16:00:20 <Jeffrey4l> #startmeeting kolla 16:00:20 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Jun 6 16:00:20 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is Jeffrey4l. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:21 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:23 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'kolla' 16:00:27 <Jeffrey4l> #topic rollcall 16:00:29 <duonghq> o/ 16:00:30 <chason> o/ 16:00:33 <ktibi> o/ 16:00:34 <donghm> o/ 16:00:34 <bmace> o/ 16:01:24 <sadasu> Hello! 16:01:33 <spsurya> o/ 16:01:37 <jmccarthy> o/ 16:01:55 <Jeffrey4l> #topic Announcements 16:02:04 <yankcrime> o/ 16:02:21 <niedbalski> o/ 16:02:25 <Jeffrey4l> this week is rocky-2 milestone deadline. 16:02:43 <Jeffrey4l> we will going create rocky-rc2 tags for kolla. 16:03:00 <Jeffrey4l> currently the gate is green, so i think it is ready to do. 16:03:32 <Jeffrey4l> i will create the tags tomorrow if there is other issues. 16:03:48 <Jeffrey4l> any other announcements from community? 16:04:23 <Jeffrey4l> guess no, let us move on 16:04:35 <Jeffrey4l> since there is no agenda on meeting wiki page. 16:04:45 <Jeffrey4l> #topic open discussion 16:04:53 <pbourke> o/ 16:04:54 <Jeffrey4l> let us move to open discussion directly. 16:05:13 <Jeffrey4l> pbourke, thanks for update the onboarding feedbacks. 16:05:20 <pbourke> np 16:05:25 <pbourke> I think it went fairly well 16:05:50 <pbourke> Jeffrey4l: wrt to rocky-rc2 16:05:54 <spsurya> yes it good feedback session 16:06:00 <pbourke> at what point do we feature freeze? 16:06:14 <Jeffrey4l> pbourke, no. rc3 is a feature freeze. 16:06:31 <pbourke> Jeffrey4l: ok. we should do our best to get the bluestore functionality in before then 16:06:40 <pbourke> it seems almost ready 16:06:47 <Jeffrey4l> and since there is no trailing-cycle tag for deploy project, technially, there is no feature freeze at all now. 16:07:09 <Jeffrey4l> yeah. tong did a great job. 16:07:48 <Jeffrey4l> anyway, we still have another one month to merge bp. 16:08:32 <Jeffrey4l> one thing i wanna to talk is the meeting time. 16:08:43 <Jeffrey4l> currently the meeting time is UTC 16:00, it is US friendly. 16:09:03 <Jeffrey4l> but kolla do not have much US guys as before. 16:09:39 <Jeffrey4l> so is this time suitable with you? or do you wanna to adjust it? 16:09:44 <Jeffrey4l> any comments on this? 16:09:50 <spsurya> Jeffrey4l: yes please make it Asia and Europe friendly 16:10:05 <spsurya> +1 from my side 16:10:29 <pbourke> it's reasonably friendly for Europe right now, at least in Ireland 16:10:35 <ktibi> Jeffrey4l, for Europe, UTC 16 is good, maybe UTC 15 16:10:37 <bmace> depending on when it is moved to i may not be able to attend anymore, but i appreciate the reason for it. 16:10:45 <pbourke> ktibi: +1 16:10:58 <pbourke> actually I meant to +1 bmace :) 16:11:00 <pbourke> but also ktibi 16:11:07 <chason> Let's have a vote for meeting time. 16:11:11 <pbourke> Jeffrey4l: if we want to vote on a new time that would be fine 16:11:37 <Jeffrey4l> yeah, if guys wanna to change the meeting time, we will have a voting 16:12:13 <Jeffrey4l> does UTC 16 work with you pbourke bmace ? 16:12:19 <spsurya> may be 1 or 2 hrs before would be fine 16:12:28 <Jeffrey4l> utc 15 i mean. 16:12:37 <pbourke> that would be ok with me, probably too early for bmace 16:13:05 <bmace> so just 1 hour earlier? i might be able to survive.. right now it is at 9am for me, so it would be 8am, which, though painful, is still possible :) 16:13:22 <bmace> 7am is right out.. lol 16:13:30 <Jeffrey4l> bmace, great. 16:13:44 <Jeffrey4l> i will choose a several time span for voting. 16:13:46 <mgiles> bmace keep in mind that will be 7am in the winter hours, I think 16:13:53 <ktibi> for the Spanish guys it's siesta time ! 16:14:12 <bmace> mgiles: i will just have to hibernate through winter i guess ;) 16:14:14 <Jeffrey4l> i will sent the updates into ML 16:15:03 <Jeffrey4l> then next open discussion. 16:15:09 <Jeffrey4l> any volunteers? 16:15:54 <donghm> About bp, i implemented the blueprint ansible-specific-task-become, hope that somebody can review it 16:15:55 <spsurya> Jeffrey4l: yes 16:15:59 <donghm> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/571090/ 16:16:34 <Jeffrey4l> donghm, cool. 16:16:36 <ktibi> donghm, good job ! very good for security 16:16:58 <Jeffrey4l> added myself, will review tomorrow. 16:17:14 <donghm> Jeffrey4l, thank you 16:17:21 <spsurya> Berlin CFP is open, I personally feel kolla team should have a workshop 16:17:40 <duonghq> spsurya, +1 as usual 16:17:41 <spsurya> it will attract more operators and contributor 16:17:58 <pbourke> I would like to see a bigger kolla presence than we had in vancouver 16:18:18 <spsurya> as we had god amount of attendee in Vancouver 16:18:21 <donghm> ktibi, thank you too 16:18:33 <ktibi> I'll go to berlin with 3 or 4 op team. 16:19:21 <spsurya> pbourke: i think no. of good w.r.t other community 16:20:21 <spsurya> in vacouver 16:22:04 <spsurya> Jeffrey4l: pbourke duonghq ^^ 16:22:13 <pbourke> spsurya: I don't understand? 16:22:38 <spsurya> pbourke: sorry, typo 16:22:52 <Jeffrey4l> is the workshop equal onboarding + ops feedback? 16:23:18 <spsurya> I mean we had good amount of attendee in kolla session w.r.t to other community 16:23:25 <spsurya> pbourke: 16:23:27 <pbourke> spsurya: oh yes, absolutely 16:23:38 <spsurya> Jeffrey4l: no 16:23:43 <pbourke> just would be nice to see some more talks, demos, workshops etc. 16:24:05 <Jeffrey4l> and some good sign is i see some new contributor for kolla recently. 16:24:24 <spsurya> Jeffrey4l: workshop can be about handson exp of kolla, kolla-ansible and kolla-cli 16:25:09 <spsurya> it can include deployment of some new features 16:25:25 <spsurya> like we have rolling upgrade for core services 16:25:50 <Jeffrey4l> got 16:26:39 <spsurya> and some other crucial deployments in which operators face issue 16:27:04 <Jeffrey4l> and it will be great if some guys could share there experince on a large scale openstack deployed with kolla. 16:27:27 <spsurya> Jeffrey4l: yes, we need volunteers for that 16:28:59 <Jeffrey4l> the deadline for CFP is end of june. 16:29:16 <spsurya> yes 30th June, so we can create workshop before that and can propose the same 16:29:17 <Jeffrey4l> so please apply the topics before that ;) 16:29:42 <spsurya> workshop agenda* <- typo 16:29:42 <Jeffrey4l> rolling upgrade is a good point 16:31:23 <Jeffrey4l> ok, this is about the comming summit. 16:31:31 <Jeffrey4l> any other topics? 16:31:49 <bmace> It was suggested that, not that we have the cli working fairly well with the upstream bits, that we start to look at possibly depricating use of kolla-ansible, at least in the gate, and start using things like the cli properties commands instead of hand edits to the property files, etc. if there are no objections. 16:32:30 <Jeffrey4l> bmace, +1 16:32:38 <bmace> in the next couple of days i hope to have a script finished / committed so that there are no manual steps to getting the cli running w/ kolla-ansible, just run a script and it is all set up. 16:33:18 <bmace> i think that is it on the cli front. also, folks feel free to create blueprints for stuff you would like to see in the cli. we have had a number of new folks reviewing and commenting on the changes we are putting in, and that is very appreciated. 16:33:50 <Jeffrey4l> this will make kolla-cli and kolla-ansible work together very well. 16:34:36 <bmace> yup, and the more people use it i am hoping the more ideas people will have on improving the cli and making the whole kolla experience better / easier. 16:34:52 <Jeffrey4l> definitely :D 16:35:35 <spsurya> bmace: +1 16:36:37 <Jeffrey4l> btw, this patch is ready for review, https://review.openstack.org/568422 it will be good for operators :) 16:38:47 <Jeffrey4l> seem we could end the meeting ealier today. 16:38:59 <Jeffrey4l> thanks every for comming 16:39:09 <Jeffrey4l> #endmeeting