15:00:10 <mgoddard> #startmeeting kolla 15:00:10 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Wed Jun 23 15:00:10 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mgoddard. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:10 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:10 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'kolla' 15:00:16 <mgoddard> #topic rollcall 15:00:31 <yoctozepto> \o/ 15:00:38 <mgoddard> \o/ 15:00:49 <headphoneJames> o/ 15:02:31 <ohorecny2> Hi all, I am first time on this meeting so in case that I am doing something wrong please correct me. 15:02:52 <yoctozepto> welcome ohorecny2 15:02:59 <headphoneJames> welcome 15:03:44 <mgoddard> welcome ohorecny2, thanks for joining 15:04:00 <mgoddard> #topic agenda 15:04:10 <mgoddard> * Roll-call 15:04:12 <mgoddard> * Agenda 15:04:14 <mgoddard> * Announcements 15:04:16 <mgoddard> * Review action items from the last meeting 15:04:18 <mgoddard> * CI status 15:04:20 <mgoddard> * Wallaby release planning 15:04:22 <mgoddard> ** libvirt/OVMF bug 15:04:24 <mgoddard> * Xena cycle planning 15:04:26 <mgoddard> ** podman (ohorecny) 15:04:28 <mgoddard> * Open discussion 15:04:44 <mgoddard> #topic Announcements 15:04:52 <yoctozepto> that agenda needed updating 15:05:04 <mgoddard> #info Kolla Wallaby should be released this week 15:05:08 <yoctozepto> \o/ 15:05:39 <mgoddard> closer to the deadline than I'd hoped, but alas it always ends up this way 15:05:42 <yoctozepto> it's actually just going through the release team 15:05:48 <yoctozepto> yeah 15:05:58 <yoctozepto> let's try better next time 15:06:49 <mgoddard> the main blockers have been out of our control, as usual 15:07:10 <yoctozepto> yeah, sadly 15:07:29 <mgoddard> one problem is that we hold new releases to a higher standard than existing ones 15:07:38 <mgoddard> anyway 15:07:56 <mgoddard> #topic Review action items from the last meeting 15:08:00 <yoctozepto> that is a quality of ours 15:08:12 <mgoddard> There were none 15:08:19 <mgoddard> #topic CI status 15:09:02 <yoctozepto> kolla and kolla ansible fully green 15:09:11 <mgoddard> Ussuri fails sporadically on Ubuntu due to Neutron migrations failing 15:09:32 <yoctozepto> yeah, it somehow got more common recently; and only affects ubuntu 15:09:48 <mgoddard> weird 15:09:51 <yoctozepto> no idea what changed; some lib? kernel? 15:09:55 <mgoddard> some difference in mariadb? 15:09:56 <yoctozepto> i checked mariadb and neutron 15:10:03 <yoctozepto> and no version coincidence 15:10:06 <yoctozepto> no 15:10:17 <yoctozepto> we even have the same mariadb in centos8 15:10:32 <yoctozepto> it just started popping 15:10:38 <yoctozepto> looks like a race condition 15:10:56 <mnasiadka> Late again, eh 15:11:07 <yoctozepto> I updated the description 15:11:14 <mgoddard> k 15:11:15 <yoctozepto> it should be "upgrades to Ussuri fail..." 15:11:24 <yoctozepto> clean deploys do not 15:11:54 <mgoddard> is it multinode only? 15:12:00 <yoctozepto> no, singlenode too 15:12:06 <yoctozepto> that's why we got so many gate rechecks 15:12:22 <mgoddard> kk 15:12:39 <mgoddard> #topic Wallaby release planning 15:13:00 <mgoddard> libvirt/OVMF bug now fixed 15:13:12 <yoctozepto> yeah, and libvirt 7.4.0 in stream 15:13:20 <yoctozepto> 7.0 in non-stream 15:13:21 <mgoddard> wallaby on its way out of the door 15:13:35 <yoctozepto> therefore we got 7.0 in stable branches too 15:13:39 <yoctozepto> mind that 15:14:01 <mgoddard> does that break them? 15:14:12 <yoctozepto> no, they work 15:14:17 <mgoddard> goood 15:14:17 <yoctozepto> just watch out in production 15:14:59 <mgoddard> so we can just leave wallaby alone until we need to add support for CentOS stream 9 :D 15:15:13 <yoctozepto> I actually had a thought about it 15:15:22 <mgoddard> please share 15:15:27 <yoctozepto> and I think we should not follow rdo steps since we containerise 15:15:34 <yoctozepto> just apply the trick we do with debuntu 15:15:37 <yoctozepto> check if it works 15:15:40 <yoctozepto> and live happily 15:15:49 <mgoddard> I had a similar thought 15:15:59 <yoctozepto> then it's sealed 15:16:02 <mgoddard> well 15:16:16 <yoctozepto> it depends on whether it works 15:16:24 <yoctozepto> I just want to avoid the backporting circus 15:16:28 <mgoddard> actually mine was about CentOS Linux to CentOS stream, where there is an in-place upgrade 15:16:42 <mgoddard> there won't necessarily be one for CS8 to CS9 15:16:46 <yoctozepto> ahm 15:17:02 <mgoddard> in which case we're back to a rolling reinstall 15:17:05 <yoctozepto> I meant more like allowing Xena to deploy on CentOS Stream 8 still 15:17:09 <yoctozepto> and have 9 in containers 15:17:45 <yoctozepto> that's what we allow on debuntu, except for a slight version reversal 15:17:48 <mgoddard> could do that 15:17:54 <yoctozepto> but then you could tell 15:18:08 <yoctozepto> cs8 + wallaby -> cs8 + xena -> cs9 + xena 15:18:14 <yoctozepto> roll as you wish 15:18:19 <mgoddard> although I think ideally containers should be ahead of hosts 15:18:32 <yoctozepto> yeah, they will be 15:18:39 <mgoddard> sorry, other way around 15:18:50 <yoctozepto> I think we are fine 15:19:02 <mgoddard> https://access.redhat.com/support/policy/rhel-container-compatibility 15:19:03 <yoctozepto> people been running focal on bionic for a year now 15:19:16 <mgoddard> maybe 15:19:19 <mgoddard> we can speculate 15:19:25 <yoctozepto> tier 3 is fine for what we don't have anyway 15:19:26 <mgoddard> but it needs to be tested 15:19:40 <yoctozepto> yes, that's the goal 15:19:51 <yoctozepto> test - if it works, go with it 15:20:04 <yoctozepto> if not - cry and adapt 15:20:06 <mgoddard> perhaps centos will have imploded by then 15:20:16 <yoctozepto> that could work too 15:20:24 <mnasiadka> Wonder if stream Victoria gives us 7.4 as well 15:20:41 <yoctozepto> mnasiadka: yes, it does imho 15:20:53 <yoctozepto> because it's just adv virt repo for stream 15:21:05 <yoctozepto> but yeah, check it please 15:21:05 <mgoddard> let us move on 15:21:15 <mgoddard> #topic podman (ohorecny) 15:21:27 <yoctozepto> ohorecny2, the floor is yours 15:21:27 <ohorecny2> hi all again 15:21:33 <ohorecny2> ok, thanks 15:21:35 <yoctozepto> hi ohorecny2 again 15:21:50 <ohorecny2> mayve I can quickly introduce myself 15:21:57 <yoctozepto> please go ahead 15:22:28 <ohorecny2> my name is Oliver and I am working in TietoEvry. In our company we are interested in support of Podman in kolla-ansible. 15:22:57 <ohorecny2> The main reason is that docker isn't supported by RedHat since Rhel8. 15:23:28 <ohorecny2> In our company we decided to invest some time for implementation of this support. 15:24:13 <ohorecny2> I am leader of this project and for now we are in stage that we are able to deploy basic all-in-one deployment based on Podman containers. 15:24:55 <ohorecny2> These containers are running as services and it seems that OpenStack is functional (we are able to spawn new VM, etc.) 15:25:12 <ohorecny2> For now we are testing only on CentOS 8 15:26:03 <ohorecny2> Regarding code we are using master og kolla-ansible, where we added new option to globals.yml fro user to choose contaner engine (Docker / Podman). 15:26:26 <ohorecny2> So each service has its own tasks for Docker and also for Podman. 15:26:43 <ohorecny2> This means that whole change is quite big. 15:27:25 <ohorecny2> The biggest challenge was replacement of kolla-docker module, which is mostly replaced by existing ansible modules for Podman. 15:28:25 <ohorecny2> Unfortunately it was not possible to replace everything and we needed to use also podman-py library for API calls (for getting some container facts) 15:28:48 <ohorecny2> I guess that this can be replaced somehow in future. 15:29:28 <ohorecny2> We would like to propose this change for review as soon as possible. We need to firstly do some internal review and do squash of commits. 15:30:06 <ohorecny2> I just want to know what do you think about it and few other questions. 15:30:08 <mgoddard> Thank you for the overview ohorecny2 15:30:43 <mgoddard> I think people will want to see the code to get a feel for the approach 15:30:54 <yoctozepto> ++ 15:30:56 <mgoddard> are you using systemd to run the containers? 15:31:57 <ohorecny2> sure, as I mentioned we would like to propose this change in next few days. But it is quite big so reviewing will be so complicated. Also CI checks will be needed to adapt for this. 15:32:03 <yoctozepto> btw, debian now supports podman with systemd natively as well, ubuntu will in 22.04 15:32:31 <ohorecny2> mgoddard: yes, each container has its own service file 15:32:52 <mgoddard> ohorecny2: did you see this PoC? https://github.com/stackhpc/kolla-ansible/commit/e44d4b028e3aa24955dd12271783287ae43a5603 15:32:53 <yoctozepto> I think we might be able to save some complexity by applying some refactoring we have in proposals 15:34:27 <ohorecny2> yoctozepto: yes that is right, we did not consider Ubuntu or Debian yet 15:34:37 <yoctozepto> no problem 15:34:59 <ohorecny2> mgoddard: yes, I saw it some time ago 15:35:02 <mgoddard> ok 15:35:03 <yoctozepto> just mentioning we could test portability with debian 15:35:54 <mgoddard> ohorecny2: it is possible to push a patch chain to gerrit. If the commits are already cleanly separated then no need to squash them 15:36:25 <ohorecny2> mgoddard: by that way how it is possible to start / restart containers during some actions, but not possible to create new containers. 15:36:50 <ohorecny2> so, ansible modules for podman are used for container creatin 15:36:55 <ohorecny2> *creation 15:37:17 <mgoddard> L20 of the unit file does a docker/podman run 15:37:24 <mgoddard> which creates a container 15:38:18 <mgoddard> I did not test it very much 15:38:29 <mgoddard> I just wanted to get the concept into a commit 15:39:09 <mnasiadka> Ceph uses the same approach for a long time, so I guess not a lot of testing needed 15:39:34 <mgoddard> mnasiadka: LOL 15:39:38 <mgoddard> just chuck it in 15:40:04 <mnasiadka> mgoddard: I mean just running docker/podman run --rm from a systemd unit, not the whole functionality :D 15:40:05 <yoctozepto> lol 15:40:12 <yoctozepto> meh 15:40:42 <ohorecny2> mgoddard: right, but what about pulling images and etc? 15:40:45 <mnasiadka> Can't wait to see the proposal, and then we can discuss :) 15:41:06 <mgoddard> ohorecny2: yeah, there will be cases where systemd is not enough 15:41:26 <mgoddard> I would like to see a short spec on this 15:41:36 <ohorecny2> mgoddard: yes, there are several cases, that it is not possible to do by that way I think 15:42:06 <ohorecny2> mnasiadka: sure, as I mentioned, it is on the way :) 15:42:07 <mgoddard> it is a large enough change that we should do some up front thinking/design 15:42:34 <mgoddard> so I would suggest this as a rough plan 15:42:34 <opendevreview> Michal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible stable/train: baremetal: Don't start Docker after install on Debian/Ubuntu https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/791582 15:42:48 <mnasiadka> mgoddard: agree, we don't normally do specs - but that's core functionality 15:43:06 <mgoddard> 1. ohorecny2 to share current state of code with community via gerrit 15:43:27 <mgoddard> 2. community reads code and does some thinking 15:43:46 <ohorecny2> mgoddard: yes, exactly, this change is huge I think. For few basic services it was more than 255 files changed and around 9000 insertions 15:43:50 <mgoddard> 3. community discusses the approach and agrees a rough direction 15:44:12 <mgoddard> 4. ohorecny2 & colleagues write a spec describing the agreed direction 15:44:35 <mgoddard> 5.adapt code to spec & iterate 15:45:17 <yoctozepto> ++ 15:45:52 <mgoddard> what I would like to know is, do ohorecny2 & team have the capacity to drive this through to completion? 15:46:17 <ohorecny2> regarding #5 yes, when this will be in review we will definitely need to adapt it, because we have there some workarounds which needs to be changed 15:46:24 <mgoddard> we are very limited on review resources, and I would hate to see us put in a *lot* of review time for this patch then not see it completed 15:47:00 <opendevreview> Michal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible stable/victoria: CI: Fix nfv job with kolla dependency https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/797698 15:47:57 <ohorecny2> mgoddard: yes, I discussed this with management and we would like to finish this till end. It is agreed at least till end of this year. 15:48:07 <mgoddard> great! 15:48:32 <ohorecny2> I hope that it is possible to finalize. 15:48:51 <ohorecny2> we would like to even adapt kolla to image build base on podman 15:49:07 <mgoddard> it will be important to find out answers to important questions early 15:49:23 <ohorecny2> yes that is right 15:49:32 <ohorecny2> that is the reason why I am here :D 15:49:39 <mgoddard> in particular, do all distros supported by kolla have support for podman 15:50:03 <ohorecny2> maybe also, which version of ansible is planned for next release 15:50:29 <mgoddard> probably min 2.10, max 2.11 15:50:35 <mnasiadka> around podman - remember each distro basically has a different version 15:51:15 <mnasiadka> mgoddard: there is no 2.11, unless you're speaking about ansible-base :) 15:51:29 <mgoddard> yes 15:51:40 <yoctozepto> I think we want to go ansible-2.11 and choose the installed modules 15:51:43 <yoctozepto> need to discuss that 15:51:48 <ohorecny2> so far we are testing with ansible 2.9 15:52:03 <mnasiadka> I think we discussed that already on the PTG, and agreed we start with that approach with kolla-toolbox, and see how it goes. 15:52:12 <mnasiadka> yoctozepto: ^^ 15:52:13 <yoctozepto> something like that indeed 15:52:19 <yoctozepto> yes, I am here 15:52:38 <mnasiadka> sorry, too many calls today discussing network packet processing ;) 15:53:06 <yoctozepto> mnasiadka: did you mention "encapsulation"? 15:53:18 <mnasiadka> yoctozepto: I even started that, but then we also need to move to FQCNs most probably 15:53:54 <mgoddard> does anyone have any more questions for ohorecny2 ? 15:53:56 <yoctozepto> mnasiadka: we should; I think there is a tool to migrate that 15:54:19 <yoctozepto> mgoddard: I need to see the code; and test on debian 15:54:31 <yoctozepto> I can help with CI 15:55:51 <mgoddard> ok, then let's move on 15:55:58 <mnasiadka> nevermind the podman versions, seems now it's 3.0 everywhere 15:56:00 <mnasiadka> so we should be ok 15:56:01 <mgoddard> Thanks ohorecny2 that was a helpful discussion 15:56:05 <yoctozepto> ++ 15:56:22 <mgoddard> If you'd like to discuss again, feel free to ping one of us or add an item to the agenda on the wiki 15:56:24 <ohorecny2> thank you too 15:56:36 <mgoddard> #topic Open discussion 15:56:43 <mgoddard> Does anyone have anything today? 15:56:43 <yoctozepto> I believe podman is able to be less problematic than docker 15:56:49 <yoctozepto> but we will see 15:56:56 <headphoneJames> yes - I have a basic question 15:57:06 <yoctozepto> I have a lot of local stuff atm 15:57:36 <headphoneJames> It seems like DevStack and tripleo use cloud.yaml to define the initial openstack users with scope. 15:57:55 <opendevreview> Michal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible stable/victoria: [CI] Fix the NFV scenario https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/797702 15:58:12 <opendevreview> Michal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible stable/victoria: CI: Fix nfv job with kolla dependency https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/797698 15:58:14 <headphoneJames> KA creates users using OpenStack Ansible modules like "os_user" - those modules do not accept scope as an argument. 15:58:22 <mgoddard> headphoneJames: users for what purpose? 15:58:45 <headphoneJames> initial roles + users 15:58:52 <headphoneJames> to admin the cloud 15:59:04 <mnasiadka> headphoneJames: have you checked if ansible collection does? https://github.com/openstack/ansible-collections-openstack/ 15:59:45 <headphoneJames> mnasiadka: not yet - so I can start there 16:00:07 <mgoddard> headphoneJames: do you mean for tasks using the kolla_toolbox module to register endpoints, users, etc? 16:00:38 <headphoneJames> yes 16:00:51 <mgoddard> the downside of that is that you have to put some full admin creds on disk 16:01:25 <yoctozepto> we can use a ramdisk 16:01:28 <mgoddard> whereas we specify them on demand 16:01:47 <opendevreview> Mark Goddard proposed openstack/kayobe master: Ubuntu: add upgrade jobs in CI https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kayobe/+/797626 16:02:16 <mgoddard> we could use a ramdisk, but it's still accessible always 16:02:18 <headphoneJames> however, we may not be able to specify the scope of a user/role using kolla_toolbox approach? 16:02:40 <mgoddard> ah, openstack modules don't provide the option? 16:02:49 <headphoneJames> or really I'm just not sure how we do that 16:03:08 <mnasiadka> they don't provide the option, even the latest ones in the collection 16:03:15 <mnasiadka> so first it would need to be added there 16:03:29 <headphoneJames> it didn't look that way from my initial digging, but I haven't looked at the code in https://github.com/openstack/ansible-collections-openstack/ 16:04:03 <headphoneJames> so the first step is to update the ansible modules for openstack? 16:04:30 <mnasiadka> we already update the Ansible modules for OVS, so you can follow the approach 16:04:36 <mgoddard> it might be worth looking into - now the modules are in a collection we could potentially pull in a newer version in the kolla-toolbox image 16:05:20 <mnasiadka> headphoneJames: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla/+/782906 16:05:28 <mgoddard> anyways, we should wrap up 16:05:30 <mgoddard> thanks all 16:05:41 <mnasiadka> thanks mgoddard 16:05:44 <mgoddard> #endmeeting