14:00:54 <bbezak> #startmeeting kolla
14:00:54 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Wed Jan  8 14:00:54 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is bbezak. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
14:00:54 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
14:00:54 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'kolla'
14:01:06 <bbezak> #topic rollcall
14:01:25 <frickler> \o
14:01:36 <jovial> o/
14:01:38 <r-krcek> o/
14:02:05 <opendevreview> Jack Hodgkiss proposed openstack/kayobe master: infra-vm: efficiently handle `hostvars` during deploy and destroy  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kayobe/+/938658
14:03:06 <bbezak> people still on vacation probably :)
14:03:07 <bbezak> #topic agenda
14:03:12 <bbezak> Roll-call... (full message at <https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/AUT4NrXbiCrJcYV4WVZJ92sgnZiDjW31BXdW9bgMlMxS08IFmrKqDFgPrIkaJ5l63BX0xS72dxRabWLkKYiiIYhCeUjlMDhwAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvb01jT3ZNdnpKd2hpeGJNbnZxdG9rY1hl>)
14:03:27 <bbezak> great, thx Matrix
14:03:27 <frickler> bbezak: that was cut off again by the matrix
14:03:38 <bbezak> yeah, I can see that
14:04:08 <frickler> oh, I would have assumed their UI to make things look normal on their side
14:04:26 <bbezak> yeap, I thought that * sign is doing that
14:04:28 <bbezak> but nope
14:04:54 <bbezak> I'll experiment on that
14:05:00 <bbezak> here is agenda btw - https://docs.openstack.org/kolla/latest/contributor/meeting.html#agenda
14:05:31 <bbezak> #topic CI status
14:06:03 <bbezak> I saw that mnasiadka was fixing some CI stuff recently
14:06:09 <frickler> mostly ok, I'd think
14:06:11 <bbezak> looks ok now I think
14:06:23 <frickler> yeah, those fluentd checks are still in progress
14:07:03 <bbezak> yes, ideally we should fail on all fluentd errors. that is the mnasiadka crusade
14:07:30 <bbezak> #topic Release tasks
14:07:58 <bbezak> we're in R-12
14:08:03 <bbezak> in the epoxy cycle
14:08:23 <bbezak> next task in R-8
14:09:16 <bbezak> there was one issue fixed today somewhat related. we forgot to change to D images in K-A
14:09:22 <bbezak> we should automate this
14:09:38 <bbezak> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/936457
14:10:30 <frickler> ah, for the stable branch, yes
14:10:31 <bbezak> #topic Regular stable releases (first meeting in a month)
14:10:47 <bbezak> I'll raise changes for stable releases
14:10:53 <bbezak> especially after that change above :)
14:10:57 <frickler> +1
14:11:23 <bbezak> #topic Current cycle planning
14:12:03 <bbezak> I know that uwsgi and ovn sb relay are progressing
14:12:34 <bbezak> and probably rabbitmq 4 by mcrees
14:13:23 <bbezak> let us know if somebody has question around those priorities
14:13:34 <bbezak> https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/KollaWhiteBoard#L230
14:15:25 <bbezak> #topic Additional agenda (from whiteboard)
14:16:48 <bbezak> first from mcrees, if we want to backport that one https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/937670
14:17:37 <bbezak> I can see comment there
14:17:45 <bbezak> from mnasiadka Decided not to backport on 18th Dec '24 meeting, because that would cause restart and it might be inconvenient for users.
14:17:50 <bbezak> maybe it was not removed from the whiteboard :)
14:17:56 <frickler> yes, looks like it
14:18:02 <bbezak> I'll remove it
14:18:28 <bbezak> and some cases from r-krcek
14:19:32 <frickler> I'll add those to my review list
14:19:41 <bbezak> I'll add myself to reviewers there
14:19:49 <r-krcek> Thank you guys :)
14:20:23 <bbezak> ;)
14:20:28 <bbezak> #topic Open discussion
14:21:52 <bbezak> any questions, complaints ?
14:21:53 <bbezak> :)
14:22:18 <bbezak> I think I need to look into stable backports
14:22:49 <bbezak> and one of our colleague is back from sick leave, and he is expert in bug triaging  - mr gkoper
14:22:55 <bbezak> but he is not around
14:24:34 <bbezak> ok then
14:24:53 <bbezak> thank you for joining!
14:25:00 <bbezak> #endmeeting