15:00:37 <Jeffrey4l> #startmeeting kolla 15:00:38 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Jul 4 15:00:37 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is Jeffrey4l. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:39 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:41 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'kolla' 15:00:46 <Jeffrey4l> #topic rollcall 15:00:58 <donghm> o/ 15:00:59 <ktibi> \o/ 15:01:01 <mgoddard> o/ 15:01:10 <caoyuan> o/ 15:02:11 <Jeffrey4l> #topic Announcements 15:02:27 <Jeffrey4l> no from me. now. any update from the community? 15:02:58 <Jeffrey4l> btw, there is no agenda in the wiki page. guess we will end today's meeting earlier. 15:03:09 <Jeffrey4l> #topic open discussion 15:03:23 <Jeffrey4l> anything wanna be talked? 15:03:46 <ktibi> Jeffrey4l, can you confirm the frezze feature date is the 23 jul ? 15:03:53 <ktibi> for kolla 15:03:53 <Jeffrey4l> i have a patch require another core review https://review.openstack.org/557872 , thanks. 15:04:37 <pbourke> o/ 15:04:57 <Jeffrey4l> hi pbourke 15:05:07 <Jeffrey4l> do you have any concern wanna be talked? 15:05:11 <chason> o/ 15:05:12 <ktibi> Jeffrey4l, good patch, I working right now on a deploy issue on keyring ceph ^^ Fetching Ceph keyrings ==> failed T_T 15:05:28 <pbourke> nothing from me today 15:05:59 <Jeffrey4l> cool 15:06:16 <Jeffrey4l> seem we could end the meeting today ;) 15:07:03 <mgoddard> how are we looking in terms of features for rocky? 15:07:23 <Jeffrey4l> mgoddard, release note is a good place 15:07:48 <Jeffrey4l> https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/kolla/unreleased.html 15:08:02 <Jeffrey4l> and 15:08:02 <Jeffrey4l> https://docs.openstack.org/releasenotes/kolla-ansible/unreleased.html 15:08:10 <Jeffrey4l> mgoddard, ^^ 15:08:25 <mgoddard> for comparison, ironic has a whiteboard 15:08:36 <mgoddard> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/IronicWhiteBoard 15:09:02 <mgoddard> it tracks the status of features targeted for the next release, and lists priorities for reviewers to focus on 15:09:46 <mgoddard> it's a bit messy, but L89 is priorities, and L138 has feature status reports 15:10:25 <mgoddard> is this something that kolla could use to try to track the progress of features? 15:10:26 <Jeffrey4l> sound good. it track not only current release. 15:10:50 <mgoddard> I'm sure something similar could be done with storyboard, but might be harder to setup 15:10:58 <mgoddard> does kolla plan to move to storyboard? 15:11:23 <pbourke> we discussed it a few weeks back 15:11:24 <Jeffrey4l> mgoddard, no plan right now. but the whiteboard is a good idea 15:11:43 <pbourke> seems storyboard is not quite there yet in terms of features, I think the main one highlighted was around stable branch tracking 15:11:50 <Jeffrey4l> i start this link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/KollaWhiteBoard 15:12:04 <mgoddard> yeah, storyboard seems a little raw still 15:12:17 <mgoddard> nice, thanks Jeffrey4l! 15:12:42 <mgoddard> how will we use the whiteboard? 15:12:50 <mgoddard> list of upcoming features with status? 15:13:16 <Jeffrey4l> mgoddard, we could learn from ironic. some important info + current cycle status 15:13:23 <mgoddard> of course it needs to be kept up to date... normally the ironic PTL announces on IRC just before the meeting to update whiteboard status 15:13:59 <mgoddard> Jeffrey4l: yeah, start fairly lightweight otherwise people will get tired 15:14:46 <mgoddard> now is probably a good time to start thinking about things to discuss at the PTG 15:15:03 <mgoddard> Jeffrey4l: will you be able to make it this time? Would be nice to meet you :) 15:16:14 <Jeffrey4l> mgoddard, i'd love too. visa is still a nightmare for me. tried twice. i am trying to apply now. 15:16:19 <mgoddard> pbourke had the kolla update slides from vancouver - we could use those to populate the whiteboard feature list 15:16:29 <mgoddard> Jeffrey4l: sure. good luck 15:20:25 <mgoddard> I had a question about rolling upgrades 15:21:47 <Jeffrey4l> mgoddard, yes? 15:21:50 <mgoddard> In the ironic rolling upgrade review, we are now pulling images in upgrade.yml. Previously it was required to pull before the upgrade. Is there a reason for this change in behaviour? 15:22:40 <Jeffrey4l> donghm, ^^ 15:23:53 <Jeffrey4l> #link https://review.openstack.org/577773 15:24:03 <donghm> Hi mgoddard, as i commented in my patch set, in legacy upgrade, we should pull all images of the services 15:24:46 <mgoddard> donghm, yes - what is the reason for the change? 15:25:09 <donghm> in rolling upgrade, this is good for pull the images in separate service 15:25:32 <mgoddard> why? 15:25:55 <mgoddard> maybe we can discuss on IRC 15:26:58 <mgoddard> one last thing :) 15:26:59 <donghm> i think when you just want to upgrade a service to the new version to fix some bug 15:26:59 <mgoddard> https://review.openstack.org/549775 15:27:05 <donghm> sure :) 15:27:18 <mgoddard> the bifrost CI job 15:28:18 <mgoddard> 3x +2 but no +A. egonzalez had concerns about load on zuul. He suggested creating a periodic job, or filtering only changes to the bifrost role. Any thoughts 15:28:21 <mgoddard> ? 15:28:50 <Jeffrey4l> mgoddard, what do you think about his idea. 15:28:58 <Jeffrey4l> i think use filter is reasonable 15:29:13 <mgoddard> yeah, I'm ok with that 15:29:17 <Jeffrey4l> and now kolla consumers lots of ci resource for each patch 15:29:50 <mgoddard> where do the results of periodic jobs get displayed? 15:30:35 <Jeffrey4l> mgoddard, mail will be send if the jobs is failed. 15:31:02 <Jeffrey4l> mgoddard, check http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-stable-maint/ 15:31:21 <mgoddard> ah, great - thanks 15:31:29 <mgoddard> I will go for that approach then 15:31:34 <mgoddard> I will stop talking now :) 15:31:54 <Jeffrey4l> but seems it is only true to periodic-stable pipeline 15:32:17 <mgoddard> oh, not master? 15:32:21 <Jeffrey4l> more info please check https://github.com/openstack-infra/project-config/blob/master/zuul.d/pipelines.yaml 15:32:43 <Jeffrey4l> it is matter will pipeline are you using. not the branch you are testing. 15:32:57 <Jeffrey4l> no idea why there is no mail for periodic pipeline 15:33:59 <mgoddard> ok, could ask in infra channel 15:34:32 <Jeffrey4l> btw, for filter change, egonzalez should be saying change like https://review.openstack.org/575026 15:35:10 <mgoddard> ok, thanks 15:35:49 <mgoddard> I think setup_gate.sh is getting too big :) 15:35:54 <mgoddard> a topic for another day 15:36:43 <Jeffrey4l> mgoddard, yeah. it is a result of history. and better be converted to zuul roles now ;) 15:37:27 <mgoddard> yeah, or just separate scripts would be a good start 15:38:14 <Jeffrey4l> mgoddard, i merged you bifrost patch. we could improve it in following patches. 15:38:31 <mgoddard> Jeffrey4l: nice, thanks :) 15:39:20 <Jeffrey4l> np 15:40:04 <Jeffrey4l> ok, any other topics? 15:41:17 <Jeffrey4l> guess no. 15:41:21 <ktibi> Jeffrey4l, I don't know if you see my question 15:41:25 <Jeffrey4l> thanks for everybody coming 15:41:32 <Jeffrey4l> let us end the meeting. 15:41:36 <Jeffrey4l> #endmeeting