - if you see bugfix patches that should be backported please help cherrypick them as far back as they need to go 17:04:38 <cmurphy> devstack is broken for rocky atm but the qa team is on top of it 17:05:02 <cmurphy> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2020-January/012207.html Rocky EM 17:05:13 <cmurphy> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2020-January/012241.html Rocky CI status 17:06:06 <cmurphy> any questions or comments on that topic? 17:07:07 <cmurphy> #topic L1 duty rotation 17:07:19 <cmurphy> gagehugo was on last week, any interesting bugs to discuss? 17:07:31 <gagehugo> just one doc bug I think 17:07:35 <gagehugo> from rocky 17:07:43 <gagehugo> about apache missing as an item to install 17:07:58 <gagehugo> otherwise nothing really that I remember 17:08:49 <cmurphy> okay 17:08:56 <cmurphy> I updated the tracker 17:09:04 <cmurphy> #topic review requests 17:10:01 <vishakha> #link https://review.opendev.org/#/c/704736/ 17:10:57 <vishakha> Also I wanted to discuss over https://review.opendev.org/#/c/697444/. Should I change the implementation as per the comments? 17:10:57 <gagehugo> the day has finally come 17:10:58 <cmurphy> vishakha thanks for working on that but i will not review a change that touches over 100 files, my personal feeling is that this is unnecessary code churn and it is not a critical part of the py2 non-support goal, happy for other reviewers to take care of it if it is important to them 17:12:12 <cmurphy> vishakha: i like the suggestions made by lbragstad amotoki and knikolla on 697444 i think those are more friendly than the json blob 17:13:27 <vishakha> cmurphy: Thanks. I will update according this approach. 17:14:32 <cmurphy> i have an easy review https://review.opendev.org/704707 17:16:14 <cmurphy> any other review requests? or any other feelings about https://review.opendev.org/#/c/704736/ ? i gave my opinion but i don't want to stifle others 17:16:52 <gagehugo> I'd rather it be a series of smaller changes, but I'm fine with removing six 17:17:11 <lbragstad> was the plan to just leave six in place? 17:17:17 <lbragstad> since it works with py3? 17:17:34 <cmurphy> i'm not sure we made a plan 17:17:41 <cmurphy> i know morgan wanted it gone 17:19:02 <cmurphy> i would prefer an incremental approach or cleaning it up little by little 17:19:27 <cmurphy> but if a big bang approach is fine with you guys i won't block it 17:20:19 <cmurphy> tbh i just think there are more important things to spend time on 17:20:30 <vishakha> I could convert it into series of patches 17:20:35 <lbragstad> i'm indifferent - i certainly prefer smaller patch sizes, but i already reviewed it, if it is broken up i'm happy to re-review 17:22:31 <cmurphy> we might as well keep it as one big patch since it's already gotten one +2, i don't want vishakha to have to spend a ton of time breaking it up :) 17:23:08 <vishakha> thanks :) 17:24:21 <vishakha> I noticed that stackalytics isn't showing any count of keystone commits. Can anybody help me over that? I added ussuri for keystone project https://review.opendev.org/#/c/698418/ 17:25:39 <lbragstad> i know people have reported inconsistencies with stackalytics in the past, from my experience it usually needs to be resolved by mirantis 17:26:32 <cmurphy> #topic open floor 17:26:44 <cmurphy> it looks to me like it's working https://www.stackalytics.com/?module=keystone-group&release=ussuri&metric=commits i see commits from the last few days 17:27:10 <cmurphy> but it's not a service that the opendev team runs, i wouldn't puch much stock in it 17:27:18 <cmurphy> put* much 17:28:30 <cmurphy> i hope nobody's employers are relying on stackalytics metrics as an accurate measure of community engagement 17:30:48 <cmurphy> anything else to bring up? 17:30:55 <vishakha> I Was just curious to know the reason. 17:31:26 <cmurphy> vishakha: i'm curious what isn't working for you? it looks like it's working to me 17:32:42 <vishakha> cmurphy: Sorry checked few days ago, that time it wasn't showing. Now it is updated and I can see too. 17:33:11 <cmurphy> vishakha: ah yeah i think it works in batches and sometimes takes a while to catch up 17:33:58 <vishakha> okay. Thanks 17:34:55 <cmurphy> oh one more thing, if you have spare cycles please help the nova team review their policy changes https://review.opendev.org/#/q/topic:bp/policy-defaults-refresh 17:35:27 <lbragstad> ++ 17:36:18 <cmurphy> i'll close it with that, have a great day everyone 17:36:21 <cmurphy> #endmeeting