14:00:03 <mnasiadka> #startmeeting kolla 14:00:03 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Wed Jan 22 14:00:03 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mnasiadka. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:03 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:03 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'kolla' 14:00:10 <mnasiadka> #topic rollcall 14:00:12 <mnasiadka> o/ 14:00:21 <bbezak> o/ 14:00:29 <frickler> \o 14:00:29 <opendevreview> Matt Crees proposed openstack/kayobe master: Drop kolla-tags and kolla-limit https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kayobe/+/935669 14:03:42 <mnasiadka> #topic agenda 14:03:55 <mnasiadka> * Release tasks 14:04:01 <mnasiadka> * Current cycle planning 14:04:07 <mnasiadka> * Additional agenda (from whiteboard) 14:04:12 <mnasiadka> * Open discussion 14:04:15 <mnasiadka> #topic Release tasks 14:04:22 <koperg[m]> o/ 14:04:34 <mnasiadka> R-10 14:04:40 <mnasiadka> nothing for Kolla really 14:04:43 <mnasiadka> #topic Current cycle planning 14:05:00 <mnasiadka> I've worked on OVN SB Relay, it's stable in CI now and working fine 14:05:18 <mnasiadka> Although we have some CI instability in the mariadb jobs, probably proxysql 14:05:22 <bbezak> nice work 14:05:29 <mnasiadka> I'll look into those first, and then ask for reviews on OVN SB Relay 14:06:01 <mnasiadka> frickler: do you want to review the OVN SB Relay patches - or is OVN still a subject you prefer us to merge that with StackHPC only reviews? 14:06:26 <frickler> I can look into these if you say they're ready 14:06:43 <mnasiadka> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/939331 14:06:52 <mnasiadka> that and the kolla patch that is in depends-on 14:07:03 <frickler> ack, will check 14:07:46 <mnasiadka> thanks 14:08:05 <mnasiadka> Thanks also for reviews on the uwsgi stuff - Nova is now running in uwsgi in CI 14:08:16 <mnasiadka> I have placement lined up next 14:08:27 <mnasiadka> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/937448 14:09:24 <mnasiadka> Anybody working on anything they would like reviews on from cycle priorities? 14:10:11 <frickler> I did some reviews on the podman migration stack, that looked pretty good mostly, too 14:10:58 <bbezak> I'll ask if needed for my patches 14:11:52 <mnasiadka> #topic Additional agenda (from whiteboard) 14:12:02 <mnasiadka> (r.krcek) [2025/01/08] back from the christmas break :)... (full message at <https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/AZBDc8b0Ivfc2uc_aPW93FOl-p95ferjCn77RBMyDbi2JEIOOKu1GA6ces7x6jpiqwEwvNg_ERKQIEi-BBW5L19CeU1nQgXQAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvWm52cU1lUE93ZERLVm9KZHJkd2h6Vk9P>) 14:12:11 <mnasiadka> that's a lot of review links 14:12:30 <mnasiadka> I already added them to my queue, but I probably will lack time to look through them in January 14:12:35 <frickler> that's part of what I mentioned 14:12:44 <frickler> https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/kolla-ansible/+/911505/comment/2d0cfb85_1c172bd0/ would be nice to get an answer on 14:12:45 <mnasiadka> jovial: around? 14:12:48 <jovial> yep 14:12:49 <frickler> r-krcek: ^^ 14:13:01 <mnasiadka> (jovial) [2025/01/22] Rename docker_registry to container_registry (as it also used by podman)... (full message at <https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/Adbu-MGH2KP8ctwJIVRHsRa8cM2Yzo2z5hvy3PUTh7LiGKwPUKpxwLc3nFQPaD-neA_wwecgZR7YjsvxnXjaP-BCeU1nUFggAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvSGt4Tm1tVmdVd0FlckxqUnVtQ3FvcU1D>) 14:13:26 <mnasiadka> I agree with frickler - we need to do the same treatment for all docker_ stuff 14:13:34 <mnasiadka> so not only docker_registry 14:13:41 <frickler> mnasiadka: oh, since when are you using matrix, too? those paste were cut off a bit 14:13:43 <r-krcek> frickler: I will answer asap 14:13:56 <jovial> makes sense 14:14:40 <mnasiadka> frickler: It's been some time, I used irccloud in the past, but since I also have some Matrix-related connections (not IRC) - I'm trying it out for over a month or so, and it works quite well - but yes, the pasting stuff is usually off 14:14:41 <mnasiadka> sorry for that :) 14:14:45 <jovial> Are people in agreement that the rename would be beneficial. Or do we think it is unnecessary pain for users? 14:15:07 <mnasiadka> It's beneficial, but it's still pain for users :) 14:15:14 <frickler> +1 14:15:43 <frickler> but I think it will help in the long run, so better do it now than later 14:15:46 <jovial> They will get a few cycles to migrate :D 14:16:37 <mnasiadka> yup 14:16:39 <jovial> I will have to do a proper audit but it looks like there aren't too many docker_ variables 14:17:02 <mnasiadka> well, there are some docker_ variables that need to stay, like things we pass to bootstrap-servers most probably 14:17:09 <jovial> Would we leave the kolla collection as is? 14:17:10 <mnasiadka> but yeah, those that relate to both would be nice 14:17:18 <mnasiadka> I also noticed the prune role does not support podman today 14:18:11 <mnasiadka> I would leave kolla collection as is, podman and docker usually don't have the same set of features so it might be complicated to get this unified 14:18:15 <mnasiadka> and sort of confusing for the users 14:18:24 <jovial> agreed - thanks 14:18:26 <mnasiadka> They should usually know if they want docker or podman 14:19:22 <jovial> OK, I will draft something up. It might take me a while to get round to it though 14:19:22 <mnasiadka> ok then, agreed more or less 14:19:35 <mnasiadka> No rush 14:19:43 <mnasiadka> #topic Open discussion 14:19:57 <mnasiadka> I will be off first two weeks of Feb 14:20:06 <mnasiadka> and bbezak was kind enough to run the circus in my absence 14:20:25 <bbezak> ;) 14:20:42 <mnasiadka> Anybody has any other open discussion topics? 14:22:46 <mnasiadka> I guess not 14:22:51 <mnasiadka> Thank you all for coming! 14:22:53 <mnasiadka> See you next week :) 14:22:55 <mnasiadka> #endmeeting