16:01:02 <inc0> #startmeeting Kolla 16:01:08 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Nov 16 16:01:02 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is inc0. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:09 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:01:11 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'kolla' 16:01:13 <egonzalez90> woot o/ 16:01:23 <inc0> hello everyone:) 16:01:28 <duonghq> woot/ 16:01:30 <rhallisey__> helo 16:01:30 <sp__> hi all 16:01:31 <jascott1> hello 16:01:33 <inc0> #topic w00t for Kolla rollcall 16:01:33 <duonghq> o/ 16:01:37 <Jeffrey4l> 0/ 16:01:39 <coolsvap> o/ 16:01:40 <srwilkers> woot o/ 16:01:40 <jascott1> woot 16:01:43 <egonzalez90> w00t 16:01:47 <inc0> woot:) 16:01:49 <duonghq> wo0t/// 16:02:23 <inc0> ok, let's move on, I bet this will be full time meeting 16:02:30 <inc0> #topic Announcements 16:02:41 <sbezverk> o/ 16:02:46 <portdirect> o/ 16:02:46 <inc0> 1. Kolla ansible is up! Our repo is split at last 16:02:47 <qwang> o/ 16:02:58 <inc0> we will cover logistics around that later in the meeting 16:03:14 <inc0> 2. 4.0.0b1 aka ocata-1 releases this week 16:03:37 <inc0> any other announcements? 16:03:56 <inc0> ok, let's move on to hard stuff 16:04:02 <inc0> #topic repo split 16:04:09 <mliima> \o 16:04:20 <inc0> #link https://github.com/openstack/kolla-ansible 16:04:30 <inc0> we have it:) 16:04:43 <sdake> o/ 16:04:55 <inc0> as you can see this is copy of kolla itself from weekend 16:05:22 <inc0> today I'll propose patch removing ansible dir from kolla repo 16:05:47 <Jeffrey4l> inc0, can we do this until we fixed the gate? 16:06:04 <inc0> Jeffrey4l, can we fix gate in kolla-ansible? 16:06:25 <Jeffrey4l> in ml, i propose leave the deploy gate in kolla. 16:06:39 <sdake> inc0 i already did the removal of ansible from kolla repo 16:06:47 <qwang> the patch is there https://review.openstack.org/#/c/398025/ 16:06:56 <v1k0d3n> sorry, here now 16:07:05 <inc0> ahh missed that, sorry sdake 16:07:13 <inc0> Jeffrey4l, no, we need to remove ansible asap 16:07:19 <Jeffrey4l> ok. 16:07:21 <mliima> i propose remove docker from kolla-ansible 16:07:24 <inc0> because people will keep pushing code there 16:07:28 <mliima> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/398320/ 16:07:34 <inc0> mliima, that on the other hand will have to wair 16:07:44 <inc0> until we prepare zuul-cloner 16:07:51 <inc0> or docker registry in infra 16:08:00 <mliima> ok inc0 16:08:10 <inc0> as we can build without ansible, we can't deploy without build 16:08:38 <mliima> ok 16:08:59 <inc0> on that note, we'll create zuul-clone of kolla in kolla-ansible 16:09:13 <inc0> we can also do git submodule of kolla in kolla ansible 16:09:19 <inc0> to keep installation easy 16:09:28 <inc0> which means we also need to change our docs 16:09:45 <inc0> as deployment procedure will be slightly different 16:10:26 <inc0> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kolla-repo-split 16:10:45 <inc0> let's use this etherpad to list out all the logistics and cleanups we need to make 16:10:46 <sdake> inc0 our docs don't recommend deploying gfrom git 16:10:57 <inc0> pip will be diffetent too 16:11:03 <sdake> inc0 they recommend deploying from pip becasuse of the pbr version problem 16:11:18 <sdake> git submodules only help developers 16:11:24 <inc0> and really, I personally find this an abomination that it's not equivalent 16:11:29 <sdake> pretty sure everyone thats a dev can check out two repos :) 16:11:36 <sdake> inc0 feel free to fix it 16:11:40 <inc0> but that's discussion for another day 16:11:54 <sdake> inc0 did best I could with the expert resources (dhellman in particular) available to me 16:13:03 <sdake> Jeffrey4l i thought i saw christmas there for a moment ;) 16:13:30 <inc0> let's focus on todo guys for now 16:13:40 <inc0> we need this list to be comprehensive to distribute work effectively 16:13:48 <Jeffrey4l> hmm. sorry, do not get the point :/ 16:14:18 <sdake> Jeffrey4l nm :) 16:16:29 <sp__> sdake: would kolla-k8s arch spec is still open for input ? 16:19:00 <coolsvap> did I lost connection or meeting is actually stalled? 16:19:08 <srwilkers> im still here 16:19:11 <inc0> no, we are in etherpad 16:19:20 <inc0> doing todo list for cleanups 16:19:27 <inc0> 10 more minutes 16:19:30 <sdake> coolsvap we are brainstorming - not sure what the window is 16:19:35 <coolsvap> sorry missed the etherpad 16:19:45 <sdake> sp__ yes its open until merged 16:20:05 <egonzalez90> coolsvap: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kolla-repo-split 16:20:18 <coolsvap> thanks egonzalez90 got there 16:20:20 <sdake> sp_ reference https://github.com/openstack/kolla-kubernetes/blob/master/specs/README.rst 16:20:47 <rhallisey> sp_, yes it's still open 16:21:14 <sp__> thanks sdake and rhallisey for info and link 16:22:11 <portdirect> hey could you give me a ping when your back 16:22:21 <portdirect> (from etherpad) 16:26:42 <mordred> inc0: sup? 16:27:07 <inc0> 2 more minutes in our brainstorm topic (working on ehterpad now) and we'll move on to how gate kolla-ansible 16:27:19 <inc0> but I appreciate having you around:) thanks 16:27:46 <inc0> I'll use this time to give you full context mordred 16:28:01 <inc0> so as you probably know, we split kolla into kolla and kolla-ansible 16:28:06 <inc0> we also have kolla-kubernetes 16:28:13 <inc0> kolla now holds all the images 16:28:38 <sdake> inc0 you mean gate kolla :) 16:28:45 <inc0> sdake, hold on 16:28:55 <inc0> that'll be topic part;) 16:29:03 <sdake> oh right 16:29:05 <inc0> just giving mordred state we are now 16:29:33 <mordred> inc0: nod. kolla has the images, kolla-ansible and kolla-k8s want to consume them, yeah? 16:29:39 <inc0> yeah 16:29:41 <inc0> but... 16:29:45 <duonghq> portdirect, ping 16:29:52 <inc0> #topic gates in brave new world 16:29:55 <portdirect> cheers 16:30:08 <inc0> so mordred fungi and everyone, we want 2 things really 16:30:23 <inc0> kolla-ansible and k8s needs to build images today 16:30:30 <inc0> as we don't have docker registry for them 16:30:52 <inc0> so I expect to use zuul cloner there to pull kolla and build images locally 16:31:15 <inc0> but at the end of the day, we would like to have some smoketest gates in kolla to see if our deployments hasn't been broken after a change 16:31:45 <inc0> so correct me if I'm wrong, but zuul cloner will allow cross repo gates as in adding gates from kolla to kolla-ansible, but not other way around right? 16:32:00 <mordred> they can totally be bi-directional 16:32:22 <inc0> so zuul clones kolla to kolla-ansible and kolla-ansible to kolla? 16:32:28 <mordred> so you can say "this job needs the kolla and kolla-ansible repos" then the job will clone both repos in the appropriate state and will run the job content 16:32:49 <fungi> yeah, it's just a convenience utility to clone arbitrary refs of an arbitrary number of repos, taking advantage of local repo caches and refnames provided by zuul in our ci context 16:33:01 <mordred> let's say there is a job called "gate-kolla-images" 16:33:11 <mordred> that job will be configured to clone kolla, kolla-ansible and kolla-kubernetes 16:33:15 <magicboiz> Hi 16:33:33 <mordred> and then in the content of the job, the job will expect those three repos to exist and will do $stuff 16:33:52 <mordred> then, you can configure the kolla repo to run that job in its gate pipeline, and you can also configure kolla-ansible to do the same 16:34:15 <fungi> (and kolla-kubernetes too if you want) 16:34:17 <mordred> yah 16:34:27 <inc0> yeah we will want to have smoketest for both 16:34:37 <inc0> by smoketest I assume gates we have today;) 16:34:59 <inc0> ok, so short term, we need to configure zuul-cloner on both ends 16:35:07 <inc0> and keep gates working as they work today 16:35:26 <inc0> that will also allow us to remove docker directory from kolla-ansible immediatly 16:35:51 <inc0> #link http://docs.openstack.org/infra/zuul/cloner.html 16:36:18 <inc0> Jeffrey4l, sdake, others - is this solution acceptable? 16:36:28 <Jeffrey4l> yep. i like that. 16:36:34 <coolsvap> +1 16:36:43 <sdake> sorry two meetings at once - leemme catch up 16:36:47 <sdake> DST FTL 16:36:48 <egonzalez90> looks fine 16:36:50 <inc0> I would refrain of having full fledged deploy gates in kolla as gates will take forever and still be not-voting 16:37:14 <inc0> but our current gates are ok for that purpose imho 16:37:15 <mliima> looks good 16:37:17 <sdake> yup lgtm 16:37:26 <sdake> infra cats are experts, follow their lead imo :) 16:37:38 <inc0> so we just don't change anything aside of making build gates voting (yes, yay, I think we can do that( 16:38:07 <sdake> i think mordred suggested having them right? 16:38:47 <sdake> the reason for corss repo gating is to make sure the kolla imgaes are GTG when committed 16:39:04 <sdake> the only plalce I know to do that is in the kolla repo 16:39:08 <mordred> yah - the main thing is just to make sure that the build job does the right thing with the multiple repos 16:39:10 <mordred> but yes 16:39:16 <inc0> so another question since you're here:) 16:39:27 * mordred hides 16:39:28 <inc0> (can we wrap up this? I think we know what to do) 16:39:33 <fungi> yeah, i mostly didn't want to see you roll out something confusing involving hacky git submodules that subsequently locks you out of a lot of convenient options from better testing across your repos 16:39:36 <inc0> #topic git submodule 16:39:45 <mordred> run away screaming 16:39:45 <inc0> so, we'll use zuul cloner 16:39:50 <sdake> fungi ;) 16:39:57 <mordred> \o/ 16:40:24 <inc0> but there are people asking for submodule in kolla-ansible for kolla just for purpose of easier installation for users 16:40:37 <inc0> git clone kolla-ansible --recursive and you have all you need locally 16:40:42 <fungi> git submodules are not a substitute for an installer 16:40:51 <portdirect> +1 16:41:04 <wirehead_> heh 16:41:17 <inc0> I'm asking because other teams well, uses it like that it seems;) 16:42:15 <inc0> I guess putting kolla into requirements.txt of kolla-ansible should do the trick? 16:42:15 <sdake> fungi right - we use pip to install 16:42:35 <inc0> sdake, everyone uses something different tbh 16:42:47 <sdake> well devs use git obviously 16:42:54 <inc0> that's my point 16:42:56 <sdake> operators use pip 16:43:02 <Jeffrey4l> other project like puppet or openstack ansible are different from kolla. they depend on the code itself. But kolla-ansible depend on the docker images which kolla produced. 16:43:31 <inc0> you're right Jeffrey4l, so we don't make any dependency at all? 16:43:48 <inc0> and just ask people to install both projects separately? 16:43:49 <Jeffrey4l> i prefer to no. 16:43:52 <mordred> sorry - laptop crashed 16:44:06 <Jeffrey4l> on the deployment node, why i must install kolla and its dependency? 16:44:07 <inc0> that's another approach 16:44:15 <Jeffrey4l> ansibe is enough. 16:44:16 <portdirect> i think the seperation between containers, and deployment makes sense i think from an ops perspective (ie no submodule) - but thats just me. 16:44:17 <inc0> which I actually like 16:44:44 <inc0> anyone is against having completely unrelated projects as far as installation goes? 16:45:03 <sdake> inc0 could you restate the question, it didn't pass my parser 16:45:25 <Jeffrey4l> if we add kolla-ansible as kolla' submodule, how about the kolla-kubernetes projects? 16:45:25 <inc0> sdake, when kolla-ansible is installed in any way, kolla is not 16:45:30 <sdake> wfm 16:45:41 <inc0> ok, for now we keep things totally separate then 16:45:47 <egonzalez90> kolla-ansible depends on an image built by kolla, not depends of kolla at all 16:45:47 <duonghq> maybe we need separate "build-node" from "deployment-node" 16:46:06 <inc0> we can 16:46:12 <inc0> and it's quite elegant tbh 16:46:24 <Jeffrey4l> duonghq, +1 16:46:28 <mordred> if you do wind up wanting to tie things together, I would strongly suggest that submodules will cause you more pain than they will solve, so trying other approaches first, I would suggest, will make you all much happier 16:46:30 <egonzalez90> +1 16:46:43 <mliima> duonghq, +1 16:46:45 <inc0> mordred, got it, thanks for warning 16:46:48 <portdirect> mordred: +1 to that :) 16:46:51 <mordred> cool. 16:46:52 <inc0> but it seems for now we keep things totally separate 16:47:15 <mordred> if you do end up getting to the place where it becomes essential - ping us, there are additional features/gotchas in gerrit-land :) 16:47:23 <mordred> but I like where you're going :) 16:48:01 <inc0> ok 16:48:08 <inc0> anything else on that note? 16:48:20 <inc0> #topic open discussion 16:48:28 <inc0> still have few minutes 16:49:21 <Jeffrey4l> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-November/107429.html 16:49:26 <rhallisey> the spec 16:49:35 <rhallisey> it's almost done 16:49:41 <rhallisey> will have another review up soon 16:49:42 <Jeffrey4l> we need push some goals for ocata. 16:50:23 <Jeffrey4l> it breaks our release. 16:50:25 <Jeffrey4l> https://review.openstack.org/398433 16:50:27 <Jeffrey4l> block 16:51:13 <portdirect> rhallisey: thanks for keeping on top of it! 16:51:19 <rhallisey> no problem 16:51:21 <inc0> it doesn't seem to be the case for us tho 16:51:31 <rhallisey> just be sure everyone gets their comments in 16:51:42 <wirehead_> :) 16:52:15 <portdirect> also the impromptu hangouts have been really usefull - I really think we should keep them up when we hit issues 16:53:10 <portdirect> gotta meeting, so need to head - catch you guys later 16:53:34 <inc0> ok, I guess we're done for today?:) 16:53:39 <duonghq> woot 16:53:39 <inc0> for meeting* 16:53:46 <inc0> today is still ongoing, don't stop working 16:53:50 <sdake> re impromptu meetings 16:53:53 <sdake> can we please schedule them 16:53:56 <sdake> if we are going to have them 16:54:02 <sdake> they are not inclusive 16:54:03 <sdake> TIA :) 16:54:20 <inc0> schedule impromptu meetings? that's not impromptu 16:54:27 <sdake> right oxymoron 16:54:41 <sdake> the problem with improtu meetings is not everyone is aorund 16:54:47 <inc0> we jump on hangouts when we can't communicate over irc 16:54:54 <sdake> 4 guys in a meeting do not make up the communities best judgement 16:55:03 <inc0> but they can get into agreement 16:55:24 <sdake> right - then gotta convince everyone else 16:55:30 <inc0> not everyone 16:55:56 <sdake> not inclusive... 16:56:10 <sdake> i constantly have conflicts with the spur of the moment hangouts 16:56:22 <inc0> we had something called "liberum veto" in Polish history, where single person could throw out voting...spoiler alert - didn't end well 16:57:00 <inc0> anyway, will be reflected in spec and totally optional 16:57:03 <sdake> i'm not asking for much 16:57:09 <inc0> so feel free to drop it there 16:57:45 <inc0> anyway, I think we exhausted this meetings time 16:57:54 <inc0> thanks everyone for comming! 16:58:03 <inc0> #endmeeting kolla