14:00:33 #startmeeting kolla 14:00:33 Meeting started Wed Jan 29 14:00:33 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mnasiadka. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:33 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:33 The meeting name has been set to 'kolla' 14:00:38 #topic rollcall 14:00:39 o/ 14:00:43 darmach: now 14:00:46 \o 14:00:54 o/ 14:01:21 \o 14:02:14 o/ 14:02:37 #topic agenda 14:02:39 * Announcements 14:02:47 * Current cycle planning 14:02:52 * Additional agenda (from whiteboard) 14:02:58 * Open discussion 14:03:06 #topic Announcements 14:03:15 o/ 14:03:16 I've submitted my candidacy to be PTL for another cycle 14:03:35 But I encourage other volunteers to think about the same :) 14:03:42 #topic Current cycle planning 14:03:56 uWSGI is moving a bit forward - Nova and Placement is switched in CI 14:04:01 I think Cinder is close 14:04:13 but then I'm going on two weeks of vacation - so will continue afterwards 14:04:40 OVN SB Relay needs reviews 14:04:45 bbezak: did you have a look? 14:05:11 Matt Crees: can I sign you up for RMQ 4.0 bump cycle priority? 14:05:22 Sure thing 14:05:49 done 14:06:03 sure thing 14:06:08 Anybody wants to talk about any other cycle priorities? 14:06:17 koperg: I assume you didn't start the Ansible bump work? 14:08:33 ok then, you all are talkative today 14:08:45 Nothing on the additional agenda today 14:09:14 Matt Crees: how is the QueueManager work? I've seen kevko has been pushing that forward - so we should be good soon? 14:10:51 I still need to get a solution in oslo.messaging to fix it with podman. We got a bugfix merged into crun upstream, but I expect we'll need a workaround in om for Caracal at least 14:11:40 My testing has all been good with docker though, for the quorum and streams patches 14:12:02 Should we have a reno flashing out that known issue? 14:12:41 I'm hoping to get it fixed and backported in oslo_messaging instead 14:12:56 ok then, let's hope for the best 14:13:15 mnasiadka: sory was dosing off, not started , planned for friday :D 14:13:40 sleeping in front of the computer? good job 14:13:45 #topic Open discussion 14:14:05 Just a small reminder - I'm off from this Friday for the next two weeks - so bbezak will be running the meetings 14:14:31 Any open topics from anybody? 14:15:27 mnasiadka: 2 small kids will do that to ya :P 14:15:52 Hello, I'm kind of new to contributing to Kolla, I'm trying to get a working Dev env on macOS is Vagrant still the prefered method ? 14:17:24 I would like to add tests to the ovn-vpm implementation, that's why i'm asking 14:17:26 Vagrant is way outdated 14:17:46 that's what I tought 14:17:47 So if you want to use it - you would need to make it work with recent operating system versions 14:18:09 we usually use this: https://docs.openstack.org/kolla-ansible/latest/user/quickstart.html 14:18:18 on a single VM 14:19:12 what do you use to test ? I'm trying to build kolla image of the right branch and push them to gitlab and then on my Openstack depoy a all-in-one with the right images 14:19:26 Ok I'll continue like that then thanks :) 14:19:59 no problem, if you have any more questions just ask on the channel 14:20:09 I'll close the meeting for today - thank you all for coming! 14:20:11 #endmeeting