13:00:14 <mnasiadka> #startmeeting kolla 13:00:14 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Wed Jun 19 13:00:14 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mnasiadka. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:00:14 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:00:14 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'kolla' 13:00:17 <mnasiadka> #topic rollcall 13:00:18 <mnasiadka> o/ 13:00:24 <SvenKieske> o/ 13:00:25 <mmalchuk> o/ 13:00:33 <r-krcek> o/ 13:00:35 <mhiner> o/ 13:03:08 <opendevreview> Michal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kayobe master: seed-vm/infra-vms: Add support for EFI and q35 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kayobe/+/921660 13:03:23 <mnasiadka> #topic agenda 13:03:23 <mnasiadka> * CI status 13:03:24 <mnasiadka> * Release tasks 13:03:24 <mnasiadka> * Regular stable releases (first meeting in a month) 13:03:24 <mnasiadka> * Current cycle planning 13:03:25 <mnasiadka> * Additional agenda (from whiteboard) 13:03:25 <mnasiadka> * Open discussion 13:03:27 <mnasiadka> #topic CI status 13:03:36 <mnasiadka> Kolla/Kolla-Ansible seems green 13:03:43 <mnasiadka> Kayobe SLURP jobs are still failing 13:03:49 <mnasiadka> anything I missed? 13:04:34 <SvenKieske> kolla build failure rate seems up, at least according to https://grafana.opendev.org/d/c0d59dad13/kolla-failure-rate?orgId=1 ? 13:04:56 <SvenKieske> kolla-ansible is broken in grafana (I guess for some time again, I should check more often) 13:06:02 <mnasiadka> let me check kolla periodics 13:06:43 <mnasiadka> last failures from 15th of June in Kolla 13:07:04 <SvenKieske> mhm, maybe just grafana acting up 13:07:08 <mnasiadka> anyway, let's continue 13:07:13 <mnasiadka> #topic Release tasks 13:08:46 <mnasiadka> R-17 has passed, according to Release Management schedule - we should switch to master branches from 2024.1 13:09:03 <mnasiadka> Something like https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kayobe/+/791764 13:09:13 <mnasiadka> Any volunteers to do this? 13:10:01 <mmalchuk> I can 13:10:29 <SvenKieske> ty :) 13:10:30 <mnasiadka> ok the 13:10:32 <mnasiadka> n 13:10:34 <mnasiadka> let's move on 13:10:42 <kevko> \o 13:10:42 <mnasiadka> #topic Current cycle planning 13:11:16 <mnasiadka> I started some work on the Ubuntu Noble LTS support and Ansible bump 13:11:34 <mnasiadka> Ubuntu nodes do OOM on new Ansible, and some other fantastic things - so having fun 13:12:10 <SvenKieske> ah we just talked about this internally today (noble). notice afaik noble doesn't support upgrades from 22.04 until 24.04.1 release 13:12:11 <mnasiadka> Does anybody have any other high priority features that need discussing? 13:12:44 <mnasiadka> I'm not interested in in-place upgrades now, we just need to get that working and backport this to C 13:13:04 <frickler> the oom issue should be fixed with 2.17.1, see the comments in your patch 13:13:26 <kevko> as always ..me :) ..just find some time to review again my patches 13:14:13 <mnasiadka> Yeah, and hundreds of other patches :) 13:14:23 <mnasiadka> Let's go to additional agenda 13:14:30 <mnasiadka> #topic Additional agenda (from whiteboard) 13:14:36 <kevko> yeah, but i am actively applying changes regarding comments :) 13:14:49 <mnasiadka> (SvenKieske: please review patch for broken keystone federation backend https://bugs.launchpad.net/kolla-ansible/+bug/2058656 13:14:49 <mnasiadka> trivial patch at https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/913908 needs Cores <--still needs input 13:14:49 <mnasiadka> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/921381/comment/56b11f74_f98925e8/ (rmq startuptime high, reason found, please share your opinion) 13:15:36 <SvenKieske> yeah the first two are rather getting old, they really don't need any discussion in the meeting imho, just feedback on the patches itself. 13:16:04 <SvenKieske> the third one I don't know, I really would like to have some more opinions on it, but could also be discussed on the patch itself 13:16:12 <mnasiadka> My question is - do we have ANY CI job that at least configures keystone to do federation? 13:16:26 <SvenKieske> let me check.. 13:17:07 <opendevreview> Maksim Malchuk proposed openstack/kolla master: Revert "[release] Use Caracal sources by default" https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla/+/922318 13:17:07 <mnasiadka> Because if we don't, we're going to see those issues every now and then 13:17:19 <SvenKieske> true 13:17:34 <SvenKieske> at least from quick grepping I don't find any tests 13:17:55 <SvenKieske> that being said, a bugfix is a bugfix. we have many bugfixes where you don't ask for tests, even if there are none 13:18:19 <kevko> we should add some ... 13:18:33 <SvenKieske> and ftr I agree we should maybe focus more on tests, but I would appreciate it if this pressure would be applied equally, at least it doesn't feel to be applied equally, from my pov. 13:18:56 <SvenKieske> but ymmv :) 13:19:03 <opendevreview> Mark Goddard proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: Add support for customising Neutron physical network names https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/922320 13:19:23 <mnasiadka> Well, I'm not going to set up an AIO with federation enabled to check if that fixes anything 13:20:50 <mnasiadka> commented on the patch 13:21:38 <mnasiadka> SvenKieske: what about that RMQ thing? 13:22:24 <SvenKieske> the path thing? 13:22:57 <SvenKieske> well the startup time is raised, because it is computed everytime rmq starts, so we should move it either to build time (in the dockerfile in kolla) or directly hardcode it 13:23:43 <SvenKieske> not sure though how often this changes, I just had a look at the otp repo where imho the ssl libs erlang sources reside, there is already version 11 and they do frequent releases, but we do seem to have version 9.4 somewhere.. 13:24:01 <SvenKieske> if that changes frequently we might not want to update this string manually in the dockerfile 13:24:15 <mnasiadka> well, that's erlang version? 13:24:33 <mnasiadka> ah, ssl lib in erlang 13:24:40 <SvenKieske> so I think the best compromise would be to let the erl autodiscovery run at build time, so it doesn't run every rmq start, but we don't need to patch for every ssl lib minor version bump? 13:25:35 <SvenKieske> from my pov that makes sense, but I'd really like to have some opinions of seasoned maintainers there, so we don't need to rewrite the patch in one or two weeks :) 13:25:55 <SvenKieske> I discussed this briefly with Matus (patch author) in private. 13:26:18 <mnasiadka> well, adding that to rabbitmq-env.conf - which we template out in kolla-ansible? 13:26:36 <SvenKieske> this really did affect the build pipeline which sometimes would just timeout 13:27:05 <SvenKieske> that's another option, but I'm not sure it fixes anything? doesn't this run on every start as well? or do you mean hardcoding it there? 13:27:17 <mnasiadka> according to RMQ docs - we need to add that to rabbitmq-env.conf 13:27:31 <mnasiadka> and if we template out the whole file in kolla-ansible 13:27:42 <SvenKieske> let me look. wait ok if we template it, it's only run once, seems also fine 13:27:43 <mnasiadka> then adding that in Dockerfile isn't going to get us anywhere 13:27:50 <SvenKieske> true 13:28:38 <SvenKieske> I'm really not an expert, this patchset is the first time I've even seen this option, just looked it up myself in upstream docs. 13:28:38 <mnasiadka> So unless that's a big burden - I would say it should be added in kolla-ansible 13:29:14 <mnasiadka> probably just spawning a sidecar container with rabbitmq to get that information out of it - and then use the output to be templated out to rabbitmq-env.conf - only when we enable rabbitmq tls 13:29:17 <SvenKieske> it's fine either way :) it just doesn't make sense to compute it on every startup and make startup slower and this leads to CI pipeline timeouts in some tests :) 13:29:43 <mnasiadka> Anyway - any volunteer to do this? 13:30:10 <SvenKieske> I think Matus can implement it in the same patchset if he has some guidance, should be possible with kolla_toolbox, no? 13:30:51 <SvenKieske> or should this go in a separate patch? afaik the ssl stuff is only needed for this patch? so can be developed together? 13:30:56 <mnasiadka> Don't we want to get that backported? 13:31:06 <mnasiadka> We have RabbitMQ TLS working today, don't we? 13:31:23 <SvenKieske> this is only inter node tls, so the inter cluster traffic 13:31:25 <mnasiadka> or is that only for internode TLS? 13:31:28 <mnasiadka> ok 13:31:33 <mnasiadka> then incorporate that in the current patch 13:31:35 <SvenKieske> I don't know if it affects other TLS settings actually 13:31:44 <mnasiadka> well, maybe it's good to check ;-) 13:31:51 <SvenKieske> yeah, will do 13:31:59 <mnasiadka> but RMQ docs rather mention inter-node 13:32:12 <mnasiadka> anyway 13:32:13 <mnasiadka> let's move on 13:32:23 <mnasiadka> (r-krcek): please review https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/914997 13:33:17 <opendevreview> Maksim Malchuk proposed openstack/kayobe master: Revert "[release] Use OpenStack 2024.1 release" https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kayobe/+/922322 13:34:06 <mnasiadka> oh crap, love that kind of changes 13:35:12 <mnasiadka> Will have a look 13:35:26 <mnasiadka> #topic Open discussion 13:35:29 <mnasiadka> Let's move on 13:35:32 <mnasiadka> Actually I have a topic 13:37:13 <mnasiadka> Since we only have two core-reviewers that are really active outside of StackHPC - I'd like to propose that if a change has one +2 from SHPC - and a second review has not landed for 2 weeks (after setting RP+1) - I'd like to merge such patches with single company approval. 13:37:38 <mnasiadka> frickler, kevko: What do you think about that? 13:38:58 <mmalchuk> please review https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kayobe/+/921627 as discussed I've made the followup 13:39:40 <kevko> i am not sure if i understand 13:39:51 <frickler> mnasiadka: I guess that's fine for me, even 1 week at most should be fine 13:39:53 <mmalchuk> and new for Kayobe: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kayobe/+/921628 13:40:07 <mmalchuk> summer lack of cores? 13:40:14 <mmalchuk> again? 13:40:23 <mnasiadka> kevko: currently we have a rule - if the author is from SHPC - we can't merge it with two core reviewers from SHPC 13:40:43 <mnasiadka> We have a lot of changes, that are stalled due to missing core review from outside of SHPC 13:40:52 <mmalchuk> mnasiadka lets add cores 13:40:55 <mnasiadka> Those have usually RP+1 - and it does not help 13:40:58 <mnasiadka> mmalchuk: shh 13:41:02 <frickler> well the role is for any company, not specific to SHPC, just to avoid confusion 13:41:07 <mnasiadka> yes 13:41:38 <mmalchuk> frickler not only SHPC use Kolla projects 13:41:40 <kevko> i have the same problem ... what about trade +2 so you will give me +2 for my review and I will find a time for your review :D 13:41:43 <mnasiadka> so - in order to not let changes to rot - I'm proposing to merge patches with single company approval 2 weeks after the first +2 - if a second +2 from a separate company does not come in 13:42:06 <mnasiadka> kevko: show me your patches that already have one +2 :) 13:43:03 <SvenKieske> I was not asked, but maybe require at least one +1 from another company? that should be a pretty low bar, so maybe not worth spelling it out, though. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 13:43:40 <mnasiadka> So, there's another thing that irritates me most - if I can 13:43:52 <mnasiadka> Adding +1 to a patch after it gets merged - that's to you SvenKieske and mmalchuk ;-) 13:43:59 <kevko> mnasiadka: well this is another problem ..how can I get some reviewer if you guys in SHPC just giving +2 to each other ... 13:44:12 <kevko> but no problem ..i am ok with it btw 13:44:42 <kevko> faster merging ..is always better ..it's still master ..it can be reverted ..it can be fixed by another patch if needed 13:45:26 <mnasiadka> kevko: sure, everybody has the same problem - it's even hard to find two SHPC cores having time to review a patch ;-) 13:45:48 <SvenKieske> mnasiadka: well sometimes I review a patch, give +1, then there is last minute change like typo in commit message and immediately +2 +1 workflow and merged and my review is "gone". I think it's at least a decent signal to re-review the minor change then and say "I also did look at it" 13:45:52 <mnasiadka> But I'll try to have a look in your patches next week - last two weeks have been extremely hectic on my side 13:45:58 <SvenKieske> if that's annoying I can leave it be I guess 13:46:19 <mnasiadka> I think it's useful if there's a comment "you missed that", or "please follow up with a fix to this" 13:46:20 <kevko> Or we should create some queue or something ... 13:46:25 <mnasiadka> but just +1 is a bit irritating :) 13:46:33 <kevko> for example here is reaaaallly trivial and important CI fix 13:46:35 <kevko> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/919939 13:46:39 <mnasiadka> kevko: we have a queue, just add RP+1 :) 13:47:11 <opendevreview> Michal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: CI: Use 2024.1 as previous_release https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/919939 13:47:53 <SvenKieske> maybe a good reminder that not only mnasiadka can RP+1; not sure if everybody knows, but mere mortals (non cores) can't RP+1 (currently) 13:48:07 <kevko> because ...without this patch for example we are testing totally something different as we should ... because now it's tested from 2023.2 to -> current uploaded patch 13:48:15 <mnasiadka> yup 13:48:19 <mnasiadka> I even updated that patch :) 13:48:25 <kevko> mnasiadka: I know 13:48:27 <mnasiadka> frickler: if you can have a look in ^^ 13:48:41 <mnasiadka> kevko: as I said, I've been extremely busy - it should be better next week ;) 13:48:42 <SvenKieske> this would also result in less clicks for backport voting btw, not sure how many reviews it needs, it has gotten quite some attention already: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/project-config/+/920472 13:49:03 <mnasiadka> SvenKieske: that is project-config, I have no power over that :) 13:49:10 <kevko> SvenKieske: well, I also added some RP +1 ...but somebody just deleted it :D 13:49:12 <SvenKieske> frickler? ;) 13:49:25 <SvenKieske> kevko: lol ok, didn't notice, too bad :) 13:49:27 <frickler> hmm, "branches: none" is a weird idea, I have to think about that 13:49:56 <mnasiadka> other option is to remove the config at all 13:50:04 <mnasiadka> and revert in E 13:50:13 <mnasiadka> but we would need to add some docs to the release management guide 13:50:39 <mnasiadka> Feel free to comment with a better solution 13:50:50 <mnasiadka> we could have a CI var "master_is_slurp" 13:50:53 <mnasiadka> maybe that's better 13:51:11 <mnasiadka> if Zuul can honor that 13:51:20 <SvenKieske> that sounds decent, if it works. 13:51:44 <frickler> the thing is, the job might still run if it is defined somewhere else, like from stable/2024.1 13:51:46 <SvenKieske> I really would like a handy list which releases are slurp, didn't sink into my brain just yet 13:52:08 <kevko> SvenKieske: https://releases.openstack.org/ :D ? 13:52:10 <frickler> *.1 is slurp, *.2 isn't. slurp == odd 13:52:36 <mnasiadka> frickler: basically I would be happier if we run slurp whole cycle 13:52:39 <SvenKieske> frickler: ah that's a good shorthand! 13:53:01 <SvenKieske> and I didn't know it's mentioned on the release page as well, thx! 13:53:48 <mnasiadka> as in when it's master branch, not just when we do rc1 and find out slurp does not work 13:55:07 <frickler> but for current master, from where would you upgrade? from 2024.1 it is just normal upgrade jobs, don't need to duplicate those 13:55:22 <frickler> from 2023.1 is too old, we don't want to support that 13:55:37 <frickler> from 2023.2 ... weird, might not be supported by services 13:55:44 <mnasiadka> well, when master is 2025.1 13:55:54 <mnasiadka> we should be doing slurp from 2024.1 to master (to be 2025.1) 13:55:55 <mnasiadka> right? 13:56:01 <frickler> yes 13:56:16 <frickler> so re-enable as soon as 2024.2 is branched 13:56:39 <mnasiadka> yeah, was thinking if we can have jobs running when some variable is true 13:56:45 <mnasiadka> so we would only change that variable 13:57:17 <mnasiadka> but still setting up slurp per new release is going to take some work 13:57:24 <frickler> I can check with zuul ppl whether that would be possible 13:57:25 <mnasiadka> so maybe we just remove jobs from project.yaml 13:57:36 <mnasiadka> and add them back when master is slurp 13:57:43 <mnasiadka> and just document that in our Release Management docs 13:57:46 <mnasiadka> I'm fine with any :) 13:58:00 <frickler> yes, that would be the usual approach that openstack-zuul-jobs is taking 13:58:10 <mnasiadka> ok, so let's do that 13:58:21 <frickler> could even add them all in one project-template and just add/remove that one maybe 13:58:40 <opendevreview> Michal Nasiadka proposed openstack/kolla-ansible master: CI: Use 2024.1 as previous_release https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/919939 13:58:52 <mnasiadka> that also makes sense 13:59:07 <mnasiadka> I'll have a go at writing the docs and trying out project template 13:59:24 <mnasiadka> thanks 13:59:31 <mnasiadka> ok, we're out of time :) 13:59:38 <mnasiadka> Thank you all for coming - see you next week :) 13:59:40 <mnasiadka> #endmeeting