16:04:02 <Jeffrey4l> #startmeeting kolla 16:04:03 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Jan 3 16:04:02 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is Jeffrey4l. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:04:04 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:04:07 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'kolla' 16:04:41 <Jeffrey4l> #topic roll call 16:04:57 <Jeffrey4l> happy new year everybody lol 16:05:07 <duonghq> o/ 16:05:14 <chason> o/ 16:05:27 <egonzalez> o/ 16:05:38 <Jeffrey4l> seems most of guys are still in holiday 16:05:47 <hrw> o/ 16:05:58 * hrw in video conf at same time 16:06:11 <Jeffrey4l> cool. 16:06:30 <Jeffrey4l> #topic announcement 16:06:40 <Jeffrey4l> any announcement from community? 16:07:28 <Jeffrey4l> guess no. 16:07:47 <Jeffrey4l> #topic open discuss 16:07:59 <Jeffrey4l> anyone want take the floor? 16:08:08 <duonghq> I have one 16:08:19 <Jeffrey4l> please duonghq 16:08:28 <hrw> I will have too 16:08:54 <duonghq> I implemented cinder rolling upgrade, hope that somebody can review it after the holiday 16:08:58 <duonghq> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/529546/ 16:09:05 <duonghq> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/529544/ 16:09:13 <Jeffrey4l> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/529546/ 16:09:14 <egonzalez> Sure 16:09:20 <Jeffrey4l> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/529544/ 16:09:39 <duonghq> thank egonzalez, Jeffrey4l 16:10:00 <Jeffrey4l> duonghq, nice jobs. 16:10:20 <zhubingb_> thanks duonghq 16:10:26 <Jeffrey4l> duonghq, anything else? 16:10:32 <duonghq> Jeffrey4l, no, thank you 16:10:37 <Jeffrey4l> cool. 16:10:43 <Jeffrey4l> your turn hrw 16:10:54 <hrw> ok 16:10:58 <hrw> mariadb 10.1 16:11:17 <hrw> we have some patches in review 16:11:29 <hrw> https://review.openstack.org/529199 needs commit rephrasing 16:11:35 <Jeffrey4l> yup. i sent a summary mail in the ML. 16:11:44 <hrw> https://review.openstack.org/468632 just zuul 16:11:52 <Jeffrey4l> to talk about the current issue and plan. 16:12:04 <hrw> I did deploy with them and got it working on aarch64 nicely 16:12:22 <Jeffrey4l> here is the mail: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2017-December/125897.html 16:12:40 <hrw> then wrote and pushed set of small fixes to get deployment working better/properly 16:13:31 <hrw> tools/init-runonce imho should be merged partitially into deploy step. all those networks/flavours stuff 16:14:18 <Jeffrey4l> hrw are you talking my ansiblize init runonce patch? 16:14:35 <hrw> added some fixes to it: https://review.openstack.org/530889 (cirros 0.4.0 for x86/aarch64/ppc64le), https://review.openstack.org/530896 (uefi on aarch64), https://review.openstack.org/530897 (check client version to get 3.12+) 16:14:39 <hrw> Jeffrey4l: yes 16:15:08 <hrw> Jeffrey4l: just have to find it in review to take a look 16:15:35 <hrw> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/523072/ one - will look at it 16:15:56 <Jeffrey4l> i learned something from openstack ansible installation books. maybe we can rename the init-one to "adhoc" folder, which could hold some use playbooks scripts. 16:16:10 <Jeffrey4l> yes. thanks. 16:16:20 <Jeffrey4l> #link https://review.openstack.org/530889 16:16:27 <Jeffrey4l> #link https://review.openstack.org/530896 16:16:28 <hrw> it is handy to have cirros image for tests. but running shell script after ansible steps looks weird 16:16:33 <Jeffrey4l> #link https://review.openstack.org/530897 16:16:55 <Jeffrey4l> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/523072/ 16:16:57 <Jeffrey4l> i think so. 16:17:11 <Jeffrey4l> i will review your patches after the meeting. 16:17:15 <hrw> thx 16:17:37 <Jeffrey4l> np. anything else hrw ? 16:17:40 <hrw> https://review.openstack.org/529270 one defaults nova cpu_mode to value which works on aarch64 16:17:50 <hrw> in cleanest way I found. 16:18:11 <hrw> have a patch to nova which does the same but I lack nova knowledge so it will take time to get it sane 16:18:44 <Jeffrey4l> LGTM +2ed 16:19:21 <hrw> and docker thing 16:19:45 <Jeffrey4l> the inc0 implement stage images? 16:19:46 <hrw> I applied all mariadb patches, docker one, my nova change and deploy just works on debian/source/aarch64 16:20:02 <Jeffrey4l> cool. 16:20:03 <egonzalez> hrw multinode? 16:20:06 <hrw> Jeffrey4l: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/522712/ one 16:20:29 <hrw> egonzalez: all-in-one now. have one more machine handy so will do multi later this week 16:22:02 <hrw> egonzalez: have to check at inventory file to find out which services should go where 16:23:41 * hrw done 16:23:48 <Jeffrey4l> thanks hrw 16:24:42 <Jeffrey4l> we are during milestone-3 cycle now. and m3 will be tag during Jan 22 - Jan 26 16:25:02 <hrw> when is code freeze? 16:25:04 <Jeffrey4l> technically, BP are not allowed to merged after that. 16:25:14 <Jeffrey4l> only bug fix is allow. 16:25:20 <hrw> so 2 weeks to get stuff into queens. 16:25:34 <Jeffrey4l> unless we have a feature freeze exception. 16:26:04 <Jeffrey4l> yes. so guys, please push your patches and try to clean up the review queues. 16:26:29 <Jeffrey4l> anybody have topics? 16:27:11 <Jeffrey4l> ok. thanks for coming to today meeting. 16:27:15 <Jeffrey4l> have a nice day. 16:27:21 <Jeffrey4l> let us end the meeting. 16:27:27 <Jeffrey4l> #endmeeting