15:00:17 <egonzalez> #startmeeting kolla 15:00:19 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Nov 7 15:00:17 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is egonzalez. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:20 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:22 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'kolla' 15:00:32 <egonzalez> #topic rollcall 15:00:44 <egonzalez> hi o/ 15:00:45 <ktibi> \o/ 15:00:46 <dougsz> hey all 15:02:38 <letrangg_> \o/ 15:02:43 <pbourke> o/ 15:03:11 <egonzalez> #topic agenda 15:03:17 <egonzalez> * Roll-call 15:03:17 <egonzalez> * Announcements 15:03:17 <egonzalez> * Stable branch state 15:03:17 <egonzalez> * Berlin summit https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kolla-stein-summit 15:03:17 <egonzalez> * open discussion 15:03:44 <egonzalez> #topic Announcements 15:04:11 <egonzalez> Not an announcement but a thing worth to know 15:05:00 <egonzalez> if any of you contribute to openstack can request a pycharm enterprise license for free, just fill the form 15:05:12 <egonzalez> #link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe5JMbtZEKB95AMVnyOBh4-7Y55hDgQChjg5Ed3auO74Tt2fQ/viewform 15:05:36 <egonzalez> nothing else from my side, any other announcement? 15:05:45 <dougsz> Nice, i remember this was available some years ago. 15:06:25 <mgoddard> o/ 15:06:40 <egonzalez> #topic Stable branch state 15:07:07 <egonzalez> currently stable gates are in a bad state, specially kolla pike and ocata 15:07:24 <egonzalez> a few patches are proposed to fix most of the issues 15:07:43 <egonzalez> please keep an eye on backports 15:08:08 <egonzalez> image publishing has been failing since 3 months ago with outdated images 15:08:32 <egonzalez> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/616192/ 15:08:39 <egonzalez> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/613898/ 15:09:13 <mgoddard> how do we find out about periodic stable job failures? 15:09:24 <egonzalez> once those 2 patches merge, hopefully we have fresh images in dockerhub 15:09:56 <egonzalez> there is a stable mailing list for those 15:10:02 <egonzalez> #link openstack-stable-maint@lists.openstack.org 15:10:21 <mgoddard> ok, I'll sign up 15:10:34 <egonzalez> in this mailing list periodic job failures are mailed 15:11:53 <egonzalez> once we make ocata stable again, i think we can start thinking about EOL or extended maintenance if someones wants to put the effort on it 15:12:49 <mgoddard> +1 for EOL if no one volunteers 15:13:51 <egonzalez> is ok for you discuss EOL after the summit? 15:14:57 <mgoddard> sure 15:15:15 <egonzalez> cool, anything else to add to this topic? 15:16:10 <chason> How about discuss it by ML? :) 15:16:57 <egonzalez> chason yes, we need to discuss this in ML with operators, if someone is interested in keep maintenance will be operators 15:17:27 <egonzalez> afik, no other deployment project has entered in maintenance mode yet, all EOL ocata 15:18:59 <egonzalez> let's move to the next topic 15:19:03 <egonzalez> #topic Berlin summit https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kolla-stein-summit 15:19:25 <egonzalez> next week is berlin summit, hope to see many of you there 15:19:58 <egonzalez> from previous summit and PTGs we have a hangout group to talk and meet during this days 15:20:07 <egonzalez> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Kolla-On-Tour 15:20:23 <egonzalez> feel free to join us ;) 15:21:48 <egonzalez> also, i'd like to have a team dinner during the next week 15:22:19 <mgoddard> that would be nice. I'm only free on Tuesday currently 15:22:26 <egonzalez> please add your date preferences under the ``Social meetup, beers and food`` in the etherpad 15:23:14 <egonzalez> Me too, i have free on tuesday 15:24:07 <egonzalez> On wednesday is the openstack summit party, needs registration, dont miss your spot 15:24:09 <egonzalez> #link https://www.openstack.org/summit/berlin-2018/summit-schedule/events/22902/rsvp-required-meet-and-geek-pub-crawl 15:25:35 <egonzalez> In the same etherpad there is a list of kolla related forum topics and summit talks 15:27:12 <mgoddard> is there any preparation required for these sessions? 15:27:55 <egonzalez> not from my side, slides are almost ready, preparing some resources for the forum discussions 15:28:39 <mgoddard> ok. I'll be around to help with project onboarding 15:28:53 <mgoddard> Are you doing the project update yourself? 15:29:06 <egonzalez> mgoddard thanks, spsurya will finally comming and co-presenting 15:29:22 <mgoddard> cool 15:30:14 <egonzalez> mgoddard we have some conflicts and wont be able to attend some of yours :( 15:30:44 <mgoddard> no problem, there will always be conflicts 15:32:02 <egonzalez> The next week meeting will be canceled because of the summit, will send an email soon 15:32:25 <egonzalez> anything else to add the summit topic? 15:34:13 <egonzalez> guess not 15:34:18 <egonzalez> #topic open discussion 15:34:42 <egonzalez> anything else for this meeting? 15:36:21 <egonzalez> let's end the meeting 15:36:32 <egonzalez> see you next week, have a safe travel 15:36:40 <egonzalez> thank you for comming 15:37:00 <egonzalez> #endmeeting