14:01:24 <mnasiadka> #startmeeting kolla 14:01:24 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Wed Nov 15 14:01:24 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mnasiadka. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:01:24 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:01:24 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'kolla' 14:01:27 <mnasiadka> #topic rollcall 14:01:29 <mnasiadka> o/ 14:01:39 <jovial[m]> 0/ 14:01:41 <mmalchuk> o/ 14:01:42 <jangutter> o/ 14:01:57 <mhiner> o/ 14:02:29 <frickler> \o 14:03:38 <kevko> \o/ 14:03:41 <mnasiadka> #topic Agenda 14:03:41 <mnasiadka> * CI status 14:03:41 <mnasiadka> * Release tasks 14:03:41 <mnasiadka> * Regular stable releases (first meeting in a month) 14:03:41 <mnasiadka> * Current cycle planning 14:03:43 <mnasiadka> * Additional agenda (from whiteboard) 14:03:43 <mnasiadka> * Open discussion 14:03:45 <mnasiadka> #topic CI Status 14:03:59 <mnasiadka> Updated all CI statuses, marked Masakari as broken 14:04:34 <jovial[m]> Did the Ironic job get fixed in the end? 14:04:42 <mnasiadka> frickler: just as we discussed - do we want to mark Masakari as deprecated and fire off the mail to openstack-ml? 14:04:55 <SvenKieske> o/ 14:05:04 <mnasiadka> jovial[m]: yes, by https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/900985 (well, the master patch, not the backport) 14:05:30 <frickler> mnasiadka: I'd say yes, I can create a patch if you take care of the mail in return 14:05:40 <mnasiadka> frickler: we have a deal 14:06:54 <mnasiadka> ok, let's continue 14:06:59 <mnasiadka> #topic Release tasks 14:07:18 <mnasiadka> I've marked most of the patches we should try to squeeze in Bobcat as RP+1 14:07:44 <mnasiadka> Please try to review them, ask those that are missing - but no more major features please 14:08:00 <mnasiadka> add those that are missing 14:08:02 <mnasiadka> not ask 14:08:35 <SvenKieske> would quorum queues be considered a major feature? :) 14:08:45 <frickler> let's get the cat out of the house 14:09:21 <frickler> good question. "maybe"? 14:09:48 <mnasiadka> I think we agreed we should do it this cycle 14:09:55 <mnasiadka> so - SvenKieske - what do you need to get it merged? :) 14:10:15 <jovial[m]> I also added RP+1 to a few kayobe patches: https://review.opendev.org/q/project:openstack/kayobe+label:Review-Priority%253D1+status:open to try and get them into the release 14:11:11 <SvenKieske> hopefully just a new CI run and then inspect the logs again, there was a recent fix in oslo.messaging that was missing, I hope that's all at least 14:11:49 <mnasiadka> SvenKieske: would be good 14:11:57 <mnasiadka> SvenKieske: can you post a link so we can RP+1? 14:12:11 <SvenKieske> might still need to disect more of the upstream docs - which are cluttered - and revisit what to do for upgrades, but I guess as a first try it's good to support new deployments/go with downtime? 14:12:34 <SvenKieske> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/898543 14:12:47 <SvenKieske> the oslo change got merged: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/oslo.messaging/+/889313 14:13:30 <jovial[m]> SvenKieske: Are you going to add some docs explaining how to migrate from the old style? 14:13:44 <frickler> so we still need that in bobcat and a new release https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/oslo.messaging/+/900891 14:13:45 <jovial[m]> sorry, missed your earlier message 14:14:56 <SvenKieske> frickler: right, but as it's a bugfix I think that should be hopefully backported quickly? maybe too optimistic :) 14:15:01 <mnasiadka> SvenKieske: we should be fine backporting the upgrade/migration docs later on 14:15:29 <mnasiadka> if that requires a lot more work and we can't get it out through the door now 14:16:33 <SvenKieske> ok 14:16:36 <mnasiadka> ok then let's go forward 14:16:50 <mnasiadka> #topic Current cycle planning 14:17:19 <mnasiadka> Current means sort of Bobcat, I've tidied up the Bobcat priorities on the Whiteboard 14:17:37 <mnasiadka> Will organise the Caracal priorities and send out a PTG summary 14:18:35 <mnasiadka> #topic Additional agenda 14:18:51 <mnasiadka> none 14:18:56 <mnasiadka> #topic Open discussion 14:19:08 <mnasiadka> so, we've got 40 minutes for open discussion ;) 14:19:20 <mhiner> I want to ask if you're interested in the migration patch https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/836941 14:19:46 <SvenKieske> certainly, as there are a lot of docker deployments out there :) 14:19:53 <mhiner> It's goal is to migrate from Docker to Podman and vice versa within the same version 14:20:21 <SvenKieske> same version meaning openstack release, or..? 14:20:30 <mhiner> yes, that 14:20:56 <SvenKieske> that would be good information to add to the commit message imho :) 14:21:27 <jovial[m]> mhiner: very nice - 'migrate' as a verb seems a bit generic though 14:21:33 <mnasiadka> Well, we probably are interested, but I think main case is that there is a CI job that tests that 14:22:13 <mnasiadka> Second of all, ansible/migrate.yml is too generic, we have ansible/opensearch-migration.yml - so we should have ansible/container-engine-migration.yml and ideally support both directions? ;-) 14:22:32 <mnasiadka> on other front, shouldn't it be that simple as changing kolla_container_runtime to podman? 14:23:05 <mnasiadka> ah, volumes migration 14:23:18 <mnasiadka> ok then, we need a command for the migration surely 14:23:54 <mhiner> mnasiadka: both directions are supported and yeah ansible/migrate.yml can be renamed 14:24:03 <jovial[m]> how close is it to working? 14:24:03 <SvenKieske> ack, nice :) 14:24:08 <mnasiadka> and then we need CI jobs testing that 14:24:18 <mnasiadka> don't assume reviewers will go the extra mile and test that on their env 14:25:06 <mhiner> jovial[m]: I worked on it relatively long time ago but iirc it should be functional 14:25:36 <mhiner> mnasiadka: am I able to create that CI job? 14:25:40 <SvenKieske> yeah, might be tricky to test 14:26:00 <mnasiadka> mhiner: sure, just add it in .zuul.d/ - copy cat the opensearch migration jobs and you'll be fine 14:26:22 <mhiner> okay, will look into it 14:26:28 <mnasiadka> sorry, zuul.d (not a hidden one) 14:26:55 <mnasiadka> if you need help, just reach out :) 14:27:05 <mhiner> alright, thanks 14:27:17 <jangutter> mhiner, you don't need special permissions to run and test a zuul job in the CI, and while developing it you can temporarily disable the other jobs till you've got it ironed out. 14:27:59 <opendevreview> Michal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add keystone_federation_oidc_additional_options variable for additional options https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/892831 14:28:23 <SvenKieske> that commit message looks..interesting :D 14:28:45 <SvenKieske> I heard you like additional options, so I put addtional options in your additional options. 14:29:38 <mnasiadka> yeah, the author got bored, I'll refresh it 14:32:24 <mnasiadka> ok, anybody has anything else or should we wrap up? 14:35:08 <opendevreview> Michal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: keystone: Add support for OIDC options https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/892831 14:35:29 <mnasiadka> SvenKieske: better? :) 14:36:24 <jovial[m]> just needs a reno ;-) 14:36:48 <mnasiadka> makes sense 14:37:09 <SvenKieske> very nice :) 14:40:10 <opendevreview> Michal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: keystone: Add support for OIDC options https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/892831 14:40:14 <mnasiadka> and there's the reno 14:41:04 <mnasiadka> ok, I guess nothing more 14:41:06 <mnasiadka> thanks for coming! 14:41:08 <mnasiadka> #endmeeting