15:00:22 <mnasiadka> #startmeeting kolla 15:00:22 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Wed Aug 25 15:00:22 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mnasiadka. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:00:22 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 15:00:22 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'kolla' 15:00:31 <yoctozepto> \o/ 15:00:32 <mnasiadka> #topic rollcall 15:00:35 <yoctozepto> \o/ 15:00:48 <mnasiadka> o/ 15:01:06 <mgoddard> \o 15:01:47 <headphoneJames> hopefully some system scope o/ 15:01:51 <jd2021> ignaziocassano: that's what we would like to do (dell volume example). I'll will look into it. ~ 15:01:58 <parallax> o/ 15:02:32 <jd2021> thanks 15:03:00 <mnasiadka> jd2021: we're holding a meeting now, please follow up on non-meeting topics after it ends :) 15:03:09 <mnasiadka> #topic agenda 15:03:09 <yoctozepto> headphoneJames: system scope? ;o 15:03:26 <mnasiadka> * Announcements 15:03:26 <mnasiadka> ** Congratulations to mnasiadka on becoming PTL :) 15:03:26 <mnasiadka> * Review action items from the last meeting 15:03:26 <mnasiadka> * CI status 15:03:26 <mnasiadka> * Release tasks 15:03:28 <mnasiadka> * Xena cycle planning 15:03:28 <mnasiadka> ** Xena feature prioritisation https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BuVMwP8eLnOVJDX8f3Nb6hCrNcNpRQl57T2ENU9Xao8 15:03:30 <mnasiadka> * handling of APT keys - https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla/+/784923 (hrw, Fl1nt) 15:03:30 <mnasiadka> * Yoga PTG planning 15:03:30 <ignaziocassano> jd2021: so you must look at cinder driver documentation for netapp model you are using, and the create the cinder.conf for it and put it in /etc/kolla/config/cinder.conf. I think there is also somthing to enable multipath for libvirt 15:03:32 <mnasiadka> * Open discussion 15:03:48 <headphoneJames> congrads to mnasiadka!! 15:04:06 <parallax> :) 15:04:15 <mnasiadka> #topic Announcements 15:04:49 <yoctozepto> congrats to mnasiadka <3 15:04:53 <mgoddard> +1 15:05:03 <mnasiadka> Thanks for all the good votes, hoping mgoddard will help during the transition period :-) 15:05:17 <mgoddard> of course! 15:05:28 * yoctozepto will be there to ensure mgoddard helps 15:05:33 <yoctozepto> :-) 15:05:36 <ignaziocassano> jd2021: kolla add only some automation to openstack and for configuration of single cinder driver you must look at its documentation 15:05:40 <jd2021> The cinder netapp driver has dropped the support for the e-series a few years ago (unified driver) 15:05:46 <yoctozepto> ignaziocassano, jd2021: please don't interrupt the meeting 15:05:49 <opendevreview> Merged openstack/kolla master: Revert "Update code to Jinja 3.0 style" https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla/+/805897 15:05:58 <ignaziocassano> sorry 15:06:10 <ignaziocassano> good bye 15:06:20 <mnasiadka> Ok then, let's continue 15:06:31 <mnasiadka> #topic Review action items from the last meeting 15:06:39 <jd2021> sorry, bye 15:07:31 <mnasiadka> seems none outstanding from last time 15:07:47 <mnasiadka> oh, mgoddard to propose cycle highlights 15:08:06 <yoctozepto> he did not :O 15:08:08 <mgoddard> hmm, I think I did not 15:08:30 <mgoddard> action me again 15:08:52 <mnasiadka> #action mgoddard to propose initial cycle highlights 15:08:52 <yoctozepto> mortal stack : action him! 15:09:27 <mnasiadka> did we merge the binary switch to current release? there was some problem with UCA 15:09:31 <yoctozepto> (come on, no mortal kombat players?) 15:10:13 <mnasiadka> yoctozepto: high school times, nearly forgot about it ;) 15:10:27 <yoctozepto> mnasiadka: :D 15:10:33 <mgoddard> yes, UCA is now Xena 15:10:36 <yoctozepto> I think we merged the relevant patches 15:10:53 <yoctozepto> debian will release when openstack does 15:11:07 <mnasiadka> ok then 15:11:21 <mnasiadka> #topic CI status 15:12:11 <mnasiadka> seems it's green-ish 15:12:22 <mnasiadka> do we need to discuss any particular CI issue? 15:12:49 <mgoddard> I'm not aware of any new ones 15:12:54 <yoctozepto> nope 15:13:01 <yoctozepto> everything known 15:13:19 <mnasiadka> great to hear/see 15:13:27 <mnasiadka> #topic Release tasks 15:14:02 <knockknock> hello 15:14:31 <mnasiadka> R-5 cycle highlights deadline - that we have action on mgoddard 15:15:00 <mgoddard> knockknock: we're in a meeting currently, should end in ~45m 15:15:18 <knockknock> I'm setting up openstack for the first time with kolla and I either misconfigured something or found a bug. It looks like a file either isn't being downloaded or is missing from the docker image. Any suggestions on figuring out if I screwed something up or if it's an actual bug? 15:15:20 <mnasiadka> R-1: Prepare for RC1 & stable branch creation - that will be next 15:15:22 <knockknock> ah sorry 15:15:56 <yoctozepto> how far till feature freeze 15:16:09 <yoctozepto> I might want to drop in support for consul (for masakari) 15:16:31 <mnasiadka> R-5 is feature freeze - so next week 15:17:16 <mnasiadka> should we identify features we want to push in, maybe hashtag them (?) and focus on reviewing? 15:17:36 <mgoddard> crikey, feature freeze next week 15:17:58 <mnasiadka> that's what they say here: https://releases.openstack.org/xena/schedule.html 15:18:38 <mgoddard> ah, that's openstack ff 15:18:41 <mgoddard> we have our own 15:19:13 <mgoddard> I don't think it's included in the timeline 15:19:16 <yoctozepto> mnasiadka: stop scaring poor people 15:19:34 <mgoddard> "There is no official feature freeze date for the cycle-trailing model, but we aim to freeze three weeks after the common feature freeze" 15:19:37 <yoctozepto> mgoddard: when do we want it then? I need ~month I guess? 15:19:41 <mgoddard> R-2 15:19:49 <mnasiadka> mgoddard: it's not in https://docs.openstack.org/kolla/latest/contributor/release-management.html#release-schedule - should we add it there? 15:19:52 <yoctozepto> then that should be enough + asking for FFE 15:19:56 <yoctozepto> ack 15:19:57 <mgoddard> yes, we should add 15:20:07 <mnasiadka> any volunteer for adding? ;) 15:20:24 <mgoddard> go on then 15:22:33 <mnasiadka> ok then, let me take this, should be easyfix 15:22:46 <mgoddard> I meant I can do it 15:22:52 <mnasiadka> ah 15:23:03 <mnasiadka> #action mgoddard to add FFE on R-2 to release-management docs 15:23:07 <mnasiadka> thank you mgoddard 15:23:20 <opendevreview> Mark Goddard proposed openstack/kolla master: docs: add feature freeze to release management https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla/+/806013 15:23:21 <mgoddard> done :D 15:23:38 <mnasiadka> that's the spirit! 15:23:43 <mnasiadka> #topic Xena cycle planning 15:23:54 <mnasiadka> Xena feature prioritisation https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BuVMwP8eLnOVJDX8f3Nb6hCrNcNpRQl57T2ENU9Xao8 15:24:43 <mnasiadka> This has been edited last a week ago by mgoddard, should we work into converting this into a feature list with links to Gerrit topic/changes? Or what's the plan? 15:25:25 <mgoddard> maybe this cycle we should be a bit less rigorous, with only 4 weeks until freeze? 15:25:55 <headphoneJames> Also, in the other direction, how does one propose a feature to the list? 15:25:57 <mgoddard> e.g. if you can think of a feature (or find one in that sheet) that you'd like in Xena, add it to the whiteboard 15:25:58 <mnasiadka> no rigor, surely - but it would be nice for reviewers to have a ,,focus list'' 15:26:09 <yoctozepto> yes, let's not use up too many sources on this part; let's try to clean up the whiteboard to get more focus 15:26:27 <yoctozepto> well, cleanup and more links and status reports 15:26:34 <yoctozepto> as delivered by kevko for proxysql 15:26:42 <mgoddard> headphoneJames: the list is all open patches as of a few weeks ago. it hasn't been massaged yet 15:27:15 <yoctozepto> no massages, no fun 15:28:39 <Fl1nt> sorry, get TZed 15:28:42 <Fl1nt> :( 15:29:20 <mgoddard> I've added some sections to the Xena priorities list on the whiteboard 15:29:26 <yoctozepto> ++ 15:29:48 <mgoddard> is there anything in wallaby leftovers we should move across? 15:30:31 <yoctozepto> mgoddard: proxysql? letsencrypt? 15:30:32 <mgoddard> i.e. someone available to work on it in the next 4 weeks, cores likely to review it 15:30:35 <mgoddard> sure 15:31:22 <mnasiadka> for letsencrypt I posted a change to bump up haproxy to 2.2, so if we could get this properly working in Xena - it would be a very good achievement 15:31:55 <yoctozepto> mnasiadka: ++ 15:32:07 <yoctozepto> we could go straight best approach I guess? 15:32:20 <mgoddard> swift may happen 15:32:30 <yoctozepto> ubuntu 2.0 though 15:32:46 <yoctozepto> perhaps there is a ppa to unify? 15:32:54 <yoctozepto> swift yeah 15:32:57 <mnasiadka> yoctozepto: Debian has 2.2 straight out of it's repos, Ubuntu has 2.2 from PPA, CentOS 8S has nfv repo 15:33:21 <mnasiadka> yoctozepto: I updated the change with PPA usage 15:33:27 <mnasiadka> a couple days back I think 15:33:58 <mgoddard> headphoneJames: I know it's hard, but realistically, which of your features would you prefer to merge in Xena 15:34:00 <mgoddard> ? 15:34:12 <yoctozepto> mnasiadka: ah, I did not notice, great! 15:34:25 <mgoddard> realistically we are unlikely to see some huge surge in reviewer time in the next 4 weeks 15:35:00 <mgoddard> but we could try to ignore non-critical bug fixes an maintenance for a while 15:35:01 <headphoneJames> mgoddard: preferably the system scope one 15:35:06 <mgoddard> ack 15:35:25 <yoctozepto> ok 15:37:29 <mnasiadka> I'll work on the Ansible bump and moving kolla-toolbox to ansible-core/base/however it's called - unless somebody is working on that already. 15:37:43 <mgoddard> useful maintenance 15:38:03 <mgoddard> I think that looks like all the likely candidates from wallaby leftovers 15:38:10 <mgoddard> are there other features that are not on there? 15:38:38 <yoctozepto> ++, I had hopes for podman but it stalled 15:38:47 <yoctozepto> remind me please 15:38:55 <yoctozepto> are we going to go ubuntu 22.04 with yoga? 15:39:37 <mgoddard> 4 cycles after bionic, whenever that was 15:39:38 <mnasiadka> I think so, doing that now is a bit risky I guess. 15:39:54 <mnasiadka> ah, 2022 15:39:57 <mnasiadka> April 15:39:59 <mgoddard> it's a bit impossible given it's 21.08 :D 15:40:14 <yoctozepto> yeah, I was wondering what mnasiadka answered to 15:40:25 <yoctozepto> anyhow, if yoga is going to target 22.04 finally 15:40:26 <mnasiadka> yoctozepto: I misread 2022 as 2021 :D 15:40:34 <yoctozepto> then working on podman could be a lovely priority 15:40:42 <yoctozepto> as all the platforms will support it natively 15:40:51 <mnasiadka> but this is a discussion for Yoga PTG I guess :) 15:41:07 <yoctozepto> you know me, I love to digress :D 15:41:15 <mgoddard> timing could be tight, yoga release is probably in 22.04 15:41:21 <yoctozepto> yeah 15:41:28 <yoctozepto> lemme check when we switched previously 15:41:36 <mnasiadka> ok then, do we have any kayobe features planned for Xena? 15:41:43 <yoctozepto> in vicky 15:42:04 <yoctozepto> so october 15:42:05 <yoctozepto> so Z 15:42:29 <mnasiadka> yes, I remember doing that, and the crazy dance with passing ansible_python_interpreter 15:42:45 <yoctozepto> I want to kill that variable but it dropped to lo prio 15:42:59 <mnasiadka> We can discuss that feature on the PTG :) 15:43:01 <yoctozepto> it's doable but requires some effort 15:43:09 <yoctozepto> :-) 15:43:12 <yoctozepto> let's move on 15:43:25 <yoctozepto> whiteboard cleaned up 15:43:32 <yoctozepto> thanks mgoddard for driving this mostly 15:43:34 <mgoddard> added ceph rgw to the list 15:43:45 <yoctozepto> nice 15:44:06 <mgoddard> mgoddard was searching for perfection with priorities, but I think this approach is ok 15:45:13 <yoctozepto> thanks for appreciating my lower standards in some cases :-) 15:45:48 <opendevreview> Mark Goddard proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add kolla-ansible gather-facts command https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/794610 15:46:06 <mgoddard> ^ found a merge conflict while looking through my patches :) 15:46:27 <mnasiadka> so, clean up done, lower standards accepted, do we have anything else for Xena priorities? 15:46:57 <mgoddard> I could add pages of patches :) 15:47:32 <mnasiadka> I don't know if scrolling through pages of patches is what we want to do - but we can discuss this approach :) 15:47:42 <mgoddard> indeed 15:48:01 <mgoddard> I might dump a list of XS patches 15:48:11 <mgoddard> as I'm tired of looking at them 15:48:24 <yoctozepto> do a festival of XS patches review? 15:48:29 <yoctozepto> like some other teams do? 15:48:38 <mgoddard> that would be nice 15:48:40 <yoctozepto> 1 hour a week on video call? 15:48:50 <mnasiadka> we could just add a link in the whiteboard and encourage other community members to review them 15:48:54 <mnasiadka> yoctozepto: reviving Kolla Kall? 15:48:56 <yoctozepto> (to joke about the quality) 15:49:11 <yoctozepto> mnasiadka: kind of, but specifically for cores to handle this stuff and enjoy each other 15:49:59 <mnasiadka> We can try, anything new might work for a couple of times ;) 15:50:29 <mnasiadka> ok, we have two topics left for 10 minutes 15:50:52 <mnasiadka> #topic handling of APT keys - https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla/+/784923 (hrw, Fl1nt) 15:51:03 <mnasiadka> hrw, Fl1nt: stage is yours 15:51:46 <yoctozepto> mnasiadka: it's gating now 15:51:56 <mnasiadka> ah, so no stage, unless it breaks CI :) 15:52:04 <yoctozepto> I gave +2 on ps26 15:52:13 <yoctozepto> and only reno changed a bit 15:52:18 <yoctozepto> so re-gave +2 15:52:20 <yoctozepto> and approved 15:52:21 <mnasiadka> good work 15:52:31 <yoctozepto> minor nit on reno if someone cares about commas 15:52:57 <yoctozepto> I'm glad it gets merged 15:53:06 <mnasiadka> we'll fix those renos again before release 15:53:31 <mnasiadka> #topic Yoga PTG planning 15:53:38 <yoctozepto> (for the next meeting, I will want to discuss some debian stuff) 15:54:30 <mnasiadka> So, PTG is somewhere in October (18th-22nd) 15:54:52 <yoctozepto> yeah 15:55:03 <mnasiadka> I'll create the usual etherpads, what's the other usual drill? 15:55:19 <mgoddard> we have some slots already 15:55:32 <mgoddard> so mostly we need to decide on agenda & discussion topics 15:55:35 <yoctozepto> ++ 15:55:40 <yoctozepto> and we do that in the etherpad 15:55:52 <mgoddard> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/kolla-yoga-ptg 15:56:25 <mgoddard> not populated 15:56:38 <yoctozepto> I suggest restoring Xena one on this and going from there 15:56:54 <yoctozepto> action mnasiadka to populate the etherpad? 15:57:22 <mnasiadka> #action mnasiadka to populate the etherpad 15:57:57 <yoctozepto> btw, I don't know if you noticed 15:58:02 <mnasiadka> I'll copy paste the Xena one, clean it up/rework and we'll have a solid foundation\ 15:58:05 <yoctozepto> but Monasca went leaderless (again?) 15:58:20 <mnasiadka> I'm afraid Monasca doesn't have a bright future. 15:58:24 <yoctozepto> me too 15:58:37 <yoctozepto> I'm mostly propagating this to you because you are deploying it 15:59:11 <mnasiadka> This is changing, so we might rethink if we need that CI coverage (for the job that is failing all the time). 15:59:12 <dtantsur> hi folks! I'm struggling to understand if this https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/build/eb452f5af8024837a35e92a5ab8e8f1f/log/primary/logs/ansible/deploy-bifrost#12032 is caused by my Bifrost change or is a breakage in Kolla proper. Could someone give me a hint? 16:00:01 <mnasiadka> ok, the meeting time is up, dtantsur thanks for joining for the last minute ;-) 16:00:09 <dtantsur> ooops :) 16:00:16 <mgoddard> thanks mnasiadka 16:00:19 <mnasiadka> If anybody has any open discussion points - let's continue after the meeting 16:00:24 <yoctozepto> thanks mnasiadka 16:00:27 <mnasiadka> #endmeeting kolla