16:00:38 <sdake> #startmeeting kolla 16:00:38 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Jun 24 16:00:38 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is sdake. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:41 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:43 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'kolla' 16:00:44 <sdake> #topic rollcall 16:00:55 <mstachow> o/ all 16:00:58 <rhallisey> hey 16:01:04 <jmccarthy> o/ here 16:01:06 <SamYaple> o/ 16:01:09 <daneyon_> hi 16:01:11 <jpeeler> hi 16:01:25 <sdake> \m/ :) 16:02:08 <kevsi_> Hi 16:02:25 <sdake> give couple more mins for stragglers 16:02:30 <mfalatic> o7 16:03:45 <sdake> #topic announcements 16:04:16 <sdake> The Kolla-polluza midecycle meetup date has been confirmed July 28 (tuesday) and July 29th (Wednesday) 16:04:24 <SamYaple> w00t 16:04:37 <sdake> I am still getting details on logistics, but the rooms are *confirmed* 16:04:38 <sdake> we have seating for 24 people 16:04:47 <sdake> beyond that the fire marshall forces us to kick people out 16:04:55 <inc0> San Jose? 16:04:56 <sdake> I will give priority in the following order 16:04:59 <sdake> 1) core reviewers 16:05:07 <sdake> 2) people that signed up on the doodle poll 16:05:09 <sdake> 3) everyone else 16:05:20 <sdake> it will be in San Jose 16:05:27 <sdake> at the Cisco Ccampus (I thin) 16:05:30 <sdake> I Think 16:05:48 <sdake> the cisco campus is enormous so I'm trying to get a PDF map made so people can figure out where to be 16:05:55 <sdake> The first morning we will start at 9am 16:06:07 <sdake> because dealing with the logistics will take about an hour 16:06:08 <sdake> the second morning we will start at 10am 16:06:16 <sdake> the technical sessions start at 10 16:06:37 <sdake> the second morning we may start the logistical exercise a little earlier, depending on first day experience 16:07:05 <sdake> so technical sessions 10-12, 1 hour lunch, 2-5 technical sessions, then dinner at 7:30ish 16:07:15 <sdake> we will vote on a dinner place from a selection of palces people local to sjc recommend 16:07:20 <mstachow> is technical session have planned streaming or something? 16:07:32 <sdake> so re the stremaing 16:07:39 <sdake> the webex streaming will be difficult 16:07:51 <sdake> I can't guarantee a good experience with that 16:08:07 <sdake> we tried that at the magnum midcycle and it really made the meeting less productive imo 16:08:25 <sdake> but I recognize not everyone can get visa paperwor done in time 16:08:32 <mstachow> what about recording and publishing it ? 16:08:44 <diga> o/ 16:08:45 <sdake> the essions will *not* be recorded to facilitate open communication 16:08:48 <sdake> he ydiga 16:08:52 <inc0> midcycle is about discussion, not presentations 16:09:01 <diga> sdake: got late 16:09:07 <sdake> yes technical discussions 16:09:14 <mstachow> k, thanks 16:09:19 <sdake> we will kick off the day with a presentation, rest is all technical 16:09:24 <diga> okay 16:09:30 <sdake> 45 minute state of olla etc 16:09:44 <sdake> any questions? 16:10:11 <sdake> if everyone could do me a solid - when I send out the eventbridte invite, plz plz repsond 16:10:16 <sdake> I need info for the catering etc 16:10:24 <sdake> and to get badges made ahead of time 16:10:40 <sdake> if you need a visa letter, please contact me offline and I'll get with the people at csco that can mae that happen 16:10:46 <sdake> any questions? 16:11:03 <inc0> I don't think visa systems are working now, they have massive failure 16:11:07 <diga> sdake: sounds good to me 16:11:16 <sdake> ok second announcement 16:11:29 <sdake> we want to use the ansible scripts that a bunch of upstream folks are owring on 16:11:38 <sdake> but they have licensing prolems (mainy they are gplv3) 16:11:45 <sdake> the team has offered to relicense 16:11:50 <sdake> samyaple can you add more context plz 16:12:02 <sdake> like a link to the repo and the process to be followed 16:12:15 <SamYaple> The openstack shade group is making ansible modules wrapping shade 16:12:34 <SamYaple> Ansible requires gplv3 licenses, but these modules all havent landed in upstream ansible 16:12:52 <SamYaple> so they are going to relicense them for our use on the condition that we do not patch them 16:13:05 <SamYaple> all patches go to upstream ansible (or the upstream ansible PR for that module) 16:13:15 <SamYaple> they are actually happy to have real world use 16:13:37 <SamYaple> https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-core 16:13:48 <SamYaple> The branches in there contain our desired modules 16:13:55 <sdake> just be be clear, we need these in the kolla repo that is hwy the licensing thing matters 16:14:00 <sdake> because they are not yet in ansible proper 16:14:02 <SamYaple> mainly the keystone peices for user and service creation 16:14:08 <diga> SamYaple: this means ansible is not fully opensource 16:14:22 <SamYaple> diga: i dont know what that means, but we are where we are 16:14:28 <sdake> diga the gpl and asl are incompatible 16:14:31 <sdake> both are open source 16:14:40 <diga> okay 16:14:44 <sdake> and since they are not compatible we ca't include gpl code in our code base 16:14:58 <sdake> the shade group is *REALLY* throwing us a bone here 16:15:12 <diga> okay 16:15:13 <inc0> have we contacted them? 16:15:14 <sdake> our altnerative is to write all that stuff ourselve 16:15:20 <sdake> yup its a done deal 16:15:25 <inc0> ok.. 16:15:25 <Slower> huh 16:15:26 <sdake> minus the changing the repo bits 16:15:35 <SamYaple> tl;dr New ansible modules will be read-only, if you need to file bugs you can contact me or do it directly on the ansible-modules-core repo 16:15:55 <sdake> if you see a change to the ansible modules not by samyaple, -2 the change 16:16:04 <SamYaple> you can pop a kolla bug and I will handle it from there as well 16:16:23 <sdake> any questions? 16:16:23 <SamYaple> I will make the files readonly so you will really have to try to modify them 16:16:48 <sdake> #topic Defining our rule-set for approving changes 16:17:07 <sdake> we have never gone through the exercise of defining what our rules are for docker file 16:17:07 <sdake> s 16:17:19 <sdake> for example, should we jam all the run commands into one or keep them separated 16:17:24 <sdake> I dont want to have that debate now 16:17:54 <sdake> wht I'd like to ask of the core reviewer team is to relax review requirements around these sorts of "undefined policies" until either they become defined or become the defacto way we do things 16:18:02 <sdake> like check_all-vars - that is a defacto way we do things 16:18:11 <inc0> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kolla-style-guidelines maybe let's start draft ideas? 16:18:22 <sdake> inc0 we have so much tuff on our plate 16:18:29 <sdake> I really dont want to tackle that gold plating now 16:18:44 <sdake> lets just relax the requirements during the review process 16:18:49 <inc0> fair enough 16:19:05 <sdake> we can gold plate in m if people feel its necessary 16:19:13 <sdake> any qs?:) 16:20:07 <sdake> #topic Straggling changes for Liberty-1 review that need to finish today 16:20:37 <sdake> #link https://launchpad.net/kolla/+milestone/liberty-1 16:20:57 <sdake> I see lots of green ;) 16:21:07 <sdake> lots of green 2 days before a release is fantastic! 16:21:14 <sdake> there is one purple item (needs review) 16:21:17 <sdake> the openvswitch container 16:21:23 <sdake> samyaple does that ust need review? 16:21:32 <SamYaple> the openvswitch container, yes 16:21:38 <SamYaple> the neutron plug agent no 16:21:48 <SamYaple> that code isnt done yet but will be today since we have thin agents 16:21:52 <inc0> anyone really tested ovs? 16:21:59 <sdake> sam has tested 16:22:26 <sdake> our policy on testing is if the committer tested, we trust they did the job, and if they broke things we will beat them with a stick and not trust their review so lightly in the future 16:22:36 <rhallisey> daneyon_, did you get a chance to run cinder? 16:22:39 <sdake> to really solve this problem we need the ci gate to check our changes rather then ust our builds 16:22:47 <daneyon_> rhallisey I have not 16:23:16 <rhallisey> daneyon_, I think docker 1.7 has been released. When you do we can work on adding physical volume support 16:23:26 <daneyon_> rhallisey I had all sorts of problems trying to run Docker 1.7. 16:23:35 <SamYaple> confirmed: docker 1.7 released a week ago 16:23:38 <sdake> rhallisey did you test the cinder container? 16:23:45 <rhallisey> sdake, oh ya a ton of times 16:23:54 <sdake> ok, well that is good enough for now 16:24:08 <rhallisey> sdake, It worked for me, but I was wondering if anyone else tried it 16:24:10 <daneyon_> Has anyone tried the official release of 1.7? If so, what are the dets of your base OS? 16:24:11 <sdake> again, we need to solve this problem not via manual testing but getting the ci to test for us 16:24:36 <SamYaple> daneyon_: ive been using 1.7 since dev, the official since it dropped 16:24:42 <sdake> I have alot of people working on alot of paths to solving the ci problem 16:25:00 <sdake> so lets keep that momentum rolling on making the ci system work 16:25:12 <sdake> rather then manually testing all these things unless absolutely necessary 16:25:24 <daneyon_> SamYaple I'll touch base with you offline with a couple questions re 1.7. Thanks 16:25:29 <SamYaple> daneyon_: ack 16:25:37 <sdake> under the bug reports section 16:25:58 <sdake> there are some in progress bugs 16:26:07 <sdake> this means a review has been submitted, but not committed 16:26:25 <sdake> if your name is attached to one of those can you lin the bug and state whether you will have a review that resolves the problem up today 16:26:30 <sdake> the rest I am kicking to liberty-2 16:26:41 <sdake> (just in-progress bugs at this point) 16:26:48 <sdake> (l2 is 2 days - on the 25th) 16:28:09 <sdake> ok different approach 16:28:11 <sdake> https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1463970 16:28:12 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1463970 in kolla "heat needs to configure service domain" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Harm Weites (harmw) 16:28:30 <sdake> rhallisey - finish review process today or kick to l2? 16:28:52 <rhallisey> uh let me look 16:29:20 <rhallisey> harmw, should be around later 16:29:26 <rhallisey> I think we can make it happen 16:29:37 <sdake> harmw https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1466677 16:29:38 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1466677 in kolla "build script errors out in yum" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Martin André (mandre) 16:29:41 <sdake> finish review process today or kick to l2? 16:30:01 * rhallisey looks 16:30:19 <sdake> i guess that is mandre not harmw :) 16:30:31 <rhallisey> I think kick that 16:30:37 <sdake> https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1432336 16:30:38 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1432336 in kolla "Need add more check var for glance-api" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Paul Bourke (pauldbourke) 16:30:39 <rhallisey> I haven't run into it too much 16:31:08 <rhallisey> that should be an easy one 16:31:18 <rhallisey> if we get a hold of pbouke 16:31:20 <rhallisey> keep it 16:31:28 <jpeeler> https://bugs.launchpad.net/kolla/+bug/1463101 just needs a rebase 16:31:28 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1463101 in kolla "genenv dependent on openssl without verifying its existence" [Medium,In progress] - Assigned to Harm Weites (harmw) 16:31:39 <jmccarthy> pbourke is away till Friday 16:32:10 <rhallisey> that one's good 16:32:14 <rhallisey> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/191580/ 16:32:19 <rhallisey> just needs rebase 16:32:29 <rhallisey> jpeeler, just said that :P 16:32:34 <rhallisey> sorry i missed that 16:33:07 <sdake> ok guys let one brain organize the launchpad plz :) 16:33:25 <SamYaple> "brain" 16:33:30 <sdake> so pbourke being away until friday affects https://bugs.launchpad.net/kolla/+bug/1432336 16:33:31 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1432336 in kolla "Need add more check var for glance-api" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Paul Bourke (pauldbourke) 16:33:52 <rhallisey> I think I can have a patch for that really quickly 16:33:52 <sdake> anyone able to pick that one up? 16:33:56 <rhallisey> ya I'll take it 16:34:09 <rhallisey> looks like just add a few things to check_required_vars 16:34:45 <sdake> thanks rhallisey 16:34:48 <sdake> didn't htis merge? 16:34:49 <sdake> https://bugs.launchpad.net/kolla/+bug/1465422 16:34:50 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1465422 in kolla "Heat Stack Causes MariaDB Too Many Connections" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Daneyon Hansen (danehans) 16:34:55 <harmw> here I am guys! woohoo 16:35:03 <rhallisey> hey! 16:35:11 <sdake> danyeon^ 16:35:13 <sdake> hey harmw! 16:35:20 <mstachow> o/ harmw! 16:35:22 <sdake> harmw make sure to read teh logs 16:35:31 <harmw> yup 16:35:57 <sdake> harmw can you rebase 1463101 pls, our release is the 25th (2 days) 16:36:48 <sdake> ok any bugs not in the in progress state I am kicking right now to liberty-2 16:37:00 <sdake> I am putting a 1 minute timer on irc for people to raise objections 16:37:36 <harmw> read most of it 16:37:59 <harmw> ok, yea rebasing that is on tonights todo 16:38:37 <sdake> ok I am kicking all non-in-progress non-complete bugs to l2 16:38:53 <harmw> the reviewing terms and stuff, excellent, had it on my mind for some time now 16:38:58 <sdake> samyaple please be in contact re openvswitch so I can keep the tracer updated 16:39:10 <harmw> ill be reviewing/tsting that in a while sdake 16:39:14 <harmw> oh no 16:39:17 <harmw> thts neutron 16:39:22 <SamYaple> ack 16:40:26 <sdake> this is the best part of the meeting 16:40:37 <harmw> shoot 16:40:37 <sdake> #topic Liberty-1 release announcement 16:40:48 <sdake> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kolla-liberty-1-announcement 16:41:13 <sdake> pleae open that up 16:41:21 <sdake> i'd like to take 10-15 minutes on this no more 16:41:59 <harmw> I've dropped some quick onelines 16:44:28 <harmw> do we realy want to type the stuff right now or should we sttle with the core, eg. the message we want put out? 16:46:55 <SamYaple> I wonder who is making things alphabetical 16:47:04 <harmw> jeez :p 16:47:05 * SamYaple knows who 16:47:10 <SamYaple> :D 16:47:12 * harmw busted 16:47:22 <rhallisey> lol 16:47:26 * mstachow feeling afraid :O 16:53:26 <mstachow> meeting ends in 4 minutes... 16:53:28 <sdake> harmw yes we need to type it out now 16:53:30 <sdake> its team building 16:53:37 <sdake> but i think we are done 16:53:39 <harmw> yea np 16:53:42 <harmw> think so to :) 16:54:03 <sdake> I think I had our milestone #2 planning net up in the agenda, but that will have to wait for next week 16:54:06 <jmccarthy> Is it worth it to write in full CI vs the abbreviation ? 16:54:07 <sdake> #topic open items 16:54:23 <sdake> jmccarthy people will know what CI is 16:54:41 <jmccarthy> =) 16:55:26 <harmw> anyone got something for the open items? 16:55:39 <rhallisey> got nothin 16:55:46 <sdake> can someone put in that link for the anible review 16:55:50 <sdake> I cant seem to find it atm 16:55:58 <harmw> gimme a sec 16:56:09 <SamYaple> the initial keystone commit? 16:56:30 <sdake> samyaple the floor is yours for 4 minutes 16:56:38 <SamYaple> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/192544/ 16:57:01 <SamYaple> That has the initial commit for keystone and will be used as a template for other containers and ansible roles 16:57:16 <SamYaple> this affects everyone so please review it 16:57:20 <harmw> lets include that, as an example of work 16:57:34 <harmw> oh, sorry 16:57:43 <SamYaple> The main change for crudini/config-internal people will be the change of start.sh to config-internal.sh 16:58:01 <SamYaple> It is exec so the flow does not change at all 16:58:17 <SamYaple> But nevertheless, have a look and see if you have an issue with it 16:58:46 <SamYaple> For those planning to use ansible, this commit can be your template for the other openstack services 16:58:52 <inc0> SamYaple, maybe we should also separate crudini's conf file generation and things like db init, pki setup, tenant creation 16:58:53 <harmw> ok 16:58:54 <harmw> got that 16:59:03 <rhallisey> I'll review it in more depth later 16:59:13 <sdake> inc0 idea is minimum change 16:59:17 <harmw> SamYaple: when will you drop the WIP-tag? 16:59:19 <sdake> to crudini 16:59:34 <SamYaple> harmw: when all the pieces are in place, ansible modules and all 16:59:49 <SamYaple> basically as soon as the shade team gives us the modules relicensed 17:00:06 <harmw> ok, I can wait for that to happen :) (well, no realy but he) 17:00:08 <SamYaple> at that point it should be runnable 17:00:27 <SamYaple> rollover to #kolla sdake? 17:00:37 <sdake> sure 17:00:37 <sdake> #endmeeting