15:59:36 <inc0> #startmeeting kolla 15:59:37 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Jan 31 15:59:36 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is inc0. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:59:38 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:59:40 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'kolla' 15:59:44 <inc0> #topic w00t! 15:59:53 <duonghq> wo0t 15:59:57 <inc0> I'm back everyone:) 16:00:11 <hrw> o/ 16:00:19 <Jeffrey4l> o/ 16:00:29 <chason> o/ 16:00:29 <rwellum> o/ 16:00:40 <coolsvap> o/ 16:01:02 <spsurya_> w00t 16:02:00 <jmccarthy> o/ 16:04:35 <egonzalez> o/ 16:04:49 <inc0> ok let's move on 16:04:53 <inc0> #topic announcements 16:05:56 <bkero-> o/ 16:06:21 <inc0> We're in PTL candidacy week, next week are elections. As most of you know, I decided to give up this spot to someone else:) 16:07:27 <inc0> I wanted to thank you all again for trust you've put in me and I'd like to ask you to support next PTL as much as you supported me 16:08:11 <inc0> it was absolute pleasure to lead this wonderful community over last 3 releases 16:08:35 <bkero-> inc0: thank you for your leadership and effort 16:08:58 <Jeffrey4l> inc0 you have done a great jobs ;D 16:09:18 <jmccarthy> inc0: Wow three releases already ? Time flies ! Jobs well done ! 16:09:20 <egonzalez> +1 great releases and accomplishment 16:09:28 <rwellum> ++1 16:09:31 <duonghq> thank you for your invaluable contribution for Kolla 16:09:34 <egonzalez> Thanks for your work 16:09:38 <inc0> jmccarthy: one of them was shorter;) so that's something 16:09:39 <coolsvap> inc0: you have lead kolla by example and I hope you're here for better future of Kolla :-) 16:09:42 <spsurya_> inc0: Thanks for your priceless continuous help and support 16:10:15 <inc0> but yeah, it feels like a blink of the eye:) 16:10:25 <inc0> thank you all for kind words 16:10:34 <inc0> any community announcements? 16:10:46 <duonghq> I have small 16:10:51 <inc0> shoot 16:10:52 <egonzalez> inc0 going to keep working in kolla? 16:11:15 <inc0> egonzalez: not sure how much, but I'll be around:) 16:11:17 <duonghq> my colleague finish bp/support-custom-policy-yaml 16:11:31 <Jeffrey4l> doude, nice jobs 16:11:58 <Jeffrey4l> duonghq, pinged wrong guys^^ 16:12:22 <duonghq> many people cannot pronounce my name, that's normal :P 16:12:55 <Jeffrey4l> btw, kolla is released this monday. 16:13:25 <inc0> duonghq: I know a thing or two about this problem;) 16:13:42 <inc0> cool, that means we won't merge new features afterwards 16:13:52 <inc0> lets focus on testing and bugfixed 16:14:40 <spsurya_> inc0: +1 16:14:45 <Jeffrey4l> yes. if there are still BP wanna to be merged. we have a feature freeze exception procedure. 16:15:10 <inc0> yup 16:15:31 <inc0> ok, can we move to agenda? It's fairly packed 16:15:56 <Jeffrey4l> seems the agenda is not updated.. 16:16:14 <inc0> ahh right, it's for 24th 16:16:20 <inc0> my bad 16:16:35 <inc0> well, I guess we don't have agenda then:) 16:16:58 <inc0> #topic Open Discussion 16:17:00 <inc0> anyone? 16:17:09 <duonghq> o/ 16:17:21 <Jeffrey4l> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kolla-rocky-ptg-planning ptg topics? 16:18:38 <inc0> Duong, you have the floor 16:19:29 <duonghq> inc0, I think we should follow Jeffrey4l, but I hope that we can discuss about etherpad which list waiting list of bp, bug, patch 1st 16:19:56 <inc0> ok, let's take another look at ptg etherpad 16:21:25 <spsurya_> rwellum: ^^ ? 16:23:34 <spsurya_> inc0: if possible, can you please fill out in kk8s section in PTG etherpad all the gaps left in kk8s to make it production 16:24:13 <spsurya_> i think that would be quite helpful and valuable for PTG discussion for kk8s 16:25:52 <inc0> we have etherpad from last ptg with list of these features 16:25:58 <inc0> I think it still holds true 16:26:53 <rwellum> inc0: you have a link? I lost it annoyingly. 16:27:10 <inc0> pasted 16:27:39 <rwellum> I mean the k8s one 16:29:11 <inc0> yeah 16:29:30 <inc0> I pasted roadmap from last PTG into new etherpad 16:30:02 <duonghq> thanks 16:30:37 <spsurya_> gr8 thanks inc0 16:31:39 <rwellum> Ah great ty! 16:32:40 <inc0> ok, let's move on to bps 16:33:33 <inc0> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/kolla-ansible/queens 16:34:48 <inc0> hmm it looks good 16:35:29 <egonzalez> There are few not pointing to queens ready for review 16:35:31 <egonzalez> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/kolla-ansible 16:36:11 <duonghq> I forgot push my bp to the https://blueprints.launchpad.net/kolla-ansible/+spec/apply-service-upgrade-procedure 16:37:51 <Jeffrey4l> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/kolla/+spec/build-debian 16:37:57 <Jeffrey4l> this should be done, right? 16:38:34 <inc0> yeah marked it as implemented 16:38:47 <inc0> still needs gates but I trust hrw and gema are on point with this;) 16:39:04 <hrw> let me look 16:39:54 <hrw> no gates but working images 16:40:34 <inc0> yeah, that's why I marked it as implemented 16:40:42 <Jeffrey4l> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/kolla/+spec/config-in-kolla this can be obsoleted, i think inc0 16:42:13 <duonghq> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/kolla-ansible/+spec/ansible-specific-task-become -> this bp has one patch left: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/398685/ 16:42:31 <inc0> yeah 16:42:40 <inc0> I'll just close it 16:42:50 <inc0> (config in kolla that is) 16:47:38 <inc0> soo 16:47:53 <inc0> I think we can wrap it up? anyone wants to add anything? 16:49:11 <duonghq> inc0, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/529546/ -> can we review it in Q? 16:50:37 <inc0> +2d 16:50:49 <duonghq> thank inc0 16:50:57 <inc0> ok, let's give ourselves 10min back:) 16:51:02 <inc0> thank you all for coming! 16:51:06 <inc0> #endmeeting kolla