16:01:04 <inc0> #startmeeting kolla 16:01:04 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Feb 7 16:01:04 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is inc0. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:05 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:01:07 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'kolla' 16:01:33 <rwellum> o/ 16:01:35 <spsurya_> w00t 16:01:46 <Jeffrey4l> w00t 16:01:50 <emccormickva> o/ 16:01:51 <pbourke> o/ 16:01:57 <dardelean> o/ 16:02:00 <duonghq> o/ wo0t 16:03:48 <chason> o/ 16:04:43 <inc0> #topic announcements 16:04:51 <JamesBenson> w00t 16:05:27 <inc0> 1. PTL election nominations are close to an end 16:05:40 <inc0> we have 3 great candidates so far, that's awesome 16:06:17 <inc0> that means lots of people cares about our project:) thank you duonghq Jeffrey4l pbourke 16:06:28 <rwellum> +1 16:06:58 <inc0> I suggest everyone take time to read their candidacy statements here https://github.com/openstack/election/tree/master/candidates/rocky/Kolla 16:06:59 <spsurya_> inc0: looks great 16:07:15 <inc0> 2. We are tagging Q-3 this week 16:07:27 <inc0> Jeffrey4l: do we wait for any patch to land or we are good to go? 16:07:55 <Jeffrey4l> q-3 == milestone 3? 16:08:09 <Jeffrey4l> it is tagged already 16:08:21 <Jeffrey4l> our next tag should be rc1 16:08:26 <inc0> ah 16:08:29 <inc0> yeah, my bad 16:08:44 * inc0 is not fully awake, sorry 16:08:53 <Jeffrey4l> need more coffee :D 16:09:10 <inc0> right, RC1 16:09:40 <Jeffrey4l> rc1 will be tagged more later. because we are tailing cycle project. 16:10:01 <inc0> yes, and this is feature freeze for us, but we did that before really 16:10:49 <inc0> well, ok let's just move on to open discussion, as we don't have agenda;) 16:10:56 <inc0> #topic open discussion 16:11:00 <inc0> anyone? 16:11:06 <spsurya_> inc0: yes 16:11:14 <inc0> go ahead Surya 16:11:27 <spsurya_> tomorrow is last date for CFP 16:12:02 <spsurya_> I have added one talk along with Jeffrey4l duonghq 16:12:33 <duonghq> thank spsurya_ for this 16:12:58 <inc0> cool, good luck! 16:13:10 <spsurya_> would like to help on stage for Kolla update session if i got the chance 16:15:01 <rwellum> I have loosely based on kolla-k8s 16:15:06 <rwellum> (one) 16:16:03 <spsurya_> rwellum: would be great if elaborate little bit about it 16:17:28 <dardelean> hmm, I might submit a paper as well on how we deploy with kolla on windows 16:17:40 <rwellum> spsurya_: sure will do - I'll ping it on the main IRC after meeting 16:17:48 <inc0> dardelean: quick then as deadline is looming 16:18:05 <Jeffrey4l> dardelean, use kolla manage HyperV? 16:18:09 <Jeffrey4l> interesting. 16:18:25 <inc0> Jeffrey4l: I believe dardelean wrote it back in Pike 16:18:34 <dardelean> indeed, cinder is in review 16:18:48 <dardelean> atm only nova is merged(and the neutron agent ofc) 16:18:51 <spsurya_> rwellum: thanks 16:19:01 <Jeffrey4l> cool. 16:21:40 <inc0> ok, let's move on 16:21:48 <inc0> anyone else wants to add anything?:) 16:22:13 <duonghq> hmm, seem that we don't have much topic? 16:22:18 <inc0> yeah 16:22:26 <duonghq> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/398685/ 16:22:26 <inc0> let's wrap up and give ourselves 40min back 16:22:39 <duonghq> can we merge it in Q, and mark the bp is done? 16:22:45 <vhosakot> inc0: Jeffrey4l: sorry for not being active in kolla, I have a point about vendor driver if I may. 16:23:09 <inc0> duonghq: yeah I think so 16:23:12 <inc0> shoot Vikram 16:23:28 <vhosakot> as I'm now working on kolla these days, I'm not online IRC sorry, I'll be in kolla IRC more now. 16:23:47 <vhosakot> inc0: ok, so we spoke about vendor driver containerization at DevNet PTG 16:24:23 <vhosakot> what is the status of what as we plan to containerize a vendor driver needed which will be helpful for the community and customers. 16:24:41 <inc0> we didn't move it any forward 16:24:46 <inc0> afaik 16:25:01 <vhosakot> also, we plan to establish a common design/framework that any other vendors can use to containerize their vendor drivers in kolla 16:25:24 <vhosakot> inc0: I see 16:25:54 <vhosakot> sadasu is an OpenStack developer we spoke with in Denver. She has some ideas about it she would like to discuss today. 16:26:14 <vhosakot> sadasu: do you want to explain the idea? 16:26:40 <sadasu> vhosakot: thanks for the intro. 16:27:22 <sadasu> Hi! Kolla team, I have some rudimentaryideas and since I am new to Kolla would like your help ironing out the rough edges 16:27:39 <vhosakot> kolla team is amazing! 16:27:42 <spsurya_> sadasu: hi... 16:27:50 <duonghq> sadasu, o/ 16:27:55 <inc0> sadasu vhosakot can we move it to post-release discussion? or PTG? 16:28:13 <inc0> I feel like discussing design during feature freeze might be sub-optimal:) 16:28:13 <sadasu> I am looking at a framework where 3rd party vendor drivers do not have to integrate into the upstream Kolla containers 16:28:17 <vhosakot> inc0: sure, good point, sadasu can we discuss this in the regular IRC channel instead of this meeting? 16:28:27 <sadasu> sounds good 16:28:41 <inc0> I'll be happy to help you draft initial ideas 16:28:41 <duonghq> vhosakot, sadasu will you go to the next PTG (Dublin)? 16:28:41 <vhosakot> great, thanks for the opportunity inc0 and Jeffrey4l and all 16:28:58 <vhosakot> duonghq: no, I'm not working on kolla a lot thee days. 16:29:08 <sadasu> thanks inc0 and Jeffrey4l 16:29:15 <vhosakot> duonghq: are you? inc0, Jeffrey4l? you guys going to Dublin? 16:29:30 <sadasu> unfortunately, I won't be able to make it to PTG but would welcome any method to join remotely 16:29:34 <inc0> I'm not going :( 16:29:47 <Jeffrey4l> i can not be there ;( 16:29:57 <duonghq> vhosakot, no, Ireland Visa requires 2 months for processing 16:30:16 <vhosakot> ok, nobody from kolla this PTG then ? :( 16:30:38 <spsurya_> vhosakot: hope i would if get the VISA on time 16:30:55 <vhosakot> yeha, I needed good guiness beer ;) 16:31:49 <pbourke> vhosakot: some of us will be there :) 16:31:56 <vhosakot> ok, sadasu and I will discuss about vendor driver contaerization in the mail koall channel. if nothing else to discuss, we can end the meeting. 16:32:03 <vhosakot> ah, nice pbourke !! :) 16:32:12 <inc0> pbourke: are you walking distance from PTG?;) 16:32:16 <duonghq> I guess that egonzalez can go there 16:32:25 <pbourke> actually, yes :D 16:32:30 <inc0> lol 16:32:30 <sadasu> maybe we can join the ether pad if this topic is added to the PTG agenda 16:32:33 <vhosakot> isnt' it at a stadium this tim? 16:33:09 <vhosakot> my and I've been to Dublin - love the city and Temple Bar! :) 16:33:11 <spsurya_> sadasu: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kolla-rocky-ptg-planning 16:33:17 <spsurya_> add here 16:33:34 <sadasu> spsurya_:thanks! 16:36:00 <duonghq> Jeffrey4l, can you review this: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/529546/ 16:36:24 <sadasu> vhosakot and me plan to submit a talk for the vancouver summit regarding this topic 16:36:30 <sadasu> just a heads up 16:36:40 <duonghq> sadasu, nice 16:36:51 <duonghq> but I think it's close the the CFP deadline? 16:37:03 <sadasu> yes, we are being brave 16:37:30 <sadasu> will put in the proposal by end of day today 16:37:55 <duonghq> sadasu, +1 16:38:09 <spsurya_> sadasu: nice 16:38:33 <sadasu> thanks for the support 16:38:36 <Jeffrey4l> duonghq, sure. will review it later. 16:38:49 <duonghq> thank Jeffrey4l 16:39:43 <Jeffrey4l> np 16:39:49 <inc0> so, anyone else have topic? 16:42:28 <inc0> allright, thank you all for coming 16:42:39 <inc0> remember to vote for PTL! 16:42:43 <inc0> #endmeeting kolla