13:00:00 #startmeeting kolla 13:00:00 Meeting started Wed Aug 7 13:00:00 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mnasiadka. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:00:00 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:00:00 The meeting name has been set to 'kolla' 13:00:06 #topic rollcall 13:00:07 o/ 13:00:23 o/ 13:00:53 o/ 13:00:58 o/ 13:01:14 o/ 13:01:48 o/ 13:02:46 #topic agenda 13:02:46 * CI status 13:02:46 * Release tasks 13:02:46 * Regular stable releases (first meeting in a month) 13:02:46 * Current cycle planning 13:02:48 * Additional agenda (from whiteboard) 13:02:48 * Open discussion 13:02:51 #topic CI Status 13:02:55 so, status is RED 13:03:02 (for kolla-ansible) 13:03:19 pinning openstackclient in https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/925857 13:03:33 #topic Release tasks 13:04:15 It's R-8 week, nothing on our calendar 13:04:23 Will we need to pin the openstack client in kayobe too? 13:04:23 #topic Regular stable releases 13:04:39 jovial: it depends, if you have Nova without Cinder, or Cinder without Nova ;-) 13:04:44 (in any job) 13:04:58 Ahh, cheers 13:05:04 bbezak: did we release anything last month? 13:05:18 I did see some movement maybe, but maybe I was just dreaming ;-) 13:05:29 Ah, bbezak is not here 13:05:32 so I'll ask him later 13:05:34 yes we did 13:06:00 Ok, so I'll raise this months releases after the meeting 13:06:11 #topic Current cycle planning 13:06:29 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/925182 13:06:54 SvenKieske: thanks 13:07:15 ok, it's my first day after vacation - so going to work again on Noble and Ansible bump 13:07:19 and we'll see how that goes 13:07:55 I guess no other major features need discussing 13:08:02 #topic Additional agenda (from whiteboard) 13:08:08 oh boy, that's long 13:08:23 mhiner [2024-08-07]: please review: 13:08:23 Refactor of docker worker https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/908295 13:08:23 Refactor of kolla_container_facts https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/911417 13:08:23 Move actions to kolla_container_facts https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/911505 13:08:23 Add uninstall tasks to ACK https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ansible-collection-kolla/+/925083 13:08:24 Add action for getting container names list https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/924389 13:08:32 Also, the two changes mentioned in TODOs in migration patchset are done - last two on the above list. 13:08:40 Shoud I add them to the migration patchset? 13:08:46 Doing this will put migration in the fifth place in the relation chain. 13:10:06 there is also problem in that docker worker refactor in upgrade tests, since they use old release of ansible-collection-kolla which doesnt install docker 6.0.0 13:10:47 that was discussed on previous meeting 13:10:50 that last one should be fixed by the osbpo patch 13:11:14 then during upgrade it switches to master version of a-c-k but bootstrap-servers is not called again 13:11:28 afaik this one it was: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ansible-collection-kolla/+/916258 13:12:49 SvenKieske: yes but it needs to be backported to 2024.1 release of a-c-k 13:13:40 I'm still amazed why are we not using a venv and recommending users to use a venv ;-) 13:14:20 I guess that's a different discussion that also already took place. I guess it's just missing people actually implementing it. 13:14:47 and maybe we should also use venvs ourselves everywhere, before recommending it to users ;) 13:15:42 ok, reviewed some of these patches, let's see the answers later 13:15:56 (r-krcek)[2024-08-07] please review 13:15:56 Change to dev mode https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/925714 and https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla/+/925712 13:15:56 k-a check command https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/599735 13:15:56 memcache_security_strategy templating https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/925444 13:16:42 mnasiadka: what about backporting this so docker worker tests will pass? https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ansible-collection-kolla/+/916258 13:17:30 just propose it, we can discuss it in Gerrit 13:20:20 regarding dev mode: doesn't the proposed approach break for modern pip which doesn't allow to install outside of venv? will comment on the patch 13:20:34 Well, first of all it's not a bug fix - it's not backportable 13:20:55 but let's continue in Gerrit 13:21:09 ok, and now a huge blob of text 13:21:12 (SvenKieske)[2024-08-07]: How do we want to handle slurp upgrades in the future? 13:21:12 currently it's afaik only planned to make a special upgrade command for 2023.1 release to upgrade rmq: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/918976 13:21:12 problem I see is: won't we need a similar change for the next slurp upgrade cycle as well, and wouldn't it thus make sense to add a generic slurp-upgrade command to master? 13:21:12 (mattcrees): My understanding is that going forward we should only bump RabbitMQ versions once a year during the major/odd releases. As such, we shouldn't need this additional rabbit upgrade in future releases. 13:21:12 maybe I missed something or is the intent to just always provide one-off patches for the slurp releases to keep the master codebase lean? 13:21:14 It's also unclear to me how we handle the process when users set `rabbitmq_image` via global.yml, we need to handle these users during future upgrades, see comments on the patch. 13:21:14 what I mean by this: how do we make sure we don't forget a reno for slurp that users need to now change their rabbitmq_image var if they changed it, etc. do we possibly want to test this in CI slurp jobs maybe? 13:21:16 (mattcrees): I guess bumping RabbitMQ versions should already have a reno? 13:21:16 (mattcrees): We do definitely want to test the double rabbit upgrade in CI, I plan for a follow-up patch once the current ones get merged. 13:22:20 Ok, so RMQ double version upgrade - since we do rolling upgrade, we can't jump across two releases in one go 13:22:29 okay, if someone (mnasiadka?) could clarify if we just intend to bump rmq going forward once a year (is that possible with upstreams release cadence? i don't know), I'm fine. 13:22:50 I actually just now read mattcrees replies, thanks for those :) 13:23:24 well, RMQ in the past had two major releases per year 13:23:26 I guess my fear of missing a reno is overblown, I agree we will have reno if we bump rmq version 13:24:02 And it seems they are not changing this 13:24:04 so if they (rmq) stick to their release cadence we can't only upgrade once a year, can we? 13:24:11 So I would be reluctant to agree bumping every two cycles 13:24:33 I would rather thing about having upgrade prechecks that would check if an upgrade is possible? 13:24:35 so my proposal would be to move the rmq upgrade command to regular release (master) 13:24:47 *think 13:24:52 currently it's sitting on the stable branch 13:25:21 We've got a patch in progress for that kind of precheck: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/918977 13:25:48 so, let's assume somebody wants to upgrade from A to C 13:26:05 ah you beat me with the link posting matt, thx :9 13:26:14 so we would need to upgrade RMQ to B version, then C version 13:26:21 And I agree, if we're not sticking to one bump a year then this should get into master. It might be nice to get a less symlinky way of having multiple versions if anyone has ideas around that ;) 13:26:42 let's fix the symlinks maybe later :D 13:28:09 So then yes, we need a command for upgrading RMQ 13:28:28 or a slurp-upgrade subcommand that upgrades RMQ first, and then does a regular upgrade 13:28:34 fine with anything really 13:29:13 alright, my point was just that we maybe move the existing approach in gerrit just from the current stable branch to master, ty! :) we can discuss details and improvements on the patches I guess 13:29:58 Sure, sounds like we're in agreement on the plan. I'll get those patches pointing to master when I get a moment 13:30:25 we can and probably we should, although we can't test it in master ;-) 13:31:40 Anyway, happy to review anything 13:31:41 alright, I have two little things CI and python 3.12 related 13:31:51 which are not on the agenda, but I guess the agenda is empty? 13:32:10 mattcrees: can we gather all those RMQ related patches in some Gerrit topic and reference it in somwhere on the whiteboard so it's easy to track them? 13:32:18 #topic Open discussion 13:32:21 SvenKieske: now you can 13:32:22 ;-) 13:32:23 Yeah sure thing 13:32:35 so I tried fixing a linting issue locally, when I ran into this: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/925671 13:33:08 which is really weird because this flake8 error should've been catched by CI long ago, and should've complained everytime since it was merged 13:33:26 I still haven't figured out why CI didn't catch it (I had not that much time to look into it yet) 13:34:04 second thing I stumbled over, when doing this, which is interesting for mnasiadka I guess, is that flake8 won't really work with python3.12 without https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/925670 13:34:27 so you might want to incorporate that into your ubuntu noble testing 13:35:01 or we just merge it now ;-) 13:35:13 discussed this also with frickler and he had also no immediate idea why CI didn't catch this. also I would like to propose to run our linters on python3.12 maybe? 13:35:14 well, question is where do we install flake8 ;-) 13:35:20 xD 13:35:38 I actually am not sure currently where to set python version for our linters, yeah 13:35:49 I guess I can figure that out somewhere 13:36:02 I'll have a look - basically the problem with Noble patch is that we always assumed Ubuntu nodes for py3 testing are the same as the ones we use for building Ubuntu 13:36:17 and now only the latter is moving to Noble 13:36:24 which I'll need to solve somehow 13:36:40 but maybe we should have some additional jobs for py3.12 testing 13:36:44 I'll have a look 13:37:28 yeah, I was also thinking about better adding more jobs for py312 instead of just moving, seems more secure, even if the increased load is unfortunate 13:38:20 thanks for looking into ti 13:38:22 it* 13:39:10 I still want to figure out why the linter didn't complain about that f string, that's a pretty old basic check. and I accidently even fixed a bug there, because the hostname wasn't printed properly 13:40:05 at least it didn't find more bugs.. 13:40:30 haha 13:41:45 but I fear that somehow that linter is just partially broken and doesn't report anything.. 13:42:09 guess that's paranoia, maybe I should add a testcase that's always failing to ensure the linter works :D 13:43:42 I also have some code around that I need to push that checks if all our imports are in our requirements.yml/txt files, it's not quite polished enough yet 13:44:44 ah, hacking 3.0.1 depends on flake8<3.8.0 and >=3.6.0 13:44:51 and 3.7.9 doesn't fail on this one 13:45:00 and we don't have flake8 in lint-requirements.txt 13:45:04 mhm, maybe a bug in flake8 13:45:17 yeah you need a newer flake8 afaik on py312 13:45:27 maybe should regularly bump those 13:45:42 I guess so 13:45:47 I don't even know why we limited hacking 13:46:05 there was some bug in the past afaik, but CI is green now ;) 13:46:31 somewhere was also the flake8 version pinned, don't quite remember if it was in u-c or somewhere? 13:46:36 yeah well, need more people paying attention :) 13:46:41 just checked, flake8 is not in u-c 13:46:50 after your patch we should be better anyway 13:46:51 thanks 13:46:56 impression I got at least was that the basic py312 jobs don't test enough stuff :D 13:47:05 yeah thanks as well, guess we can conclude the meeting 13:47:21 question if we should backport the CI patch - I guess it could make some sense 13:48:17 then we need first to merge all the flake8 backport fixes: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/925671 13:48:42 those are trivial, but the CI will complain 13:49:05 those are merging 13:49:08 anyway, let's finish 13:49:10 thank you all for coming 13:49:12 #endmeeting