15:00:53 <egonzalez> #startmeeting kolla 15:00:54 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Aug 29 15:00:53 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is egonzalez. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:55 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:57 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'kolla' 15:01:15 <egonzalez> #topic rollcall 15:01:17 <gema> o/ 15:01:25 <chason> o/ 15:01:35 <ktibi> o/ 15:01:37 <egonzalez> o/ 15:01:39 <yankcrime> o/ 15:01:46 <spsurya> 0/ 15:01:47 <pbourke> o/ 15:01:50 <mnasiadka> o/ 15:03:05 <egonzalez> #topic Announcements 15:03:28 <egonzalez> I just proposed rc1 tags for kolla and kolla-ansible 15:03:44 <egonzalez> once merged, rocky branch will be created and can merge new features 15:04:30 <egonzalez> any other announcement? 15:05:20 <egonzalez> #topic kolla ptg https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kolla-stein-ptg-planning 15:06:01 <egonzalez> as per the discussion in the mailing list, it makes sense to me keep the ptg in denver and allow remote connection 15:06:17 <gema> egonzalez: are the logistics of this figured out? 15:06:28 <gema> egonzalez: who will be chairing the meetings? 15:06:45 <egonzalez> thats something i was just going to ask ;) 15:06:59 <gema> x) 15:07:15 <egonzalez> foundation asked me who is going to be the kolla point of contact in denver 15:07:31 <gema> pbourke, egonzalez will you guys be there? 15:07:49 <pbourke> no 15:07:51 <egonzalez> i'm not 15:07:53 <pbourke> not this time 15:08:18 <gema> I don't mind being the point of contact, but I will need to be in other meetings too 15:08:50 <gema> which days are kolla meetings scheduled? 15:09:02 <egonzalez> wed-fri IIRC 15:09:42 <spsurya> gema: egonzalez https://www.openstack.org/ptg/#tab_schedule 15:10:20 <gema> I will need to be on some openstack-helm meetings 15:10:32 <gema> other than that, I can help with kolla ones 15:11:01 <gema> and I have the concern that I am not sure how much we'll be able to achieve on the conversations with almost no core contributors in the room 15:11:13 <gema> hrw is not coming either 15:11:48 <egonzalez> yeah, only mark is going from the core team 15:11:53 <mnasiadka> The physical attendee list is not long, but I guess we'll work it out somehow 15:12:09 <egonzalez> but he will be moving around ironic meeting too 15:12:16 <gema> egonzalez: then it may make sense for mark to be the point of contact 15:12:53 <gema> and we can figure out once there who chairs what 15:12:57 <gema> depending on schedules 15:13:22 <egonzalez> sure, i will ask him when he gets online 15:13:37 <gema> egonzalez: ack, if he is not happy with that, you can make me the point of contact 15:13:40 <gema> just le tme know 15:13:54 <egonzalez> gema: sure, thanks 15:14:13 <egonzalez> for remote connection we also need to set up a conference system 15:14:25 <gema> egonzalez: will the foundation be providing that? 15:15:27 <gema> egonzalez: else we can try with my jabra again, like we did last time, if there is not many of us in the room (i.e. we are close together) it'll work 15:15:50 <egonzalez> there is already a system in openstack infra https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Infrastructure/Conferencing 15:16:19 <gema> egonzalez: sure, but you still need a speaker 15:16:56 <egonzalez> yep, i dont think foundation will provide us that, will ask for it 15:17:00 <gema> ack 15:17:51 <egonzalez> anyway, i think it will be easier to join with a Webex or something similar 15:18:04 <gema> egonzalez: I still have bluejeans 15:18:11 <gema> it can host 100 people 15:18:26 <mnasiadka> Either that, or I can serve with Webex 15:18:35 <gema> mnasiadka: +1 15:19:32 <egonzalez> cool, thanks you both 15:20:22 <egonzalez> please, now move to the ptg planning for 5-10 minutes and vote for what topics want to be discussed in the PTG 15:20:34 <egonzalez> so we can set up an schedule 15:20:44 <egonzalez> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kolla-stein-ptg-planning 15:28:53 <gema> are people going to be attending the summit? are there things there that we should move to the summit instead? 15:29:43 <egonzalez> I'll probably be there 15:30:42 <gema> me too 15:31:50 <egonzalez> anything alse to add in the PTG planning? 15:32:37 <egonzalez> #topic kolla rocky state https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kolla-rocky-release 15:32:57 <egonzalez> as said in announcements, rc1 tags are proposed to release team 15:33:23 <egonzalez> once they merge, new features are allowed, but still being a priority bug fixes for rocky 15:33:58 <egonzalez> bug fixes will need to follow backport policy to land stable branch 15:36:00 <egonzalez> changes I think need to be merged to rocky are this two for bluestore https://review.openstack.org/#/c/596643/ https://review.openstack.org/#/c/596642/ 15:36:31 <gema> egonzalez: I will ask tone to review this tomorrow early 15:36:39 <gema> egonzalez: since he implemented the bluestore feature 15:36:40 <egonzalez> if we do not do it before rocky release, will be a pain not break backwards compatibility 15:36:57 <egonzalez> gema: thanks 15:36:59 <gema> np 15:37:22 <egonzalez> any other than this, Is there any know issue which needs attention? 15:37:38 <egonzalez> *known 15:39:00 <egonzalez> guess not 15:39:13 <egonzalez> #topic open discussion 15:39:26 <egonzalez> anything else to discuss today? 15:41:04 <egonzalez> ok, lets end the meeting, enjoy the rest of the day 15:41:10 <gema> egonzalez: thanks, you too 15:41:16 <egonzalez> #endmeeting