15:00:12 <egonzalez> #startmeeting kolla 15:00:13 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Oct 3 15:00:12 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is egonzalez. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:15 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:17 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'kolla' 15:00:27 <egonzalez> #topic roll call 15:00:44 <chason> o/ 15:00:50 <yankcrime> \o 15:00:55 <donghm_> o/ 15:01:11 <gema> o/ 15:01:19 <ktibi> o/ 15:01:21 <mgoddard> o/ 15:01:23 <spiette> o/ 15:02:41 <egonzalez> nice to see new people today o/ 15:02:46 <egonzalez> #topic Announcements 15:03:12 <egonzalez> This week release candidate 2 has been created 15:03:38 <pbourke> o/ 15:03:39 <egonzalez> it should be as much similar as possible to the final rocky release 15:03:57 <duonghq> o/ 15:03:59 <egonzalez> if nothing critical appears, i think we can release in about 3 weeks 15:05:00 <egonzalez> any other community update? 15:06:19 <egonzalez> #topic Core members revision 15:06:47 <egonzalez> Proposal for chason is still open, please give a vote on the mailing list 15:07:02 <gema> egonzalez: only cores get to vote, right? 15:07:49 <gema> anyway, he gets my +1 moral support :D 15:07:56 <egonzalez> gema as official vote with +2/veto yes, but can give an opinion if you feel it 15:08:06 <gema> egonzalez: ack, thanks 15:08:38 <egonzalez> on the other hand, regarding core member clean up 15:09:10 <egonzalez> last week i sent emails to non active core members, already have 3 who answered to be removed from the core list 15:09:42 <duonghq> o/ 15:09:49 <egonzalez> if the next week lasts remaining doesnt answer, i'll propose another vote for their removal in the mailing list 15:10:23 <egonzalez> i think this is important to keep the members up to date and let space for new members 15:11:23 <egonzalez> anything to add on this topic? 15:11:28 <duonghq> o/ 15:12:39 <duonghq> Due to this topic relates to core members, so I'm sadly to say that I step down from core, thank you guys for support me all the time 15:13:17 <donghm_> duonghq so sad to hear that 15:13:19 <egonzalez> duonghq so bad to see you leaving, was nice to work with you 15:13:41 <duonghq> I'll always remember moments working with you, and meet you in PTG and summit 15:14:02 <gema> duonghq: thank you for your contributions! 15:14:03 <duonghq> It's time for me to put down my CR hat 15:14:08 <egonzalez> hope the best for you in the future 15:14:29 <mgoddard> thanks duonghq, all the best 15:14:47 <egonzalez> duonghq if anytime feel have more time to come back, have the doors opened 15:15:14 <duonghq> thank you egonzalez, gema, mgoddard . I'm looking forward to have chance to meet you in person, with other hat 15:16:36 <egonzalez> i'm keeping an eye for contributors who are not in the core list, maybe i missed someone, if any of you feel someone deserves it, please let me know or send an email propossal 15:16:39 <donghm_> thank duonghq, I have learn so much from you 15:17:29 <egonzalez> lets move the nest topic 15:17:31 <duonghq> donghm_, you're talent boy, keep rolling forward :P 15:17:41 <egonzalez> #topic Stein summit forum https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kolla-forum-stein 15:18:35 <egonzalez> forum topic propossal date ended, in the etherpad only 3 kolla topics are propossed 15:19:01 <egonzalez> hope to get those approved, specially the user feed back 15:19:20 <duonghq> Will we have onboarding session? 15:19:22 <egonzalez> the others can be discussed with german beers ;) 15:19:40 <egonzalez> duonghq yes, onboarding and project update also 15:19:53 <egonzalez> 20m each 15:20:09 <JamesBenson> I look forward to seeing your edge cloud talk online... I wont be able to attend (though I have family in Potsdam) 15:20:46 <egonzalez> JamesBenson is not a talk, doubt will be recorded, will be a discussion in a room with operators and developers 15:20:52 <JamesBenson> bummer 15:21:35 <egonzalez> hopefully we can get a document with architectures and TODO's for kolla in the edge 15:22:49 <egonzalez> anything else for Summit forum topic? 15:23:34 <egonzalez> #topic open discussion 15:23:53 <egonzalez> anything else for this meeting? 15:25:13 <hrw> o/ 15:25:19 * hrw on two meetings at time 15:25:36 <donghm_> I have one, please to review these patch-sets https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/apply-service-upgrade-procedure+status:open 15:27:05 <egonzalez> donghm_ sure, added to favorites, will focus on your changes 15:27:14 <yankcrime> i've also got a couple of wip changes up for early visibility related to mariadb backups - https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/database-backup-recovery+status:open 15:27:31 <yankcrime> if anyone has time to give me some feedback on these i'd be very grateful 15:27:48 <yankcrime> (documentation being the glaring omission for now...) 15:27:53 <donghm_> egonzalez, thanks 15:28:41 <egonzalez> yankcrime cool, will take a look too 15:28:58 <egonzalez> hrw your turn, have the word 15:29:18 <spiette> o/ 15:29:33 <hrw> egonzalez: just wanted to drop and did not realized that it is already 17:25 ;( 15:29:44 <egonzalez> hrw hehe, no problem 15:29:50 <egonzalez> spiette then is your word 15:29:59 * spiette waves 15:30:01 <yankcrime> thanks egonzalez 15:33:09 <spiette> I'd be happy to have feedbacks on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/kolla/+spec/calico . As I planned to do it, etcd, bird and felix will not be provided by kolla. 15:34:05 <egonzalez> spiette why bird and felix not? 15:34:32 <egonzalez> etcd is already implemented in k-ansible? cannot re-use it? 15:35:28 <spiette> it doesn't make sense, because your entire network is relying on it, so it should be outside of your kolla-deployment 15:36:18 <egonzalez> spiette we could add it too, and allow the usage of external services 15:36:41 <egonzalez> just like external ceph 15:37:15 <spiette> I've set separate configuration for etcd endpoints, so if you want to use kolla's, you can 15:37:33 <egonzalez> it doesnt make sense for me having a non finished deployment of calico 15:38:21 <egonzalez> need to look more into calico architecture and the code changes, we can discuss this in the upcoming reviews or later meetings with more info about it 15:38:31 <spiette> sure 15:38:48 <gema> spiette: the link to the review topic on that blueprint doesn't take my anywhere 15:38:51 <gema> 404 15:39:00 <gema> spiette: if you fix that I can also review/give you feedback 15:39:50 <egonzalez> gema dont know why, but all the links for topics gives 404, bad url formated. in the specific change link it opens properly 15:40:01 <gema> egonzalez: ah, so maybe an infra issue? 15:40:18 <gema> maybe they've been moved 15:40:20 <egonzalez> gerrit-launchpad i would say 15:41:07 <egonzalez> anything else to discuss today? 15:41:31 <gema> spiette: never mind, I found it (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack/?searchtext=calico) 15:42:34 <egonzalez> guess not, lets end the meeting 15:42:40 <egonzalez> thank you all for comming 15:42:49 <egonzalez> nice to see new faces o/ 15:42:51 <gema> egonzalez: thank you for running the meeting 15:42:59 <egonzalez> have a nice day 15:43:12 <mgoddard> thanks alll 15:43:24 <egonzalez> #endmeeting