13:00:21 #startmeeting kolla 13:00:21 Meeting started Wed Oct 2 13:00:21 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mnasiadka. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:00:21 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 13:00:21 The meeting name has been set to 'kolla' 13:00:27 #topic rollcall 13:00:28 o/ 13:00:33 \o 13:00:33 o/ 13:00:47 o/ (90% afk debugging ) 13:00:54 \o/ 13:01:09 \o/ 13:02:22 #topic agenda 13:02:23 * CI status 13:02:30 * Release tasks 13:02:38 * Current cycle planning 13:02:44 * Additional agenda (from whiteboard) 13:02:49 * Open discussion 13:02:53 #topic CI status 13:02:56 overall green 13:03:06 even arm64 is green after moving image builds to x86 13:03:22 #topic Release tasks 13:03:27 OpenStack coordinated release it today 13:03:35 so expect CI slowness and weird things I guess 13:03:49 No release tasks for us, yet. 13:04:01 #topic Current cycle planning 13:04:39 Since we're entering cycle-trailing time - we should try to get a list of things we want to get in this cycle - and try NOT to release in December 13:05:14 the nice trivial followup: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/930170 13:05:33 Made an entry here: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/KollaWhiteBoard#L269 13:06:11 Let's try to add things here, that have two cores assigned for reviewing and getting that merged - and we'll be going through that list in every next meeting. 13:06:58 Ok, let's go further. 13:07:10 #topic Additional agenda 13:07:58 r-krcek [2024-10-02] 13:08:05 what is your opinion on the whole patchset? I will be taking over for my collegaues. Any things you would like to see? https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/836941 13:08:39 Frankly speaking I don't think I have the time to review it this cycle, any volunteers? 13:09:20 mnasiadka: i will check this ...but i am not sure if i will have a time in next two weeks ... 13:09:21 6 unresolved 13:09:29 moreover ..there is migration job failing ... 13:09:52 yes, it would be nice r-krcek if you could go through the comments and try to resolve them or at least reply ;-) 13:10:12 Okayy thank you for the feedback :) 13:11:22 And now Kevko's wall of sorrow 13:11:34 https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22mariadb-proxysql%22 13:11:52 wall of sorrow ? :D 13:12:12 Yeah :) 13:12:28 That is more a wall of perseverance and progress. 13:12:29 I'll have a look in this gerrit topic, but don't expect it to merge tomorrow :) 13:12:39 :D 13:13:19 maybe I have some time in the evening to look at proxysql. tomorrow is public holiday in germany and I'll be offline until monday 13:13:26 It seems to me that I've been hearing this for months now... always ready to respond and adapt the code 13:13:31 :D 13:13:47 frickler is on PTO for this and two more weeks 13:14:05 well, some of them are really important to merge 13:14:34 Okay then, we promised to have a look 13:14:38 Another one - https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22fix-letsencrypt%22 13:14:43 I just merged the small change 13:14:55 thanks 13:15:52 for this I also prepared test ^ https://github.com/keuko/sven-kolla :D 13:15:59 the bigger one - I need to have a look, I'm not convinced about introducing new variables in things that need to be backported - but I'll try to convince myself ;-) 13:16:00 like ..every combination 13:16:28 Image patching stuff is next: https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22kolla-patch%22 13:17:04 look like only kevko working on kolla-ansible ;) 13:17:44 Yeah, we can all go home 13:18:12 Another one is this: https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22fix-config-json-handling%22 13:18:34 so many reviews, its hard sometime to understand what is first what is next 13:18:34 kevko: I'll take that list and add it to a list of things we want to merge that cycle, so other cores can assign themselves to get that reviewed 13:18:47 surely I can't be the one doing all reviews :) 13:19:01 I have also many backports still pending which should be easy enough to merge 13:19:17 It says this is trivial: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/908429 13:19:25 it's 13:20:03 But I think it's irrelevant if we merge r-krcek patch to migrate kolla-ansible CLI to python 13:20:18 ah 13:20:19 backports 13:20:32 ok then, so we need to merge this, backport - and then merge r-krcek 's patch 13:20:33 geez 13:20:36 mnasiadka: Yeah, you're right, it seems like there are just too few of us... 13:21:06 SvenKieske: I will go through your backports 13:21:12 well, we have Sven now, but hopefully we can grow ;-) 13:22:16 we need a new core to merge Sven's changes? ;-) 13:22:38 mnasiadka: is this like real active cores ? https://review.opendev.org/admin/groups/cfd61289b70f00206797b035aa0bd7adfccf4be2,members 13:22:41 That's not a discussion for now. 13:23:16 okay 13:23:34 kevko: most of them yes, some of them review a couple of patches per cycle - but that's PTG discussion 13:23:40 I'll be quiet now - sorry 13:24:18 For 908429 - I'd prefer it to be reviewed by somebody with more bash skills than me - SvenKieske can you have a look? 13:25:13 And there's another big topic: https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22ceph-multi-cluster%22 - or maybe not so big, but requires careful reviews ;-) 13:25:50 its very comlpicated 13:26:06 that's on my list for the evening already, pretty sure we can +2 that :) 13:29:44 Ok then, I'll copy all Kevko's asks to Caracal priorities and let's see if we get anywhere until next week 13:30:11 mnasiadka: you skipped this one https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22kolla-patch%22 13:30:29 I haven't 13:30:34 I mentioned it 13:30:36 aaah, ok sorry 13:30:38 I haven't reviewed it :) 13:30:41 16:16:28 mentioned 13:30:59 Currently I'm more focused on Noble and getting aarch64 to a better place 13:31:03 But I'll get there 13:31:48 i will respond and fix anything if needed ...because my downstream git is still growing and growing and we are using it almost for every customer .. 13:32:32 And I'm really looking forward to the time when I won't have to backport anymore ... (for some time again ) 13:33:08 ok then 13:33:12 #topic Open discussion 13:33:19 Anybody? 13:33:27 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/869252 13:33:32 any objections to merge as is 13:34:48 its trivial 13:35:10 added all check, relno, message 13:35:22 Actually I'm with Jens on this, if we keep adding backend after backend, this is going to be hell to manage 13:35:41 but we need it for Huawei hardware 13:35:52 I would be happier if we supported copying in any files to the cinder containers and told users to override the cinder config files 13:35:57 without these files in the container it didn't work 13:36:14 mnasiadka this is it 13:36:25 a list of files to copy inside 13:36:29 bbezak, kevko : if you're happy merging this - I won't oppose 13:36:35 With a Huawei name in it 13:36:36 it can be used not only for Huawei 13:36:40 well, these types of patches are always a bit controversial for me ... because all the patch does is copy the file into the container and let kolla set_configs set the permissions .. 13:36:55 if it ok if I will remove work Huawei from change? 13:37:04 word* 13:37:29 However, I have been thinking for a while about giving users the option to copy files into the container regardless of the name, as a unified method. 13:37:38 I can mention Huawei as an example 13:38:10 for example we are also copying some cert which needs to be declared in some config (i think it's kafka ) 13:38:28 We could rework Cinder backends into a generic option to copy in the files if the backend needs it - and then pointing to override cinder.conf 13:38:33 normally we can override cinder config to include some cert in oslo_kafka section ..but we need that file inside ... 13:38:44 and deprecate all other backends except Ceph, which is the one most widely used 13:38:53 That would make our Cinder role faster and lighter 13:39:02 so - instead of this huawei patch i would like to see this approach ... 13:39:10 but i don't want to block anybody ... 13:39:42 yeah ^ 13:39:48 copying custom files should be generic, not a huawei only 13:39:49 I can rewrite it more generic if the Huawei a bad word) 13:40:11 but it generic already 13:40:36 only Huawei at this moment need extra configs 13:41:51 I think the question is if the author is going to rework it this cycle - or should we merge that as is - and then totally rework everything next cycle 13:42:17 It’s been a while since I was on the same page with people who wanted to put everything into Kolla (:D). Then I got used to really using config merges... they work fine. It's probably important to distinguish what works with Ansible and what doesn’t... It’s silly to run 20 tasks to copy 20 files when one task is enough, for example, to 13:42:17 include an entire folder. 13:42:24 there actually the blueprint 13:42:47 As I said ..nevermind ..let's merge ..it's not affecting anybody ...it's by default off ... 13:42:57 good 13:43:33 Adding the Cinder rework as a PTG topic 13:43:36 Anyway, it doesn't matter... when it's reworked better someday... everything will be taken care of at once, and a release note will be written. 13:43:54 mnasiadka: i don't think it's only about cinder ... 13:44:21 mnasiadka: we for example have a customer and we need to send notifycation into their kafka ... 13:44:45 well, we're talking another edge case here 13:44:49 mnasiadka: so we need to copy client cert into every container ...we have a commit downstream to just copy cert and render the config.json .... 13:44:56 but you don't need to copy files into kolla_toolbox or anything else :) 13:45:24 mnasiadka: you never know what else we add to kolla-toolbox in the future :D :D :D 13:45:36 an exception? why? 13:45:41 whatever :) 13:45:53 let's finish - I added that discussion to PTG topics 13:45:57 thanks for coming! 13:46:00 #endmeeting