16:00:45 <sdake> #startmeeting kolla 16:00:46 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Sep 21 16:00:45 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is sdake. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:47 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:49 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'kolla' 16:00:53 <sdake> #topic rollcall 16:00:55 <vhosakot> o/ 16:00:56 <egonzalez90> o/ 16:00:56 <duonghq> o/ 16:00:59 <pbourke> o/ 16:00:59 <berendt> o/ 16:01:00 <zhubingbing> o/ 16:01:02 <jmccarthy> o/ 16:01:04 <britthouser> 0/ 16:01:04 <coolsvap> o/ 16:01:11 <Jeffrey4l> \o/ 16:01:28 <sdake> \O/ 16:01:30 <inc0> o/ 16:01:53 <sdake> #topic annuncements 16:01:54 <sdake> #undo 16:01:55 <openstack> Removing item from minutes: <ircmeeting.items.Topic object at 0x7f66f51977d0> 16:01:58 <sdake> #topic announcements 16:02:13 <sdake> inc0 can you link the room alloction for summit plesae 16:03:09 <inc0> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kolla-O-summit-planning 16:03:18 <sdake> while inc0 digs up that link, we got received a significant amount of summit space for kolla 16:03:24 <britthouser> w00t! 16:03:30 <sdake> I think 9 or 10 wr ssessions, 3 fisshbowl, and half day contributor meetup 16:03:41 <wirehead_> o/ 16:03:53 <sdake> if you compare to nova and neutron, we got a rockin amount of sessions 16:04:33 <zhubingbing> i agree 16:04:53 <sdake> that said, i want to ensure in today's meeting that all those sessions will be used appropriatelly, and if not consider giving 1 or 2 workroom sessions back to the organizers so that emerging projects have a chance at summit to get work done 16:05:27 <sdake> #2. ptl elections are this week - don't forget to vote! 16:05:53 <sdake> i'd like more then a 60% turnout on the vote then happened last time 16:05:55 <sdake> make your voice heard 16:06:00 <berendt> do we already have a list where we mapped our session to the work rooms? 16:06:27 <sdake> berendt that is the responsibility of the next ptl - that happens in two-3 weeks 16:07:05 <berendt> but how should we decide if we need all assigned work rooms without assigning our sessions? 16:07:07 <sdake> #3. the release team has cut us a big bone and not branched kolla on rc1 16:07:23 <sdake> berendt we havee a list of sessions 16:07:44 <sdake> berendt but no mapping to the workrooms - that is what we will sort out today (how many are ultimately necessary to achieve our summit planning) 16:07:54 <sdake> so on to #3 16:07:54 <berendt> ah.. understood 16:08:14 <sdake> what this means is master is not open for business as of yet 16:08:25 <sdake> the guidance I've recieved from the release team is to limit rcs 16:08:55 <sdake> in other words our rc2 should be our near final state that we intend to tag as 3.0.0 16:09:23 <sdake> finally branches happen only agianst tags not specific git hashes 16:09:46 <sdake> so lets sort out #3 first 16:10:22 <pbourke> have we tagged rc1? 16:10:23 <sdake> #topic rc2 deadline planning and bug triage 16:10:32 <sdake> rc1 was tagged within 1 hour of deadline 16:10:38 <sdake> so yes :) 16:10:40 <pbourke> whats the tag I dont see it 16:11:21 <berendt> pbourke 16:11:24 <pbourke> ah thanks 16:11:38 <egonzalez90> https://github.com/openstack/kolla/tree/ 16:11:40 <zhubingbing> 16:11:55 <sdake> pbourke https://github.com/openstack/kolla/releases/tag/ 16:12:06 <sdake> woops egonzalez90 faster at internets then me 16:12:13 <berendt> fourtimes is enough ;) 16:12:29 <sdake> agree berendt 16:13:06 <sdake> ok open up https://launchpad.net/kolla/+milestone/newton-rc2 16:13:16 <sdake> 107 bugs 16:13:54 <sdake> what I need of the core review team and anyone in the drivers team that can do the work is to go through this list and triage bugs 16:13:58 <sdake> zhubingbing did a great first pass 16:14:11 <sdake> at sortng out the maximum set of bugs to fix 16:14:33 <sdake> lets sort out individually the minimum set of bugs to fix and make sure their priority is set 16:14:39 <sdake> I can't do this alone or in a vacuum 16:14:56 <sdake> use your judgement and push things to o1 that make sense 16:15:12 <berendt> does it makes sense to move wishlist bugs to the next cycle? 16:15:13 <sdake> ultimately that bug list sshould be high or critical bugs only (to reduce the scope of the work we have to do) 16:15:23 <sdake> berendt ^^ 16:15:38 <sdake> the first step is making sure the priorities are correct 16:15:48 <zhubingbing> i agree 16:15:53 <sdake> i've done a rough pass over the 107 bugs as well 16:16:05 <sdake> id like others to do the same - consider this a critical task ;) 16:16:23 <sdake> something to be done today or thursday at latest 16:16:47 <sdake> anything not marked critical or high is being moved to ocatta thursday 00:00 UTC 16:16:50 <zhubingbing> A lot more than 3 months of bug status is high 16:17:14 <sdake> zhubingbing didn't parse, can you restate 16:17:24 <wznoinsk> late hi 16:17:29 <sdake> sup wznoinsk 16:17:47 <sdake> we are just getting started - butyou missed the announcements - might want to read those in the log later 16:17:54 <wznoinsk> hi sdake, getting thru meeting logs 16:18:23 <sdake> i thin kwe can handle about 50 bugs in the next month\ 16:18:32 <inc0> when is deadline for rc2 16:18:33 <inc0> ? 16:18:36 <sdake> but if there are more that need to be handled, lets recognize that fact 16:18:53 <sdake> the deadline for rc2 is at our discretion 16:19:03 <sdake> (according to the releae team) 16:19:29 <sdake> so lets not slack in figuring out when that deadline should be 16:19:39 <sdake> to get to the deadline, lets sort out the prioirtieis and bug lisst 16:19:43 <sdake> and we can make a call from there 16:20:02 <duonghq> zhubingbing: did you really triaged this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/kolla/+bug/1604343 16:20:05 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1604343 in kolla "Fail to create instance on Ubuntu host" [Medium,Triaged] 16:20:16 <zhubingbing> i fix now 16:20:26 <sdake> we have a hard deadline of oct7 for rc2 16:20:37 <sdake> i'd like to pull that in if possible 16:20:45 <sdake> that is what this discussion is all about 16:21:22 <duonghq> zhubingbing: you took this bug? 16:21:23 <sdake> we could bleed into the next week after if needed 16:21:25 <sdake> lets try not to do that 16:21:39 <sdake> duonghq - bugs are roughly triaged 16:21:59 <sdake> duonghq if you want to help with triage i can add you to the drivers team and you can do whatyou think is right ;) 16:22:19 <duonghq> sdake: sometime guys triaged bug by mistake 16:22:23 <sdake> one last peice of further guidance on triage 16:22:25 <sdake> critical = affects whole system 16:22:36 <duonghq> so I want to make sure they truly triaged 16:22:53 <sdake> high = affects a component that results in nonfunctionality 16:22:53 <sdake> duonghq they are not 16:22:58 <sdake> duonghq that is what we need to do 16:23:23 <berendt> sdake shoud we a those defintiions to our docs? 16:23:27 <sdake> [09:14:33] <sdake> lets sort out individually the minimum set of bugs to fix and make sure their priority is set 16:23:38 <sdake> berendt makes sense to me 16:23:44 <sdake> berendt up to the core team really 16:23:57 <sdake> if yoou dont like my definitinos use your own ;) 16:24:16 <berendt> i think it is important to document it, that's the point.. 16:24:23 <sdake> any further questions? 16:24:23 <berendt> i will open a review, we can discuss there 16:24:27 <sdake> berendt ok - wfm :) 16:24:59 <zhubingbing> i thinks document is very important 16:25:26 <duonghq> totally agreed with zhubingbing 16:25:31 <zhubingbing> About hub kolla on docker image management 16:25:34 <sdake> ok any questions on the request or deadline for request? 16:25:47 <sdake> zhubingbing - that is for open item discussion 16:25:49 <zhubingbing> long time not update 16:26:02 <zhubingbing> hmm 16:26:10 <sdake> zhubingbing we only update *released* images in docker hub 16:26:13 <Jeffrey4l> sdake, so we do not need a bug to track the trivial fix, right? 16:26:14 <sdake> that are *stable* 16:26:16 <sdake> hence no rc 16:26:17 <Jeffrey4l> until rc2 16:26:24 <pbourke> is it clear to people which bugs need to be pushed to ocata and which are to be fixed, and by when 16:26:28 <sdake> Jeffrey4l roger 16:26:32 <pbourke> as for me, its not 16:27:01 <sdake> pbourke high-critical stay in newton - everything else pushed to occata thurday 16:27:03 <Jeffrey4l> before rc2, i think we can push some new feature :) 16:27:10 <sdake> no new features 16:27:18 <pbourke> sdake: ok cool 16:27:21 <sdake> rc2 is bug fix only 16:27:29 <Jeffrey4l> ok 16:27:30 <sdake> enforce it in reviews please 16:27:40 <pbourke> so date date for rc2 is at our discretion 16:27:43 <berendt> yes we have enought new features that are not working like expected 16:27:46 <pbourke> what about the final release 16:27:59 <sdake> pbourke the problem we have now is a lack of clarity about what is high/critical - i need core reviewt eam and drivers team to define that 16:28:06 <wznoinsk> sdake: how about the ironic-conductor/inspector fixes I@m on atm? 16:28:26 <sdake> the final release follows the ormal schedule which is october 20th 16:28:36 <Jeffrey4l> wznoinsk, good point 16:28:53 <sdake> wznoinsk those are ocata work 16:29:07 <sdake> wznoinsk tht said if yuo fix a bug that isn't high or critical - good for you :) 16:29:18 <Jeffrey4l> then ironic will totally unused in newton :( 16:29:20 <wznoinsk> I need to seprate ironic-inspector from ironic (not to mix the rootwrap and other things as they are different projects), not a new feature, not the trivial bug either 16:29:57 <wznoinsk> Jeffrey4l: that's what I'm worried about too, broken for last to release and so close to be working 16:30:12 <wznoinsk> s/to release/two releases 16:30:23 <sdake> when i say ironic - i mean BMAAAS 16:30:38 <sdake> anything related to bifrost deployment is *CRITICAL* 16:31:04 <sdake> ok any further questions? 16:31:20 <inc0> sdake, it will be related 16:31:25 <sdake> marching orders -> 1. triage bugs indepedently 16:31:34 <sdake> lets start with #1 ;) 16:31:55 <sdake> #2: i'll move bugs to ocata on thursday 00:00 utc 16:32:02 <sdake> that are not high/critical 16:32:31 <sdake> the goal of this effort is to reduce scope of rc2 16:32:33 <sdake> and it is essential 16:33:23 <sdake> anyone lacking clarity nwo? 16:33:25 <sdake> now? 16:33:30 <pbourke> sdake: sounds good thanks 16:33:54 <wznoinsk> sdake: 29th Sept you mean? 16:33:54 <sdake> nice - moving on then :) 16:33:55 <zhubingbing> agree 16:34:09 <sdake> wznoinsk no - we have discretioin on our rc2 deadline 16:34:34 <sdake> #3. I will set a hard rc2 deadline after #1 and #2 are completed above 16:35:02 <sdake> #4. after thursday work on critical bugs first, high bugs second 16:36:19 <inc0> wznoinsk, let's merge inspector before then and be done with it;) 16:36:53 <sdake> wznoinsk works for m e - ue your judgement guys - if we didn't trust you you wouldn't be in the drivers team or core review tam 16:37:06 <sdake> ok now- moving on :) 16:37:42 <sdake> #topic summit sessions fine tuning 16:38:10 <sdake> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kolla-O-summit-planning 16:38:15 <sdake> open that one up please 16:39:01 <zhubingbing> ok 16:39:06 <sdake> lets walk one by one through these 16:39:14 <sdake> and determine if they are essential planning or not 16:39:53 <sdake> actually change in mind 16:40:09 <sdake> lets work in the etherpad, nd place an "E" next to those you think is essential 16:40:18 <inc0> lol 16:40:31 <sdake> we will then have a poll that inc0 will organize from the essential sessions 16:40:42 <inc0> nah, I'll make poll of all of them 16:40:59 <inc0> poll in a way that people will be able to prioritize on their own 16:41:14 <sdake> ok that wfm 16:41:24 <sdake> inc0 need fast turnaround on that poll 16:41:36 <sdake> set a 7 day timer, please try to get it out today or tomorrow 16:42:05 <sdake> i really have a strong desire to give back to the foundation 16:42:16 <inc0> it'll hit the openstack-dev today 16:42:23 <sdake> inc0 roger 16:42:55 <sdake> even if something is marked essential, if voting is low - it may be cut 16:43:06 <sdake> polled essential rather 16:43:26 <duonghq> sdake: can you add note about E in the etherpad? 16:43:28 <sdake> ok - well i hd planned to usse the rest of this meeting to sort that out, but since the poll solution is on the table, lets use that 16:43:54 <sdake> duonghq we have just made a decision to ue openstack-dev poll via a web based voting service 16:44:16 <duonghq> yay, so the etherpad just for reference? 16:44:25 <sdake> my brain not operating at full capcity atm - so the recommended one I'd use escapes me 16:44:33 <sdake> (mornings ftl:( 16:44:43 <sdake> any questions? 16:44:48 <duonghq> roger 16:45:04 <sdake> inc0 i'll sync up with you on the polling softtware i'd recommend using 16:45:35 <sdake> once i access my mental mind palace ;) 16:45:47 <sdake> #topic open discussion 16:45:54 <inc0> I'll look on software which will use my favorite election type;) 16:46:20 <zhubingbing> About hub kolla on docker image management 16:46:23 <sdake> inc0 just ue the standard pollilng software that other projects use 16:46:35 <zhubingbing> have long time update 16:46:41 <inc0> yeah, that's the model I like;) 16:46:42 <sdake> sean used it - it worked well iirc 16:46:53 <berendt> http://civs.cs.cornell.edu 16:46:58 <sdake> not civs 16:47:11 <zhubingbing> I think this should be updated regularly. 16:47:24 <sdake> if you want to go through the trobule of civs, that is fine, but that doesnt tell us what is essential vs what is noot 16:47:53 <sdake> it just orders talks in priority 16:47:54 <britthouser> yeah CIVS picks one winner, not a priority list. 16:48:07 <sdake> it does prodduce a priority 16:48:16 <inc0> sdake, everyone will sort it using preference 16:48:24 <inc0> and we'll draw a red line at some point 16:48:27 <sdake> but it doesn't answer the equestion of "what is essential" 16:48:41 <sdake> red line = you mean zero budget baseine ;) 16:48:52 <inc0> exactly 16:49:02 <inc0> and that will be up to next ptl;) 16:49:02 <sdake> ok well knock yoursself out 16:49:05 <inc0> whoever that might be;) 16:49:25 <britthouser> Have we entered the #stumping part of the meeting? =P 16:49:31 <sdake> i would offer guidance to the next ptl whoever that may be to follow community decision making on this topic 16:49:53 <sdake> thats what I do - and it work well 16:50:13 <sdake> vs some off-base agenda which doesn't include topics people are interessted in 16:50:23 <sdake> in other words, refrence the etherpad 16:50:45 <sdake> britthouser don't think so 16:50:53 <sdake> zhubingbing on to your topic 16:51:02 <sdake> zhubingbing our proces around updating docker hub is as follows 16:51:10 <sdake> 1.1.0 released -> docker hub push 16:51:15 <sdake> 1.1.1 releaed -> docker hub push 16:51:20 <inc0> also britthouser civs can do multiple winners - like TC eletion 16:51:22 <zhubingbing> 3.0.0 16:51:23 <sdake> 1.1.2 releaeed -> docker hub push 16:51:26 <sdake> 2.0.0 released -> docker hub push 16:51:32 <Jeffrey4l> the poing is: should we push master image? 16:51:34 <sdake> 2.0.1 ereleased -> docker hub push 16:51:38 <zhubingbing> yes 16:51:41 <sdake> 2.0.2 releaseed -> docker hub push 16:51:48 <sdake> 3.0.0 released -> docker hub push 16:52:00 <sdake> releaseed - > NO docker hub push 16:52:08 <sdake> take my word for it, dont open that can of worms 16:52:33 <sdake> Jeffrey4l in other words, no 16:52:42 <wznoinsk> Jeffrey4l: is it a question about master or rcX? 16:53:13 <Jeffrey4l> master branch i mean wznoinsk 16:53:23 <sdake> if you don't notice the pattern above, we only push to docker hub our stable images 16:53:30 <duonghq> shoud the 3.0.0 images be uploaded to docker hub for a few months ago? 16:53:36 <Jeffrey4l> https://hub.docker.com/r/kolla/centos-binary-nova-compute/tags/ 16:53:37 <sdake> master is not stable as referencced by the 107 bugs in rc2 16:53:48 <Jeffrey4l> we already pushed some 3.0.0 image . 16:53:53 <sdake> duonghq 3.0.0 is unreleased 16:54:03 <duonghq> so the 3.0.0 is pushed by mistake? 16:54:05 <sdake> if we pushed 3.0.0 images accidentally they should be deleted 16:54:18 <Jeffrey4l> roger. i am agree not push unstable image. 16:54:23 <sdake> whoever created that problem pleae fix it 16:54:27 <Jeffrey4l> ya. 16:54:31 <zhubingbing> ok 16:54:37 <zhubingbing> i understand 16:54:39 <duonghq> ya, those images are placed for awhile 16:54:42 <pbourke> so will you send that poll via ML inc0 ? 16:55:09 <inc0> pbourke, yeah 16:55:20 <pbourke> inc0: cool thanks 16:55:32 <sdake> pbourke he said it would hit ml today 16:55:38 <inc0> I'll put ZBB with total number of sessions 16:55:40 <wznoinsk> Jeffrey4l: +1 16:55:55 <sdake> keep in mind the zbb may change 16:55:56 <inc0> if we decide to move it a bit up, to give back to foundation, we'll decide afterwards 16:55:57 <sdake> ;) 16:56:13 <sdake> we need to make that decision now inc0 16:56:14 <inc0> I want to see priorities first 16:56:15 <sdake> not in 1 month 16:57:20 <inc0> poll will be open for 6 days and we'll decide on next meeting 16:57:22 <inc0> fair enough? 16:57:27 <sdake> wfm 16:57:35 <britthouser> +! 16:57:37 <britthouser> +1 16:57:37 <sdake> ok any other business? 16:57:38 <rhallisey> :) 16:57:59 <rhallisey> I'm here for the woot for kolla? 16:58:02 <rhallisey> did I miss it? 16:58:04 <sdake> one last thing - we have a half day contributor meetup 16:58:11 <inc0> yes, woot for kola 16:58:12 <sdake> we can ue this spce however we like 16:58:15 <inc0> thanks rhallisey 16:58:17 <inc0> woot!! 16:58:21 <rhallisey> woot! 16:58:23 <sdake> so we can bleed our zbb into that if we need 16:58:46 <sdake> lets woot later after 3.0.0 is completed :) 16:59:03 <berendt> 1 minute left 16:59:13 <sdake> yup - time for concllsuion of the meeting 16:59:23 <sdake> pleasse please help with prioritizatino of bugs 16:59:24 <sdake> and respond on the poll 16:59:37 <sdake> and vote for your ptl to serve as your future leader 16:59:39 <sdake> thanks ;) 16:59:42 <sdake> #endmeeting